I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 3 The Blind Sees The Deaf Hears, The Mute Cries To Believe In Love Chapter 281 The Adventures

The sound of the waves is sent to the ears with the sea breeze, and the pleasant and quiet scenery makes the heart and ears clean.

But as time passed, the team of more than ten people became frightened, they did not hear insects, and there were no birds in the sky. Except for plants and rocks, they could not find any traces of living things.

Some people suggested to go back the same way. At first, not many people agreed, but when they realized that the surrounding environment was wrong, the voices of going back the same way increased. Finally, sixteen young men and women returned.

There was no danger when they returned, but the place where they landed before was a hundred meters above the sea.

The overhanging wall is uneven, even if you learn to jump down in a film and television drama, you will either fall to your death on a protruding cliff wall, or fall into a chaotic reef under the cliff.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, someone exclaimed, seagulls.

Usually there is no surprise to see seagulls on the sea. However, seeing seagulls at this time is not only a surprise but also a fear.

It was as if there was an invisible barrier that kept the gulls from ignoring the land they were standing on.

In other words, the seagulls instinctively know the "high sky" of the land, and for them it is the "Forbidden Temple". There are a large number of them, and none of them are flying towards this land.

Leaving the cliff and walked to an open and flat meadow, most people's eyes fell on the young man wearing colorful beach pants and light summer shirts.

"I'm sorry everyone, if it wasn't for my suggestion, everyone wouldn't be in such a situation."

Whether the young people are responsible or not will not judge for the time being, but the words are very beautiful. First, they will blame themselves for the fault, and then analyze the current difficulties.

Originally, he was the initiator of this gathering, but his remarks made it clear that he was the leader of the team, and the other fifteen people unknowingly followed his instructions.

There are exactly eight men and eight women in the 16-member team, and there are two pairs of lovers. Among the other six pairs, three are in an ambiguous state, and the last two are obviously in the stage of "male" chasing "female".

"Li Ming, don't worry," the young man said softly to the beautiful woman with a worried face beside him. He and this woman named "Li Ming" were the two couples that were still pursuing.

"Zhuo Yikuan, I said don't rashly log in, but you just don't listen."

The words of reproach did not come from "Li Ming", but from another woman who was equally beautiful.

The attentive young man next to her suddenly changed his face when he heard the words, and scolded, "Fu Caijie, although Brother Kuan suggested the landing, Brother Kuan did not force it."

Fu Caijie obviously didn't expect that the "pursuers" who were always obedient to him would actually scold him at this time, "Zhao Junyi, who would go against what he said at the time?"

"Brother Kuan is not an arrogant person. If you say something against you, you don't want to log in. How can you discipline you when Brother Kuan comes back?" Zhao Junyi retorted.

Zhuo Yikuan and Li Ming pulled the two apart, and glanced at the two women who were behind. Zhuo Yikuan patted Zhao Junyi on the shoulder, "Jun Yi, your three years of hard work can be ruined in one day."

Zhao Junyi said softly with a disappointed look on his face.

"I thought her usual petty temper was just a girl's restraint, but from her words and deeds today, it can be seen that Fu Caijie is a stubborn person. With such a character, it is impossible to have good results."

When he sighed in his heart, "Truth is seen in adversity", Zhuo Yikuan regretted, "It's a pity that there is no signal here, otherwise, if we encounter danger, the [Sanbing Division] will definitely arrive in time."

The place where Zhuo Yikuan and his group landed was a plain. The second landform change did not make much change to this plain. Zhao Junyi was obviously very familiar with the plain environment. Under his secret suggestion, Zhuo Yikuan made relevant arrangements. .

Some plants in the plain are edible. Zhao Junyi was originally going to be a "tester", but Zhuo Yikuan showed his trust in him and became a "tester" first, and his operation increased his presence in the team. prestige.

After Zhuo Yikuan ate the collected plants, he did not have any adverse reactions, and everyone ate them one after another. They were too hasty when they landed, or they were too excited at the time, and they hardly brought anything with them.

"Jiangjing" has a mild climate and relatively safe waters, and has become a gathering place for many "airships", which can fly and sail on the sea.

Playing on the "sea", it is naturally impossible to wear thick clothes. After solving the hunger, the crowd faced the problem of "warming".

"Beijing" has just merged with "Jiangjing". Although the environment has undergone two landform changes, the temperature is still lower than that of "Jiangjing", and the temperature difference will not tend to be equal in a short time.

The temperature difference is not too big. In a short period of time, with his young physique, he can still carry it. Zhuo Yikuan asked everyone to speed up and find a place to shelter.

Naturally, the plains are not all flat land, there are also mountains and forests, but the terrain of "North Fujian" is against the cognition of [Earth Blue Star].

In fact, many places in the [Federation] are contrary to natural geography, and these places just appeared "out of thin air", that is, they all came from "the realms of the upper reaches".

A group of people walked for nearly two hours and saw a wide and crystal clear "lake" with an island in the "lake". But when I got closer, I found that it was not an island, but a square and strange building.

After walking for so long, some people are naturally thirsty. When Zhuo Yikuan was about to propose that he take a sip first, everyone ran to the lake and grabbed the lake water and drank it.

"Ah", the screams came out suddenly, and then the people who drank the water screamed in panic, the timid collapsed in the lake, and the more daring fled the lake by rolling and crawling.

Hearing the sound, Zhuo Yikuan hurried to the past. He didn't know what was in the lake, so he didn't bother to check it out. Together with Zhao Junyi, they dragged the male and female partners who had collapsed in the water, and dragged them away from the lake.

When everyone was dragged to a distance of dozens of meters, the lake water boiled, and a huge body rose from the lake.

Zhuo Yikuan, Zhao Junyi and other daring people were also terrified at this time, and their bodies stiffly looked at the body with "five legs, three heads and four wings", and despair surged in their hearts.

"Or maybe, it can't leave..." But before he finished speaking, the huge body was already on the shore of the lake, and the timid Zhao Junyi stammered his speculation, and he couldn't go on.

[Lun Zhe Shen] is very clear that once he speaks, these fragile "people" will inevitably be spiritually polluted and then collapse, but [He] needs to communicate with these "people".

Fortunately, the word "wedge" itself has no power, [Lun Zhe Shen]'s original thought moved slightly, and the huge body kept shrinking, and the body about three meters high was the limit of [He]'s reduction.

[He] used one of the sharp claws of his five feet to write a "wedge" on the ground, and then the "three heads" all showed expectant eyes, looking at the group of "people".

Zhao Junyi supported Zhuo Yikuan, and together they dared to turn around the strange "character". Then, their eyes lit up, "Qi?"

[Zhuxia Language] It is "qi" when pronounced, but the pronunciation of this word in "wedge language" is quite complicated.

[Lun Zhe Shen] knew the pronunciation of this word in [Zhu Xia language], [He] had three songs and six pairs of eyes burst out with joy, and said "qi" in a very strange tone.

After some blind guessing, Zhuo Yikuan and others probably understood that the "monster" in front of them wanted them to look for "Qi", probably in the southeast.

Zhuo Yikuan, Zhao Junyi, Fu Caijie, Tong Liming, and Xue Chengshen were singled out by [Cangzhe God].

[He]'s standard for selecting people is [Earth Destiny]. Although none of the five people has reached 1 inch, it is the highest value of [Earth Destiny] among this group of people.

If they are not found or returned within the specified time, the remaining 11 people will be killed. The action of "killing" is very clear, and Zhuo Yikuan and other five people will not understand the mistake.

"[Qi] is the landmark building of the [Three Soldiers]. It can also be said that [Qi] is the [Three Soldiers], and the monster pointed out the direction, indicating that someone from the [Three Soldiers] is on this land."

"As long as we find the [Sanbing Division] people, we can save them."

Xue Chengshen was the most anxious among the five. His girlfriend was detained, and Zhuo Yikuan liked Tong Liming, Zhao Junyi liked Fu Caijie, and Xue Chengshen was very worried that the four would not do their best.

Fortunately, Zhuo Yikuan is indeed responsible. Walking and analyzing, Xue Chengshen's anxiety has eased slightly, and the supply provided by the "monster" is a pile of thumb-sized yellow "fruits".

"Yellow fruit" is very strange, eating one can satisfy one's stomach and quench thirst, and even eliminate and relieve fatigue, which greatly improves the efficiency of "five people" on their way.

But the "road" is rough. They have to climb mountains, cross streams, and even swim across rivers.

Fortunately, there are no ferocious beasts, no blood-sucking mosquitoes or poisonous snakes, and they can go on their way with one heart and one mind.

Since they didn't know the location of the "Three Soldiers" in the "southeast" direction, they didn't dare to delay too much, for fear of not having enough time to go back and forth, so that the "monster" would "kill" all 11 partners.

The five men and women have no doubt that "monsters" can't kill people, but [Lun Zhe Shen] can't kill people, it's not kindness, but "killing" will anger [Qi].

The fall of "Northern Fujian", [Lun Zhe Shen] has known for a long time, this "fall" is not a conspiracy, but an upright "challenge".

Just like admitting defeat to [Qi] earlier and ceding "Aba Lan" Ze, "Bei Min" was also ceded in successive "defeats".

When the entire "North Fujian" is fully ceded, the "drop" will comply with the rules, and it is nothing more than the difference of where the "drop" is.

[Lun Zhe Shen] was saddened in his heart, "Min" was the "hometown" of [His].

Countless years ago, it was merged with the [Tai Shang's Imperial Armament]. I thought that my hometown had been destroyed. Unexpectedly, although the landscape has changed, the overall situation has not changed much.

[He] has worked hard for hundreds of thousands of years, and only occupies the northern area of ​​[Fujian]. Despite this, [He] is quite gratified. The call of "hometown" has brought people from all directions. perish.

However, although the [Tai Shang Zhi Yu Zhen Li Specimen] has collapsed, its "will" is still above the [Zhijie], and the "Fall Clan" is still bound by the [Tai Shang Zhi Yu Zhen Li] rules.

The higher the level, the higher the price paid after defeat, and the "oath" before the "war" is irreversible. Otherwise, [He] would rather pay the price of "cultivation" than "cut the land".

However, those powerful beings do not need the cultivation of [His].

The "oath" before the challenge all required "cutting the land", and [He] naturally proposed harsh harvests after the victory, but [He] failed, and failed again and again.

In the end, the "Northern Fujian" occupied by [He] was all ceded.

If he hadn't met [Qi], [He] would have moved his family long ago, instead of "falling" with "Northern Fujian", but the previous decision was still a big gamble.

"I hope there is no mistake in the deduction." [Lun Zhe Shen] looked to the southeast, and the three sighed in unison.

To the southeast of the square and upright building about three days' walk from [Lunfuku], Zhuo Yikuan and other five people met acquaintances, all of whom often traveled in the "Jiangjing" sea area.

The experiences they talked about were similar to each other. They saw a piece of land falling from the sky, and they landed in a hurry without thinking.

The difference is that Yan He's group was attacked and four of his companions died.

"We saw a lot of weapons," Yan He said with a sad face, "The information about [weapons and weapons] is not a secret now, and it may not be taken seriously in other places, but this is land that fell from the sky, and these [weapons] are very likely to be extraordinary. thing".

"Didn't it say that [1 inch of dust] can only be entered into cultivation?" Zhuo Yikuan frowned. He didn't ask, but blamed "Yan He" and his party for their recklessness.

Yan He sighed, "Of course I know this restriction, and I have persuaded it, but some people don't want to miss it, and they say it is a rare opportunity. As a result, after reaching out and touching it, they are directly cut off in the middle."

[Passive Mind Weapon] needs to be touched to attack, while [Original Mind Weapon] does not have too many restrictions, but the [Original Mind] weapon will not kill indiscriminately.

"Only one died at that time, but those [weapons] were as secretive as mines and traps, and the three people who died were all accidentally stepped on while on the road."

Zhuo Yikuan and the other five suddenly broke into a cold sweat. They had been burying their heads on the road before, but luckily they didn't step on the [weapon], otherwise, let alone saving their companions, they would be in danger.

Yan He and the other seven did not encounter a "monster" who could communicate with each other.

They wanted to wait in place, but like Zhuo Yikuan and others, they didn't have warm clothes and food, so they had to walk around looking for something to keep warm and satisfy their hunger.

Zhuo Yikuan didn't hide anything, and told what happened to him. Yan He waited for the seven people to discuss, and decided to go with Zhuo Yikuan to find the people of the [Sanbing Division]. Maybe the people of [Sanbing Division] have supply.

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