I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 4: Falling In Love With Ruthless People, Falling In Love With Strange City Chapters 317~318 S

【Name: Zhao Junzong. Date of birth: July 6, 2178, family relations, social relations, health status...].

[Mark: Special detective, violating the order, has been banned. 】

Tsk, I smashed my mouth, I had to search before I left, otherwise, I would never get the special order.

Fortunately, there is no need for multiple permissions to lift the ban. Obviously, Zhao Junzong has the highest authority as long as it is about the [police and danger] matter, and because of this, he can see the list of "special investigators".

[Big Data] The criterion for selecting special investigators is "attribute". As long as one attribute reaches 100,000 or more, it will be included in the list of special investigators by [Big Data].

However, the premise must be "Investigator", or [Police and Dangerous Division].

[Police and Dangerous Division] The complexity of personnel is somewhat beyond Zhao Junzong's understanding.

He knew that due to the hasty establishment and low overall strength of [Jingwei Division], the five elders of [Jingwei] relaxed a lot of requirements when recruiting members in the early stage.

In this way, some personnel from external forces will inevitably be mixed in, and these personnel must have concealed their strength, but the [Police and Dangerous Division] will conduct regular inspections.

There are 18 people in the list of special investigators, 27-year-old Zhao Junzong is actually the oldest among the 18 people, and he has concealed the [Genealogy] multiple times, but it is still detected by [Big Data]. The total attribute points 400,000 data.

Therefore, in terms of serial number, he is ranked first, which means that as long as there is a [special order], it will be issued to him first, but he released "An He" before, causing the ban of [Big Data].

Jun Wuyang young Zhao Junzong is two years old, serial number is 11, serial number 2 is "Kou Jie Ling", 22 years old, different from Jun Wuyang who is still a [weapon envoy], Kou Jieling is a [army preparation envoy], [Siyuan·Feitian] realm .

Zhao Junzong did not underestimate himself. He only started practicing in 2202 when he was 25 years old, and he has practiced to this extent in two years. It is all the result of his hard work.

Jun Wuyang, Kou Jieling and others were all detected at the age of 16 and then entered the "Bingtong Academy" for further study.

Kou Jieling's attributes are close to Zhao Junzong, who has not yet stolen the "Ten Sacred Lord" storage, that is, his total attribute value has reached "1 million", and he is also not a [Terrorist Priest].

[Big Data] Naturally, [Enshrined] cannot be detected. Guanjie Mausoleum is not a [Terrorist Priest], but was queried by Zhao Junzong through [Terrorist Mark].

If you perceive it face to face, you can also find it from the [Genealogy], but only he or someone of the same level can see it. [Sacrificial] is one of the hidden information data in the [Genealogy].

After copying the list of special investigators, Zhao Junzong's will returned to his "flesh" body, and he immediately sensed the "soil" samples contained in several bottles when he opened his eyes.

[Terro, soil with a small amount of wind and vitality, note: When a certain area is covered by vitality, the region containing the five elements will be defeated, and the region will be transformed into five vitality or specific vitality].

[Earth Blue Star] is a world with strong five elements, which is common sense. However, there is still no clear conclusion on how the "five elements" are formed. Some brick experts say that it is the geographical environment, and some experts say that it is "human beings". Unique, etc.

[Big data] is a clear conclusion, that is, "geographical environment", which is commonly known as "feng shui geography", that is, regular landforms, is the only reason for the birth of "five elements of qi".

This means that changes in the environment or landforms will cause a "loss" of "Five Elements Qi". Once the entire [Earth Blue Star] environment is severely damaged, the "Five Elements Qi" will gradually dry up.

The "grain seeds" that An He got from the foreign country [Liang Bang] are the crops of [Shan Hai Xing], which contain "five vitality".

The extraordinary properties of "Mingjing" have opened up ideas for many people. Although most ideas have been proven to be dead ends, there are still some ideas that stand out. Those "seeds" are.

The specific method has not yet been figured out, but the conclusion is clear. After these "seeds" have been processed, they have the same characteristics as the "Mingjing" properties. While retaining the "extraordinary" factors, they can freely circulate in the [Earth Blue Star].

After sowing, if a certain number of "seeds" are reached, the blockade of the area will be formed, and then the "seeds" will be activated to disperse the "Five Elements Qi" in the soil in the blockade area.

After the "Five Elements Qi" in the soil in the entire blockade area has dissipated and the external "Five Elements Qi" cannot enter, the "seed" will transform the "soil" in the blocked area, and then feed back the "seed".

When these seeds are mature, only one seed will cause the death of ordinary human beings, because it contains "principal" qi, and "principal qi" and "five elements qi" will inevitably conflict.

Ordinary human beings have five elements of qi that form [earth edge]. When they reach the age of 16, the "five elements of qi" will no longer be beneficial to [earth edge]. If there is no cultivation, these "five elements of qi" will exist in the body in a small amount, and most of them will overflow. scattered.

Therefore, as long as 1 point of "Original Qi" enters the body of an ordinary human being, he will surely die, because the reserve of "Five Qi Elements" in the ordinary human body cannot reach 1 point.

The rescue is also simple, that is, to introduce the "five-color qi" to neutralize the five elements and the five elements.

But "five-color energy" is rare, [Earth Blue Star] can't be found, and there are no human practitioners, so there is still a dead end.

So it's no wonder that [Big Data] will activate special investigators, and [Big Data]'s special order is to arrest "An He", indicating that the current "hazard" has not yet formed.

As long as An He is captured, the subsequent harm will be cut off.

Zhao Junzong did not hesitate. When An He was still guessing who was looking for the detective to do "private" work, he arrested him and brought him back to the "Jiangjing·Lianyun Anti-Office" on the same day, and then personally interrogated him.

At first, An He clamored for complaints. After being beaten, he hesitated and answered whatever he asked. Zhao Junzong also knew the origin of the bag of "seeds".

There are foreign offices in the [Bingbing Bureau]. This is the requirement of foreign countries. However, there are not many [Bingfu] who are willing to leave their hometowns and serve foreign countries. Therefore, the office does not have much strength.

[Big Data] The signal is spread to foreign countries, but the "air rail" has not been set up to foreign countries, and if it is said that the [Zhuxia Federation] does not have the ambition to unify the world, it must be false.

The reason why this ambition has not been realized is that the "cost" is too high, not only the race, civilization, etc. will cause disputes, but also the expensive construction of the [Great Martial Art].

But what really made the [Federation] leaders dispel the ambition to unify [Earth Blue Star] was the arrival of the "Tai Shang Realms".

The territory that has descended and merged for more than 100 years is enough for the [Federation] to take a long time to digest. The territory of foreign countries is not attractive, not to mention it will bring trouble.

The area of ​​the [Federation] is actually close to the original total area of ​​the [Earth Blue Star], which is equivalent to saying that the [Federation]'s own state's 72 capitals is equivalent to the [Earth Blue Star], not to mention the 32 capitals outside the state.

Outside the state 32 Kyoto belongs to the [Zhuxia] civilization circle, and was achieved by the [Federation] before the [Tai Shang Realms] came, using the [Red Dust Tribulation] as an opportunity to win over and divide them one by one through diplomatic means.

In the past, there were allies outside the state who threatened to withdraw from the circle in order to seek more interests, but now no ally dares to blackmail like this, and I am afraid that [Zhuxia Federation] is serious.

[Federation] has been busy digesting the territory that [The Supreme Realms] have come, and is still a little concerned about the allies outside the state, while the foreign countries basically ignore it, which has also caused a large number of people "wanted" by the [Federation] or Institutions are hiding in foreign countries.

[Big Data] Signals are theoretically all over the [Earth Blue Star].

However, the "signal bases" in foreign countries are often attacked and destroyed, and the "Jiang Group", which is responsible for and represents all the business of [big data], has withdrawn related businesses in foreign countries.

This makes it possible to receive signals in some places and not in others. [Big Data] Most of the information and data about foreign countries are "manually" input rather than collected by "monitors".

[Liangbang], which has always had private grain transactions with An He, is an organization called "Bulky Tooth" in the "Rishu" country, and is mainly active in "Rui'an City" in the south of "Rishu".

The number of members exceeds ten thousand, but most of them are ordinary people.

[Baoya] is the periphery of the "Puyuan Dilan" organization that is "wanted" by the federal government. "Puyuan Dilan" was established in 2170. The purpose is to introduce "vigor" and allow [Dilan Star] to successfully merge into [Tai Shang]. All realms], so as to achieve "transcendent" jump.

How "Puyuan Dilan" obtained the batch of "Fengyuan" grains is not recorded in [Big Data], and the information of this organization has not been updated for 10 years.

10 years is neither long nor short. [Puyuan Dilan] must have had close contact with the "Yan clan" in the past 10 years, but why did the "Yan clan" "exterminate" human beings? plan?

In fact, the "Yan Clan" has always faced many problems of human beings, such as [Red Dust Tribulation, Lingji], and internal rebel agencies such as [Puyuan Dilan].

If you want to provoke a war between the human race and the Yan clan, it is unrealistic. The human race is reluctant to even step into the [Tai Shang Realms], how can they fight the "Yan clan" separated by countless "worlds"?

Similarly, although the "Yan Clan" can be active in the [Tai Shang Realms], to reach the [Earth Blue Star] on a large scale, it will cost a lot to build the [Qu], not to mention whether to master the coordinates of the [Earth Blue Star]. .

Then what are the gains from occupying [Earth Blue Star]? No, not a single hair.

On the contrary, due to the strong five elements of [Earth Blue Star], the losses will be heavy, and it is not as good as the benefits of fighting the [Tai Shang Realms].

The territory of the [Tai Shang Realms] is extremely vast, and it is a territory formed by swallowing and merging countless planets. It is not an exaggeration to say that the [Tai Shang Realms] are the universe.

Unable to understand the twists and turns, Zhao Junzong simply wrote a detailed report, and then sent it to Yu Gua. After Yu Gua received it, he was relieved and let Yu Gua figure out what to do next.

And An He's end was not wonderful. Although he did it unintentionally, he left the world peacefully, considering that once he was alive, he would detonate the "thunder" that would "endanger" the people.

Since these are the follow-up to the completion of [Order], [Big Data] did not give "points" rewards, and Zhao Junzong didn't care about it. He was looking forward to the "special order" that followed.

The next practice is still the improvement of "will".

However, in order to improve, it is necessary to find the "birthplace" of "sun dust, moon dust, star bucket, morning light, spring season, summer season, autumn season, winter season, Tiangang, earth evil", a total of 10 extraordinary substances.

Then, observe the whole process of their generation, gestation, growth, etc., and through the observation of this process to comprehend, so as to obtain the tempering and promotion of "will".

Zhao Junzong searched [big data] and got some information about these 10 extraordinary substances, but their "origin" and other information were blocked.

That is to say, he does not have the authority to consult, not only him, but also the "Ten Sacred Lords" alone. It is necessary for the "Ten Sacred Lords" to be present and use their respective authorities to be able to check.

This is extremely difficult, Zhao Junzong can only give up the "opening" type of information acquisition, and through information exchange or material transactions, etc., tempt "Lun Zhe Shen", trying to pry open its three "" mouth".

It's just that [Lun Zhe Shen] has always stated that it does not know the "birthplace" of these extraordinary substances, and even heard the names of these extraordinary substances for the first time.

The cultivation of "will" must have fallen into a bottleneck. There is no upper limit on attributes and life points. As long as you are willing to devote yourself to "refinement", you can continue to improve, but at present, it is meaningless.

The total value of 25 million attributes, the damage of 3.5 million alone, can tear the "world" with full exertion. If you improve it, what will you do? After all, no matter any "world", there are hidden bosses.

There may even be a "Jie Zun", an existence that is more powerful in controlling the region than [Earth Zun].

And as long as there is a "Jie Zun", there will be no "Earth Zun". There is a direct conflict between the powers of the two.

That is, in a realm, either there is only one [Jiezun], or a separate rule of [Earth Zun] is formed, and whoever wants to become [Jiezun] can only defeat all [Earth Zun].

[Jie Zun, Di Zun] are closely related to the improvement of "will". Generally speaking, only when one's own "will" is involved will one compete for "respect".

For example, the "birthplace" of "Sundust" is somewhere in a certain world. If Zhao Junzong wants to "enlighten" without interference, he must take this "birthplace" as his own.

Jie Zun and Di Zun only appeared for this reason, and a small number of them, like [Lun Zhe Shen], strived to become [Earth Zun] in order to restore the glory of the "mother star".

I paid attention to the development of the "Zhao family". Small frictions are inevitable, but they all come from within. Zhao Dayong's "big patriarch" has a high prestige and handles these small frictions with ease.

The surrounding "big landowners" obviously also know that the "Zhao Family" has a strong "reliance" on the mountain, and they all use the posture of getting close and drawing, and there is no such operation as secretly undercover.

Then, I paid attention to the four apprentices who were still studying at the [Bingtong Academy]. They were already [Bingbei Envoys]. There was no "spiritual" pressure in their cultivation, and they were already prominent in their session.

Afterwards, I paid attention to Lu Xifa, Yi Zhou, Li Tu and other confidants. With the expansion of the [big data] command, the number of [command] issued increased day by day.

The responsibility of the [Police and Dangerous Division] has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it has also been deeply interpreted by many caring people.

There are still frictions with the fraternal institutions, but there is no tension between them. Basically, the fraternal institutions are retreating, because they all know how powerful the immunity of [Order] is.

Executing the [Order] will naturally cause injuries. These injuries basically come from accidents, or some people with professional military literacy, but there are not too many of these people, so there is no death.

Of course, the absence of death only refers to the two arresting bureaus of [Lianyun] and [Yudi], and the arresting bureaus of other factories of [Police and Dangerous Division] occasionally encounter [weapons and armaments], resulting in the appearance of casualties.

Apparently, special orders don’t come from time to time, and there is no clue about willpower cultivation. After paying attention to the people and events that he wants to pay attention to, Zhao Junzong called Yu Gua and invited him to have a few drinks, but was rejected.

"Xia Jing", the First Federal Hospital, outside the delivery room, Yu Gua stared at the "Piao Tu" on the wall, Zhao Junzong looked around, no one else? Not to mention whether the news has been revealed, nor to say that his father is busy with his duties, his mother should always show up, right?

Yu Dawei only gave birth to Yu Gua at the age of 175, and Yu Gua's mother is Yu Dawei's eleventh wife. She is 53 years old this year and Yu Gua is 34 years old, which means that she was only 18 years old when she thought it was Yu Dawei.

Yu Gua's relatives did not appear, nor did his wife's relatives. What did the couple do?

Yu Gua got married two years ago. Zhao Junzong was still a player at the time, and he was also the only companion. Yes, when they got married, they didn't see the parents of the couple, so it's not surprising that there are no parents of both parties when they have a baby.

After Yu Gua got married, Zhao Junzong only met Yu Gua's wife "Chen Liying" two or three times, and Yu Gua did not disclose any information other than his wife's name.

Natural delivery, girl, after Yu Gua ran to the birthing building and yelled, she ran back and ran back and forth with the nurse.

After the baby's related procedures and examinations were completed, he sat stupidly beside his wife's bed, looked at the little man in the crib, and laughed "hehe" from time to time.

Although it was the first child, the couple was well prepared. Zhao Junzong finally went to buy a few cans of milk powder to congratulate Yu Gua. Then, seeing that Yu Gua had no time to worry about himself, he gestured to Chen Liying to leave.

The first, second, third, etc. of the Federation are all special hospitals. If the emergency center receives a call, it will not notify the hospital named "Federal" to get out of the car.

And the community where the "hospital" is built is all related to the "weapon and armament envoy", and there is no way to rent or buy a "house" without related personnel.

That is to say, the hospitals named "Federal No. 1" serve the [Weapon and Armament Envoys] and their families, and are not limited to the [Weapon Armoury Envoys] serving in the [Federation].

As long as they have legal documents, they can enjoy the services of these special hospitals, but if they serve in the [Federation], they have more privileges.

The reason why these hospitals are special is that the departments and layout of the [Army Hospital] are very different from ordinary hospitals.

At the same time, some practitioners related to medicine, if they are unwilling to fight to improve their realm, will also join the [Federal] military hospital, not only to help the [weapon and weaponry], but also to study related medical skills.

Zhao Junzong had heard of it, but it was the first time he came in, and it was the number one military hospital, so he would inevitably wander around curiously.

Most departments require a "warfare certificate". [Federation] has always referred to the training group as a "warfare", and now it has not been specifically noted on the certificate, but the division of weapons and weapons is clear.

[Life Therapy Department] is the fist department of the Military Hospital. Zhao Junzong cannot enter without an appointment in advance, but he can "watch" through perception, and his "perception" value is as high as 10 million, so it is impossible to be detected.

[Life therapy] There are three types of "qi therapy, physical therapy, and life therapy". Among these three types, there are "returning to heaven, life-moving, returning qi, restoring body" and so on.

Although it is "skill", it does not belong to the [skill ring], but belongs to "talent or ability", that is, "natural and good at", and like the talent or ability of "refinement", the talent or ability of "healing", Also relatively rare.

But in fact, it is not rare, but [weapons] related to refining and healing, which humans have obtained less.

Ordinary people or [weapons and weapons] are injured, as long as they are not at the physical level, such as fractures, displacement of five internal organs, accumulation of water and blood, concussion, etc., they can all be cured through "therapy".

Viruses such as cancer are not incurable, but they need to be in the [Original Force Field] for a long time to make the extraordinary energy that inhibits cancer cells effective.

The activation of [Yuan Li Field] consumes [Xing and Color Power], and uses "seconds" as the consumption timing unit. This is why "weapons and weapons" will be injured or even killed by ordinary people who have received military training. s reason.

After all, not everyone can open [Yuan Force Field] for a long time like Zhao Junzong, and his consumption of opening [Yuan Force Field] is also "open", and the consumption is very small.

It is also for this reason that "Mingjing" has become a livable place for [weapons and weapons] and rich people, and the environment of "Mingjing" is an "extraordinary" environment.

[Weapon and Armament Envoys] do not need [Yuanli Field] in the "Mingjing", and if the rich people eat "extraordinary" medicines, they can maintain the efficacy of the medicine for a long time, and there is no need to stay in the [Yuanli Field]. 】Inside.

"Mingjing" has also become the best habitat for rich people, weapons and weapons, and some extraordinary institutions. .

Moreover, the number of places to move to "Mingjing" is limited, and it is impossible for the [Federation] to only allow these people to move in, but not allow ordinary people to move in. The ratio is about six: four, six ordinary people, and four other people.

However, "Mingjing" is not safe, and the [weapon] without master and thought can cause fatal damage to ordinary people.

Some workers died when they were engaged in infrastructure construction before. This was after the [Weapon and Armament Envoy] had "perceived" the area. That is to say, some unwieldy [weapons] were deeply hidden.

The reason why Zhao Junzong let the family choose, [Xihe] and [East Penny] in [Yibei], is that he has already cleaned up these two areas, whether it is the surface, shallow or deep layers, to ensure that no [weapons] remain.

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