I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 3 The Blind Sees The Deaf Hears, The Mute Cries To Believe In Love Chapter 266 The Scoring In

In the dark alley, the burly man flashed his dagger, and was about to stab the body of the person who was stuck by his neck. A force hit him, and he collapsed softly without humming.

"Fight, fight, stab someone, don't know if they will kill?" The detective who arrived in time, kicked a stupefied man in a coma for a second and woke up with a blank face.

"Do not believe?"

Seeing the burly man's face of dissatisfaction, the detective clicked the "sheath watch" cheerfully, and a virtual window appeared suddenly.

In the video, the burly man is rehearsed and stabbed in with a knife, then turns to leave, while the stabbed man groans in a low voice, "Hehe", covering the wound.

The burly man didn't have the heart to kill, and he didn't know that his stab was too "right" and would be fatal. After watching the preview video, he suddenly fell to the ground with a pale face.

Bang, [Xing Se Li] broke open the door of a residential building in a certain community, crying and begging for mercy followed into the ears of the detectives, and a whirlwind came from the sword, hitting the "domestic violence" woman.

Yes, it was a burly woman who was a retired [Federal] wrestler.

The person who was beaten was her husband, and it wasn't the first time he'd been beaten today, but it was the one that killed him, if the detective hadn't intervened.

The woman also turned pale after watching the "preliminary" video. As for whether she was afraid of going to jail or something else, the detectives didn't care. They were only responsible for preventing murders and murders from happening.

The reason why the [Weapon and Armament Envoys] are so eager to join the [Army Bureau] is that in most cases, the tasks handled are not so dangerous, and the "points" earned have "life" flowers.

And if you join the [Big Data] pioneering group, you will have to enter the [Tai Shang Realms] to fight. The high points are certain, but there is a high probability that there will be points but no "life".

[Lianyun Investigation Bureau] There are three shifts, each with its own jurisdiction. In which jurisdiction the "crisis" occurs, the person on duty in that jurisdiction is responsible for stopping it, and the points are also directly distributed to the personnel who deal with the "crisis".

The "drilling" did not stop. Although the [Weapon and Armament Envoy] is good at fighting alone, the strength of the detectives is relatively low, and they need teamwork to fight, so they need to carry out the continuous exercise of the [Army Formation].

Everything was on track, and Zhao Junzong was idle, wondering if he should "challenge" it.

[Zhuxia Weapons Ranking] Only the ranking and name are displayed, and there is no information such as attributes, magic rings, etc., and according to the information on the "virtual network", the challenge is basically not "worldly".

That is to say, the current challenges are all in the [Tai Shang Realms], it may be the "Original Mind" weapon, or it may be the ancient people who used to integrate the [weapon].

"My lord, my lord, good news," Lauster, the mouse who was the bridesmaid for the cat, ran into the office with a beaming face.

"Knock on the door," Zhao Junzong roared angrily.

Lauster was stunned for a while, the door was open, still knocking? Forget it, you are the boss, you have the final say, he exited the office with a depressed look, and then knocked hard on the door a few times.

"Fuck you, what's the good news?"

When Lauster heard the words, he was full of joy again, "Score points, my lord."

"Brush what?"

"Points of [Big Data]".

Zhao Junzong was surprised, he was stunned, he could get points for [Big Data]? Dare to brush? Quickly ask how to brush.

"Nanchang", that is, a branch of "Guijing" of the "Southern Investigation Factory", recruited some outsiders and asked them to premeditately carry out "murder".

This kind of premeditated murder, [big data] is extremely easy to deduce, and it will send an "alert" task to the relevant detective factory, but in fact this is a fake "murder" premeditated.

In this way, the murderers were obediently stopped, and the responsible investigators got points.

[General Manager] did not force this kind of "point brushing" behavior to be stopped. After all, "points" are not owned by [Three Soldiers Division], but the [General Manager] Strategy Office is also discussing this kind of "point brushing" behavior. Will it have any impact on the hegemony of the "Master"?

Before the [General Division] was strictly banned, the entire [Three Soldiers Division]'s investigation factory was boiling, and Zhao Junzong did not receive any news. This was due to the lack of "personal connections".

Zhao Junzong was a little puzzled. He believed that Yu Gua must have received the news very early, and for some reason he didn't tell him to tell Lauster not to act rashly. He wanted to call Yu Gua.

"The chief priests communicated with the lord secretly, and the lord responded. Others don't need to care, but the priests must stay out of this matter."

Zhao Junzong is even more puzzled, have you communicated with the "Master"? How come I don't know, I'm not the "master" anymore?

I was going to call the four apprentices to come to the guard, and then I remembered that they all went to school. Li Tu, Yi Zhou and others are certainly trustworthy, but Zhao Junzong decided to "stand up" for a while, and he wasn't going to delay too long anyway.

"Happy at this moment, pull the list later, you know the general manager, let them strictly prohibit scoring points, and whoever scores points will be fired on the spot."

Lauster was so frightened that he hurried out to inform him to avoid his brothers being expelled.

Zhao Junzong walked into the interior of the office, and after closing the door tightly, the "will" arrived in the "darkness" in an instant, and entered the interior of [Big Data]. After some testing, he was dumbfounded.

Chen Zhenwei, Yu Dawei and others consumed points and used [Martial Sacrifice] and [Terrorist Mark] to communicate with [Great Terror].

However, the communication through [Martial Arts] is actually communicating with [Big Data], and the intelligence of [Big Data] responded, and they regarded this response as the oracle of [Big Terror].

Zhao Junzong felt that Chen Zhenwei and others could not have such flaws. They should conduct some kind of test. The test aspect is whether they can communicate directly with [big data].

[Big Data] The extension will not reply to some core inquiries, such as whether it is possible to "receive points" for direct consultation, or what will be the consequences of "receiving points", and so on.

[Big Data] The extension will only reply to the questions within the scope of responsibility of the [Three Soldiers Division], and will not reply to the outside.

[Terrorist Mark] cooperated with the clearly directional [Martial Arts], it can really communicate [big data], it is estimated that Chen Zhenwei and others have not thought of it, and they must have made countless attempts.

After all, it's not just a random [Martial Sacrifice], plus [Mark of Terror], can produce the expected effect.

Zhao Junzong can easily find the one called [Martial Artifacts, Geyuan Insight]. If this [Martial Art Festival] is presented as a "sacrificial ceremony", it is quite complicated and expensive. If you accumulate it, it will cost 200,000.

Consuming points to obtain [Martial Arts] is not a permanent possession, but has a number of uses. Some are only once, and [Martial Arts·Gegaki Insight] is a one-time use, and 200,000 points need to be re-consumed if used again.

"Hey, where did these old men get so many points, let's make related attempts", Zhao Junzong muttered, erasing all the traces left in it, so as not to be searched by "Ten Score Master".

Although it doesn't really matter if the search is made, the root of the "Sanbing Division" has been identified as "Xiao Huang" by the "Ten Pu Taizhu". Xiao Huang" generates more guesswork.

Before the "Xiao Huang" backhand is not completely clear, the [Sanbing Division] is safe, but it should be avoided as much as possible. What if the "Ten Pu Taizhu" overturns the table?

Returning to the "flesh" body, after half an hour, he jumped up from the camp bed, and then pondered how [big data] should deal with "score points".

There are traces of "crisis and danger" premeditated plans, but [big data] cannot distinguish between true and false. If all are ignored, it will violate its operating rules, which may not exist.

In order to prohibit "scoring points", [big data] needs a function that can see people's hearts, but even the master of ten score does not have this ability, and the [big data] created by [he] will not be able to. may have.

The corresponding method of [Big Data] is to delay the issuance of "points". This method is not only aimed at the [Three Soldiers Division], but also implicates the [Army Bureau] and the Ten Chaebols. boycott.

The five elders of the [Chief Division] who were boycotted by the collective had to make some concessions in terms of interests to eliminate the anger of the eleven institutional bosses.

Then, he turned his head and punished all the detectives who "swiped points". There are two options, either take the points that he has earned and leave the [Sanbing Division], or turn over all the points he has earned.

The delayed distribution of "points" is due to [big data] that needs to be reviewed. If it is "points-sweeping", there must be a connection between the teams that score, and [big data] can easily obtain all clues and information.

And if the scoring team can clean up the traces and refuse to make direct or indirect contact, [Big Data] will keep the points withheld until its intelligent judgment, there is no doubt about this mission action.

The initiative lies entirely in [big data]. No matter how cunning you humans are, as long as there is doubt, [big data] will not give out points, and there is no place to protest, so you can only abide by the rules of [big data].

Zhao Junzong actually found that "swiping points" is beneficial to him. He is not afraid of "big data" withholding "points", and he can go directly to lift the "detention".

[The Department of Weapons and Weapons of the Zhuxia Federal Military Bureau], and the duties of the [Three Soldiers] also include the anti-criminal and anti-evil department.

Zhao Junzong thought that there were no underworld forces in the "Lianyun District". After all, it was almost a month, and there was no related task. Unexpectedly, before the aftermath of the "point brushing" incident was over, he received a message of "Eradicate the Evil Army". The task of evil" forces.

The information on this mission is extremely detailed. It not only introduces the members, business, cases, etc. of the evil forces, but also lists the military layout of the "Lianyun Investigation Bureau".

Moreover, this task was only given to Zhao Junzong, and the others did not receive it. Since how to arrange the troops was listed, Zhao Junzong also issued the order according to the arrangement of [big data].

[Federal] No guns, no drugs, no pornography, no gambling, these four prohibitions are extremely strict in [Federal].

Due to the strictness of the "Federation" in terms of "drug", the allied countries did not dare to violate this taboo, but guns, pornography, and gambling were secretly rampant.

The "air rail" makes it easier for local citizens of the [Federation] to travel to and from the allied countries, and the allied countries rely on this, and the economy can be considered to take off.

[Federation] Some local forces are naturally unwilling to let the allied countries make money. Underground casinos, gun smuggling, etc., although the sentences in the [Federation] are extremely heavy, it is difficult to completely ban them.

However, the [Sanbing Division] is not responsible for casinos and guns. [Big Data]'s judgment on "underworld" is inconsistent with the [Federal] law, and its basis for "underworld" is still "human life".

That is to say, if some gangs rob and hurt people, but do not involve human life or disability, [Big Data] will not determine that these gangs are "underworld" forces, but if these gangs involve human life or cause disability, they are Evil forces.

The reason why there has been no "sweeping crime and evil" mission for nearly a month is that the gangs in "Lianyun District" are not involved in murders or murders. The task issued today is aimed at a gang that has suddenly entered the "Lianyun District" and is involved in murder cases.

Although a large number of murder cases were handled and stopped, most of the people in the [Lianyun Investigation Bureau] had never seen blood, and this operation must have seen blood.

However, Zhao Junzong did not remind him in advance. He copied the layout of [Big Data] and issued orders to six "Dao Zong", Lu Xifa, Meng Lit, Li Tu, Yi Zhou, Fu Benjie, and Li Qiao, so that these six people who had seen blood Guys go to set up.

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