I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 5 Passing Lightly, Mysterious And Beautiful Chapter 415~416 The Bamboo Slips, Yihou, Trading,

Most of the residents of [Huaicheng] have the characteristics of "non-human" parts. Zhao Junzong does not look awkward when walking on the street, and there are not a few people like him.

Shops are lined up on the street, and the residents are bustling. Through "perception", it can be seen that all the residents are practitioners, not "Yi Yong" or "Yi Figures".

The realm is generally [Bingyuan], but all of them are [Army Envoys], which is quite impressive. The number of [Army Envoys] in [Earth Blue Star] is about 17,000. This is the statistics of [Zhuxia Spectrum]. come out.

If there is no registration [Zhu Xia Pu], there must be some thousands of them.

Even if [Earth Blue Star] has 100,000 [Army Envoys], compared with the tens of thousands of [Army Envoys] in [Huaicheng], it is only the light of a grain of rice. If they really want to be invaded, [Shipu Priest] doesn't make a move, and [Earth Blue Star] is directly destroyed.

But [Earth Blue Star] is difficult to invade, Zhao Junzong is special, and can build [Qu] anytime and anywhere, and [Earth Blue Star] has many restrictions on local outings and the entry of aliens.

Since all the people are practitioners, the various service facilities and commercial trade of [Huaicheng] are of extraordinary nature, and information constantly pops up in Zhao Junzong's "brain".

His amount of information is extremely huge, but the information is just information, such as seeing "dinosaurs" in a book, knowing the existence of such creatures, but not seeing the real thing, and finally there is a deviation.

After seeing the real object, it can be "compared" with the known information, and some detailed information can be completed.

It is only affected by the "brain volume", most of the "information" is still in the "sleep" Contest Condition, and it will only wake up when it is stimulated by the outside world, similar to the "information delay" situation.

Any exercises, techniques, skills, etc. are [information groups], which can store [information]. In addition to [dust edge], there are also [soul slips, scorpion marrow, silk marrow], etc. The difference in storage capacity, Collectively referred to as 【椟緟】.

When Zhao Junzong was wandering on the street, he walked into a [椟緟店].

The owner is a female cultivator with cat ears and leopard tail. She didn't greet any guests warmly. She just glanced at it and continued to close her eyes, but she quickly opened her eyes and Rage shouted, "No use of perception".

Zhao Junzong is quite surprised. His "perception value" is tens of billions, and the female cultivator is only in the realm of origin. How can he find out that he is using "perception"? Obviously, there is some "magic tool" in the store that is monitoring.

But what kind of magical instrument can monitor the "perception" of "tens of billions" of values?

He speculated that the nun was bluffing, so he did not withdraw his "perception".

After the female nun roared, she continued to close her eyes, apparently unaware that the store was covered by "perception".

[Information] Reading is through "perception", which means that the [椟緟] in the store can be obtained for free, and most of the "sold" in the [椟緟] store here are [Art Rings].

Practitioners have five categories in terms of kung fu skills, namely "innate abilities, combat skills, skill rings, ceremonies, and images of heaven and earth".

Combat skills and skill circles run through the entire cultivation level, even if the [upper only] is to cause physical destruction, it is still necessary to use [combat skills].

However, [Circle of Magic] has many kinds and complex functions, and it is not only used for combat. Alchemy, forging, construction, gain, etc., all belong to the scope of [Circle of Magic].

[Circle of Magic] There are nine effects in total, and you need to match your own five-element Attribute.

For example, in the soil line, you can only use [Through Stone, Earth Dragon, Earth Style] and other [Skill Rings]. If the [Five Elements] are both present, any [Circle of Magic] can be used.

[Ceremony] also has a wide variety, but it has a single purpose. It communicates with [Ji], and the power of [Ji], in a nutshell, is to bestow, reward, witness, and punish.

It can be said that as long as the [Kamito] is happy, as long as it is possessed by [He], it can be given and rewarded, and the grant is through prayer, and the reward is the instruction to complete the [Kamito].

[Qu] is a medium and rare category belonging to [Skill Ring]. Zhao Junzong did not have it in the early days. He could only pray to [Xuanji] through [Ceremony] to obtain [Qu]. Later, he became a Master and can build it himself.

The foundation of [Heaven and Earth Dharma Image] is the hidden ability of [professional], which belongs to the level of [will]. [Will] contains the level of "spirit", but it is not limited to "spirit".

Zhao Junzong's information on [Heaven and Earth Dharma Images] is quite lacking, and [Combat Skills] are unchanged by Khoury. Most of the [Information] he stole from [Big Data] are [Technical Rings, Ceremony].

[Specialist] contains combat skills, magic rings, and ceremonies, and the [Soul] of [Weapon] also contains martial arts skills. The combination of the two contains more martial arts skills.

But the level is relatively low. If Zhao Junzong hadn't had [big data] to steal, the [Skill Environment] that he could obtain in the "Xianyuan" environment, that is, the [Three Effects].

[Surgery Ring] Carry amount, that is, the amount that can be released and used at any time is "5", but it can be replaced, but there is a "time limit" for the replacement, which is the cooling time.

Zhao Junzong is also quite helpless about the information that pops up from time to time in the "brain". Fortunately, the "information" appears in the brain and has no effect, and the "brain" will "digest" by itself.

[Information] It is not useless to appear in the "brain", but it is first stimulated by the outside world, that is, the combination of "theory" and "practice", and then leaves an "index" in the "brain".

After encountering similar stimuli, they will no longer "pop" out on their own, but an "index" will appear in the "brain", which can also be regarded as an "introduction".

If you want to know the details, you must take the initiative to contact the "index", and the complete "information" will appear in the "brain".

The "perception" scan of [椟緟] also shows the "introduction". If Zhao Junzong is interested in a certain piece of [椟緟], he needs to consume [perception points] to read it.

Most of them only need to consume 1 [Perception Point], and 1 [Perception Point] is 1 Attribute Point, which is equal to 10 [Original Dust] points, which is equal to 1000 [Dust Jade].

The price of this [椟 Jane Store] is mostly less than 1,000 [Dust Jade], and it is quite uneconomical to spend [Perception Points] to "prostitute" for nothing.

Cultivators themselves cannot condense [dust jade] or [spar], or other resources.

If you are defeated in battle, you will have a high probability of being deducted from [Color Power, Yuan Chen, Attribute], etc., manifesting as resource drops.

The information flashed in his mind and the [perception] of the entire store took only one second. Zhao Junzong found a surprise, [Manufacture of Commanding Heroes] Tan Jian.

The surprise wasn't this slip of the tongue, but this slip of the tongue stimulated [Dream Fate], so that the [Information Library] in [Dream Fate] quickly instilled the information created by [Commander Hero].

[Bingling] is a [World Cardinal], an "intelligent" species with a [Genealogy]. It has rich "war" information, and has participated in wars. It is the commander of a Penultimate.

However, it is difficult to obtain such commanders as [Bing Mausoleum], and the [Made of Heroes] bamboo slips sold in this store is an opportunistic way.

Just like [Yi Figure] is also considered [Yi Yong], you can advance if you collect 10,000, and the command of intelligent species itself is difficult to obtain, and he or she needs to meet various prerequisites.

Zhao Junzong is naturally reluctant to use opportunistic methods to "promote", and he also has a better method at this time. The most important thing is that he has the conditions to create advanced intelligent species commander.

He has the complete [Spell Ring] (Information) of [Penultimate Commander Hero Refinement], he has a blank [Specialist], and he has a [Spectrum Source] corpse-Lunzhe.

Of course, other refining materials are rare, but the blank [Spectrum ultimatum, Spectrum Source] is the most difficult part, and what exactly is [Spectrum Source]?

In a popular understanding, [Public Master] is [Emperor], [Supreme] is [King], [Supreme] is [Gong], and [Supreme] is [Hou].

[Zhiqiang] is [Bo], [Zhizhi] is [Zi], [Zhiming] is [male], and the rest are all [Min Shu Ye Yi].

[Puyuan] is the [Throne], but [Lun Zhe] has not yet "enthroned", just like [Di Li] has the [Emperor Throne], but is temporarily unable to ascend the throne.

And if you refer to the [Fang Clan], even a [male] whose realm is only [Bingyuan] has a [feudal fief], that is, "status" and "strength", and there is no need to match.

[Lun Zhe] tried to create a way of cultivation that was unique to his own race. No matter whether the cultivation way he created was correct or not, [Lun Zhe] was unsuccessful anyway.

After all, he "died" the road, and his realm has been stagnant at [Bingyuan·Xianyuan], and he will never be able to "enthrone". After all, he deviated from the rule of "asking to be king", but the [Throne] is already the Master in his hands.

Zhao Junzong remembered the [Ten-Pu Expulsion] three years ago, and the [Ten-Pu Xia], the previous event, which led to the expulsion of all the [Xiong] from the [Ten-Pu], which is equivalent to [the fief] being completed by the [Emperor]. seize.

[Ten Scores Entering Summer] was done more thoroughly, and all the "feudal fiefs" of [Ten Scores] were completely captured, and then [Ten Scores] disappeared completely, replaced by [Zhuxia Weapons Book].

[Zhuxia Weapons Spectrum], also known as [Human Weapon Spectrum], is a [weapon spectrum] that only belongs to the human race.

Although Chongwu, Queshan, etc. can be registered in [Zhuxia Weapons Spectrum], they belong to the status of [Wild] in [Hao Zhong], that is to say, their [Dust Fate] has no "seed".

[Shangzhi·Xici] wants to take away the body of [Lunzhe], that is, to take back his [earth], that is, the species of [King]. After all, [Spectrum Source] has a fixed number, which means that [Throne] is limited in quantity. .

[Lunzhe] Although it is a corpse, it still has [the fate of the dust], but the [Genealogy] has "left" with death, and the [Generation] will not disappear and die.

The commanding hero [Bingling] was originally a [World Cardinal], but he did not have [Criminal Fate] but had [Genealogy], which was the same as the training of [Weapon].

[Weapon] also has the [Pedicature] first, in order to give birth to [Original Mind], obtain [Empowerment], and climb the [To] ladder.

The [Original Mind] of [Weapon] is "intelligence", and it can only evolve into [wisdom] by integrating [intention], but having wisdom also has feelings, and it is hard to say that it must be good.

[Lun Zhe] has died, and [Blank Genealogy] can enable him to activate [Dream Fate], but this activation will cause [Mortal Fate] to degenerate into [Original Mind].

That is, [Lunzhe] will eventually become an intelligent species like [Bingling]. The Attribute data is very low, but it is okay to be a leader.

Everything is ready, and the refining process has no surprises. Zhao Junzong is very indifferent to this. After all, he has [100% foreseeable danger]. If there is a refining failure, he can predict it.

The corpse of [Lunzhe] is extremely huge, occupying 9,000 squares of Zhao Junzong [Warehouse], and after it was successfully refined, its size and shape have changed a lot.

It used to be "three heads, five legs and four wings", but now it is in the form of "dragon head, human body, two wings and lion tail".

[Specialist: Lunzhe], derived from [Shenpu·Lunzhe], white, green, red, knife-shaped, naturally intimidating, good at sound, and weak. Note: [God Genealogy] has disappeared, and [Genealogy Information] cannot be obtained when advancing to the rank.

For the [Fang Clan], defeat in battle is not terrible. What is terrible is being captured by a foreign race and reduced to a [Slave], and a [Slave] has no autonomy.

It means that when the master orders [Slave] to change form, [Slave] has no room for refusal, and once it changes form, it means betraying [Hao Fang], no longer [Fang Clan].

Therefore, before being branded with the [Slave Mark], the captives will ask the victors to use [Hao Fang] as a witness, never let them become [slaves] of alien races, and allow them to become [slaves] of alien races. suicide before.

[Fang Clan] captives are also extremely difficult to obtain. After all, they "kill themselves" at any time. Who can stop them, and forcibly branded [Slave Mark], there is a chance of failure, and there is a risk of killing the master.

Once the defeated [Fang clan] is captured, they either pay the ransom or become slaves, there is no third choice, and the defeated people obey the rules of war, and after becoming slaves, they will not resist, kill their masters, etc.

But there are also prerequisites for this compliance, that is, the [Fang Clan] cannot be required to change its form. If the victor is unwilling to swear, the [Fang Clan] captives will basically fight to the death.

Even if the resistance is suppressed, they are unwilling to be branded with a [slave mark] for obedience, and this kind of disobedience has great consequences. Basically, no one wants to buy a [slave] who can kill a master.

Zhao Junzong is also very disappointed because of this. It's not that there are no [Fang tribe] slaves, but basically they are all [shuye]. If [Yi], there may still be former "feudal lords".

And [regardless of the former princes or the current princes, as long as they are the [Fang clan] of the "uncle of the princes", they can be recruited as [heroes].

There was no gain at the auction, so Zhao Junzong had to visit the retainer of [Gongxu], who entertained Zhao Junzong with full courtesy.

It means that as long as [Zhaohou] is willing to join [Gongxu] in the "meeting alliance", he will offer a [Yihou].

[Marquis of Yi], who was captured due to defeat, was unable to pay the ransom and became a former [Marquis] of [slaves].

[All princes and generals have a kind], does not mean that they have ability, [Hero] does not require ability on the surface, but can it really not be required? There are countless examples of the incompetence of one general and the death of the three armies.

Zhao Junzong does not insist at this time. Both Bingling and Lunzhe have the commanding ability of Penultimate, and relying on them to command the war is a thousand times better than him. [Yihou] can be a decoration like him. .

As for why it is called [Zhao Hou], he can only guess that it is related to his [Cross Fate], and these foreign races seem to have the means of detection, and I don't know if it is a magic weapon or something else.

He didn't get this information from [Big Data], presumably because [Shi-Pu Shizhu] was unwilling to share it, but obviously he didn't want to share it, not to prevent Zhao Junzong.

After all, the [Sorcerers] don't know that there is an eleventh at every gathering, and they don't want to share, so they must be guarding against each other.

Princes without "dynasties" are collectively referred to as "wandering forces".

The "wandering forces" basically "dissociate" in the [Fengjian], occasionally summoned in the material world, and rarely exist in the material world.

Once it exists in the material world, it cannot be freed from the [Feng], cannot be summoned, and will be invaded by many. But it exists in the material world, and when performing "sacrificial sacrifices" to [Haofang], it will get more than the "wandering forces".

After all, the outline of [Hao Fang] is, "The major events of Hao, only the sacrifice and the Rong".

And after the [Bing Tide: Expanding the Army] is promoted, it is [Bing Tide: Wei Si].

So it's no wonder that Liang Donghui didn't mind at all and was put into the [Terrorist Mark]. After all, when it comes to [Bing Tide: Only Sacrifice], it is necessary to choose a [Shang only] to perform sacrifices.

And [Tide of Heaven-level Soldiers] is [Yu Rong], and another meaning of [Y Rong] is [War Power], that is, if you reach [Y Rong], you can "declare war" at will.

If you don't reach [Yu Rong], you can only passively defend, you can't "declare war", and you can't "invade and expand".

Fighting can also be fought, but in a war that is not launched in the [Yu Rong] realm, there are always random dangers in the dark.

[Huaicheng]'s [Hui Meng] participants are actually here for [Yu Rong]. After all, they are not eligible for [Yu Rong], but [Huai Wang] does!

The wandering forces are equivalent to mercenaries, participating in the war started by [King Huai]. After victory, they can not only distribute many spoils of war, but also [doubt] the rewards of [Shangzhi] enshrined.

[Shang Zhi] doesn't care who is pleasing him, as long as he can please him, [Shang Zhi] will reward him, provided that [Shang Zhi] knows that you are pleasing [He], this is the key to [Yu Rong] .

And if you reach the [Wei Shi], you can also participate in the [Meeting Alliance], but it is not worthwhile after all, it is better to worship your own [Superior], follow the instructions of the [Superior], and there will be rewards after completion.

If [Shang only] issued a war order, even if it did not reach [Yu Rong], he could still go to war, but he did not have the "right to declare war".

After all, [Supreme] doesn't care about your strength, and most likely you will choose the tough ones. Once defeated, not only will you suffer heavy losses, but you will also anger [Supreme] and lead to a bigger Punishment.

Therefore, when the [Bing Tide: Only Sacrifice] environment, how to choose the [Shang only] to worship is extremely important.

When the realm is not enough, Solaceon can conduct a clearly directional [Sacrificial Ceremony], and the [Serial] also ignores it, so there is a certain chance that the [Sacrificial] does not get a response.

But there is no harm in having a lot of [sacrifices] at ordinary times, at least I can understand the preferences of [shangshi], and when it comes to [only worship], you can choose [shangshi] who are not very aggressive.

There are many types of [imprints], only the [enshrined imprint] is marked with a close relationship with a certain [shang only], that is, [enshrinement] is displayed in the [pedigree].

And the ones who really worship [Qi Huang], the targets are only Yu Gua, Lu Xifa, Liang Yuehui, [the five elders in danger] and tens of thousands [inspectors], but they are not real worshipers.

When waiting for the reply from the retainers of Gongxu, Zhao Junzong naturally flipped through the information. When Gongxu returned, he had a long box about 10 meters long and half a meter wide.

Witnessed by "Xian Shang", Zhao Junzong promised to become an ally of [Gongxuan]. The time limit is the end of this [Meeting Alliance], and there are many details. For example, [Gongxuan] cannot push his allies into the "fire" pit and so on. .

"Xian Shang" is a "shang only" without any bias. Of course, there is no bias, it does not mean that [Xian Shang] has no temper, Zhao Junzong has already entered [His] "little" books.

After the oath was activated, Zhao Junzong took the long box that was clearly a "gun" away. [Gongxuan] the retainer was still very polite, opened the middle door, and the servants were lined up on both sides to send him away respectfully.

After returning to the independent courtyard provided by [Huaicheng] and letting all the servants and servants leave a certain range without disturbing them, Zhao Junzong opened the long box, but it wasn't a "gun"?

[Bingling] is a sword, [Lunzhe] is a knife, and the former [Yihou] who was defeated this time is a [bow], which does not match the [Marquis] "Hao Seed" in terms of shape.

[Fang Clan] The shape of themselves is similar to the pedantic and obsessiveness of the "parents who receive the body, the skin and the skin", and the "Hao Zhong" with higher status and status are very similar in shape, that is, they tend to be the original [Sword, Gun, Bow and Fan] ].

The so-called original shape is actually the most Earl Dervish impression of [Sword, Gun, Bow and Fan] by people like Zhao Junzong.

[Yihou] But there are some more components. There are seven "concave" points in the middle of the bow body. In addition, the bowstring has "nine" strips, and some other components.

It can be known that these components are evolved by [Yihou] himself, which means that he is not a fanatical [Fang Clan], but a heresy of [Fang Clan], so it is no wonder that he did not cut himself.

As the size dwindled, [Yihou] determined that the person in front of him was his [Master], and he made a move that surprised Zhao Junzong and directly transformed into a "human" shape.

Zhao Junzong was stunned for a while and then laughed out loud, while [Yihou] secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and transformed into the same form as [Master], he was able to please [Master], and the days to come should be better.

[Fang Clan] There is no "family" in the true sense, that is, there are no parents and children. If you lose the war, you will have nothing to worry about emotionally. And if you give up the fanaticism of "Hao Fang", it will really be nothing.

[Penalty: dry. The species born by [Hao Fang] is not in the [Ten Scores], white-red, bow-shaped, naturally maddened, aggressive, and fast].

"Under Si's surname Guangluo's clan".

"Then call you Sicha, okay?"

"Thank you Lord."

Zhao Junzong couldn't help laughing "hehe", and Sicha felt more relaxed. At present, it seemed that he was the kinder "lord".

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