I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 3 The Blind Sees The Deaf Hears, The Mute Cries To Believe In Love Chapter 246 The Urban Rout

Antique stores, snack bars, etc. are not affected by the "virtual community". After all, antiques need to be touched, and virtual food is real, but it is not enough to fill the stomach.

The so-called antiques of prosperous times, gold in troubled times, [Federation] is still stable and harmonious on the surface, but this is actually thanks to the [Ten Score] masters.

[They] are human beings after all, and they shoulder the responsibility of preventing the "worldly" from becoming mortal. This is one of the reasons why Zhao Junzong can't hate them.

The [Federal Array] is the handwriting of [He] to stop the [Red Dust Tribulation]. The buildings of the "worldly world" echo the mountains and rivers of the [Tai Shang Realms], and can purify the [Red Dust], but complete isolation is impossible. In other words, it is currently impossible.

The habitual distraction made the clerk a little vigilant. After all, the antique had been in Zhao Junzong's hands for some time, and the clerk had to cough after his eyes frequently indicated that it was invalid.

After Zhao Junzong regained his senses, he put the antique down. He operated on the "sheath watch" and displayed the balance of the [Commonwealth Bank], "Is there anything else?"

The clerk glanced at it, and suddenly shivered, local tyrant! Hurry up and contact the boss. The boss is on the second floor of the store. When he learns that there are high-profile customers, he goes downstairs and invites Zhao Junzong to go upstairs.

"Jiangjing" has been located in a remote area since ancient times, and it was basically a place where the imperial court exiled officials or criminals, so there were no tombs of emperors and generals, and antiques were basically imported from other places.

In fact, Zhao Junzong only needs to let go of his "perception" to capture detailed information in the vicinity.

But he had never been in contact with antiques, so he went to the store to get started. However, although the boss took out the so-called treasure of the town, he still did not suffer from the [red dust].

As soon as the novelty of touching antiques passed, Zhao Junzong did not want to go shopping in a shop, found a coffee shop and sat down, and then let go of his "perception", and the 300,000-meter "diameter" range was included.

Although his perception data is only 300,000 meters, his upper limit is 54.000.000, which means that he can perform "fine" operations, that is, a deeper "perception".

[Army Envoys] All are "surface" perceptions, that is, they can only "perceive" information without intervals. Once there is an obstacle, they cannot "perceive", or the "perception" is extremely weak.

If you want to perform "deep" perception, you need to narrow down the scope to perform "fine" operations, and "fine" operations place a great load on the "flesh" body.

[Professional Armament] can transfer the load to the [Life Body], liberating the burden of the "flesh" body, and supplemented by [Destiny Fate], you can get more load.

"Zhao Junzong?"

"Perception" wandered in a certain area of ​​"Jiangjing", looking for an item infused with the atmosphere of [Red Dust], he was shocked by a shout, and he naturally sensed someone approaching, but it was not a familiar atmosphere, so he didn't care. .

Unexpectedly, the young man who was close to him actually knew him, and from the young man's outline, he could capture some familiarity. When Zhao Junzong was trying to recall, the young man sat opposite him and said cheerfully, "I am a big boy. nose".

"Big nose Chu Di? I'll go, where's your big nose?"

As soon as he heard Big Nose, Zhao Junzong's memory emerged that he had no so-called "best friends".

But it's not that he doesn't have friends. On the contrary, he has a lot of friends in general, and because of his shallow friendship, he didn't contact these friends after he went to college.

It's just that from Mo Daliang to this Chu Di, they all remember Zhao Junzong. They obviously regard Zhao Junzong as a good friend.

In memory, Chu Di's nose is very big, so he is nicknamed "big nose", but after six or seven years, he actually got his big nose straightened. "Without the big nose, he is much more handsome."

Zhao Junzong nodded, he is indeed a lot more handsome, but is it not the effect of "plastic surgery"?

The two chatted, mainly Chu Di said that Zhao Junzong held a few words from time to time, which made Chu Di very happy, and then invited Zhao Junzong to his girlfriend's "birthday party".

Secretly contacted "Yu Gua", but still lost contact, Zhao Junzong called his cousin Zhao Yang and asked him about the status of the three districts "Lvyuan, Tongfang, and Mohe".

Zhao Yang was awakened by his cousin when Zhao Junzong was running back to "Jiangjing" late at night, and was instructed to take Jiang Chen, Dong Qingyu, and Chen Xuan to patrol the streets together.

Zhao Yang and the other four were not soldiers, the streets were undercurrents, and Zhao Junzong was ill-considered for them to patrol the streets.

I only remembered to make a phone call at this time, because of lack of thoughtfulness. Fortunately, Zhao Yang and others did not encounter any danger, but they also refreshed the "Three Views", and they saw the edge of the [Army] world.

"Brother, you are also a [Army Envoy]! How to become a [Army Envoy], can I be?"

Zhao Junzong interrupted Zhao Yang's Lianzhu question and asked him to directly report the situation last night. Zhao Yang's voice suddenly turned dull, "The chaos is definitely chaos, but it does not endanger people's lives, and property damage is inevitable."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yang became excited again, "Brother, those buildings are very powerful. Under the bombardment of dazzling extraordinary skills, they still stand still, and even the slag has not fallen."

Zhao Junzong thought to himself that when Shipu killed his life, the lords started the [Federal Sacrificial Array]?

The altar is indestructible during activation, but is very fragile before or after activation, otherwise, those buildings, roads, etc. that are part of the "Sacrificial Array" are unlikely to be damaged.

[Xeon Weapon] requires the [Professional Armament] of "Shiyi" to be deciphered. Zhao Junzong does not know whether the "trap" set in it will be deciphered with the success of "Ten Spectrum Deadly".

However, the number of [Professional Armaments] is not large, which will inevitably make the competition for [Xeon Weapon] last for a long time. Where the battle field is, it is determined by the [Tianque] account "hint".

According to Zhao Yang's report, it can be confirmed that the three areas in charge of him no longer exist [Xeon Weapons].

It just doesn't mean that the three areas are safe. Once a [Xeon Weapon] carrier enters, there will be an influx of [Army Envoys], and Zhao Junzong also wants to rush back.

It's just that his evasive words have not been uttered, and several young people have come one after another, all of them are familiar, obviously they are all his casual acquaintances in high school, and they can directly recognize him, which makes Zhao Junzong a little ashamed.

These people regarded him as a good friend, but he forgot their names. In this way, he couldn't say what he wanted to say. He could only promise to attend the birthday party of "Chu Di" girlfriend.

Basically, those who study in the "Lianyun District" schools have farms, ranches, fish farms, etc. at home. Even if they are admitted to college, most of them will return to inherit the family business for various reasons.

Although they are all mechanized, they still need some physical work. Chu Di and others are quite strong, making Zhao Junzong look a little tall and thin, and the classmates also sighed that it is really not easy to make a living outside.

The family is either raising cattle or horses, or planting crops. There is no comparison between classmates, friendship is pure, and there is no scruples in conversations, but the voice is a little loud.

A figure leaned out from the corner booth and scolded coquettishly, be quiet, this is not a vegetable market.

Chu Di and others left their seats one after another, not to fight, but to see who was berating, and then called "Mao Xu" high school classmates exclaimed, "Sister Liao Dandan".

The corners of Zhao Junzong's mouth twitched, is today the "school celebration" of "Lianyun District High School"?

"Lianyun District" has a vast area, but the population is not large, and there is only one high school. [Federation] implements the compulsory education system of "small junior high school", and university has become a watershed in life.

Since there is only one high school, and the number of students is quite large, Zhao Junzong can't even remember more than 60 people in his class, how can he remember "senior sister".

But the surprise of Chu Di, Mao Xu and other six people shows that they all know this senior, and it also means that this "senior" was once a man of "Lian Gao".

Zhao Junzong is quite depressed. What has he been doing for three years in high school? The brain devastated by alcohol can no longer remember it.

Senior Sister Liao Dandan's face softened a little, and her tone dropped a little, so that the juniors should be quieter. She needs a quieter environment to think about something.

Chu Di immediately proposed to go out for a stroll. Zhao Junzong thought to himself that they were all men, and it was still broad daylight, where could there be a place to go? But it is impossible to refuse, get up and leave with everyone.

When he left, he slapped a [Terrorist Mark] on Liao Dandan's [Crystal Fate], and the [Terrorist Mark] was the "information" that [Great Horror] was stimulated by the "Life Mark" and transmitted to Zhao Junzong.

Although it is called [Terrorist Mark], it is only a "mark", and it will not make the person who has the mark feel "horrible", nor will they have nightmares or anything.

The reason why Liao Dandan was marked with a "horror mark" is that Zhao Junzong's "perception" did not capture her existence when she did not appear before, that is, Liao Dandan blocked Zhao Junzong's "perception".

Zhao Junzong's perception is extremely powerful, Liao Dandan can actually block it, and after she shows up, Zhao Junzong still can't perceive and detect her, but the [Terrorist Mark] is branded on her [Chen Fate] without hindrance.

[Mark of Life] and [Mark of Horror] consume [Life Points], and there is no upper limit on the number, and the reason why [Mark of Horror] is not given to "family members" is "extraordinary".

[Mark of Terror] is still harmful to ordinary people, but it is not harmful to [Army], while [Mark of Life] is beneficial and harmless to ordinary people.

Once the "family" is injured, Zhao Junzong can use the "horror list" to increase the [life points] of the "family".

[Great Horror] After Zhao Junzong refined the [Terrorist Mark], he added the "Terrorist List" to his [Genealogy]. The name was naturally defined by Zhao Junzong, and there was no name when it was first refined.

The people who recorded the [Terrorist Mark and Life Mark] on the "Terrorist List", Lu Xifa and Yu Gua were also on the list, and apparently also included the priests who worshiped the [Great Terror].

On the other hand, the priests can obtain a "dangerous" prediction, and the effect is similar to [Mark of Life]. Although the "dangerous" prediction is relatively weak, it can save lives at critical times.

Zhao Junzong really wanted to know how to refine [Tai Shang Yi], but the masters of the ten score didn't reveal a little bit of information, and he could only receive what [Great Horror] gave him.


Football, basketball, billiards, card rooms and other sports, "virtual communities" already exist, but there are always some people who like to sweat, Chu Di and others just want to play a game of basketball.

If it is three-on-three, there will be one more person. Zhao Junzong firmly stated that he can be the referee, and the classmates readily agreed. From their conversations, it can be known that they have a relatively close relationship with each other.

Clicking on "Liao Dandan" on the "Horror List", the perception was instantly condensed into a "bundle", and it came to the corner of the coffee shop in an instant, that is, Liao Dandan's location.

Liao Dandan was no longer alone at this time, a person wearing an ancient corset and a hood sat opposite her, and this person also blocked Zhao Junzong's "perception".

Zhao Junzong was a little puzzled, how someone could block his "perception" at every turn. His current "perception" is not only the power of 300,000 numerical values, but also the power of [Tai Shangyi].

In other words, the one who can block his "perception" must be [Too Shangyi], and there is no need for reference in terms of strength. His [Great Terror] can't break through [Longpu·Tianque], and [Heavenly Que] can't break through [Big Terrorist]. fear】.

They can also shield each other's perception of will, and they can be called "Taizhu" by integrating "Tai Shangyi", and "Taizhu" can't be everywhere on the street.

Zhao Junzong has reason to suspect that a certain "Taizhu" will notice the "Lianyun District", and he must have sensed the fluctuation of "Ten Scores".

Although the "Ten Scores Killing Your Life" felt small and short-lived in his feelings, for the "Grand Masters", it should have been a great movement.

It's just that Liao Dandan, a girl whose [earth edge] is less than 1 inch, is favored by the unknown "Supreme Master", and uses the "Supreme Weapon" to cover her up to block her perception of the "He" Supreme Master?

This kind of cover-up is actually a bit of a cover-up. After all, when the sovereigns find that they cannot perceive someone, they will inevitably cast more "attention".

Boom, the basketball fell to Zhao Junzong's feet, he seemed to have been knocked on the head, and he had a flash of inspiration, I wiped it, this is also a trap?

When the lords find that they cannot perceive a certain person, they will inevitably cast more "attention". Isn't this just trying to catch "the lord"?

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