I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 3 The Blind Sees The Deaf Hears, The Mute Cries To Believe In Love Chapter 233 Steal A Will

The boat drifted along the water in twists and turns in the night, and the "oil lamp" hanging on the bow of the boat shook slightly. Under the lamp sat a man wearing a black tunic and a red hairband on his head.

On the man's leg is a "long knife". The style of the knife is similar to that of a "phoenix" that wants to spread its wings. The dark colors of "white, green, black, red and yellow" surround the entire knife.

Dong Dong, the flat boat hit the reef on the shore, and after a roundabout, it got stuck between the two reefs, but it did not cause any damage. When the "five-color phoenix knife" was "pasted" to the waist, the knife was firmly suspended. waist.

There is no need for any accessories, the [weapon] has been recognized as the master, and it can be hung symbolically, but the height must be suitable, which is in line with your fighting habits.

Zhao Junzong landed on the sand-covered shore with a single leap. This is the "Tianyu Ferry" in the south of the "Great Jin Empire" to the west of "Lingjingfu" and the northern suburb of "Lingjing·Heling County".

This is the eleventh "Tianyu" that Zhao Junzong is looking for. The previous ten "Tianyu" do not match what Yu Gua described, and whether it is here or not requires more exploration.

It’s not that no one has tried to activate somewhere in the [Federal Great Altar]. If the relevant conditions are met, they cannot be activated, but there seems to be something “echoing” somewhere, but it cannot be activated due to the lack of a certain link. Complete "Resonance".

In this way, some people speculate that the "orientation" of the "worldly world" alone is not enough, and the "superior worlds" must have corresponding "orientation". Only by finding the "orientation" that echoes each other can the activation of the "altar" be completed. And carry out a "ceremony".

When [Tianque] has not yet been "titled", no matter how I look for it, I can't find the corresponding position. Until [Tianque] lifts the "title" and there are huge changes in [Humanjie], a certain force can find the corresponding position. .

The changes on the surface are not obvious, the plot, settings, etc. remain the same, but the [Army Envoys] who have newly registered accounts can clearly feel the changes in the [Human World].

In the past, [Army Commander] needed to switch between [Panel] and [Specialist] to adapt to the [Human World] environment.

But now there is no need to switch, and there is no way to switch. The [Army Envoys] do not have a [Panel], but with the [Genealogy], they can normally be active in the [Human World].

It's just that the "dangerous" coefficient has increased a lot. Once the [players] are pushed to death by the "sea of ​​people" tactics, the [Army Envoy] has a chance to actually die.

If the [players] are killed by the [Army Commander], the loss is still relatively heavy, the proficiency will be reduced, the equipment will be damaged, and the realm will be dropped.

However, there is no benefit for [Bing Bei Shi] to kill [Player]. Instead, they will be threatened by [Nei Fate], and [Players] will not have any burden to kill [Bing Bei Shi].

On the contrary, if the [players] can kill the [Army Envoy], they can obtain [Dust Jade, Spar], and even [Heaven and Earth Walk], especially [Heaven and Earth Walk], which can make [Player]'s [Dust Fate] secretly hidden. increase.

The number of NPCs has dropped sharply, and a large number of shops have been replaced by "secular" merchants, which is commonly known as "online shops", and [Beibaishi] has replaced a large number of NPC "bosses".

It would not be mandatory for the [Army Envoy] to be the "BOSS", but if the [Army Envoy] wants to offset the "Spirit", he must become the "BOSS".

Death is definitely impossible, but it has to "die". No matter how powerful the "BOSS" is, it will eventually be overthrown by the [players], and the [army envoy] also "hardened" to feign death.

Suspended death can't appease [player], only a lot of drops can appease [player], but the drop rate is too high, it will arouse [player] enthusiasm, so the items and the quantity of this drop need to be considered.

However, the "threat" is not only from the [player], some [army envoys] will also hide in the [player] group and take the opportunity to defeat the [army armourer] who acts as a "boss".

Compared with dropping some "mortal" equipment and being defeated by other [Army Commanders], the loss is very heavy.

After all, no matter whether it is on the "list" or not, the essence of [weapon] is war, and [weapon] is an extension of [weapon], and it is also driven by this essence.

Acting as a "BOSS" is naturally beneficial. Not to mention the reduction in the frequency of "spirits", the degree of fit has also been improved, and it can also "comprehend" more information transmitted by [weapons].

Some [Army Envoys] simply get a "BOSS" quota, that is, become a certain "villain", in order to obtain an improvement in "fit".

"Fitness" naturally also has a reference, that is, "edge sheath". When the "fit degree" reaches a certain level, it can evolve into "edge armor sheath" and get rid of the "puppet" situation.

"Fate Sheath" is actually the fusion progress with the weapon. When Fate Armor Sheath, the "spiritual" state will be greatly alleviated, or even eliminated, unless the level of [Weapon] is improved and surpasses [Fate Armor Sheath].

The price of "virtual equipment" is rising steadily, which is inevitable for [Army Envoy] to act as a "BOSS".

After all, in order for the [players] to return with a full load, they need to drop loot, and the [Army Commander] is not a real NPC, so he can only get his own equipment.

However, there are so many [Army Envoys], and there are a lot of equipment for sale in [Online Mall], so how to get high-quality equipment? You can only find [Human Weapon].

[Human Weapon] is an [Extraordinary Weapon] that escaped from [Tai Shang Hongchen] to [Human World], and the role it played at that time was the whetstone for [players] to advance to the "Emperor Realm".

Other strengths are self-sealed, otherwise, no [player] can successfully challenge and be promoted to the "Emperor Realm".

Today's [human weapons] refer to all the [extraordinary weapons] that exist in the [human world], and no longer simply refer to the [weapons] that "escaped" into the [human world] before.

Today's [Human World] has expanded several times. Although [Five-color Red Dust] has been expelled and purified, there are still [Five-color Red Dust] in some areas, and [players] are not allowed to enter these areas, only [Army] make] enter.

[Army Envoys] defeat the collectively called [Human Weapons], not only can they get benefits, they can also get [Tianque Points], and then use [Points] to exchange "Ordinary Equipment" with the "system".

It can be said that [Tian Que] realized [His] plan, brought the human [Army Envoys] into control, drove them to challenge [Original Weapons], and reshuffled [His] [Dragon Spectrum].

But obviously no one knows this point. Zhao Junzong has not figured out what is the "win-win" between him and [Tianque], and he is unwilling to think about it, covering his head to look for the "Tianyu Mountain".

"My name is Lu Xifa. If you give me face, call me Brother Fa. If you don't give me face, call me Xi, will you give me face?"

Trees were shadowed in the night, and insects were chirping one after another. The buddy who was "slashed" by Zhao Junzong with a knife wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said proudly.

Zhao Junzong glanced at the [Five-color Phoenix Sword] in his hand, grabbing Lei Laomou, is my hundreds of thousands of damage fake? That is definitely not possible, so, the figure in the previous cut is an "illusion"?

Lu Xifa couldn't help but wiped his mouth again, it was numb, why couldn't the blood stop? The backlash is so powerful? How much damage did the knife do before? His legs were trembling a little, and he hit hard stubble.

Pooh, Lu Xifa knelt down. It wasn't cowardice, but he couldn't hold it anymore. He suspected that the "big guy" he enshrined was also vomited blood by that "slash".

After all, the previous "phantom" was created by the boss in response to the "sacrificial ceremony".

Zhao Junzong's "perception" captured a peculiar aura in the dark. In fact, if the other party didn't try to use his "will" to attack his [Special Genealogy], he would not be able to capture this peculiar aura.

If you want to attack his [Fate Book], [Martial Fate Book] is an unavoidable protection, even the will of [Tian Que] can't break through [Martial Fate Book], this strange "will" naturally cannot.

[Pedagogy] is the core of everything. After it is breached, not only will all information be exposed, but it will also be tampered with. For example, Zhao Junzong can "extract" [life points], which is a kind of tampering.

But obviously, it is impossible to have the ability to tamper with the [Genealogy] without possessing the "Supreme Weapons" such as [Martial Life Book, Dragon Book].

The heart suddenly jumped like a drum, and the [Sacred Decree] hidden in it burst out with an invisible will, which suddenly "collided" with that "will".

"Collision" is like "integration", the stronger party is enough to suppress the weaker one, and the will of the "decree" is like mowing the grass, intercepting the "memory" in that "will", which can also be called "information".

A terrified roar was vaguely heard, and that will suddenly dissipated.

[Sacred Decree] Wrapped in a large amount of "information", it exudes coercion in "nothingness", and then the "heartbeat" that beats like a drum slowly subsided.

Lu Xifa didn't know what happened, but he knew what must have happened, otherwise, the "will" that was closely integrated with his [Genealogy] would not "disappear".

[Original meaning] refers to the will that [weapons] possess.

[Martial Life Spectrum], [Dragon Spectrum], etc., are actually [Original Weapons]. These levels are called "Supreme", the next level is "Supreme", and the next level is "Supreme" .

The one who was defeated by [Sacred Decree·Wu Mingpu] was "Supreme·Original Intention", and [He] was the "Lord of Enforcement", it should be "one", if it is the only one, it is "Supreme" and not "Supreme" .

[Army Servant] is the seven means of restricting and punishing [weapon]. It was invisible at first, it can be said to be the seven "ideas" of [Xian], and after it was integrated into [Red Dust], changes occurred.

[Xian] holding the [Tai Shang's Royal Weapons is Really Li Pu], [Tai Shang's Royal Weapons Are Really Li Pu] waving, [Zhi Ge, Baixiao, Ouye, Qianji, Guizhou, Wu Yun, Feng Blade] seven chains.

[Dragon, Phoenix, God, Demon, Witch, Demon], while fighting each other, shivered under the seven chains.

The whereabouts of [Xian] disappeared, [Tai Shang's Royal Weapons of the Supreme Commander] was broken due to the exhaustion of immortal power, and countless chaotic substances poured into [Tai Shang's Royal Weapons of Taishang] Zhenli Specimen, and finally merged into [Five Colors of Red Dust].

[Five-colored red dust] is spread all over the [Tai Shang's Imperial Armament], and the interior is constantly changing, splitting, and collapsing.

Incorporated into the [Five Elements of Qi], the [Tai Shang's Armed Forces and Imperial Weapons Really Li Spectrum], in a very short period of time, formed [Five Colors, Six Imperials, Seven Envoys and Ten Spectrums].

And in the "integration" [Five Elements of Qi], some "human beings" who meet by fate have obtained the newly formed [Five Colors, Six Royals, Seven Envoys and Ten Scores].

"The [Army Bureau] speculates that everything is under the domination of human beings, and it is really wrong. Humans are really blessed."

The information was transmitted very quickly, Zhao Junzong didn't have any discomfort, he was strong enough now, which also made him "comprehend" the information just for a moment, and then he looked down at Lu Xi, um, Lu Xifa.

Lu Xifa can be said to be the [Army Envoy] in the true sense, and [Cross Fate] is naturally an indispensable condition for the [Army Envoy], and the real [Army Envoy] only needs the [Xing Yuan] to reach 1 inch or more. Natural is the best

Most of Zhao Junzong and other [Army Envoys] mastered the [Cultivation Technique], which is actually a "method" of natural tempering of [weapon], not a cultivation method belonging to "human beings".

[Army Servant] actually doesn't need to practice. The practice is actually done by [Weapon]. [Army Servant] provides various training resources, and it is enough to "comprehend" the information that [Weapon] needs to advance.

And Lu Xifa obtained the [Zhi Ge Yi], which is the [Army Envoy] to practice the exercises.

[Zhi Ge Yi] cultivated [Crystal Fate], and thus [Martial Fate] was born, and the setting of [Chen Fate] inch limit [Martial Fate] level still exists.

After training to the level of [Wumin], you can make your debut to subdue [Weapon]. Naturally, it is impossible to deal with [Original Weapon], but only those [Damaged Weapons] that do not have [Original Mind].

[Damage Weapon] The general attributes are very poor. The most important thing is that without the [Original Intent] to support this, the [Weapon] cannot move, and it becomes a dead target and is left to be slaughtered.

Completely infiltrate the [Weapon] with the [Weapon], and the [Weapon] will surrender, thus successfully taking the job as [Governor].

There is no "spirit", and even through the "weapon", you can grasp the word "wedge", understand the past of the "weapon", etc., everything that the "weapon" has, ask for anything, and is the real owner of the "weapon".

Zhao Junzong is a little jealous. He is a person who has a "plug-in", and he has not reached the level of asking for anything with his [Five-color Phoenix Knife].

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