I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 3 The Blind Sees The Deaf Hears, The Mute Cries To Believe In Love Chapter 224 Invincible? Do

Yu Gua has the title of "Grandfather" in the [Second Division], and when Chen Zhenwei and other bigwigs were investigated by the [General Bureau], he was naturally not spared.

However, the investigator did not take "complete isolation" measures, so Yu Gua was able to receive Zhao Junzong's call, but he calmly handed the number to the investigator and connected.

Yu Gua was still a little worried. He knew that Zhao Junzong's "intelligence" was devastated by alcohol. Sometimes he had a flash of inspiration, but most of them were "reckless".

"Yu Chu, I'm back."

Yu Gua suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a calm voice, "Just go back safely, I still have something to do here, and the affairs in the department, you can bear it for now."

According to the list, Zhao Junzong was the penultimate group to receive "instructions", and therefore, he left before the hijacking operation. As for why he returned at this time, investigators do not care.

Zhao Junzong's identity file is highly confidential, and the investigators asked the reason casually. Yu Gua said that it was because of [Wu Shuang Zhanjiang].

Yu Gua's investigation didn't last long. After Chen Zhenwei and the big guys came out, he was allowed to leave. Several people left the [Bing Statistics Bureau] headquarters building in silence and went to the residence of "Xia Jing" Chen Zhenwei.

Chen Zhenwei directly turned on the [Yuan Force Field] to prevent the eavesdropping of [Big Data], "I suspect there is something wrong with the commander."

Except for Yu Gua, who was quite frightened, Yu Dawei, Zong Wang, Zheng Shanren, and Qi Jiasheng were all expressionless. Obviously, these big bosses also felt that there was something wrong with the "Chief".

But what is the specific problem, Chen Zhenwei and others can't figure it out. They don't think that the "commander" is on the opposite side of the [federation]. On the contrary, the "commander" still adheres to the interests of the [federation].

It's just that Chen Zhenwei and others are also sticking to the interests of the [Federation]. This is actually a conflict of "ideas". They think that by stocking Zhao Junzong, they can get more.

The "Chief" thinks that Zhao Junzong is not the key point, but Zhao Junzong's [pedigree] is the key point. If Zhao Junzong is killed, his [weapon] will be in a state of "unowned", and then someone who trusts will take his [pedigree].

In this way, the way to eliminate "spirits" is in the hands of the [Army Bureau].

And this is the reason why Chen Zhenwei and others think there is something wrong with the "commander". Isn't Zhao Junzong a "soldier" of the [Army Bureau]?

Whoever captures Zhao Junzong's genealogy must be trustworthy? Or the trust of the "commander", not the trust of their [Second Division].

Chen Zhenwei and others have never disclosed Zhao Junzong's information, and it is impossible for the "commander" to make radical decisions. This has a lot to do with the fact that the "commander" is not the same generation as Chen Zhenwei.

Chen Zhenwei, Zheng Shanren, Yu Dawei, Qi Jiasheng, and Zong Wang were all involved in the [Red Dust Tribulation] from 2005 to 2010. Although the years are different, they are still of the same generation.

The "Chief Commander" was born in 2176, and he is considered to be a new generation of "military envoys". His grandfather was the same generation as Chen Zhenwei. "Chief"'s grandfather and father have already died in battle.

[Bing Statistics Bureau] The number of local members of the Federation is about 550,000, and the number of members of the allied countries is about 210,000. The "Chief Commander" no longer requires the [Second Division] to hand over "instructors", but must point all [Bing Commander] members.

Chen Zhenwei originally planned to do this, and he had no objection, but he also proposed that the [Second Division] should be in charge of the first affairs, and the "Chief Executive" agreed after hesitating.

But "guidance" can't actually solve the "spirit" once and for all. The improvement of the [weapon] realm will create new "friction" with the [army envoy]. To really solve this problem, in fact, it is still necessary to open up the [Tianque Human World].

The "Chief" actually knew about "Zhao Junzong", but he didn't associate him with the "pointer". The reason why he knew it was because he was closely related to [Unparalleled Warrior].

Zhao Junzong's [Unparalleled Warlord] is actually related to a secret, but the [Army Bureau] executives also know little about this secret, so they will first upgrade Zhao Junzong's "file secret" level, and then use Zhao Junzong when the time is ripe .

And [Second Division] concealed a lot of Zhao Junzong's recent situation, and his file still shows that [Chen Yuan] is not enough, [Player] and other information.

However, [Second Division] actually did not fully grasp the information of Zhao Junzong. In the separate file of [Second Division], it is recorded that Zhao Junzong’s is [Xuanji·Bingbei], [5-inch Chen Yuan], and the most recent addition is 【Sheath】level.

Zhao Junzong actually doesn't care, how the [Bing Bureau] uses himself, he will always gain something. Before, he was afraid of being "under house arrest", but now that [Xuan Ji] is still able to communicate, he is not afraid of "house arrest".

If the [Army Bureau] wanted to use him for "pointing", it would be impossible to seal his [Original Force Field]. Without the [Original Force Field], how would he identify and give pointers?

And once the [Original Force Field] can still be turned on, the [Myriad Realms Storage] can be used, and the "sacrificial" ceremony can also be performed.

But in fact, Zhao Junzong doesn't care about "house arrest", he is already [9-inch Chen Yuan, Wuxian level, Siyuan·Flying level], the current goal is mainly to improve [weapon attributes], [weapon realm] is secondary .

[Army Statistics Bureau] If hundreds of thousands of horses are all under his guidance, he can get hundreds of millions of [Yuanchen] points, and isn't this exactly what his current goal needs?

Therefore, when Yu Gua took him on a flying saucer again, Zhao Junzong was still quite excited. When this expression fell in Yu Gua's eyes, he had to sigh, and Zong Zai's brain was not easy to use.

It is not only the [Army Bureau] that suffers from the "spiritual", but also the [Army Envoys] of a large number of illegal organizations and non-governmental organizations, and because of the closure of the [Human Realm] by the [Tianque], a large number of people have fallen into a situation of "collapse" .

Now that the hijacking incident has occurred, it is no longer a secret that the [Army Bureau] has a "pointer", and requests for cooperation will arrive at the [Army Administration] in an endless stream.

Due to the promise made by the "chief-chief" to "instruct" all the affairs that should be handled by the [Second Division], these requests were forwarded to the [Second Division], which also caused dissatisfaction from other divisions.

The [Army Bureau] has the headquarters, the first division to the nine divisions, the headquarters governs the nine divisions, and the nine divisions are independent and responsible for the relevant areas. is responsible for the affiliation.

[Second Division] is responsible for regional business such as "Shangjing and Bianjing", with more than 47,600 front-line personnel, but more than 200,000 logistics and auxiliary personnel.

The department is under the jurisdiction of the department, the department under the department, the department within the department, basically a capital is a department, the name will not specifically refer to [division], but [the Department of Military Statistics Bureau Shangjing].

Zhao Junzong's job is actually very simple. He only needs to convey the "appraisal" information to the [Strategy Department of the Second Division].

So it doesn't take much time to "point", it's basically "identify", describe, next.

In his spare time, he also pays attention to [Martial Life Spectrum], which actually indirectly provides "intelligence" to Zhao Junzong, and he can follow any account.

As for the fluctuation of the account's "life value", there is usually a "scenario" playing in real time, such as the earliest sewer. In this way, Zhao Junzong can see a lot of real-time clips, which is very helpful for him to understand the outside world.

Instructing 1000 [Army Envoys] a day, 10 days is 10.000, 100 days is 1 million.

Zhao Junzong, who has seen the sun again, repeats the daily operations, looks at the [Genealogy], calculates at 10 points of [Yuanchen] per person, 1 million [Army Envoys] is 10 million points [Yuanchen], but in fact it is " 12.548.980" point [Yuanchen].

In addition to the previous accumulation, he is now "13.198.850/100.000" [Yuanchen].

If you want to improve the realm, then this [Original Dust] is not enough to upgrade to the [Original, Innate Rank], and the [Original] Stage 6 requires a total of 63.000.000 points of [Ferocious Dust].

The difference is relatively large, so Zhao Junzong decided to improve the [weapon attribute] first, so as not to be a little troubled, [big terror] manipulated him to escape because his strength was too low.

10 [Original Dust] can be converted into 1 [Attribute], which is quite powerful. Taking 13.000.000 as the number, it is 1.300.000 [Attribute].

Zhao Junzong thinks he should be "invincible", right? But before he could "float", he swiped to account 0 of [Martial Life Spectrum], and it showed "Physical 100.000.000, Spirit 100.000.000", and he didn't dare to float.

What happens to damage 1.300.000? The enemy is bound to "stick" and hang up.

But Zhao Junzong still feels that he can't add all the damage. If his speed is only 1000 and the enemy's speed is 10.000, no matter how high his damage is, he can't catch up with the enemy.

I still have to be a "quadron" [Army Envoy]. Anyway, there is still the possibility of "instructing" in the future. The source of [Yuanchen] is still guaranteed. After all, in this world, there are still quite a lot of hidden [Army Envoys]. .

It's a pity that you can't reveal your identity, otherwise, if you just hang up the "brand", presumably [Yuanchen] will also come.

[Attributes: 403.020 damage, 301.000 resistance, 301.007 speed, 301.007 perception].

With 198.850 points of [Original Dust] left, Zhao Junzong did not transform [Attributes], but consumed 100.000 [Original Dust] points and injected [Specialist] to improve [Weapon Realm].

However, the progress has also improved, and it is still the realm: Siyuan·Feitian (75%).

In the three months that he "instructed" millions of [Army Envoys], [Tianque] still closed [Human World], but [Game World] has changed a lot. In the words of [Player], it is the version "update" ".

Since his mentality has calmed down, Zhao Junshou doesn't pay attention to what "commander-in-chief", "one division, three divisions", etc., anyway, endangering his life, [Great Terror] will take him away, so he cares about other things What?

Quietly returned to the "Shangjing Culture and Tourism Department", the time was just after six o'clock in the evening. The little friends and four students were eating hot pot. This thing really doesn't get tired of eating it!

He pushed his cousin Zhao Yang away with a butt, and Zhao Junzong sat on the seat.

While scooping up the mutton in the pot, he casually asked the four students about the training situation. Except for the cousin who was still eating, the other three students stood at attention and reported the recent situation.

Zhao Yang, Jiang Chen, and Dong Qingyang have all obtained the [Unparalleled Armor] license, and they have also reached the "King Realm" in the game. They have participated in a lot of offline and online events, which has attracted the attention of some [clubs].

Chen Xuan, who joined last, after several months of training, the effect was obvious. He was able to pass the [Unparalleled Armor] mock competition, but his results were relatively low.

Zhao Junzong was still a little disappointed, he thought he could train a few [Unparalleled Warriors].

As a result, it is estimated that these few students are not good at all. With the help of his [Yuan Li Field] and [Yuan Chen], they still haven't reached the level of [Unparalleled Warrior].

After dismissing a few students, he turned to inquire about the current situation of the friends. The friends suddenly felt that the "hot pot" was not delicious. Zhao Junzong was very curious. Soldiers] A situation has arisen.

"I always feel that those buddies seem to have changed people. Not only are they unwilling to help us, but they also have murderous intentions against us several times. Thanks to our cleverness, we didn't give them a chance."

"Changed person?" Zhao Junzong shuddered. He was someone who knew a lot of insider information. Hearing these four words, he subconsciously felt that maybe he really changed person, or he was "taken away". .

"[Tianque] closes the [Human Realm], will it be a plan like [Seize the House]?"

Thinking of this, Zhao Junzong asked Yi Zhou and others, do they know the actual information of [Woah Yaonenhanie] and others?

The little friends really know that, after all, they have been with these people for almost a year, and the relationship is already very good, and some information in reality has been taken out by side effects.

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