I Can Predict Danger 100%

Chapter 107 Entering True Martial Arts

Due to the relationship of prestige, the team leader can directly meet the priest of Yitian's sword-wielding department.

The words of "Shi Chang" were full of admiration and vigilance. The team leader immediately knew that it would be no use to incite "Shi Chang", and if he used his reputation to force "incitement", his "reputation value" would be amazingly high, and he didn't have that much at the moment. reputation.

Use coupons, weapons and equipment and prestige to buy a large number of cattle, sheep and slaves from the "Shi Chang", then distribute weapons to the slaves, and then move to a dangerous place.

"I lost the battle this time, everyone is not allowed to operate the interface, show the interface to me, and then click reject, whoever clicks to continue, don't blame me for being ruthless."

A few days later, the [Zhu Xie Army] horses stepped into the company camp and made some gains. After that, the enemy continued to resist stubbornly.

The team leader looked at everyone's task interface with a gloomy face. Then, 39 people glared at one, and the person who was glared was fearless. "Haha" laughed, "Finally, I finally got my revenge."

Everyone was stunned. What's the matter? We are all in the same studio. Usually, some quarrels are inevitable. Just for these trivial things, you have cost [studio] hundreds of thousands of credit points?

"Am I for a spat? Slot, this guy stole my girlfriend".

Everyone looked at the team leader. The team leader looked bewildered. Where do I have a girlfriend? Afterwards, he remembered something, his face turned ashen, and roared, "Do you take the brothel girl as your girlfriend?"

[Studio] is also built by a team. They are all single men. They do a lot of illegal washing and blowing. During a certain washing and blowing, the team leader robbed the girl that the buddy ordered. This buddy obviously has a grudge.

"I saw it first, why do you order first?"

The team leader was speechless, and neatly kicked the guy with a problem in his head out of the team, and then everyone hacked him to death.

Due to the reason of joining the [Sacrificial Department], the buddy was resurrected here again, and he continued to be hacked to death by random knives. After dying three times in a row, he had to quit the [Sacrificial Department], so he did not continue to resurrect.

"I'm screwed." The team leader wanted to cry without tears. How much was the team building?

After losing twice in a row, I lost more than 100,000 credit points. The third time I must prepare carefully, and I have to invest tens of thousands of credit points. Tema's, with more than 200,000 credit points, how many girls can I get?

After being stepped into the camp again by horses, the team leader bit a foxtail, and lay on the grassland with a lifeless face. The team members who lay with him on the grassland and looked at the blue sky were all crying. Because the studio's funding was cut off, they had to eat dirt for months to recover.

Zhao Junzong is also looking up at the blue sky, numb, the way back is so far away!

When you go back, you don't need to run with all your strength. If the stamina of the war horse is consumed too much, it will permanently decrease the stamina. After traveling for a few days with half of the stamina, one of the three battalion captains, "I am more sad", came to visit.

"Sir, can I borrow some troops?"

[I am more sad] There are a few friends from the [Siting] camp. These friends encountered some troubles. Knowing that [I am more sad] is nearby, they asked him to bring someone to help.

"very good friend?"

[I am more sad] I immediately understood what Zhao Junzong meant. After all, [Zhu Xie Si] was often betrayed by friends and fell into traps because of their friends asking for help. It was all the fault of [Feng Ling].

He hesitated, because he was not in the military camp at this time, and there was no [Five Capital Sundial Map]. Once he encountered an ambush, he would not be able to get reinforcements immediately, and he would most likely be destroyed by the regiment. Gritting his teeth, he decided to trust that friend. After all, when he was in difficulty, this friend provided help for free. If he was really cheated, then he would pay back the old friendship.

It is impossible for Zhao Junzong to borrow troops to give [I am more sad], but as long as [I am more sad] asks for the consent of others, he can take the troops and leave, and after the incident, they will meet at a certain place.

[I'm more sad] It's okay to be a human being. In addition to his own team of 47 people, there are 145 people who are affiliated with the [Jingxie Camp] under his jurisdiction.

Friendship is sometimes tested in the face of interests. [I am more sad] Even if I choose to believe, I have not concealed how many people I brought to help. The number of enemies therefore exceeded three thousand. The number of people is dominant, the terrain is favorable, there is no mental calculation, and it is very unscientific to not destroy the group.

Because [Siting] has relocated most of the [Resurrection Points], players who have not yet joined [Siting] will have very remote locations. If you join the [Siting], you can set the "resurrection" point in the yurt of this "bu", and when the headquarters is broken, you can also choose other resurrection points.

[I am more sad] and others are naturally not familiar with [Si Ting] as his friend, and his friend betrayed him, it must be ruthless, this friend not only chose a favorable battlefield, but also for [I am more sad] et al chose a "resurrection point".

"Resurrection point" is the principle of proximity. If there are multiple "resurrection points" within the nearest distance, there are multiple choices, but if there is only one "resurrection point", there is no other choice. However, if the number of deaths exceeds the blog 3 times, there will be more "resurrection point" options, so as not to be stuck in a "resurrection point".

This means that nearly 200 people such as [I am more sad] were blocked by more than 3,000 enemies, killed three times in a row, and the first time, they died four times. However, some data show that if you die in the enemy camp area, the drop rate will increase, and a full 4 people will drop [Zero Seal].

After receiving a private message from [I am more sad], Zhao Junzong ordered to stop the march.

"Sir, this is a serial plan", [Cow Stew Pressing Coffin].

"Yes, the enemy must expect that [I am more sad] will send a private message, and you will not stand by, they will gather more people and ambushed along the way. The grassland is vast, and [I am more sad] will be resurrected further away. The place is divided into five parts, and it is more difficult to gather." [One Master Lonely Boat].

[Niu Stew] and [Yi Ye] were reluctant to go to meet up, but they didn't say it directly, but presented the facts and let Zhao Junzong make a choice. If Zhao Junzong is still going to respond, of course they will not object. Zhao Junzong's words are military orders, and refusal to implement them is a violation of "military laws", but they can appeal to the "Secretary of Soldiers and Horses" afterwards.

The [Zhu Xie Army] is a regular special arm of the imperial court. Although it is the emperor's private army in secret, it is still under the jurisdiction of the empire's [Bing and Ma Si]. And Qu Hong was only the chief of the [Zhu Xie Division], and was not qualified to intervene in the [Zhu Xie Army] affairs. To complain to him would be to find the wrong yamen.

The [Natural Disasters] of the [Sacrificial Court] camp mainly use looting and grazing to make a living. The long-distance transportation of cattle and sheep to [Empire] for sale can also make several times the profit, but it takes several ten days.

Plundering is aimed at the smaller shrines, and it will also go west or north. Those two directions are the territory of the "barbarians", and the round trip also takes a long time.

[Siting] There are also a large number of horse bandits, rogues and ferocious beasts in the territory, which are also the source of wealth. To the east is the [Great Jin Empire], but the [Siting] natural disasters rarely go in groups, and it is not a national complex.

It was the natural disaster that "Mojing Mansion" gathered more than 30 million [Empire] camps. Once "Mojing Mansion" issued a "mobilization order", it would definitely be hit in an all-round way, and the probability of the group being destroyed was extremely high.

[Siting] also has more than 30 million [natural disasters]. It is difficult for a lone ranger to "grow up" in the vast grasslands and deserts. Only by forming a state and partnering can survive in the [Siting] that is full of crisis. This also makes the [Natural Disasters] of the [Siting] camp more experienced in actual combat than the [Natural Disasters] of the [Empire] camp.

Zhao Junzong led the army back to the "Mojing Mansion", used the privilege to sit in the "super large" [removal formation], the whole army returned to the capital, and successfully returned to the "Mingyue Peak" in the eastern suburbs.

[Tips]: You grabbed the [Dragon Jade] in time. The emperor was delighted and used his privileges to promote you to the [Empire Lieutenant General].

[Tips]: Congratulations on becoming the first person to be promoted to [King Stage] among the hundreds of millions of [players], you will receive a reward of "5 attribute points and 3 million promotion coupons".

The corners of Zhao Junzong's mouth twitched, the first to be promoted to [King Realm], just a little reward? Too hard, right?

[Tips]: The attribute adding function has been opened, and you can currently practice the [Cultivation Technique] to increase the attribute.

Zhao Junzong was stunned, it turned out that he needed [King Jing] to add points! And the [Cultivation Technique] that increases damage, resistance, or speed requires [King Stage] to practice, and it is useless to practice in the Prince Realm.

[Tips]: [Realm: King], [Jiangling·Chifeng·Jiuzhong·Zhongtianwei], [Martial Arts: Four Swords (Full Duan)] are detected, and you step into [True Martial Arts].

[Tips]: You can enter the [True Martial Realm] through [Bingyuan] and get the [Cultivation Sequence]. Suggestion: You already have [Chifeng Gong], it is best to choose [Cultivation · Chifeng]. You still have two choices of "peony eagle and peacock", the choice is your will, you can ignore the suggestion.

If [Bingyuan] is promoted to [Army Source], there is no need to enter the [True Martial World], but currently there is no [Army Source] in [Tianque Continent].

The [Bingyuan·Chifeng] of the [Red Eyebrow Army] is just like a pair of "eyebrows" that are magnified many times, but to be able to enter the [True Martial World], it needs an offering, an item called "fire crystal".

Not busy entering the [True Martial World] for the time being, Zhao Junzong opened the "online store" and searched for the materials for the advanced "red products" of the [Soldier King Set·First Strike Magic Steel]. It took nearly 40 million promotion coupons to collect all the materials, and I had to make a lot of money because of the [Living Pill]. Otherwise, I would really have no money to buy materials.

Look for the refining master of [Zhu Xie Army], whenever the refining is about to fail, Zhao Junzong will stop him.

If it was a refining master outside, he would definitely be furious, but in [Evil Execution Army], Zhao Junzong has the final say. The master refining master had to follow Shangguan's orders to check the omissions in refining, and then continue refining after making up for it, so that Zhao Junzong's more than 40 million promotion coupons did not go to waste.

[Soldier King Set·Initial Magic Steel (6-piece set 0), red product (upgradeable), damage 19, resistance 19, speed 19, true force 190. Special effects: first strike +6 (attack speed), storage (belt) : 1240/1900 grid, durability 190/190.

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