I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 4: Falling In Love With Ruthless People, Falling In Love With Strange City Chapters 323~324 T

Zhao Junzong naturally asked his eldest brother to refuse the request for help, and then he received a call from the chief "Lu Xi" who was stationed at the [Yidi Investigation Bureau], asking him how to deal with the quotas of various departments.

He was a little inexplicable, what about the quotas of various departments, and Lu Xifa also found that he had not explained clearly, so he talked about what happened a week ago.

The positions of the [Police and Dangerous Division] are the chief director, the second director and the deputy director, the chief director, the general manager of the Beijing factory, and the general director. .

East, west, south, north, middle, southeast, northeast, southwest, northwest, nine factories in this state, and eight factories outside the state, a total of 17 factories, that is, 17 general managers, 108 general managers of the Beijing factory, the total number is extremely large .

The incident happened to the chief executive of the "Southwest Factory of the State". The chief executive wanted to transfer a Hongyan to "Mingjing", and his Hongyan was an employee of a "medical" institution.

The general manager of the Southwest Factory thought that by his status, he had a few thin noodles, not to mention that he was only transferred to one person, but he was rejected.

It is said that "Mingjing" was originally the site of our [Police and Risk Division]. Our [Police and Risk Division] carried forward our style and gave up 90% of the interests, but now it is not an organization to give face to individuals.

Who doesn't have a few friends and relatives?

The cry of the chief executive of the southwest factory caused the other 15 chief executives to collectively "complain". Yu Gua did not participate in the matter because he was in the hospital and did not contact him.

The chief supervisor is in charge of the nine capitals in the [Police and Risk Division], but the [Police and Risk Division] actually has no power, because the main responsibility is to save people's lives and property, and he does it "actively".

If there is no [Order], the [Police and Dangerous Division] will not even have the power to enforce the law, which will inevitably give the outside world the impression of "insignificant". It's okay to sell face occasionally, but it doesn't matter if you don't give face.

It is precisely because of this that the general manager of the "Southwest Factory" only mentioned one transfer quota, and his attitude was also low, asking for help! Not shabby, but even that was rejected.

The general manager of the Southwest Factory is obviously getting more and more angry. The most important thing is that he lost face in front of "Hongyan", which is why he went to the headquarters to "cry".

"A man in his fifties, crying for a woman, is really speechless."

Zhao Junzong was noncommittal about Lu Xifa's comment, so he hurriedly said, "The future development is very simple. Our Director Yu will use the authority of [Di Zun] to expel all the agencies that have swept our [Police and Risk Division] face."

"These people also realized that the relocation quota given by the [Federation] is not reliable, and only with the permission of the [Police and Dangerous Division] will they not be expelled for no reason."

"Then, schools, utilities, hospitals, etc., whether it is a federal agency or a private enterprise, etc., all send quotas to the [Investigation Bureau] under their jurisdiction, that is, transfer quotas. Our bureau has a total of 375 quotas." .

The 375 places come from multiple corporate institutions, and these corporate institutions are all located in [Fudi]. If each institution allocates one or two people, 375 people can be easily digested.

Zhao Junzong asked Lu Xifa if he wanted some places.

Lu Xi smiled "hehe", of course he wanted to, and he also wanted to "return home".

"Brothers and sisters in that bureau, what do you think?"

"There must be ideas, but no one dares to speak. After all, they are all rookies who have only been employed for a few months. The old detectives told me a word, but they did not dare to mention it, saying that they would be given 10 places and let them lottery."

The job quota is an undisclosed secret. Zhao Junzong feels that once the matter is exposed, it is very likely to appear on the [Virtual Internet Hot List], and the [Police and Risk Division] will inevitably be pointed out by thousands of people.

"I don't know if it's an individual or an organization to come forward and expose it," Zhao Junzong muttered in his heart, but he didn't ask Lu Xifa to return the quota, but held it down temporarily.

"Anjing" is located in the northeast of [Zhuxia Federation], with a population of more than 30 million. It is the smallest in the [Federal] state capital. The reason is that there is no pillar industry, that is, "Anjing" has no place to attract "capital". .

This makes "Anjing" local people have "empty track" and can work in other places, but they still have to move their hukou and go to other capitals with potential for development.

[Anjing·Xia'an District] patrol inspector received the [order] and rushed to the [order] location as quickly as possible, but still could not save a life who decided to commit suicide.

[Xia'an Supervision Bureau] then took over and carried out on-site exploration to determine the cause of death, etc., and during the visit, it was known that the reason for the woman's suicide was that her quota for transfer to "Mingjing" was squeezed.

[Xia'an Supervision and Inspection Bureau] Follow the normal procedures and publish warning messages on your own website. As long as it does not involve confidential and abnormal deaths, you must do this.

Then there were [virtual network] big coffees intervening in this matter, causing other big coffees to repost, and the matter was on the [virtual network] hot list, followed by more "inside" exposures, [the police and danger division] once again Pushed to the forefront.

"Of course there are push hands," Yu Gua replied with a smile while feeding her baby daughter with milk powder, "Who doesn't envy the [Di Zun] authority?

This kind of temptation did not appear at this time. When it was known that [Jiangwei Division] had the authority of "Mingjing" [Di Zun], the [Federal Commander Pavilion] clearly proposed that the authority of [District Zun] was handed over to the Commander Pavilion. To the [Jiangwei Division] five elders' refusal.

The ten clans and the forces that have not yet surfaced are all testing the scope of [Earth Venerable] authority, and also testing whether [Earth Venerable] authority can be snatched, etc. There are various ways of testing, and the directions are also different.

Only Wu Lao and Yu Gua know that the authority of [Di Zun] is not impossible to snatch, and the method is also simple, that is to defeat the [Mingjing] Di Zun, that is, [Rainy days with a knife without flash].

But not everyone is qualified to challenge [Mingjing Di Zun], the preconditions are many and harsh, Wu Lao and Yu Gua don't know much about this, [Rainy Day with a knife without flash] There is no specific explanation.

Regarding the "relocation" quota, the five elders naturally knew what was hidden behind it, but they still let the counties and districts of "Mingjing" accept it, and gave a time limit, so that the bureaus could place the quotas within the specified time. Real place.

"The public is faced with a choice at this time, whether to criticize the [Police and Risk Division], and then let the [Federation] dissolve the [Police and Risk Division], or remain silent or stand up for the [Police and Risk Division] to explain."

Yu Gua thinks that the public will choose the latter option, or keep silent, or stand up to [the police and danger division], the reason is also simple, the [police and danger division] is an organization that really saves the people from danger, and most importantly, the [police and danger division] preventive mechanism.

Before the people knew that they were in danger, the [Police and Dangerous Division] descended from the sky and stifled the "danger", which greatly improved the people's sense of security.

"Isn't this playing with the will of the people?"

"Do you think that the behind-the-scenes of the [Police and Dangerous Division] are not playing tricks?"

Zhao Junzong slammed his mouth, you eagles are too good at playing, forget it, don't investigate this matter, and put the quota into practice, anyway, the [Police and Dangerous Division] will overcome the public opinion difficulty this time.

The "transfer" quota is not a new quota, that is, if you want to transfer to a school in "Mingjing", you must be someone from the education system, and then transfer your work relationship.

Although everyone has relatives and friends, it does not mean that everyone has friends with doctors, friends with teachers, or friends with water companies, power companies, and so on.

Since the allocation of quotas is known to all, the eldest brother, the second brother, the third brother, the big sister, and the second sister have all called, and then the friends who have not been in touch for a long time, or the estranged Uncle Uncle, etc.

It's just that Zhao Junzong doesn't answer calls from unfamiliar numbers, but only from stored numbers, which disappoints long-time friends and estranged Uncles.

On the contrary, the big brothers and sisters have gained a lot of face this time, but they did not dare to ask too much. After all, they are not very close to the sixth, mainly because the sixth himself is too withdrawn.

Lei Heng was also transferred to the "Mingjing·Yidi" Supervision Bureau and continued to cooperate with Zhao Junzong. He also sent a few places to the [Yidi Investigation Bureau], but he himself went to ask for Zhao Junzong's help. Junzong.

Mingjing·Pingdi's Investigation Bureau secretly sold "sell" quotas. Later, the [Department of Investigations] who could not run out of quotas in various places followed suit. Again standing on the cusp of public opinion.

The inner ghost, see the inner ghost again!

Through Yu Gua's channel, Zhao Junzong can always get first-hand information, and the handle of the "Flatland Investigation Bureau" is always "inner ghost", or "anti-bones boy".

When this person sells the "place" by himself, all relevant evidence is eliminated, and then he brags to his colleagues about how much he has earned, which arouses the total greed of others. This person secretly collects the evidence, and then gives it to the [virtual network] big coffee to expose .

But this person died, not by assassination, but by the [Terrorist Mark] backlash, that is, what he did, violated the oath of joining the [Terrorist Religion].

[Terrorist Religion] is not an ordinary organization, and its oath to join the sect is closely related to [Xian Shang], but the power of [Xian Shang] can only come to "Mingjing".

If this person leaves the "Mingjing", there will be nothing to do if he violates the oath. Of course, there is nothing to do at this time. Once he enters the "Mingjing" or the "Tai Shang Realms", he will still be "returned".

It's just that the public opinion doesn't think so, and they all accuse the [Jingwei] of killing people, and the "suicide" caused by the quota and the "buying and selling" of the quota caused by the "inner ghost" are obviously not in the plan of the five elders of the [Jingwei].

"It can't be said that it is not in the plan, but the backlash against the oath is not in the plan, so it is quite troublesome to deal with it."

Every time I talk to Yu Gua, this kid is either changing diapers or feeding milk powder. Obviously, he wants to be a nursing father wholeheartedly, and the affairs of "Dongchang" are not too concerned.

"Is it still because of the [Earth Venerable] permission test?"

"Of course, this kind of temptation will last for a long time. We also have many solutions, but after all, the plan can't keep up with the changes. Sometimes, we can only see tricks and tricks."

"How to publicize the crisis of killing people?"

"Why do you need public relations? Tell me directly about the [Terrorist Mark]. The number of [Terrorist Priests] is more than 70,000, and the existence of the [Terrorist Religion] has long been an open secret."

"Instead, I took this opportunity to let the [priests] know the consequences of breaking the oath, and let all parties involved know that the [great terror] does not exist on paper, but does exist."

Zhao Junzong is a little unsure if he is a [big horror] at this time, or that the "little yellow" who becomes the core of [big data] is a [big horror]?

After finishing the call with Yu Gua, Zhao Junzong scratched his head, and found that the reason why he could become a "sacrificial master" really stemmed from "Xiao Huang", or the fusion of [System] and [Daekong Qi].

This fusion allows him to inherit some of the power of "Xiao Huang", such as the [will] of the "Ten Spectrum Priest Master", such as being able to snatch the [Martial Life Spectrum], such as being able to construct the [Terrorist Mark] and so on.

But he really did not have the authority that a "priest" should have.

In addition, because of the "environment", the power of [Great Terror] has not been exerted, because [Earth Blue Star] does not have the relevant conditions, just like [Xian Shang] cannot descend the power to [Earth Blue Star].

In short, [Earth Blue Star] is not a world with a completely extraordinary environment, while "Mingjing" and [Tai Shang Realms] are completely extraordinary environments.

Yu Guadu said that although the [Police and Dangerous Division] was unstable, it was stable in reality, so Zhao Junzong no longer cared about the follow-up, and the foreign forces apparently died temporarily, so there was no special order.

Zhao Junzong went to the "hidden place" on the back of [懪地] to retreat. He lost 10.000 life points before. He has always been very depressed. Taking advantage of this period of time, "Xing Xingqi" has gathered a lot. .

[Blade Sealing Intent] The speed of absorbing "Xing Xie Qi" is extremely fast, and 10.000 HP points are quickly replenished. Although "Xing Xing Qi" has become thinner, it can still be absorbed.

It only took 30 minutes, and the "Xing Se Qi" that had accumulated for two months was absorbed. This time, it was no longer converted into attribute points, but all turned into [Life Points], and finally got 50.000 [Life Points].

Seeing the number 10.000.0001 of the life tree account displayed in [Specialist], Zhao Junzong's mind moved, and "consciousness" was integrated into the life tree account. After a few seconds of trance, his consciousness was stable.

[Tai Shang Zhujie Zhenwujie], southwest, wasteland.

The humble and patched tent was erected slightly crooked. In front of the tent was a stone stove with a rusted iron pot on it.

A man with a full beard and eyes full of sadness was staring at the boiling water in the pot in a trance. Suddenly, a "sacred decree" full of holes appeared.

"Finally an account is activated".

[Martial Life Spectrum] If it is a "bank", the activity of depositors is the harvest of [True Martial Arts]. However, after withdrawing [Martial Life Spectrum], no depositors are active.

This is not to say that depositors are unwilling to be active, but that deposits are being misappropriated.

But [Martial Life Spectrum] is not a real bank, [Zhenwu] must restore the "misappropriated" [Life Point], otherwise, he will be suppressed by [Xian Shang Oath] all the time.

[True Martial Arts] quickly found out that this account was weird. He remembered that the upper limit of the [Martial Life Spectrum] account was 10.000.000, so what is this (10.000.001) account?

When depositors withdraw or store [Life Points], [Zhenwu] can see the scene, but this "ten million and one" account cannot "see" related.

Zhao Junzong could see the scene in front of him clearly, who is this sloppy guy? Could it be the kind of resentment [True Martial Arts]? Huo, are you so pale?

It seems that Zhao Junzong knew the current state of 【Martial Fate】in an instant, and he also knew the current predicament of 【True Martial Arts】.

"Ten Spectrum Destroyed Life" not only plundered all the [Life Points] stored on the [Martial Life Spectrum], but also usurped the account of the [Martial Life Spectrum].

What do you do to usurp your account? Naturally, it was a breakthrough in the upper limit of [Life Form]. For example, if Zhao Junzong usurped the account, his [Life Form] would have no upper limit.

In addition to the shortcut of usurping the [Martial Life] account, the breakthrough of the upper limit of [Life Form] is related to "intelligence". Although Zhao Junzong has the fusion of [System] and [Daekong Qi], he named it [Great Horror]. will.

But his own cultivation has not yet reached it. His [Heaven and Earth Weather] condensing is also cheating through [Will · Great Terror], so the account "10 million and one" is of great help to him.

And he also understood at this time why there was a time limit for the [Weapon Envoy] to enter the [True Martial World] before, and once the time limit was exceeded, there would be "spirits" intrusion, because of the existence of [Jie Zun].

[True Martial Arts] was [Jie Zun], and [He] was sleeping at the time, which caused a crack in [Jie Zun]'s authority, so that [Weapon Master] could stay for a short time, but [Players] were not affected.

Now that [Zhenwu] has awakened, [Player] and [Weapon Envoy] cannot enter, but [Army Envoy] can still enter, which is a bit dangerous.

[True Martial Arts] lost a lot. First, hundreds of accounts were usurped. First, all [Life Points] were plundered. However, in order for [He] to return to its peak state, the premise was to restore [Martial Life Spectrum] to its integrity.

The completeness here is not only account creation, but also to restore the upper limit of 10 million, but also to restore the original [HP] quota on each account.

It's no wonder that [Zhenwu] is so haggard, [He] doesn't even have the resources to create an account, let alone the astronomical [Life Points].

Zhao Junzong was able to break through the account limit at that time, which was related to [Daekong Qi]. In fact, his [Yuanchen] was able to break through the upper limit, which was also the reason for [Daekong Qi].

That is to say, [Big Kong Qi] is able to ignore many "upper limits", which is very [forced].

[Zhenwu] looked blank, and he knew that this account was weird. When he was in charge of [Martial Fate Book], even the "major" of account No. 1 would not be able to look directly at [He] like this account.

If you don't even dare to come with will, how dare you "consciously" cast it? And this "10 million and 1" account dared to "consciously" cast it, and [He] really couldn't do anything with this "consciousness".

"Where does the idea come from?" [Zhenwu] asked dully.

"From Where It Comes".

[Zhenwu] Muffled, listening to Jun's words, as if listening to a word, "What do you want to do?"

Zhao Junzong was silent, how could he know what he wanted to do? He couldn't say that he was here to see the tragic situation of [Zhenwu], right? It is estimated that this power is going to start.

After being silent for a while, Zhao Junzong asked [Zhen Wu], do you want to be trapped in this world forever? He didn't want to do anything, he just wanted to find a topic to talk about.

"Consciousness" delivery is different from "will" delivery. "Will" delivery needs to be separated from the "flesh" body, while "consciousness" delivery does not. Zhao Junzong is equivalent to dual-purpose.

He can still walk around in the [Fu Bei] secretly, and he can still "see" the [True Martial Arts] and the surrounding environment, but he can't speak, and there is only one "consciousness".

The speaker has no intention, the listener has a heart, and [Zhenwu]'s sad eyes suddenly disappeared, "Shangyi also thinks that I need to save myself from the world?"

Zhao Junzong is a little confused, you ask me? I've only been cultivating for two or three years, and it's not a "favorite". If I don't hang up, my level is much lower than yours!

"Melting the world" is to separate the world under his control from the [Tai Shang Realms], and then integrate it into the [Earth Blue Star], or into the [Mountain Sea Star].

[Zhenwu] obviously wants to integrate into [Earth Blue Star], and [He] has already had this idea, but it is difficult to make a decision. Zhao Junzong's words actually gave [He] a decision.

[Zhenwu] is [Jiezun], which means that [Zhenwu] is dominated by [He], but [He]'s "melting world" is more like a "selling" world.

It's just that the transaction object is not [Earth Blue Star], but [Xian Shang], which makes Zhao Junzong quite puzzled, [Xian Shang] is "Tian Dao", does "Tian Dao" also want to do business?

After thinking about it, [Zhenwu] "sold" [Zhenwu Realm] to [Xian Shang], which is obviously not a whimsical or hasty decision, which means that [Xian Shang] is guiding [Tai Shang Realms] to integrate into [Xian Shang]. Earth Blue Star].

It can be guessed that Zhao Junzong is a little uneasy. What is it about [Earth Blue Star] that attracts [Xian Shang]?

The environment of "Mingjing" obviously has the handwriting of [Xian Shang], and [Xian Shang] must be transforming the entire [Earth Blue Star] into "Ming Jing".

In this way, the power of [Xian Shang] can come to [Earth Blue Star].

[Zhenwu] made a choice, and [His] body suddenly stood on the ground, filling the entire world horizontally and vertically, but it did not cause any damage to the environment, life, etc. of [Zhenwujie].

When the [True Martial Arts] body shrank, Zhao Junzong's [consciousness] was "popped" out of the [Martial Life Spectrum], and he quickly embodied the [Mount·Phoenix] flying into the sky. However, there was no abnormality in the sky.

"It will never be integrated into [Mingjing]," said so, but Zhao Junzong had an intuition that [Zhenwujie] would border on "Mingjing".

After waiting for a few days, nothing happened. Zhao Junzong pondered about "melting the world", it should take a long time, and he would no longer stay in the air stupidly.

In the following time, there was still no special order, and the [Police and Dangerous Division] was still deeply involved in public opinion turmoil, but the "word of mouth" had no effect, and the investigators were still on the move.

The scope has been expanded to the entire [Federal] 108 capital. The [Police and Dangerous Division] detectives save more than 10,000 people every day, and hundreds of thousands in a month. The people also support the [Police and Dangerous Division]. ].

When the heavy fog appeared in the southwest of "Mingjing", the [Police and Dangerous Division] also broke away from the storm of public opinion.

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