I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 1 Water That Can't Be Drunk, L1liness That Can't Be Urinated Chapter 054 Word Of Mo

Whether it is martial arts, general skills or the secret tome of the seal, the scope is large, but the interior is not strict, and there are some weak points, even gaps. If you can find these, you can catch the enemy by surprise at a small price, so the experienced will not be overly confident in the coverage rate of "skills".

After [Zhu Xie Si] left and swept the battlefield, [Yu Huatian]'s face softened. Although Zhao Junzong had a little trouble with himself because of "what are you looking at", this guy didn't take the opportunity to pick up the spoils. [Yuhuatian] Although there was a loss this time, the mission was completed and some good loot was picked up, so I don't want to trouble Zhao Junzong again.

"The existence of [Zhuye Si] is also troublesome. If we fight against the generals and vassals in the future, [Zhu Xie Si] will definitely be present. Can we still fight?" [Yu Huatian] muttered in his heart.

"Boss, the battlefield has been swept away, have we robbed the [Evil General]? Although we don't know how to deal with it for the time being, it should be related to the [Spiritual Talisman], and we can study it after the robbery."

[Yu Huatian], who had just decided not to trouble Zhao Junzong, changed his mind after hearing this for a while, "rest, change clothes".

Dressing up is actually covering up your face. As long as you don't get a portrait, you won't be wanted even if you kill the emperor. Therefore, the [natural disasters] must have another set of covering equipment when they go out.

The night attack happened very suddenly. Of course, it is not a "night attack" if it is not sudden.

Zhao Junzong took the opportunity to form an "army formation", and ignored the assault vehicle with the coffin of the [Evil General]. The enemy was obviously very sophisticated, and he also did not go to snatch the assault vehicle, but charged with the army formation.

But unexpectedly, Zhao Junzong suddenly disbanded the army. The soldiers seemed to be chaotic, but in fact they fled back in an orderly manner, leaving only the main general. Not long after the soldiers of Zhuxie escaped, the Secret Book of Seals: Heavenly Sword Pendant appeared. where the formation was previously.

Zhao Junzong rolled, leaped, and leaped within the range of the "Tianjian Pendant", and when the attack of the "Tianjian Pendant" dissipated, he rushed towards the army formation of "West Factory" like a fierce tiger. They are all unscrupulous [natural disasters], who doesn't know who? Covering the face is to deceive the NPC and leave no evidence of the portrait.

Chi La, the long knife cut out the armor, and sparks were splashed.

[Yuhuatian] Since the formation of the army formation for so long, this is the first time that someone has actively jumped into the "army formation". He has played [army formation] for a long time, and naturally knows that the [army formation] seems to be tight, but in fact there are large gaps. If the enemy can capture these gaps, it will be a disaster for the soldiers in the army.

The army has strengthened its combat power, but it also limited the mobility of the soldiers. Each soldier has only "six squares" of movement space. If the main general does not change in time, the enemy can seize the characteristics of the limited movement of the soldiers and fight.

The main general is not restricted by the military formation. [Yuhuatian] is chasing Zhao Junzong while performing evolution operations on the panel. Move to a new location without changing the enemy's location.

However, [Yu Huatian] was shocked to find that the button for "change formation" was "grey", "the enemy is stuck in the formation's eyes and cannot change formation". Seeing this comment, [Yu Huatian] thought, "No way." ? No way? That guy can actually find the "Array Eye"?

The formation eye is not fixed, but is determined by the "leader". It can be the middle square or the corner square. [Yuhuatian] This time, the "formation eye" is set on the most edge square. . The "army" has no shape, it is distorted with the terrain, and the constant is the "number of grids".

Therefore, the "square" will change positions with the movement of the "army" and the change of the terrain. Except for the "main general" who can clearly know where the "array eye" square is, others do not know.

[Yuhuatian] I don't know whether Zhao Junzong stepped on the "Array Eye" unintentionally, or used "Insight" to discover the "Array Eye". Even with insight, the time is too fast.

Thinking that these were useless, he quickly approached Zhao Junzong, in order to force Zhao Junzong to leave the "array eye", and Zhao Junzong did leave the "array eye", however, there were two corpses lying near the array eye.

Whoosh, as [Yuhuatian] presses the "Evolution" button, the positions of all players are changed, but [Yuhuatian] does not have a "soldier map".

The so-called "soldier array map" is the "army array" that has the effect of increasing, such as "geeseling array, one-character array, fish and dragon array", etc. Therefore, the evolution of [Yuhuatian] is actually to replace the "array eye". "Position is not about gaining an increase.

In fact, if there is a "Bing Array Map", [Yuhuatian] would like Zhao Junzong to go deep into the military array himself, and what the enemy will get when they enter the [Bing Array Map] is a "negative boost".

However, it is just an ordinary formation without augmentation. [Yu Huatian] can only watch his soldiers being beheaded continuously. It is also the first time he has seen the strength of [Unparalleled Warrior]. The treasures of "resisting the fatal blow" worn by the soldiers are constantly shattering like ordinary ornaments.

The most abhorrent thing is that Zhao Junzong's combat skill combos continue to destroy the durability of the soldiers' equipment. After [Yu Huatian] catches up with Zhao Junzong, he is even more helpless. Realm Peak], and he was unable to attack Zhao Junzong, is this a slap in the face?

[Yuhuatian] disbanded the army, raised the fan in his hand, and the [fanzi] naturally knew that this was a signal to "retreat". Without saying a word, they left a dozen corpses and disappeared together with [Yuhuatian]. in the night.

Zhao Junzong gasped for breath. The fighting time was a bit long and intense, and his physical energy suffered a great loss. If [Yu Huatian] was willing to sacrifice more [Natural Disaster] soldiers, he would not be able to carry it to the end.

But he doesn't need to carry it to the end alone. The threat to [Yuhuatian] is the [Army Array]. Once the [Army Array] is lifted, his Zhu Xie subordinates will be able to enter the battlefield.

[Army Array] The fighting was extremely tragic. When he was hired by [Three-and-a-half Fireworks], he participated in a [Army Array] fight. In just one encounter, 20 or 30 people died on both sides. This is still in the case of wearing "resisting a fatal blow", and his subordinates do not have these treasures, so if they meet each other, they may be beaten to pieces by [West Factory].

However, [Yuhuatian] is also decisive. If it is slower, the soldiers of Zhuxie Division will bombard his army formation. At that time, it may be [West Factory] that collapses.

The road ahead was not smooth. [Yuhuatian] obviously did not want to swallow this breath, but instead of charging forward, it was harassing. This is more difficult for the soldiers of killing evil. They can't sleep well or eat well. Zhao Junzong had no choice but to try to kill the incoming enemy.

Fortunately, the [Assault Vehicle] is very good. As long as you hide in the [Assault Vehicle], you will not be afraid of arrows, military skills, etc. that suddenly appear on both sides of the official road, but the shock is relatively large. After arriving near the "capital" in such a turbulent way, [Yuhuatian] did not dare to disturb him again, and the next journey was relatively smooth.

There were only sporadic wounds in the 12 outposts but no deaths, while the other 11 outposts suffered casualties. The ones who can find trouble with the [General Spiritual Princes Realm] are basically army formations like [Yuhuatian]. .

These forces are also as smart as [Yu Huatian], they did not confront [Zhu Xie Si] face to face, but launched night attacks, guerrilla attacks and so on after covering their faces. The eleven big brothers not only failed to save the [Evil General], but also damaged many soldiers and one or two assault vehicles, and were sprayed with saliva by Si Zai Quhong.

Zhao Junzong also did not expect that his "merit" was actually obtained by the loss of soldiers and generals of the big brothers. His record is really dazzling, not only to keep the [Evil General], but also to kill more than 20 enemies, and no one died.

[Is Gubao cooked] sent a private message saying that [Yuhuatian] wanted to have a "point battle" with Zhao Junzong. After thinking about it, Zhao Junzong refused.

The "point battle" is a team battle. Currently, only he and [Gua Baoshu] have obtained the "professional competition certificate" in the "Shangjing Cultural Tourism" team.

[Yuhuatian] is already in the realm of generals and vassals. Although it only integrates one move of "martial arts", one move of "martial arts" is also "martial arts". After releasing it, it can kill a large number of soldiers. There is no resistance in the face of martial arts.

Therefore, [Yu Huatian] proposed the "point battle", which is clearly to deceive him that he does not have a strong team.

"Tell him, if you want to fight, you can go heads-up."

[Yu Huatian] He also refused, but he has seen Zhao Junzong's "opening" style of operation. He can't kill Zhao Junzong even if he is in a military formation. Can he kill Zhao Junzong with his general spirit and martial arts? Obviously not, but points have a lot of effects, and he is not willing to give it to Zhao Junzong for nothing.

Of course, Zhao Junzong knows that "points" have many uses, and there are rewards for ranking, but he is a [Unparalleled Warrior] and is not eligible to participate in the low-end rounds, and entering the high-end rounds. However, the high-end game basically has a fixed team, and "matching" for a long time is also a lonely "horse". It is better to earn more achievements in [Zhu Xie Si], so I can return to [Red Eyebrow Army] earlier.

His plan for himself is that he has no plan. He takes a step by step, weapons, equipment, and treasure skills. For him, as long as he needs it, he will definitely get it. It is nothing more than a matter of "time" consumption. In the same way, these things can always be obtained, and earning "Federal Credit Points" is easy to get, and the small goal of 100 million can be achieved after all.

With such a powerful advantage, what else is planned? Act by chance, that's it.

The eleven big brothers need to rest, and all the field work falls to Zhao Junzong. He is also willing to accept it. He can earn merit!

"Boss, Zhao Junzong is here."

In a cottage in the southern suburbs of Jindu, Zhongjing, the boss of the NPC who was attacking the [Jiangling Princes Realm] heard the report and frowned. Looking in the direction pointed by his friend, he saw a guy with a dragon eagle embroidered on his chest. , is looking at the battlefield with arms folded.

After scolding bad luck in his heart, the boss said, "Let him take away the [Evil General]", then paused and said, "Keep an eye on him, don't let him go along".

"That would be true," the friend said casually.

The boss glared at the unwieldy friend, "Zhao Junzong's reputation for Zhuxie is good, but if there is anything he needs, is word of mouth important?"

Knowing that he said the wrong thing, the little friend didn't say anything, thinking, "How much is the Wushuang general worth? Do you care about the loot?" Then, Pidianpidian ran over and took a photo with Zhao Junzong.

The boss was stunned and numb, but he didn't expect his little friend to be a fan of [Unparalleled Warriors].

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