I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 4: Falling In Love With Ruthless People, Falling In Love With A Strange City Chapter 331~332

[Special Remarks: The Imperial Weapon of the Armed Forces·True Martial Arts].

[Tide of Soldiers: Desolate Zero Intent · Spear (Broken)]

[The edge of the dust: 8 inches (seal)]

Pulling the mind away from the [Specialist], the "Zhenwu" was filled with grief and anger, the [Destiny Fate] was sealed, and the [will] was broken, all of which required huge resources to solve.

The problem is, he hasn't found a solution yet, so he resents [Xian Shang]. He clearly abandoned the [Original Intention Realm], why should he suffer such a loss?

But in fact, this is already the best result. If he does not give up the [Original Intent Realm], it will not be broken and sealed, but the [Earth Fate] will fall, the [Tide of Soldiers] will disappear, and he will become a [Army Soldier] again.

[Zhenwu]'s "mother planet" is the "Dragon Planet", his "mother" is a "dragon", and his "cue ball" is also the first to be swallowed by [Tai Shang's Imperial Weapon Zhen Li Pu] planet.

But at that time, the [Xian] was still there, and the [Tai Shang's Imperial Armament] had not yet cracked. Billions of "dragons" were cramped and scaled by [Xian], and finally turned into a dragon spear.

[Sacred and Merciful Qiong Zunlong], which is the real name of "Gun", followed [Xian] to battle [Tianyu], and became famous until it was destroyed by another [Xian].

[Xian] was really ruthless, and he threw the damaged [Qiong Zunlong, the Great Sage of Mercy in the High Heavens] into the [Tai Shang's Imperial Armament Zhen Li Pu], and devoured a planet called "Phoenix" again.

[True Martial Arts], who regained a little consciousness, saw that tens of billions of [Phoenix] were smelted by [Immortal], and finally became a [Bow], [Naturally Wonderful Miluo Zhizhen Phoenix], which is the [True Name] of this bow .

Later, he saw the [Natural Wonderful Miluo Zhizhen Phoenix] bow that had the same fate due to damage, and the [Xian] once again smelted hundreds of billions of "devils" and refined the [Chengtian Imitation Method] After the real emperor demon] knife.

Yi Sheng should transform and bless Sheng Shan Hua Shen, the sword, and save the hardships and troubles.

After the final refining [Fu Li Shang Hao Duo Wen Guang Yao · Item] was damaged, [Xian] threw it into the [Tai Shang Guards Royal Weapon Zhen Li Pu], and then disappeared.

"Bang", a strong impact, let [Zhenwu], who was looking at the "five-color fog" in the distance, come back to his senses.

The person who bumped into him was a woman from the human race. [Zhenwu] had no sense of the beauty and ugliness of the human race. His aesthetics were still from the perspective of the "dragon".

[Zhenwu] Originally, I didn't care about such a collision, but the human woman collapsed to the ground, and then several human men looked at him fiercely and demanded compensation from him.

[Zhenwu] is either recovering consciousness or falling asleep. His amount of information is huge, but his experience is not very rich, so naturally he does not know this kind of behavior, which is called "touching porcelain" in the human race.

[Police and Dangerous Division] encourages the arrogance of those who "touch porcelain". [Big Data] does not know whether a person who is "dangerous" is good or evil, and the police officer who executes the [Executive Order] only has "points" in his eyes. ".

[True Martial Arts] A little finger can crush this group of people, but he also knows that this is the territory of the Terran, and the Terran he encounters are outrageously strong.

Not to mention the ten existences who ripped apart his [Martial Life Spectrum], it was the human race who gave him advice, and it also made him "perceive" the unmatched tyranny.

This gave [Zhenwu] an illusion that the human race was very powerful, and even though he felt that the strength of the group of people in front of him was minimal at this time, he still did not do it.

If it can be compensated, [Zhenwu] doesn't know how to compensate. He heard the other party say that he wants 10.000 credit points, but what is "credit point"?

At this time, Zhao Junzong activated his token, and [Zhenwu] quickly used his "broken" [will] to communicate with the "token", and then explained the predicament he was facing.

Zhao Junzong's "warning" uniform made the people who touched the porcelain scattered in a hurry. He didn't pursue it, and turned to ask [Zhen Wu], why did he stay in the world of the human race?

[True Martial Arts] actually told Zhao Junzong that he was sealed by the [earth edge] and the [will] was broken, Zhao Junzong was suddenly a little confused, so frank? Aren't you afraid of him making a bad move?

The [army-wielding weapon] is a moving treasure. Let's not mention resources for the time being. Its [will] alone is enough to take advantage of the danger. It is not because of [will] that [Qingbi] was suppressed by the "Ten Spectrum Priestess" In [Red Dust Tribulation]?

The intention of [Shi-Pu Shizhu] is to transform [Qingbi]'s [will] into [Dharma Intent], which is equivalent to the [Accidental] formed after the success of [Zhenwu]'s [Original Intent], which is also equivalent to 【Big Terror】 by Zhao Junzong.

But in terms of changes, the [Fairy Artifacts] fused with [Fa-yi] are more than [True Martial Arts] and Zhao Junzong's [Great Horror].

Zhao Junzong can't judge the truth of the words of [Zhenwu], and he can't perceive [Zhenwu]'s [Genealogy], unless he is promoted to [Hong-level] Soldier Tide, [Hong-level] can perceive and appraise [Huang-level].

At the same level, even if the opponent is indeed "broken", they still feel different.

It doesn't matter if it's true or not. Zhao Junzong has no idea of ​​hurting [Zhenwu], but he knows that even if he is "injured", if [Zhenwu] wants to "blood" [Earth Blue Ball], he can do it.

Therefore, he also needs to know why [True Martial Arts] came to [Earth Blue Star], and it seems that he still has the intention of staying for a long time.

[Zhenwu] pointed to the [Original Intention Realm] that was shrouded in the "five-color fog" and originally belonged to him. He believed that the only way to find a way to heal his damage was to enter the "Black Realm".

The reason why it is called "Wujie" is that it is the birthplace of the largest eight meanings in the region, which is called "Wudi", and [Zhenwujie] is obviously no longer suitable to be called.

Zhao Junzong doesn't know [Zhenwu], why he thinks the method is in "Wujing", but he still accompanies him to enter. On the one hand, he is also monitoring [Zhenwu] to prevent this guy from killing [Di Lanxing].

He had such an idea, and the reason was that "Ten Spectrums killed his life". [Zhenwu] knew that the [Martial Forces Spectrum] was damaged and caused by the "Ten Spectrum Priestess", and [Zhenwu] also knew that these ten were human races.

If [Zhenwu] thinks he can't beat the "Ten Spectrum Priestess", then kill other human races, isn't this also a logical idea?

Fortunately, [Zhenwu] really did not have the idea of ​​revenge on the human race. He and Zhao Junzong penetrated the thick "five-color fog" together. The two walked in a straight line, and they both used "flying", ignoring the rivers and mountains in front of them. Mountain.

[Zhenwu] Speaking of the history of the Five Immortal Weapons and One Immortal Weapon, Zhao Junzong was also shocked when he heard it. The number of [Dragon, Phoenix] and so on turned out to be so large!

And the first to devour the "planet" is [Xian], and the subsequent swallowing of [Tai Shang's Royal Weapons] is estimated to be based on [Xian], and there is a way to refine [weapons].

Therefore, [Bing Tide] is [Immortal Armament], and something like [Qing Bi] is [Immortal Weapon].

[True Martial Arts] condenses [Heaven and Earth Weather · Martial Life], and the level of [Life Form] is delineated from his [Heaven and Earth Weather].

It's just that [True Martial Arts] wanted too much, condensed [Heaven and Earth Weather · Martial Fate], and promoted to [Bing Tide] Desolate Level Zero Intent, the fusion of [Original Intention Realm] began, and he fell into a deep sleep after being plotted against.

The [Original Intent Realm] did merge successfully, and there was the [True Martial Realm], but due to his deep sleep, the evolution of the [True Martial Realm] had no guidance, and species such as [Dust Man] appeared.

"You've been sleeping for a long time," Zhao Junzong complained in his heart. If he didn't get the [Martial Fate Book], and the "Ten Score Killing" thing happened again, [Zhen Wu] was probably still "sleeping".

[The Eight Meanings of Wuming], that is, "life, death, silence, dryness, prosperity, corpse, cry, and cold".

The meaning of life is a kind of plant called "heshenghua", which originated from the intersection of "sun and stars".

After the overlap, "the flower is born" will be born, but the intersection of "the sun and the stars" does not appear every day.

[Zhenwu] Due to the long lifespan, there is no strong concept of "time", so I don't care that the "Sun and Star" meet only once in 300 years.

The time flow rate of [Tai Shang Zhujie] is actually faster than [Earth Blue Star], 10 times is the least, and some "realms" will be faster per hour.

Zhao Junzong spent 95 days in [Tai Shang Realms] before. This is the time of [Earth Blue Star]. Converted to [Tai Shang Realms] time, it is at least 950 days.

Therefore, the 300 years of the "Sun Star" meeting may be the 30 years of the [Earth Blue Star], or even shorter.

"Color", especially "white, blue, black, red, and yellow", these five colors are special in the [Tai Shang Realms].

"Beishenghua" is pure white, with seven petals and a rhizome of about half a meter. This kind of flower is "mature", that is, it has "originated".

The "primitive" flowers look like lotus root, without petals or rhizomes. They pile up into mountains in the "origin", like rotten sparse vegetables, which are not good-looking at all.

The "primitive" flowers are mainly spread through "starlight", and those that are not suitable for their "origin" will basically "disappear" quickly, not wither but "disappear".

The "origin" of "Meaning of Death" is a black "stone", which is quite similar to [Sun Dust], which are close to meteorites, but [Sun Dust] is mixed with five colors.

The black stone is called "Fu'e", and it is only born when "winter" and "spring" meet, and it is more harsh to the environment of the "origin".

The Safan of [Fu'e Stone] passes through the "winter wind" or "spring wind". After it "originates", it will form a shape similar to a "grinding plate", and the "hole" that runs through the upper and lower is its distinctive feature.

[Zhenwu] Zhao Junzong's strange knowledge has increased a lot about his own "meaning" things.

Landing on the [Earth Blue Star] is bound to undergo several topographical changes, and "Wujing" is no exception, and its topographical changes actually "scatter" the origin of "Eight Meanings".

The [Dust Man] that Zhao Junzong is quite concerned about has suffered heavy casualties in several landform changes, but due to its large base, there are still billions of people.

[Zhuxia Federation] If you want to develop "Wujing", the [Dust Human Race] is the biggest threat, and a war is bound to be fought.

[Dust Man] is actually transformed by the "will" of [True Martial Arts]. If he is not conspiratorial, he can lead the evolution of [Original Intention Realm]. [Dust Man] should not be incomplete, and the number will not be so large.

"The [Dust Man] you mentioned is the phenomenon that my will interferes with the formation of things, that is, the image, the time flow of the [Original Mind Realm], which should have been controlled by me. But after setting the speed at the initial stage, I fell into a deep sleep. , it has always been the original speed."

The time flow of [Zhenwu Realm] is about 20 times faster than that of [Earth Blue Star], but after arriving at [Earth Blue Star], when the "five-color fog" dissipates, the hourly speed will be synchronized with [Earth Blue Star].

At this time, the speed is still 20 times faster than [Earth Blue Star]. Ordinary people will be accelerated aging. [Weapon Commander] or [Army Commander], you need to consume [HP] for immunity, but it will not consume too much. .

The seal of [Crystal Edge] has a great influence. [Information Base] is in [Dark Edge], [Life Form] is in [Dark Edge], and the soil grains that embody the mount are in [Dark Edge].

Although [Zhenwu] is also a "dragon" that was fused by [Xian], [Xian]'s methods are much more advanced than [Zhen Lipu].

[Zhenwu] still retains the body of the "Dragon", which is completely different from the fact that "Lun Zhe Shen" has no original body. completed.

That is to say, it is not a "flesh and blood" body, and there is still a distance from the real "life" race. [Life body] does not represent the "life" race.

The reason why the body of "flesh and blood" is needed is related to [will].

Zhao Junzong went shopping with [Zhenwu], and when they were strolling in "Wujing", a troop in a blue uniform arrived at "Chengdi" in the south of "Mingjing".

"Chengdi" is one of the borders between Mingjing and Wujing, and blue is the main color of "Aosa Group". Since the border is very large, there is no need for the ten clans to join forces.

[Police and Dangerous Division] did not move. Maybe he wanted to pick up the leaks, but mainly Yu Gua said, [Rainy Night with Knife without Flash] will give the information and data of "Ujing". When the time comes, please refer to it before scheduling.

The "Five Colors Fog" and the speed difference and the "Ten Valves" have a very deep understanding. The [Weapon Envoy], [Original Dust] and [Life Points] selected by the Ao Sa Group this time are quite high.

The speed difference needs to consume [Life Points] to resist "aging", which requires going deep into "Ujing" to get specific data, but the [Original Dust Points] consumed by "Five Colors Fog" has already been tested.

The consumption of [Original Dust] and [Life Points] is related to the level of [Boundary]. If it is [Original Realm], 100 [Original Dust] points will be consumed per minute.

Then, according to Acquired, Feitian, Zhongtian, Pingtian, Lingtian, Xiantian, gradually decrease, but not much, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 decrease.

And if it is [Original Realm], 80 points of [Original Dust] are consumed per minute, and each rank is a reduction of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, but it is not added, but the "innate rank" is only reduced. 6 or 12.

[Original Realm] only consumes 60 [Original Dust] per minute, and each level is 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24.

[Fairy Source Realm] will consume 30 points of [Original Dust] per minute, but if the "rank" has been raised, 1 point of [Original Dust] will be deducted per hour.

"Ao Sa Group"'s [Weapon Envoys] team is quite large, but there is not one in [Original Realm], not to mention [Immortal Origin Realm], this time is basically "Seed Source Realm · Pingtian Rank" or above.

However, the upper limit of [Yuanchen] is fixed. True Source 100, Seed Source 1000, Origin 10.000, Siyuan 100.000, and Xianyuan 1.000.000. Therefore, for the 100 [Weapon Envoys] who entered this time, the [Yuanchen] upper limit is all is 1000.

One thousand points of [Original Dust] can also last for 100 minutes in the "five-color fog", but if you carry a large amount of [Dust Jade], you can get supplements, which is why there are only 100 people.

If there are too many, the supply consumption will be very large, and exploration is not expensive.

Although [Ao ​​Sa Group] is a joint-stock system, the shares are all in the hands of the surname "Tong", and [Ao Sa Group] is also called "Tong's chaebol".

The leader of the team is Tong Zhenyue, 33 years old, with the strength of [Seed Source Realm Innate], the fighter, the sword, and the deputy team leader are also surnamed Tong, and the other team members are relatively elite.

All the preparations that should be made have been made. As the order was issued, 100 people were divided into ten teams and entered the "five-color fog" one after another. .

[Dust people] also dare not live in the "five-color fog" range. The corrosiveness of the "five-color fog" can be resisted by [Original Dust], except for accidents caused by terrain, basically there is no danger.

Tong Zhenyue "perceives 200", and the range is 20 meters. If the geographical information is abundant, similar terrain will be "perceived" and fed back.

He also knew that he was in a "mountain" at this time, the terrain was quite steep, and there was a possibility of a cliff, which made his pace gradually slow down.

The team members behind him have ropes tied to their waists. Although the visibility is low, the voices are not isolated. Through rope vibrations and shouting, they determine each other's orientation and safety.

After walking for about 50 minutes, there was no accident, but still in the "mountain", Tong Zhenyue ordered to rest, that is, to replenish [Yuanchen].

The password continued to be passed on, 100 people were intact, and no one had an accident.

The personnel selected from this are all close to each other, and the transformation speed of [Yuan Chen] is not much different.

"When Mingjing landed, although the five-color fog was thick, the area was very thin, and it could penetrate in less than three minutes. If it weren't for the existence of [Sausage], it would be basically safe."

"Wu Jing, wait, who named this continent so quickly?"

"The news that came out from [Jiangwei Division] is that [Rainy Night with Knife and No Flash], which not only provided the place names, but also provided information and data such as [Dust People, Fate Beasts]."

"If we can penetrate this mountain range, we will inevitably encounter [Dust Human Race] or scattered or concentrated [Beasts]."

"Is [Dust Man] a human being? Is [Fate Beast] a beast transformed by [Dust Fate]?"

Tong Shi obviously didn't share all the information, but these [weapon envoys] also had their own ways, and got some information piecemeal, basically from the [Jing Dangerous] detectives.

"[Dust Man] is not strictly a human being. Although it is somewhat similar to us in appearance, my friend said that [Dust Man] can produce [Dust Jade] and [Spar], and is a mobile resource production machine." .

"Wow, if you capture a few [Dust People], wouldn't there be no shortage of [Dust Jade]?"

"It's beautiful to think about, [Dust Man] is not produced out of thin air, and needs specific food."

Tong Zhenyue did not make a sound to stop the chatter of the team members, and silently explored the road ahead. The elders in the family said that if they really encounter the [Dust Human Race], the main thing is to observe, and it is best to capture a few. down position.

Near the "mountain ridge" where Tong Zhenyue and others ran through, there is a cottage under construction. The landscape changes, causing many of the [Dust Humans] to collapse. Reconstruction is the first priority.

The "Zhaizi" of the [Dust Human Race] is not an ordinary thing, but a [weapon] inner basket, which is equivalent to a "domain". Non-members of the stockade will be blocked by the [domain] formed by the "stockhold".

Once a "war" occurs, the difficulty of breaking the stockade will skyrocket, which can be said to be both offensive and defensive.

However, the "stockade" formed by [Neilu] also has many limitations, such as the area. Fortunately, [Neilu] can be integrated with each other. As long as other stockades are occupied, a "city" can be built.

[Zhenwu] was also very confused about [Neilu·Zhai] at first, but after he studied it carefully, he suddenly realized that these were not formed by [Neilu], but [Art Circle].

The entire [True Martial World] is overflowing with the [Will] of [True Martial Arts], [Dust People] is the product of the fragments of [Will], and [Beasts] are the products of [Dust People].

And the "information" stored in [Will], such as combat techniques, skill rings, etc., will be formed into real objects after being integrated into [Will] fragments.

The merger of the stockade is actually the continuous fusion of the one-effect magic circle, and the "city" is actually a five-effect or six-effect [art circle].

The real thing formed by the [shuhuan] is a "square and upright" "slate". When building a village, find a suitable place, place the "shuhuan slate", and then place the [dust jade, spar] on it, will activate.

After activation, an "invisible" barrier will be formed. Inside this barrier is the area of ​​the "zhaizi". "The head of the stockade, the staff, and the army" are the three giants of the stockade, who work together to plan the interior of the stockade.

As long as the [Circle Panel] is activated, the invaders can be "isolated", and the construction in the village is not so urgent, but the wall still needs to be built as soon as possible.

The building materials used in the wall are not ordinary things, but after grinding [dust jade and spar], they are supplemented with other building materials to build. Naturally, [Stone Ring of Art] cannot be opened all the time, it is too expensive.

Using the wall mixed with [Dust Crystal] can buy time for the activation of [Stone Ring], because the wall built by mixing [Dust Crystal] has the "Resist" attribute and value.

As long as you are willing to pay the cost, there is no upper limit on the resistance value of the wall, which is the same as the attribute of [Weapon Armor].

Tong Zhenyue led 99 team members, and it took 67 hours to get out of the "mountain". If there was no "five-color fog", it only took one or two hours to penetrate.

"Deduct 10 life points per second, no, I can't stand it, I'll go back."

As soon as this voice came out, it was the "I will also go back" one after another. Tong Zhenyue also deducted 10 life points per second. Naturally, he couldn't bear it, and quickly returned to the "five-color fog".

In the "five-color fog", there is no difference in speed, and the rapidly falling [Life Points] stopped. The [Weapon Envoys] all looked terrified. They didn't die in the "five-color fog", but almost died outside the beautiful scenery.

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