I Can Predict Danger 100%

Chapter 142 Destroying A Den And Earning Billions

The flames of [Mujiazhuang] were soaring to the sky. The villagers were crying and fleeing. The [Evil Soldiers] riding horses ignored them, and the three battalions did not disperse. They gathered all the troops and burned the houses all the way. advance.

Lao Zhuang stood outside the resurrection point with a livid face, and said with trembling lips, "Where did this come from? Is the princely realm so worthless?"

Lao Jia sighed up to the sky. After a long period of farming, he and Lao Zhuang were both "eyes and ears blocked". He only thought that hundreds of "general realms" plus a dozen prince realms were a powerful force.

In the previous encounter, no one actually "appraisal" the enemy first, and when the second battle, he remembered to "appraisal". As a result, all the enemies were "feudal lords", which shocked him.

Zhao Junzong also looked puzzled when he received the battle report's [private message]. He thought that a force as strong as "Head" should be very powerful, but it was only a force of hundreds of generals and dozens of princes.

Before the large army of the "City Guard Army" in the capital arrived, the [Zhu Xie Army] swept the [Mu Family Village], and then quickly retreated, but it was inevitable that the [City Guard Army] found traces.

But first of all, [Mujiazhuang] offended [Zhu Xie Army], and secondly, [Emperor]'s car is nearby, and [Zhu Xie Army] destroying the village will not be too big.

The main thing is that there is no "slaughter" of the village. After all, this place is in the territory of the "Jin State", and the villagers here are also "Jin people".

The geographical location of "Mujiazhuang" is actually very special. It is located on the left bank of "Zhijiang", and "Zhijiang" is a tributary of "Zhongjiang", the largest river in the "Dajin Empire". It means that if you drive from any branch of "Zhongjiang", you can enter "Zhijiang" and enter the territory of "Jingshi".

However, "Laozhuang, Laojia" and others did not know that the "village" they had worked so hard to build was actually a "smuggling" wharf called the "Lide" business.

[Niu Stewed Coffin] and the other three battalion commanders repaid Zhao Junzong with a happy face.

"After defeating the [Mujiazhuang] enemy, we followed the traces to find the village, and sent brothers with abilities such as [Sneak, Hide, Shadow] into the village. If we didn't find the underground warehouse, we wouldn't burn down the village."

Burning the village is to use the smoke to "cover people's eyes and ears", so that the "Leeder" thinks that all the materials have been burned, and it also makes the old company think that [Zhu Xie Army] has not discovered the secret of "smuggling", and everything is purely "accidental" ".

For "smuggling" abroad, the most profitable are the "materials", silk, etc. for refining weapons; for "smuggling" within the country, the most profitable are various spices, herbs, etc.

The Dajin Empire lacked "spice", and there was not much shortage of medicinal herbs, but the high-end medicinal herbs were controlled by their respective "medical halls" and were expensive. Overseas "herbs" are processed and of high quality. They can be shipped to Jin for sale and can earn a hundred times the profit.

Zhao Junzong is also quite knowledgeable about the price of herbs. After all, the [Huofeng Dan] he refined is very expensive, and if he does not understand the market, it is easy to be bullied by [Huichuntang]. It is also known that the "100 times" profit is not an exaggeration.

"Sure enough, people can't get rich without windfall," said [The Mouse Became a Bridesmaid for the Cat] with a smile on his face.

Spices, herbs and other rare materials, the three battalion commanders estimated that there was a guaranteed income of 3 billion Jin vouchers. If you can figure it out slowly, 5 billion can be expected; this can be said to be a timely rain for the people up and down the [Zhu Xie Army] who are short of money and green eyes.

The three battalion commanders approached Zhao Junzong and asked him to preside over the distribution of the spoils.

As for the "sales", there is no need to worry, they are backed by [Club], and [Club] has many agents in [Wanghou Wushuang], and they are only one of the agents.

No matter how much the final income is, Zhao Junzong can get a share of the 300 million coupons, and he has no objection to this share. After all, it was all done by [Niu Stew Press Coffin] and others.

He also has to shoulder the responsibility of "aftermath" when he gets the share. For example, after the "Leed" finds out the "inside story", he asks [Zhu Xie Army] for it. If the request fails, he will exert pressure from all aspects, etc. Let him handle it.

The three battalion commanders did not trust each other, so they were relieved to let Zhao Junzong preside over justice. After Zhao Junzong identified the supplies with [Perception] and [Eye of Insight], he introduced them without concealment, and then divided them on the spot. .

The materials in a warehouse were distributed to the storage bags of 3,000 [Evil Executioners], which did not appear to be many. These [Evil Executioners] left in batches, sent the materials to their own people, and then returned.

After such a few days, all the "smuggled" materials seized from [Mujiazhuang] disappeared, and the people from the "Lide" also happened to appear, but it was not Zhao Junzong who visited, but Qu Hong.

Zhao Junzong's questions and three questions made the people of the "Leeder" very angry, and there was a threat in his words. Zhao Junzong laughed, "I [were] also."

This sentence is often talked about by many [natural disasters], as a way to fight the threat of NPCs. The implication is that I can be resurrected infinitely, what can you do to me?

But in fact, NPCs really have a way to deal with the [natural disasters], but these methods are quite "not worth the loss".

[Using squatting] is a common method used by NPCs, and the "Leeder" also recruited a large number of [Clansmen]. Soon after the "Leeder" person left, the "Emperor" was assassinated. However, there were several [Great Inner Masters] who were at the peak of the king's realm, and the emperor was not disturbed, and the assassins rushed to "should".

Although his brain is not very good, Zhao Junzong also knows that when [Leeder] assassinated the emperor, he wanted to create a phenomenon that he was ineffective in protecting him, so that the "emperor" would punish him.

It's just that the punishment of the "emperor" did not appear, but Qu Hong's rebuke appeared first, and before the "rebuke", Qu Hong's "favorability" for him dropped first, from "trust" to "friend".

Zhao Junzong suddenly realized that Qu Hong had a deep entanglement of interests with the "Lide", otherwise, it was impossible for his favorability to drop so quickly.

This is for example, with a certain NPC who has a high favorability, but accidentally kills the NPC's relatives, then the favorability will drop instantly. The reason why it didn't turn into "hatred" was because the "favorability degree" was too high.

And if it is not remedied in time, the "favorability" will continue to decline and eventually turn into "hatred".

Zhao Junzong doesn't care about the drop in "Qu Hong"'s favorability. He has not brushed Qu Hong's favorability, but Qu Hong's favorability has been improved by himself.

"All I want is you and me."

The hysterical cry suddenly exploded in the ear, and there was a violent explosion from the northeast, and a huge "feather fan" appeared in the air, which was [Domain].

Zhao Junzong turned over and rode on the [Sweat and Blood BMW], and rushed to the scene of the incident with the other [Evil Soldiers] who gathered after hearing the news.

To the northeast of "Mujiazhuang", both sides of the broad "Zhuangdao" are charred black, and beyond the charred area of ​​more than ten meters in diameter is a stretch of blue rice fields.

The woman with the white feather fan suspended behind her stared blankly at the ground a few steps away. There was also a piece of charred black, but this charred black piece was "human-shaped".

"All I want is you and me," the woman muttered to herself, her black and white eyes were covered by strips of "green silk", and "feather"-shaped lines appeared on her face.

The [Evil Soldiers] gathered from all directions were startled by the woman's mutated appearance, and they all exclaimed what the hell is this?

Zhao Junzong was also scolding in his heart, [Is the melon safe?] speculated that defeating [Jasper Blade·Guanzhu Fell] was a signal, a signal that accelerated the collapse of all worlds, and [Spiritual Venerable Arrival] became more frequent.

"Red makeup photo [Yang Luohua]," exclaimed [the mouse as a bridesmaid for the cat], and after receiving Zhao Junzong's puzzled eyes, he explained in a low voice, "[Yang Luohua] is an island owner of an island off the coast of Haijing Prefecture, she Build a large-scale city on the island, called [Red Makeup City], and the organization that manages this city is called [Red Makeup Photo]."

Zhao Junzong thought to himself that it was no wonder that she was not a [Geezer] but [Ou Yezi]. She had a wealth of wealth and at the same time had the background of being a separatist party, which was similar to the situation of [Three-shift fireworks].

The relationship between [Ou Yezi] and [Ling Zun] is a combination of honor and loss, which means that if [Ou Yezi] loses control of his emotions, [Ling Zun] will also [lose control] when he feels the same way.

In the current situation, [Spiritual Venerable] is out of control, causing the death of [Yang Luohua]'s love object.

Human weapon: [Jade pity flower fan].

Rank: 99999.

Ou Yezi: [Yang Luohua] (realm: peak of king realm).

Attributes: Damage 90, Resist 90, Speed ​​90, True Strength 900, Init +1.

Abilities: Planting, Speech, Herbs.

Martial arts: [Pull Fan·Hun acquaintance], [Cloud Scroll·Unreturned], [Crazy Soul·Color in front of the Curtain], [Liu Ying·Upstairs Branch], [Fan Four-Style Combo·Yu Lian Hua Miao].

Gongfa: Yu Lian Gong · Part 1.

The attributes and abilities can be "insighted", but Zhao Junzong wants to see the dispositions of these [weapons], that is, how [they] strengthen themselves.

Although they are all [human weapons], Zhao Junzong is walking on [Wuyun Changlong], so he needs to continue to challenge, and [Georgeist] is a dark path of "sacrifice", and [Ou Yezi] is "power" .

It is true that [Bai Xiaosheng]'s cultivation path is to continuously obtain [Human Weapons], and it is completely impossible to guess what to do after obtaining multiple [Human Weapons].

When Zhao Junzong was distracted while riding the [Sweaty BMW], [Yang Luohua] also calmed herself down. She brushed her hair and smiled, "I only want the two of you to be together, is it wrong?"

Seeing that she was staring at him, it was obviously impossible not to answer. [The mouse is a bridesmaid for the cat] laughed dryly, "Yes, being together is a very simple request. If such a simple request can't be fulfilled, then why should the two fall in love?"

"We didn't know each other in the [virtual world]." [Yang Luohua] didn't seem to care about the answer of [the bridesmaid]. She only needed a word to talk about. .

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