I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 3 The Blind Sees The Deaf Hears, The Mute Cries To Believe In Love Chapter 252 The Lord Is No

The "Sacrificial Mark" is displayed on the [Genealogy], and the will of the "Supreme Lord" comes to the [Genealogy], which is completely different from the vast majority of [Army Envoys] receiving orders through the "Sheath Table".

After successfully holding the "Branding Sacrificial Ceremony", Yu Gua used the excuse of going to the toilet and forced Zhao Junzong, who had no desire to urinate, to go with him, and then pushed Zhao Junzong into the lattice door, making a slap on the wall. ".

Zhao Junzong pinched his nose and pushed Yu Gua away, then ran out of the lattice door, and said in a muffled voice, "Indicating? Welfare?"

Yu Gua's eyes lit up, can you still ask the Taizhu to give benefits?

Zhao Junzong got angry. He said too many mistakes and guessed too many mistakes. He asked directly, what are you doing?

"Painting a big cake," Yu Gua said of course, "although my father and others have become [horror] priests, betrayal does not exist, but we must also mobilize subjective enthusiasm."

Expressing that he wanted to be quiet, Yu Gua did not ask who Jingjing was, and with a look of understanding on his face, he took Zhao Junzong to a quiet room, and then vigilantly guarded the surroundings.

Zhao Junzong felt that it was not interesting to draw a big cake, and the distribution of benefits was more awesome. The main reason was that his disciples were too talented, but he had nothing to do, so he had to enter the [Taizhu Summit] for help.

What surprised him was that when he just appeared, the Master Shipu appeared one after another within a few seconds, as if he was the "peak" host.

[Shiyi] is naturally precious, but it is not scarce. Any [Original Weapon] that is promoted to [Xeon] can get [Shiyi], even if it is defeated, it falls out of the ten thousand Xeon [spectrum]. ], so that the meaning will not be lost.

Of course, if you continue to be defeated, not only will the [Shiyi] collapse, but the [Original Meaning] will also collapse and become a weapon of [Jinyi], and even worse, lose the [Genealogy] and become a weapon of [Understanding].

When all [weapons] are born, they have [Genealogy], but whether they can inherit the "intent" depends on the probability.

"Yi" is divided into rank meaning, conception meaning, boundary meaning, source meaning, and making meaning, and there must be more after that, but it has not yet been known whether [Tai Shangyi] is the limit, or there is still "shangyi", Zhao Junzong also I don't know.

[Dust Fate] No matter how many inches it is, it is equivalent to [Original Meaning], and if [Mongolian] weapons can be fused with it, it is equivalent to "going to the sky in one step".

There is no chance to integrate [Crystal Fate] or enter the "spectrum", and the weapon of [Mongolian] will never come to the fore.

If you have the [Specialist], you will have the [Order Meaning], that is, the sixth order of "Acquired, Feitian, Zhongtian, Pingtian, Lingtian, Xiantian", and after being promoted to the "True Source Realm", you can obtain the "Jinyi".

Promoted to the "Original Realm" to obtain "Boundary Intent", promoted to "Original Realm" to obtain "Original Intent", enter the [Weapon] ranking in this way, and compete for 10,000 [Spectrum] through challenges, and if you get [Spectrum], you will get [ make it mean].

As soon as he opened his mouth, there were 100 [meanings to make]. Zhao Junzong was asking for a price in his heart, and he bargained on the spot, but if he dared to do this, he had already determined the "Tianpu Taizhu" and his "showing goodness" to him was genuine. of.

Although he didn't know why he wanted to "show goodness" to himself, he still understood the principle of fighting snakes and climbing up the pole. If he could get some cheap, it could be regarded as the interest paid by these bigwigs for "torn" [Martial Life Spectrum].

The ten masters silently sent out [Shiyi], but instead of 100, they each sent 3, and then disappeared. Zhao Junzong also happily exited the [Taizhu Summit].

Yu Dawei and other five people, plus the heads of the [Second Division] departments, there are fifteen people in total, but these people's [weapon] realm is quite high, and the risk of melting [Empowerment] also increases.

The worst benefit is also proportional to the risk. Once there is an accident, it must be a surprise.

The 30 [Establishment Meanings] sent by the masters of the ten score did not have the [Blade Sealing Intent], but [Xuanji] gave [Blade Sealing Intent] very easily at the beginning. Zhao Junzong vaguely knew that these big bosses were very concerned about themselves. Quite a feeling of preference.

"Maybe it's compensation?" Zhao Junzong muttered, although he had not been "calculated" by the Master Shi Pu when he smelted [Feng Ren Yi], but the "Master Shi Pu" might have known that the [Martial Fate Book] was there. there he is.

It's useless to think too much. Zhao Junzong doesn't think about it anymore. He walked out of the "quiet room" and told Yu Gua that he wanted to give 15 [Shiyi]. Yu Gua was so shocked that he didn't speak for a long time. and rare.

"I'm worried that someone is going to die," Zhao Junzong said of his worries.

Yu Gua still has lingering fears about his own smelting of [Arrogance], and he knows the danger, but he doesn't think any [Army Envoy] will refuse this opportunity.

Before a new round of "Sacrificial Ceremony", Yu Gua gathered his father and fourteen other uncles together to tell them about the dangers of his fusion of [Shiyi].

As he said, after knowing the danger, the fifteen present did not flinch.

"A long time ago, people from the Strategy Department put forward the theory of cultivating oneself into a [weapon], but there was no information or data to support this theory, and in the end, it was locked up to eat dust. Unexpectedly, the correct path for human armaments is precisely this theory".

Chen Zhenwei sighed with emotion, and Yu Dawei stroked his bushy beard and nodded, "Although becoming a [professional soldier] means a more intense and fierce challenge, it is of great benefit to those of us who are about to die."

The "Strategy Department" of the [Army Statistics Bureau] didn't know what data and information it was based on, and came to the conclusion that the upper limit of the [Army Military] lifespan was 200 years old.

However, there is no factual basis for this conclusion. Yu Dawei and other five people became [Army Envoys] in 2008.

This year is 2203, they are now 195 years old, and those they know, those who became [Army Envoys] a few years earlier than them, have already died in the war of [The Supreme Realms].

Of course, Yu Dawei and other five people also paid attention to the situation of the early [Army Envoy] other than the [Army Statistics Bureau], but they have never heard of anyone who lived to be 200 years old.

If he lived to be over 200 years old, the time to become a soldier would be 2003 at the latest.

"[Tianque]'s self-reported information mentioned that he was involved in the [Red Dust Tribulation] in 2003." Hearing this, Zhao Junzong remembered that "200 years old" is one of the restrictions on entering the [Taizhu Summit].

He immediately understood that he could not live to 200 years old if he practiced [Shiyi], otherwise, this restriction would be too rough.

But he still wants to give [Shi Yi] to Yu Dawei and other five people. If they can survive the danger of [Shi Yi] melting, they can "live" in another form even if their lifespan ends.

It is in the form of "transformation" like "Chongwu and Queshan", and it can be transformed with [Shiyi]. Strictly speaking, this form is [Shiyi].

Yu Gua has already made all the risks clear, and still no one quits, so he stopped talking and began to arrange the "Giving and Sacrificial Ceremony".

Zhao Junzong glanced at his [Myriad World Storage], and nodded secretly, Yu Guazai didn't feel bad about selling Ye Tian, ​​the offerings were full, and he made a lot of money.

[The Great Terror] is Zhao Junzong, and Zhao Junzong is the [Great Terror]. This "sacrificial ceremony" not only has no possibility of failure, but also has no chance of not getting a response.

"15" said [Shiyi] with precise input, and stood Yu Dawei and other 15 people in the "sacrificial ceremony". They all collapsed to the ground in an instant. On the surface, they fell into a coma. To make meaning] surrender [weapon].

Yu Gua asked the rest of the Uncles who didn't have much emotion to move the fifteen people into their "quiet rooms".

When one of the fifteen people succeeds in the fusion process, these Uncles who have not yet felt no emotion will definitely be envious and jealous, and thus have more awe and expectations for [The Great Terror].

Yu Gua had been melding for three days and four nights. Not only did Yu Dawei and other 15 people successfully fuse them, but the time was much shorter than that of Yu Gua. A middle-aged man called "Autumn Yuesha".

The first successful smelting represents the strongest strength. In fact, the worse the [weapon] state is, the easier it is to tame. "Autumn Yuesha" is the weakest among the fifteen people.

Yu Dawei glanced at Yu Gua coldly, and a word came out between his teeth, "Young".

"Hehe, Xiaogua, you are a little terrified when you talk about Uncle. I didn't expect it to be just a battle." Zheng Shanren patted the ugly-looking Yu Gua on the shoulder and said cheerfully.

Zhao Junzong immediately understood why Yu Gua needed three days and four nights. These uncles only needed ten hours. Although Yu Gua had also experienced some battles, he was one "terrestrial blue star" compared to Yu Dawei and the other five. ".

The rest of the "heads" are also not flowers in the greenhouse. [Second Division] actually spends years in [Tai Shang Zhujie] rounds of "battles". On the one hand, they are responsible, and on the other hand, they are "poor".

The "leaders" who have succeeded in the melting process told their deputies what they had achieved. The deputies were dumbfounded, and they were able to transfer everything about the [weapon] to themselves. What a blessing!

So, they rushed to Yu Gua's side, "Xiaogua, when will the offering ceremony be held again" on the left, "Xiaogua, ask the superior, what kind of confession is needed to get the [meaning]".

Yu Gua and these "heads" and deputies are in a bit of a mess. The "heads" and deputies are more than 150 years younger than Yu Dawei. Yu Gua is Yu Dawei's son. We have to call him grandpa, but the age can only be discussed separately.

Yu Gua knew from Zhao Junzong that "Shangtou" will also give 15 [meanings], but "Shangtou" can no longer care for the worshipers for no reason.

"Then the question is, what does our [head] want?"

Yu Gua suddenly came to his senses. If he wanted to implement the plan he had figured out, he had to make the power of [Great Terror] imprinted on these people's hearts. Although these people asked questions in a mocking way, it was enough.

He first spread the title of "Taizhu", then explained the reason why he was selected by "Taizhu", and then elicited the layout and intention of the "Ten Groups".

Finally, he brought out that he wanted to compete for the power of the [Army Bureau] to break through the blockade of the "Ten Groups" and present a "chess piece" to his "Taizhu" that was enough to shake the chessboard.

Bang, the eloquent Yu Gua was kicked by his father. "Blind chicken is nonsense," Yu Dawei said coldly.

Yu Gua stood up straight and glared at her father, "Where is the nonsense?"

"Cthulhu, have you heard of it?"

Except for Chen Zhenwei and the other four, the rest of them looked blank.

"Indescribable, invisible, and inaudible, how ridiculous and ignorant you are, a mere child, trying to guess God's intentions."

Zhao Junzong is stunned [forced], I really have no intentions!

Yu Gua was obviously stunned by the three "no"s, her lips squirmed but she couldn't speak.

After Yu Dawei, Chen Zhenwei and the other four looked at each other, they all saw the seriousness in their eyes. They knew that a large number of "documents" today were castrated. The ones who did it were [big data], and the ones who instructed were "too big data". lords".

Although there are obvious differences between the "Lords" and "Cthulhu", neither "gods" nor "immortals" can talk about them.

Zhao Junzong would like to say, you think too much of the "Taizhu". They are either running errands or driving taxis. How can they be indescribable, invisible, or heard?

"Then don't do anything?" Yu Gua still summoned the courage to ask.

"Your plan is not useless, it's missionary! First, you have to stand firm, and then slowly draw it. God's chess pieces, how can there be only a few dozen pieces."

"That is to seize the power of the [Army Bureau]", Yu Gua was resurrected with blood, and his face was proud.

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