I Can Predict Danger 100%

Chapter 129 Some1 Is Refining Zombies

"Wangjing City" belongs to "Mojing Fu·Xiliang County", but "Xiliang County" does not border with "Mojing Fu City", and there is "Hexi County" in the middle.

[Zhu Xie Army] All members have already returned to "East Suburbs of the Capital, Mingyue Peak". Zhao Junzong often contacted the three battalion officers such as [Niu Stew Pressing Coffin], but the emperor has never issued an order.

However, [Zhu Feng Qingshao] kept sending private messages, complaining, and promised to keep me by his side, how did you get rid of me? Zhao Junzong ignored this.

The moon on the horizon shone the village into half-darkness, and from every household, there were sounds of chewing and inhuman growls.

Tap, tap, and the sound of horse hooves stopped all the sounds in the village, and then, the sound of chewing and roaring, continued.

Boom, sawdust flying, a mass of "fog" full of blood-colored human figures, smashed the door and appeared on the dirt road of the village, the blood-red eyes were wrapped in the thick fog, which looked very strange.

Stab, the sound of weapons unsheathed.

Tom tom tom, Posu released his martial skills, and the dirt road was immediately bombarded with a "thick" long route about half a meter deep.

Posu's "fog" body suddenly rotated, and the foggy "knife" drew a "circle" on the ground, which was the standard action of "knife-style dragging knife". When the "circle" was formed, the "Pure Su" floated up, and the "mist" knife first "raised" and then "slashed" down.

Ling Kong slammed into the air, Zhao Junzong dodged lightly, [Sweaty Blood BMW] ran to the distance quite sensible, "Jiangling · Chifeng" manifested, and obtained "Initial Attack +1, Damage +19, Resist + 19. Speed ​​19".

Drinking 5 times the movement speed, combined, the speed reaches 270, which is faster than the speed of [Sweaty BMW].

Appearing like a meteor beside "Posu", the body rotates in a circle, and dense "fire thunder" is laid down. "Posu" cannot hang in the air for too long. Da, drop "Soul Crystal".

After the cultivator dies, the true power disperses in the heaven and the earth, and there is a certain chance of "gathering but not dispersing" to form "spiritual element". In other words, "soul" is the "true power" after cultivation, and "soul element" is formed by the practitioner's "general spirit".

Soul Su and Soul Su eat "ordinary people" to make up for each other's shortcomings. Zhao Junzong wonders why there are so many Soul Su and Soul Su in this village.

[Perception Panorama] Let Zhao Junzong find the secret manipulator. This person wears a bronze mask and hides his body in a wide cloak. His martial arts surprise Zhao Junzong, it is actually a "double sword".

If the "double swords" or "multiple swords" can be operated well, it will be easier to form "combinations", just like the red-haired old woman encountered before.

The operation of "double swords" or "multiple swords" is like "struggling with the left and right hands". To achieve this, there is no other shortcut except hard practice. The most famous "double swords" is the "Xi Chu Club". Tiger Pa Hill".

Didi, the guy suspected of [Hubaqiu] saw that he couldn't kill Zhao Junzong, and immediately blew the bone flute.

A large number of soul elements and soul elements poured out from the houses in the village after breaking through the doors and walls, gathered around him, and then slowly retreated. After confirming that Zhao Junzong had no intention of making a move, the person suspected of being [Huba Qiu] quickly turned around and left with dozens of soul elements.

[Great Horror] actually prevented him from continuing to attack, Zhao Junzong was also surprised, he thought that it must be the dozens of soul elements that turned the strength of [Hubaqiu] into "unpredictable", thus making [Great Horror] Make a "wait and see" prediction.

I sent a private message to ask [Is Gubao ripe], [Is Gubao ripe] waited for a while and replied, saying, [Hubaqiu]'s recent competitions have been quite satisfactory, and did not show new skills or abilities.

Zhao Junzong didn't even know the skills of "manipulating" Soul Su and Soul Su, and of course he didn't know [Is Gubao cooked]. He closed the private message and walked into the village. More than 100 people in the village have died. It is worth noting that the body is relatively intact, but the head is missing, and the blood and heart are also missing.

Head, blood, heart, what do these three represent?

Turning around and leaving the dead village, because it did not stop [Huba Hill], the [Knife Emperor] side quest failed this time, but it had no effect. Obviously, the completion of the previous quests still had an effect.

【Tips】: There seems to be something strange in the northeast direction.

After a few laps, he found the "Northeast". Zhao Junzong was riding a horse and galloping, and then he saw a "ten thousand people" pit. These people's bodies are complete, but the Eye of Insight has detected that the "souls" of these people have "disappeared".

[Hint]: [Skills and abilities] are hidden in the head, [Spirit] inhabits the heart, and [Blood] is transformed into true power through cultivation.

Zhao Junzong frowned, what does this [hint] express? After thinking about it, he jumped into the "tens of thousands" pit, and one of the corpses was cut off with one knife. No surprise, no blood came out. He took out the "boning knife" from the storage bag, and was about to open his "brain", when the eyes that were originally opened on the head suddenly burst out with two smoldering flames.

After Zhao Junzong let go of his head, the head rolled automatically, connected to the headless corpse, his eyes flickered, and the neck incision was self-sutured. After being sutured, the corpse stood up straight, and after this corpse stood up, the eyes of the other corpses also lit up with "smouldering fire", and then each stood up straight.

Since the corpses are overlapped, the corpse at the bottom cannot stand upright, and the corpse on the upper layer can be seen undulating like a boat, but as the corpse on the upper layer "jumps" out of the burial pit, the corpse on the bottom can also straighten up and then jump. to get out of the pit.

However, the upper layer is less than one meter away from the pit entrance, and the bottom corpse is six or seven meters away from the pit entrance. Its bouncing power is obviously not enough, and it can only keep jumping at the bottom of the pit. The corpses that left the pit jumped around the "corpse burial pit", and it was unknown whether they were waiting for their companions at the bottom of the pit, or for another reason.

[Zombie]: Any corpse will be transformed into a [Zombie] with a high probability in an environment with a closed cycle of [Aura]. White Zombie, Green Zombie, and Blue Zombie have no spiritual wisdom. Through refining or self-evolution, spirits above Zi Zong are born. Wisdom, the higher the quality, the higher the wisdom.

[Living Corpse]: A person without a "soul" is formed by the radiation of rituals and [Spiritual Venerable]. It is the lower rank of [Zombie]. Through strengthening, it can form [Zombie].

Zhao Junzong raised his eyebrows, the human race is indeed the descendant of [Chaos], the "treasure race"! Soul element, soul element can be refined, and it can be refined into [living corpse]. I am looking forward to refining other new species.

Whoosh, a "javelin" tied with a rope pierced a [living corpse], and the [living corpse] was still jumping and pulled up to the pit. After concocting according to the law, all the [living corpses] at the bottom of the pit were pulled up.

Zhao Junzong jumped into the bottom of the pit, took out his shovel and digged down. After digging less than a meter, the shovel collided with a hard object and cleaned up the surrounding soil, revealing the top of a statue's head. Continue to dig down about two meters along the head, and then use the "horse pole" to pull the statue down from the bottom to the flat ground at the bottom of the pit.

It took some time to pull the statue onto the pit surface, and hundreds of [living corpses] bounced and circled around the irregular "pit edge" like a sports meeting.

Zhao Junzong zoomed in on the [perceptual hologram] and found something strange. There were "sticks" of different lengths buried along the edge of the pit. The "living corpses" were jumping along this "stick". It's a formation called "Living Man Pile".

[Living Human Pile] The formation is not based on living people, but wooden stakes soaked in the blood of living people, and then driven into the ground according to a specific position, and with the [Ling Zun] at the bottom of the pit, [Living Corpse] can be made. .

[Xiangxi Chasing Wet People] secretly scolded for being unlucky, but at a critical time, he met [Unparalleled Warrior] Zhao Junzong, and also secretly scolded [Hubaqiu] for not being loyal, and he retreated without calling him.

The incident here was made by him and [Hubaqiu] jointly. He naturally knew that what he did was very taboo, but in order to improve his strength, it was taboo to make a taboo.

Zhao Junzong knew that there was a person hiding nearby, but he didn't know his ID. He didn't call the person's whereabouts. He tied all the [living corpses] together with ropes. These [living corpses] will no longer jump.

Since Zhao Junzong had no means of control, it was very troublesome to "drag", so he took out the parts of the "vehicle" from his luggage and quickly assembled a four-wheeled, roofless carriage about three meters long and two meters wide. Then, hundreds of [living corpses] were placed in the carriage like Arhats.

[Xiangxi Chasing Wet Man] had to show his face, and if he didn't show up, the [living corpse] he had accumulated so hard was transported away by Zhao Junzong, "Boss, I'll pay for it", [chasing wet man] knows how to communicate very well .

Money, of course Zhao Junzong likes it, but he also has to satisfy his own curiosity.

Everything is because of the "King Realm", the "King Realm" needs to enter and open the [General Gate], and when entering the [General Gate] for the first time, you need to enshrine your [Bing Source].

Zhao Junzong's [Bingyuan] is [Red Phoenix], and he uses "fire crystal" offerings, but [Xiangxi Chasing Wet People] needs [living corpses], and [Hubaqiu] needs [souls].

[Chu Shiren] and [Huba Qiu] are both from the "Empire" camp. It stands to reason that they should be from twelve special arms, but they have other adventures.

[Chasing Wet Man] and [Huba Hill] are old acquaintances. The two often join forces to explore the "Tianque Continent". They complete a very difficult task together, and each obtains a complete set of sacrificial rituals. Through their respective sacrificial ceremonies, they successfully converted [Origin]

[Cushioning Wet Man] gets [Progeny·Dragon], and [Huba Hill] gets [Provenance·Win Hook]. Both Provenances are the legendary ancestors of zombies, but their needs are different from each other. [Dragon] requires [Living Corpse] as an offering, and [Winning Hook] requires [Soul] as an offering.

The [Ling Zun] dug up by Zhao Junzong is the [source] of [Chu Shiren], and the provenance of [Huba Hill] is elsewhere. If Zhao Junzong is not destroyed, [Xiangxi Chasing Wet People] will complete the "offering" and step into the [General Gate].

Zhao Junzong now knows that whether it is a red phoenix, a dry scorpion or a winning hook, it is the name of a "weapon", for example, the "source" of "Ling Zun·Li Dian" is "Seven Stars".

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