I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 3 The Blind Sees The Deaf Hears, The Mute Cries To Believe In Love Chapter 258 The Reason For

Zhao Junzong was speechless for a while. He also participated in the "young" version of "Family Fist" many times when he was a child. Children are not allowed to use equipment, which is also a local rule.

Any child who uses equipment will be besieged by countless local family names in "Jiangjing", and can only use fists and feet.

However, in the "armed fights" of adults, the casualty rate is higher. Every family and every surname died in the "armed battles", and the hatred and grievances have been accumulating deeper and deeper. Up to now, they cannot be resolved at all.

"Didn't we stop fighting?" Zhao Junzong asked suspiciously.

"I heard that some family member had an accident and left."

Zhao Yang wrote the word "Jia Shi" on the "virtual form". He said that the reason why there has been no "Jia Shi" in the past 50 years is actually to change the "Ji Shi" mode and replace it with "Jia Shi".

"In other words, each family name has a [family member]?"

"More than one," Zhao Yang shook his head, "I eavesdropped on the conversation between the elders and my dad. There are seven [family members] in our family, but they all disappeared some time ago, and it seems that we are looking for some [weapons]."

Zhao Junzong immediately understood that [Jia Shi] was the [Bing Bei Envoy], and he did not know how Jiangjing had family names, how they found and wooed them so that these [Bing Bei Envoys] represented their family names to participate in the "Family Fight". ".

Since he has not paid attention to the history of "family fighting", Zhao Junzong does not know the rules of "family fighting", but it is certainly not a fight for "turf".

[Federal] There is a law, and if the "territory" is really obtained by slaughter, if the evidence is conclusive, no matter how big the "family name" is, it will be tried.

Of course, [Bing Bei Shi] will also bow to [Credit Points], but if he is willing to stick to a "family name" for nearly 30 years, [Credit Points] should not be enough. Therefore, "Jiangjing" must have "extraordinary resource points".

In this way, "Family Fight" should determine the ownership of these "Extraordinary Resource Points", and "Extraordinary Resource Points" must not be protected by the [Federal] law, that is, they belong to "unowned".

If the borderless land is known to the [Federation], it will naturally belong to the [Federation], and the "family names" will tacitly keep these secret borderless lands so as not to be nationalized by the [Federation].

Zhao Junzong used the [sheath watch] to check the birth rate of "Jiangjing" over the past century, and soon found that there are regular patterns. The ancestor's generation did not mention it, and the old man's generation had a men's football team, but his grandfather's generation basically is an only child.

And this kind of only child situation is not just his family. The overall birth situation of "Jiang Jing" is also an only child, no more than three at most. When it comes to his father, that is, his generation is born. At the same time, the number of births soared.

Because his grandfather is an only son, it is inevitable that he will not be able to participate in the "family fight". If he "hangs", he will become extinct. However, his grandfather's generation had 12 brothers, and he obviously participated in more than one "family fight". .

So obviously, his grandfather's generation must have entered "Borderless Land", and other "family names" of his generation have also entered, "Borderless Land" has an impact on the human body, leading to fertility decrease.

[Family Shi] appeared about 50 years ago, so his father Zhao Dayong's generation obviously did not participate in the "Family Fight", nor did he enter the "Borderless Land", otherwise, Zhao Junzong probably would not have participated in it. may be born.

But the contradiction is coming, how to obtain extraordinary resources without entering the "borderless land", you can't hand it over to the [family], right? Doesn't that mean that the life and blood of the ancestors were given away in vain?

"Family?" Zhao Junzong came to the conclusion in his heart that if the [Original Force Field] of the [Army Servant] is opened, it can protect ordinary people from the corrosion of [Red Dust].

Therefore, his father must have entered the "Borderless Land", but was sheltered by the [Army Envoy], and his body was not corrupted.

When Zhao Junzong was still a "player", he entered the "Lawling Realm" because his "true qi" was not suitable for the "Lawling Realm" with a strong "reiki".

If "Borderless Land" is an extraordinary resource point, pure "Five Elements Qi" will not harm ordinary people, it can be ruled out, it must be mixed [Red Dust Qi].

[Great Horror] When he manipulated his huge body to fight against the Six Imperials, he was at a disadvantage, but it was not without gain. He intercepted a lot of "information", and Zhao Junzong also knew that [Red Dust Qi] was a collective term.

Five-element qi, five-color qi, vital qi, and some trace amounts of other substances' qi are mixed together to form [red dust qi]. Because the "five-color qi" has a reconciling effect, the main body of [red dust] also presents "five colors".

This small-scale hospital is also one of the assets of the Second Division of Bingtong. Zhao Junzong only needs to say hello and leave the hospital with a bag, and the hospital will handle the rest of the procedures on its own.

Jiangjing, Lianyun District Hospital.

Zhao Yang went to the scout first, Zhao Junzong's father was not there, and other acquaintances were not there, Zhao Junzong hurried to the ward, Seventh Uncle's complexion was still good, the [Life Body] value was pitifully low, but the data was complete, obviously it was not a big deal. hinder.

[Credit points] It can also form a "red envelope", but "Sanbo" will definitely not accept it, so Zhao Junzong bought a bunch of supplements.

The last time I saw Sanbo was when he sent Zhao Yang to the "Cultural Travel Team" last year. If he pushed it further, he hadn't seen him for seven or eight years. There was no language between the elders and the younger ones.

Zhao Junzong was also influenced by Yu Gua, and he made a little progress in social affairs.

Almost two months ago, he felt that the area covered nearly 300,000 meters of Zhao Jun's garden, but he didn't "perceive" anything abnormal, which meant that "Borderless Land" was not within this range.

The number of "Borderlands" is definitely not large, and it must be outside the scope of each "family name" site. After Zhao Junzong checked the map of "Jiangjing", he locked a few places. The place he went first was called "Lugukou" ".

In the official introduction, the area of ​​"Lugukou" is about 2 square kilometers, and the landform is similar to the place where "the five elements converge", but it is only similar and not so dangerous.

Deep and long "perception" is time-consuming and laborious, but it must be done in this way. The conclusion of "perception" is that there are no "extraordinary" fluctuations in this place, and it took a day to move to the next place.

I found a place close to the city and ordered a takeaway. Today's takeaway guys are all using "flying skateboards", but this thing requires high skills. Because the feet are locked with the skateboard, it is easy to "fly" Broken people hang".

But the speed was still quite fast, and the hunger was solved. Zhao Junzong went to "Youtan", which was also the last place he marked. The reason why he chose to go last was that it was remote and there was no road.

No road means that the flying cars are unwilling to go, but it is not that the flying cars cannot reach. The reason why the flying car drivers are unwilling to go is not that "Yutan" is an accident-prone place, or there are some strange legends. "Restricted area" is marked.

It was only after Zhao Junzong arrived that he found that "Youtan" was surrounded by thick iron nets, and there were signs such as "High Voltage, Prohibition" every few meters.

However, on the official website of [Federal Jiangjing], this is not a "restricted area", and it belongs to the land of the "Jiangjing" government, that is, it belongs to the state.

The refusal drivers have a relatively uniform caliber, that is, anyone who goes or arrives nearby will be warned, beaten, etc., but they do not know who did it.

If only "Youtan" is an extraordinary resource point, then you know that there are not many "family names" in this place, and the three districts of "Lianyun, Hongyun and Jiangyun" are the closest to "Youtan".

Zhao Junzong patted his forehead. He thought that the "family fight" happened in "Lianyun District". It was impossible to think about it. If the hatred was deep, wouldn't the "Lianyun District School" fight every day? The classmates do not get along well.

"Youtan" is naturally famous for a "tan". The wall of the pool is about ten meters away from the surface of the pool. The entrance of the pool is irregular and round, with a diameter of about 20 meters.

There are obvious traces of "rope ladder" along the edge of the lake in the northwest. Follow this trace to "perceive" down. About two meters away from the surface of the pool, you can "perceive" the breath of [red dust].

If it is [Army Commander], jumping from a height of more than ten meters will also be injured without death, while [Professional Armament] has integrated the [Weapon] attribute, and jumping down can be offset by the "Resist" attribute.

There is a notch about two meters away from the surface of the pool. If you don't need to "perceive", this notch is difficult to find by "flesh" eyes. It has been camouflaged a lot, and the artificial traces are very light.

Zhao Junzong didn't go in. Instead, he condensed his "perception" into a "beam" and extended inward for about 110 meters. "Perception" hit an invisible barrier, but after increasing his "perception" he broke through the barrier.

The colorful scene was sent to Zhao Junzong by "perception", but the "perception" was vaguely intermittent. Zhao Junzong suddenly realized that this "space" was not in the "worldly world".

However, the connection of "perception" has not been completely cut off, indicating that this "space" is very close to the "worldly world", and after some time, it will definitely be completely integrated with the "worldly world".

The reason for the decrease in "fertility" is not the colorful space, but the "boundary curtain". The "colorful" space is relatively large, roughly divided into six areas, each of which has an extraordinary resource.

Zhao Junzong "perceived" this space with a sense of familiarity. After further "perception", he found that these resources were "dead", that is, they were not growable resources. He had an epiphany, isn't this the [Wanjie Storage] space? ?

[Myriad Worlds Storage] cannot accommodate non-extraordinary items. Even if it falls for some unknown reason and merges with the "worldly world", allowing ordinary people to enter, it still rejects "non-extraordinary" substances.

Therefore, operations such as carrying oxygen into it do not exist, and ordinary people cannot stay for too long, nor can they carry too many resources. Therefore, there are still many items in this [Wanjie Storage] space.

[Five-color dust jade and five-element spar] occupy two of the six areas. It is obvious that the items in these two areas are scarce and should be collected by the [family] in large quantities.

Undecomposed ore occupies one, and there is no trace of transportation in this area, while the adjacent "herb" materials have obvious traces of dragging, which can be inferred to be the handwriting of ordinary people.

Extraordinary herbs are very attractive to ordinary people. Zhao Junzong remembered that he was sick when he was a child, as if he had never been to the hospital. It was his mother who took a bowl of fragrant potion and poured it directly into him when he was asleep to wake him up. .

"No wonder everyone in my family is alive and kicking, but presumably these extraordinary herbs are useless for the increase of [Dust Fate], otherwise, it is impossible for me to be the only [Army] in my family, no, my [Army] There are other reasons."

But he also noticed that his father and grandfather's health did not seem to be good, and they were obviously affected by the "boundary curtain", which showed that his father had entered this space after giving birth to eight children.

Zhao Junzong was stunned when he looked at the fifth area. This area was full of "eggs", white, cyan, black, red, yellow and mixed colors. There were hundreds of them by visual inspection, and there were many different sizes. Small and in various shapes.

These "eggs" are collectively referred to as "tool embryos". For some reason, [weapons] only have five shapes of "swords, bows, fan guns", but the embryos of [weapons] are "tools".

However, there are "tools". Except for the five shapes of "swords, bows, fans and spears", most of the other shapes are in the shape of "beasts and birds".

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