I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 1 Water That Can't Be Drunk, Loneliness That Can't Be Urinated Chapter 031 Revenge

When Zhao Junzong was about to turn around and leave, he found a line at the bottom of the task panel provided by the "Self-designed Official Official Censor", "Current Execution: 4". After a while, he remembered that the so-called "current execution" means that there are already four identical "self-designed tasks".

Of course, there are requirements for "self-made tasks", such as single player, local reputation, national reputation, coupon deposit, etc., and the same target can only be targeted once per ten days, etc. Groups cannot "set up their own tasks". The so-called "groups" are gangs registered in the "official office".

But there is no way to tell if it is a loophole setting, that is, people who are acquainted can apply for "self-designed tasks" one after another, and then go to "destroy or build" in groups.

The targeted "target" is to be able to collect local reputation, national reputation, coupon deposit, etc. The system has no commission, so as long as the attacker can be killed, the targeted "target" is completely "blood" earning.

If the "self-designed task" receiver succeeds, he will also earn "blood", and if he fails, he will lose "blood". Since the system will issue a "warning" to the targeted "target", the chances of the attacker earning "blood" are quite low.

The area of ​​Huaicheng is small, with a population of only 50,000, but the area of ​​Huaicheng Port is quite large, with hundreds of thousands of ships of different sizes moored in the port.

[Yunyong Club] Long-term lease of the ship slot No. B 112. There are more than 30 "Shwu-class, Hundred-class" and one "Thousand-class", which are basically "armed" merchant ships. Specifications.

Night has come, the port is brightly lit, and from time to time there are signals such as long whistles or one long and two short, and the huge "fireball" of the port tower is constantly flying. Those who can't understand these signals cannot own a ship.

A large number of "pier porters" gathered near the position of "B 112", where several ships were sinking in the fire, and the "porters" were chatting.

"What is the first time this ten days?"

"What are you talking about this ten-day, there are three attacks today alone, is this the berth of the [Yunyong Club]?"

"It's from [Yun Yonghui], could it be that [Fu Wu] again?"

Zhao Junzong's heart moved. He had an impression of the ID [Fu Wu]. [Fu Wu] was the last studio "person" he recruited before he was "cleaned" and left the house. [Fu Wu] At that time, he had just entered university and seemed to have some conflicts with his family and financial difficulties. Zhao Junzong also wanted to take care of him at that time.

After being "jing" out of the house, Zhao Junzong fought back with Yu Yong, but after being pressed to death twice, all the capital and connections of "resurrection" were exhausted, and then he fell into alcoholism. If it wasn't for [Fei Xu]'s help from time to time, he would have starved to death, let alone buying wine.

So, [Fei Xu] said, do you blame me for drinking too much?

How dare Zhao Junzong, this is not, as soon as he has the opportunity, will he hurry to repay his gratitude?

I heard from the surrounding "pier porters" that [Fu Wu] would come to attack the ships of [Yun Yonghui] three years ago, or every ten days, or every thirty days.

Although each attack did not cause major damage, it was still possible to burn one or two ships, and there was no "ship" to be refreshed, and it took "time" to build. It's just that [Fu Wu] burned all "Shwu-class" boats. This kind of boat is commonly used in the Lu Jiang River. Even if it is refitted, it is not worth much.

[Tips]: The attacker [ Zhao Junzong ] has entered the arena.

All gang members in the [Yun Yong Club] berth have received this reminder. Although it is possible to hide his name and become an "anonymous", Zhao Junzong wants to blatantly seek revenge, so there is no need to hide it.

The members of [Yun Yong Club] can be said to know [Fu Wu] quite well. After all, this is a "former employee", and his data is recorded in the "studio", even if he has been away for a while, after several offensive and defensive battles , also generally understand.

But for this "former president", although [Yun Yonghui] also has some data, however, the "former president"'s bizarre evasion and skillful movement are completely incomprehensible. After the prompt], a large number of people rushed to intercept it.

However, even if the "lights are bright" can clearly see all the actions of the "former president", he still can't block him, and instead he keeps forming "battery attacks".

More than a dozen "Bingjing" members have been "instantly killed", and several "Jiangjing" members have been knocked out of the treasures of "resisting the fatal blow", and their equipment has been destroyed, and they are shouting in "regular clothes".

It is not Zhao Junzong's goal to kill people, but to burn the boat, but the "oil drum" cannot carry too much, otherwise, it will become a "commodity", so he wants to burn the armed "merchant ship" of the "thousand-household class".

Breaking out of a passage, Zhao Junzong "jumped" from ship to ship, rolled over, and approached the "Thousand-House Class" merchant ship at a very fast speed.

The "Thousand Household" merchant ships are extremely large. Zhao Junzong had contact with them when he was doing [Blood Recruits]. The ten-meter-high hull requires ropes to "climb", but whether it is a "ship board" or a "rope ladder", both has been taken away. Although a barrel of "oil" can burn on the hull, it is not easy to spread it.

The best way is to start burning from the inside of the ship. After burning in multiple places, the speed will be faster, and then block the people who come to put out the fire, and finally the goal will be completed.

Although the boat boards and rope ladders were taken away, the Shiwu-class and Baihu-class ships were all surrounded by the "Qianhu-class", and the "boats" of these two classes also had their own heights. Climb to the "top of the boat" and then throw the "eagle claw rope" to "slip" over. However, Zhao Junzong has no "throwing" stunt.

"Tsk", Zhao Junzong smacked his mouth, and the "revenge" on the blood really lacked consideration. He couldn't burn the "thousand-household level", but could only burn the "hundred-household level".

The ships of the shipyard are naturally "naked" ships. A hundred-class ship is a manufacturer's ship, and the price is within one million coupons. Yachting up.

If the decoration, equipment, guns, etc. are placed on it, the "thousand-household" ships will cost 30 to 50 million promotion coupons at least.

If this "Thousand Household Class" armed "merchant ship" can be burned this time, plus the soup and medicine expenses of the [Guild] members, the [Yunyong Guild] will lose at least "million" credit points.

Whoosh, a silver light flew from the right side of Zhao Junzong, it was an "Eagle Claw Cable", and "Big Terror" did not respond, indicating that this "Eagle Claw Cable" was not an attack, "Brother Zong, I will help you. on".

Zhao Junzong didn't look back, he took out a concave iron bar from the bag and placed it on the "claw cable". The claw cable" is also useless.

[Fu Wu] The position where the "claw cable" was thrown was relatively hidden, and the position where Zhao Junzong stood was also hidden, so that the members of the [Jun Yong Club] who came from shouting and stationed on the "Thousand Household Class" merchant ship were not there. Found this "claw cord".

When Zhao Junzong "swung" over, these [members] discovered that the members of the "Thousand Household Class" warship immediately ran over and used "combat skills" to cut them off. However, the distance was not far, only a few breaths. , Zhao Junzong was lying on the hull like a gecko.

The point of borrowing is the claw cable, and the hull is curved. The position where Zhao Junzong hides obstructs the view of the person above, so that Zhao Junzong has time to take out the "climbing" tool. If you want to hammer nails into the hull, you need a "thumping" trick, and in the absence of this "stunt", a "rock climbing" tool can be used instead.

The nails specially used for "rock climbing" are automatically chiseled into the hull. With these points of focus, Zhao Junzong quickly rises, and once he emerges from the arc bottom, the bowmen above can attack. However, with the "big terror" at his side, Zhao Junzong can always avoid these attacks with peculiar gestures, impressing countless spectators.

But after reaching the top, Zhao Junzong tried to turn over several times, but was stopped by the "big terror", and realized that once he turned over and boarded, there was no room for evasion.

He took out the "climbing" tool in his suitcase and chiseled it horizontally. He tried to turn over every time he chiseled, and successfully turned over when the seventh rock nail was chiseled into the hull. But the position was not at the bow end of the ship, and the place where he landed was long and narrow. Zhao Junzong took out a piece of "black jade" from his luggage, officially called "Lei Yu", which would explode.

The level 1 general skill "Angry Thunder" needs to be equipped with "Lei Yu", and the level 2 general skill "Forbearance Two Combo" also requires Lei Yu, but without the "General Skill", "Lei Yu" can also be used Burst, but need to enter "Genelec". However, very few people do this, because after the input of internal force, "Lei Yu" will explode directly, leaving only "one breath" of time for people to avoid.

But is Zhao Junzong afraid of this? You must not be afraid, the "big terror" manipulated him to avoid it within "a breath".

Boom, Lei Yu exploded, but the thunder was loud and the raindrops were small. It just blew a hole the size of a fist. If one piece is not enough, two pieces are enough.

Ships anchored in the port must report in advance when they leave, otherwise, they will not be able to leave. Therefore, the "thousand-household" merchant ships can only park obediently at this time, allowing Zhao Junzong to act recklessly in its "body" .

Boom boom boom, Lei Yu kept exploding, blasting holes in the ship's board, allowing Zhao Junzong to reach the next floor without taking the gangway. He felt that the burning was fun, and the sinking was also fun, the two-pronged approach is double of enjoyment.

No matter how sluggish people are, they can see that the "Thousand Household Class" merchant ship has not escaped the fate of destruction. Not only is it splattered with fire inside, but there is thick smoke billowing in the sky, and the speed of its sinking is also visible to the naked eye. of.

Zhao Junzong's ability to "know the water" allowed him to escape the "explosion" of the "thousand-household" merchant ship, which was of course also manipulated by the "big terror".

The reinforcements from [Yunyonghui] had arrived, and [Yonghe Qingzheng] stared at the "merchant ship" that couldn't be saved, but in the end he couldn't control his emotions, and roared and bombarded the corpse in front of him. 【Fu Wu】.

[A big chimney] pouted, what's the use of incompetent rage? The current environment cannot create a "must kill" game, Zhao Junzong has too many channels to escape, but [a big chimney] tends to "ex-chairman" will not escape.

Sure enough, the "former president" appeared in the distance in a wet suit, and the burning and sunken behemoth became his "background image".

Although I know that until the enemy's "weird evasion" cannot be broken, the siege will not only be ineffective, but will kill people. But in the eyes of the public, allowing Zhao Junzong to continue to burn the boat will greatly damage the reputation of the [Yun Yonghui].

[Yonghe Qingzheng] could only rush forward with his soldiers, Zhao Junzong did not confront him head-on, and it did not surprise [Yonghe Qingzheng]. If Zhao Junzong really fights with him recklessly, [Yong He Qingzheng] has the means to entangle him, and then he can trap Zhao Junzong in a dense formation.

Zhao Junzong didn't know that [Yong He Qingzheng] had the means to entangle him, but the "Great Terror" knew that every time he wanted to rush towards [Yong He Qingzheng], the "Great Terror" would manipulate him to deviate from the direction. After a few times, Zhao Junzong also knew that [Yong He Qingzheng] had a means of "big terror" that could not be avoided.

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