I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 4: Falling In Love With Ruthless People, Falling In Love With A Strange City Chapter 347~348

All the hustle and bustle is for profit, and all the hustle and bustle is for profit.

Because of the tiger's skin of [Great Terror], the [Police and Dangerous Division] was not "bound" by the [Federal] Commander's Pavilion in various resources, but gave it a full ten.

In order to strengthen the cooperation with the [Police and Dangerous Division], the "ten clans" were mainly inspired by the bosses behind them, and also carried out a lot of "interest" exchanges, making the [Police and Dangerous Division] abundant funds, more points, and abundant resource reserves.

"Yu Gua" is to establish a good and cyclical "resource" distribution system, but the first thing he has to face is the five elders who are about to end their lives.

[Jing Danger] The five elders didn't know that to break through the upper limit of lifespan, they needed a [scepter], but they had actually obtained a [ranking scepter], but they just didn't know how to use it.

Who doesn't want to live a long life?

Even the five elders of the [Jing Dangerous] who are dedicated to the public, it is difficult to avoid the fear of "death".

They secretly searched for ways to increase lifespan, and to test whether these methods were useful, they would have to consume a lot of resources, and they had grown from being single-minded to the public to the [Police and Dangerous Division] rice bugs.

Zhao Junzong is a little depressed, is Wu Lao suffering from Alzheimer's disease?

Knowing that [The Great Terror] is powerful, why not hold a "sacrificial ceremony"? Oh, they held it, and the [Big Terror] didn't respond, so that's fine.

But it's not that there is no response, but Zhao Junzong at the time didn't know how to increase his "lifespan".

Obviously, it was the unresponsiveness of [Great Horror] that made the five elders of [Jing Danger] desperate, so they took the risk and embarked on the road of "greed".

Shangjing, Yuexi District, "Meixi" community, Villa 27.

Yu Gua squatted in the shade of the backyard garden to smoke, and occasionally glanced at the door of the backyard. If there was a slight disturbance, he immediately extinguished the smoke, and then sprayed fresh mouthwash into his mouth.

His heart beat violently suddenly, and his consciousness involuntarily entered the [Crystal], and the [Crystal] wrapped his [consciousness] into an unfamiliar space.

Huge information poured into his [consciousness], Yu Gua shouted, no, no, he knew very well that his [consciousness] was not enough to digest such a huge amount of information, and the end must be that [consciousness] was digitized.

Once digitized, his "consciousness" is annihilated, and his "flesh" body becomes an unconscious body, which modern medicine calls a "vegetative person".


The shrill screams shocked the residents of the "Meixi" community, and they came out to watch, and some even dialed the [Inspector] number.

Hearing her husband's voice, Chen Lixuan rushed to the backyard with her daughter in her arms, and saw her husband rolling on the grass with a grim face, but when she ran over, her husband looked calm again.

Yu Gua is a little puzzled, why doesn't it hurt at all? No, why is it not digitized?

Then, seeing his wife looking at him with an unkind face, she was instantly horrified. When she was thinking about how to explain it, her wife snorted coldly and returned to the house with her daughter in her arms.

After Yu Gua tried his best to make his wife happy, he hid back to the "secret" base in the back garden, thinking about what happened an hour ago.

Yu Gua doesn't have the correct answer for why there is no pain and no data, but he knows that this is the result of the [Great Horror] operation. After all, it was his big brother who gave him such a huge amount of information—[Big Terror].

The [Great Horror] compressed the amount of information, and then stored it in the [Crystal Edge] through his [Consciousness]. He needs to decompress it carefully, or select a mass of information that can be accommodated to decompress it.

The one that can be decompressed at present is a scepter group named [Scepter]. Once this scepter group is decompressed, 90% of his [Dark Fate] semaphore bank will be squeezed, and Yu Gua is very sad.

He knows the importance of "information volume", "perception" needs the support of information data in order to parse more accurately, and "identification" also needs "information" in order to obtain more detailed information.

Promotion and breakthroughs are closely related to "information", and his [Fate of the World] 7 inches, the upper limit of information capacity is very high, but limited by his realm, the current capacity is not very large.

Throwing off the question about capacity, he carefully unwrapped the [Scepter] message group, his brain was slightly tingling but completely bearable, and when the tingling disappeared, he began to "remember".

"Memories" is actually to look up the information in [Crystal], and sometimes if there is a connection, the information will automatically come to mind.

But this does not mean complete understanding. If you understand it, it means "intelligence quotient" and knowledge. Information is just lines of text and columns of data, not "knowledge".

Yu Gua can only understand [Scepter] superficially, but with this superficial understanding, he has also found a solution to the current predicament.

Mingjing, Modi, the headquarters of the [Police and Risk Division], the cuneiform building of [Qi].

Yu Dawei, Chen Zhenwei, Zong Wang, Zheng Shanren, and Qi Jiasheng gathered together, looking at Yu Gua, especially Yu Dawei, who approached with his head held high, with a slightly complicated expression, full of guilt in his heart.

Despite their complicated mood, their pursuit of "lifespan" is still firm.

"I have a solution to the upper limit of your lifespan, but the condition is that you need to retire."

"Forcing the palace?"

The word popped up in the minds of the five old men, but they were not those who were extremely vicious, or who had a monstrous "lust" for power.

They are embarrassed for the resources of the [Police and Predicament Division], but they think they have not hurt others, and these "resources" are mainly earned by them, so there is not much guilt caused by "greed and misappropriation".

However, the guilt of "Yu Gua" is very deep. After all, he has always been cultivated as a successor. As a result, several old "things" of his own have hurt the young youth, making Yu Gua discouraged and entering a state of retirement.

"Okay," the five elders only hesitated for a moment before agreeing to Yu Gua's conditions.

If the problem of the upper limit of lifespan can be solved, they will continue to cultivate Yu Gua and gradually carry out the transition of "power". In the end, they will retreat to the second line, but they will still fight in the first line.

This is actually a bit contradictory. On the one hand, the lifespan is increased, and on the other hand, after the lifespan has increased, it is also involved in a dangerous battle. But if you look at the experience and character of the "five old people", you can actually know why they are obsessed with "longevity".

"Establishing" resources is not a "crime" for them, unable to support the growth of "Yu Gua", unable to help [Police and Dangerous Division] through the difficulties of the establishment period, that is the main reason why they want to increase their "lifespan".

Before the [Police and Dangerous Division] appeared, the five elders had actually accepted their fate and were not keen on the "quan" situation, but actively participated in the battle of the [Army Bureau].

They were very strong in the [Army Bureau] at that time, and it was naturally very difficult to use them to fight, and they would die at any time, but they were not afraid and did not back down.

Yu Gua knows the five elders well, so he feels disheartened about their "greed" resources, but he still doesn't understand the five elders enough, but he no longer entangles "greed".

The five elders readily agreed to all the conditions of Yu Gua, which made Yu Gua a little suspicious, but the words had already been said, and at this time, he could only suppress his doubts and take the "five elders" to the [Sacrificial Hall] of the headquarters.

[Sacrificial Temple] is organized by several "altars", such as Wufang, Liuhe, Baxiang and other altars. Activating them requires [Xingxing Power].

[Terrorist Priests] To activate the [Terrorist Mark] between each other, they need to pass the "Sacrificial Ceremony", and after the [Mark] is activated, it can not only block detection, but also transmit [information].

The offerings of the [devotees] will go directly to Zhao Junzong's [Wanjie Storage], but the confessions will be tested by [Great Horror] and [Five Elements Suppressing Prison], that is, the retrieval of two [wills].

If it is not retrieved, the enemy will track and even attack through "offerings".


[Special note: Yihuan], derived from [God spectrum · Da Leye], blue-red, bow-shaped, born with a scorpion, good at music and supplements.

[Army: Use noble armor].

[Weapon: Yihuan Bow Chen Zhenwei. Realm: Siyuan·Zhongtian. Ranking: Da Leye 1170]

[The edge of the dust: 7 inches. Life Form (Wu Wang): Physical 1000, Spirit 1000].


[Specialist: Duo Lan], derived from [Phoenix Spectrum·Shu Li], white, black and red, sword-shaped, born with bird "nature", good at singing and silver refining.

[Army: Make Baixiao].

[Weapon: Duolan Sword Yu Dawei. Realm: Siyuan Lingtian. Ranking: Shuli·982].

[The edge of the dust: 6 inches. Life Form (Wuhou): Physical 600, Spirit 600].


[Special note: Ma Zian], derived from [Ghost Spectrum·Tishan], blue-black, bow-shaped, natural riding, good at attacking, fast].

[Army: Use thousands of machines].

[Weapon: Ma Xiangong Zheng Shanren. Realm: The origin and the day after tomorrow. Ranking: Teshan·3174].

[The edge of the dust: 8 inches. Life Form (Wuhou): Physical 600, Spirit 600].


【Specialty: No Flowers】, derived from 【Yaopu·Boyi】, red-yellow, spear-shaped, born impermanent, good at feeling, random attack. 】

[Army: make use of Ge].

[Weapon: No Flower Gun·Qi Jiasheng. Realm: The origin and the day after tomorrow. Ranking: Bo Yi·4414].

[The edge of the dust: 7 inches. Life Form (Wu Wang): Physical 1000, Spirit 1000].


[Specialist: Biyi], derived from [Phoenix Spectrum·Donghai], black and white, sword-shaped, born beautiful, good at luck, premonition].

[Army: Use Ouye].

[Weapon: Biyi Sword · Zongwang. Realm: Origin and Innate. Ranking: Donghai·842].

[The edge of the dust: 7 inches. Life Form (Wu Wang): Physical 1000, Spirit 1000].


Yu Gua didn't know that his father was the worst of the five.

To be able to become the leading eldest brother, his character and ability are only secondary, the main thing is that back then, when everyone was still an ordinary person, he was the "eldest brother" among the five.

Of course, these data were not "identified" by him, nor could he be "identified", they were all given to him by [Great Horror], and what he focused on was [Spectrum].

The [Scepter] in the [Great Horror] information is divided into [Ranking, Ranking, Supreme, Xeon, Supreme, Supreme]. His father and four Uncles have all obtained the [Ranking] scepter.

[Ten spectrums] are ten total [weapon spectrums], which have different numbers of [branch spectrums], also known as [spectrum sources], and [ranking] is the ranking in [branch spectrums], and [ranks] are is the rank of the score.

[Ranking] The number of scepters is 1 million, ten notation is 10 million, [Ranking] The number of scepters is 100,000, and ten notation is 1 million.

[Supreme] Scepter is 50,000, total 50, [Xeon] Scepter is 10,000, total 100,000, [Supreme] The number of each score is different, and the total should be no more than 1,000.

[Supreme] The number of scepters is also imprecise, but it should be no more than a hundred.

At present, there is no need to know the information and data of the [scepter] after that, just focus on the [ranking] and [ranking], and the father and the four Uncles did not activate the [ranking] scepter.

Yu Dawei looked at his busy son, smashed his mouth, and whispered, if this kid can really increase our lifespan, we have to find a way to make up for the lack of resources before.

Chen Zhenwei nodded, if I didn't make it up, I would feel uneasy.

Yu Gua was busy for nearly three hours before completing the preparations for the "Sacrificial Ceremony", and then asked Dad to stand in the middle of the "Altar", facing the "South" side, and then let him activate the "Ceremony".

After being in a trance for a while, Yu Dawei opened his eyes. The five colors of brilliance interlaced and flowed rapidly. A surging [will] came without any warning, but it did not shock him.

"A streak" of light, from this [will], "shot" out of his [will], and submerged into his [specialist], and the [specialist] did not change in any way.

The [Life Form] suddenly turned into a human shape and jumped out of the [Pedicure], his right hand made a "stretching" action, a "sword" appeared, and the [Life Form] submerged into the [Pedicure] again.

Yu Dawei has a clear understanding, and he has "rectified his name".

In layman's terms, Duolan Jian Yu Dawei, before this, was the "civilian" name for him, but now, it is the "official" party, that is, [Xian Shang] sealed the conclusion.

From now on, unless he dies, the suffix of [Duolan Sword] will always be "Yu Dawei".

"Is this will the [Xian Shang]?"

As his thoughts flowed, Yu Dawei was in a trance again, and then, seeing his son with a concerned look, he reached out and patted his son's head, but was opposed by his son's wall cracking.

"Still angry!"

Humph, Yu Gua turned his head and said "evil" fiercely, hurry down, the Uncles are still waiting.

Yu Dawei originally wanted to tell his old brothers about his experience, but when he opened his mouth, he couldn't say anything.

Seeing his "secret" expression, the four brothers thought for a moment, and then they knew what had happened. After all, they knew how many hairs on each other's body after being together for more than a hundred years.

Chen Zhenwei, Zong Wang, Zheng Shanren, and Qi Jiasheng entered the "altar" according to the award and accepted the "ceremony".

And the lifespan issue that they are most concerned about has indeed been resolved, and the [ranking] scepter allows them to gain 50 years of lifespan. If you want to continue to increase your lifespan, you need to be on the [rank].

[Ranking] The reward of the scepter is life, nothing else, but Yu Dawei and others are quite satisfied, but there is a price, that is, they have become a thorn in the eyes of [Entering Spectrum].

There is no "name rectification", that is, before obtaining the [scepter], although they have [ranking], they are replaceable, that is, Biyi sword, Duolan sword, etc., and they are not "unique".

The name of [Pedigree] is the name of [Pedigree], and the name of [Weapon] is the name of [Weapon]. Although they are similar to each other, they represent different connotations.

[Specialist: Biyi] refers to a promotion path in [Phoenix Spectrum·Donghai], and there are many [weapons] in this promotion path, such as Biyi Sword, Biyi Knife, Biyi Bow and so on.

In layman's terms, [Biyi] is a big road, and there are many people walking on this road, but although everyone walks on [Biyi Road], their names, heights, shapes, origins, etc., are different.

But there is only one entrance from [Biyi Road] to [Donghaiyuan], and once someone enters first, the entrance will be closed.

[Biyi Road] still exists, but the one called [Biyijian] is no longer allowed to enter [Donghaiyuan]. Either change the name or kill [Biyijian].

If "Zongwang" is ranked, then it is [rank: Biyi], and the [biyi] road will be closed, unless [biyi] pounces on it, otherwise, this road will be closed forever.

[Biyi] embarks on the road of [Supreme], and the end point is [Donghai]. What [Biyi] has to do is to replace [Donghai], make it change [Biyi], and then embark on the road of [Xiqiang].

But everything has to start with "name rectification". If there is no "name rectification", you will not be eligible to participate in the follow-up.

"Yu Gua" is now also in the "Original Innate" realm. He is only [Entering the Spectrum], and [Entering the Spectrum] is not a [scepter], but only has the qualification to compete for a [scepter].

It's just that it is very difficult to get [Ranking] now. After all, Yu Dawei, Chen Zhenwei and others lived to be 195 years old and fought for more than a hundred years. At that time, the [Ranking] rules had not changed.

In other words, before the appearance of [Zhuxia Weapon Spectrum], [Ranking, Ranking, Supreme, Supreme, Supreme, Supreme, Supreme] can still be obtained through battle.

History is always surprisingly similar, and there is a high similarity between the operations of [Ten Score] and [Tai Shang’s Royal Weapons of the Supreme Commander] before they are decomposed.

And [Zhu Xia Weapons Spectrum] is a fusion, but the effect is similar to the decomposition of [Tai Shang's Imperial Weapons].

Although he "forced the palace" before, but after the lifespan of his father and four Uncles has really increased, Yu Gua has some regrets. He still feels that he is still not up to the heavy responsibility of the [Police and Dangerous Division].

It's not that he doesn't want to be the leader, but that he hasn't established a network of his own, and "Jianghu" is nothing more than a worldly way.

If he still wants to use the "connection network" of his parents, then this bearer is not a puppet?

"Do you want to be the [Prince] son ​​for 50 years?" Yu Dawei asked his son with a playful face.

Of course Yu Gua shook his head. If he really wants to be the prince for 50 years, he might as well rebel early. If he succeeds, he will have everything, and if he fails, he will be gone.

But at this time, it is really impossible to carry the banner of the [Police and Dangerous Division]. There must be five old men in charge, and Yu Dawei does not insist, "This is your own retreat, not our five dead skins."

Yu Gua was so angry that he got a cheap and good old man, but his previous decadence no longer existed. After calling his wife, he returned to his own business.

The five elders solved the urgent problem of longevity, and began to rectify the [Police and Dangerous Division]. They did not conduct self-examination, it was unnecessary, anyway, it was enough to make up for the resources that were "greedy" before.

No one has the authority to check the accounts of the [Police and Dangerous Division], only the [Police and Dangerous Division] can conduct self-inspection, and the power of self-inspection rests with the five of them.

Yu Gua can know that they are "greedy", and they are actively exposed, otherwise, Yu Gua will not have the right to audit the account.

"Let me be the leader of Jiangjing's resource investigation team? Are you stupid for smoking? I won't do it."

"Zong! There are not many people I can trust. If you don't help me, my son-in-law will have to work for 50 years."

"I used to call me Sect Master, then I called me Zongzi, and now I am Zong, are you floating?"

"It's definitely not going to float, my daughter is pulling the line."

It's not good to be grinded, Zhao Junzong can only agree to serve as the leader of the [Jiangjing Resources Investigation Team].

He summoned 75 people, including Chang Feng, Lu Xifa, Rou Shide, Geng Le, Niu Lei, Wu You, Duan Han, and Meng Haochuan. Except for Lu Xifa, everyone else was the original [Zhu Xie Si] players.

After more than a year of getting along, these people have withstood the test of life and death, the test of loyalty, etc. They are all trustworthy friends, and they are also the decision-making level of the two police bureaus [Lianyun and Yudi].

In fact, "Monterey" and other graduates from [Bingtong College] are also trustworthy, but these "college" students still have to stay and manage the two investigation bureaus. If they are transferred, it will affect the two investigation bureaus. run.

In addition, Zhao Junzong has a total of 76 people, which are divided into 11 groups. Zhao Junzong brings a group of only 6 people, and each other group has 10 people.

Since he was not a professional, he started with the Lianyun Investigation Bureau and the Yidi Investigation Bureau first, while Zhao Junzong went to [Big Data] first to transfer the data of [Jiangjing] bureaus.

After copying and storing it in [Crystal Fate], he instructed 75 people. Since he obtained the account data of "resources" in and out in advance, Zhao Junzong pushed back and found various means of concealing the data.

Tell 75 small partners about these methods, and those who are clever will infer other things from one fact, and those who are not clever will memorize them by rote, and the overall "checking" ability has skyrocketed.

"Jiangjing" originally had only 26 districts with a total population of about 30 million. However, due to its border with "Mingjing", the population moved into the local area soared.

"Jiangjing Fuya" had to plan out an area to accommodate these people who moved in. "Jiangjing" also increased from 26 districts to 30 districts, and the population increased by more than 2 million.

The number of [Detection Bureau] has also increased from 26 to 30.

Zhao Junzong decided to check the 4 additional rounds first. The 76 people took 10 hover cars and went to the four rounds respectively.

Because of the detailed data, Zhao Junzong knew about these four bureaus. Because of the new construction, there was no "corruption" style. The bureau chiefs and the street chiefs were all devoted to their duties, and the atmosphere among the investigators was quite harmonious.

This investigation is just to let the guys familiarize themselves with the environment, practice their hands, and it is a matter of course that no problems can be found.

In Jiangjing Xiabu District, the head of the bureau, "Mo Keliang", was restless in the office, pulling out the phone from time to time to inquire about the movements of the [Jiangjing Resources Investigation Team].

When I learned that the investigation team was going to the newly-built four bureaus, I was relieved, pulled on my tight belt, and patted my belly, regretting that I had neglected to exercise as the general manager.

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