I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 5 Passing Lightly, Mysterious And Beautiful Chapter 477~478 Those Hao Seed Breeders

[Federation] It is recommended that people under the age of 25 participate in the [Unparalleled Armor] assessment. This is not discrimination, but because the older you are, the tougher your body will be, which is not conducive to combat.

The [Combat Skill] display is an abnormal human posture. If the body is not flexible enough to be "soft", the [Combat Skill] cannot be displayed at all. Once it enters the actual combat and causes "invalidation", it will kill you.

The other is sub-health. The older you are, the more your body will get older, and some illnesses will exist.

The [Unparalleled Armor] assessment is to assess the [Unparalleled Armor] that is similar to the mecha, and then complete various complex battles within the specified time.

Once the pain occurs, the assessment cannot be completed, and it is more likely that the body is too stiff, causing strain.

As a result, 60,000 men and women are older.

The oversized ones here refer to those who are over 30 years old and are not suitable for participating in various [Wushuang Pavilion] trainings. There is a high probability that they will not be able to wear the [Wushuang Armor] for a lifetime, let alone enter the cultivation group.

Most people are still unable to resist the good money of "cultivation". Therefore, those who are inspired are not necessarily devout followers of "Haotian Religion".

The six tribes numbered by Zhao Junzong as No. 1 to No. 6, No. 1 is located in the north of the location of Zhao Junzong, and a large number of trees were cut down to build a rather huge camp.

There are a large number of rough wooden buildings built in the camp. The believers live in a row of wooden buildings with four or five floors. In front of the continuous wooden buildings is an open space, and in the middle of the open space is an "altar" made of "crystal jade". ].

The wooden building group is located at the [Altar]. To the right of the [Altar] is a stone flat building, where countless [dust jade and spar] are stacked, and behind the [Altar] is a larger open space, which is the training ground. .

[Altar] In front of it is a huge wooden and stone building with a shape similar to an ancient castle. There is a "chapel" that can accommodate about a thousand people. If you can't get the information about the seats inside, you can only stand outside.

Behind the "church" is an artificially excavated [lake]. There are a large number of wooden cages floating in the [lake], and in the cages there are people who are red "fruit".

"Bu Zexian" was one of the people who was imprisoned in the wooden cage. Although he was skinny, his eyes were "light". The reason why he was imprisoned in the wooden cage was because he wanted to escape.

In addition, some of those who were locked in the wooden cages had escaped together and were caught back together, some were unwilling to "eat" crystal jade, some were homesick and cried, and some were caused by the arrival of the "Hao Seed". Explosion" body, mental problems.

Some people could not bear this torture and gave in to the [priest]. Some people couldn't think of it, and directly pushed their heads out of the wooden pillars at the "bottom of the cage", so that the "heads" got stuck in them, trying to drown themselves.

But in the end, none of them succeeded. It was not the [priest] who came to beg, but he saved himself.

Although he wanted to drown himself, it was human instinct to struggle, and the [Hao Seed] in his "body" exploded with Transcendent power when he was struggling, and the wooden cage burst directly.

The people who were locked in the wooden cage used the drifting movement of the wooden cage to communicate secretly, trying to find a way to activate the power of the [Hao Seed], and then they would kill the camp together.

"Bu Zexian" is one of the earliest "cage prisoners". He has been imprisoned for nearly four years, and the reason why he did not starve to death is because the [priest] sent someone to forcibly stuff "tree roots" into his mouth.

But he later learned that this was not a real "tree root". Ordinary tree roots could not provide human nutrition for several months, and he could live for five months by eating one without food and water.

Although modern people do not know that a lot of history has been tampered with, they can still comprehend something from history, and modern literature is also blooming.

"Bu Zexian" quickly figured out that he was the "Human Cauldron" in the novel, so he chose to escape, and other people naturally figured out their own situation and ending.

There may be some foolish believers, but there are actually not a few people who dare to resist.

It's just that several "riots" were violently suppressed. Most people couldn't stand the torture such as beatings, immersion in cages, and so on, so they chose to give in, while a few continued to be tortured.

But no one has ever been killed. Here, there is only one way of Death, and that is to "explode" the body without being able to withstand the "Hao Seed".

Bu Ze first remembered that when he came, there were only more than 200 people. At first, he was actually quite happy. They fell wood together and built a camp together. Although the materials they brought were not many, they were abundant and sufficient.

You can also know through chatting that they are all "mental pressure" people who are looking for a way to decompress, but hiding in the deep mountains and forests cannot release the pressure. The release of pressure actually needs guidance.

In this regard, Bu Ze first admitted that the [priest] is very powerful.

But after the [Sacrificial Ceremony] was held, he knew that the [Priest] was not an ordinary person, so he could guide himself and others to release the pressure, which must be a Transcendent method.

In the beginning, Bu Ze was silently counting the "explosive" people, but he couldn't count them later.

Although he successfully merged with [Hao Seed], he could not continue to witness Deaths of the same type. He secretly contacted those who also wanted to escape, and started the first "riot" movement, which was brutally suppressed.

But Bu Zexian was not discouraged, and the others were also not energetic. They resisted again and were suppressed, and he had no chance to organize the third time. [The priest] locked all the team headed by him in the "wooden cage" .

This hurdle has been nearly four years. Some people in his team chose to give in, but there are also fellows who insisted on resisting with him. However, despite his firm belief, he has never been able to find a way to successfully resist.

This night was no different from the nights of the previous four years. "Bu Zexian, who was curled up in the wooden cage, tried his best to turn himself over and looked up at the night sky, perfecting the plan of resistance that would definitely not succeed.

He heard a slight "crashing" sound, and thought it was the same prisoner who was paddling in the water, but Qu Jiu's feet stretched out unconsciously, but the wooden cage was directly kicked away.

"Bu Zexian" was stunned for a while, but he was not happy or moved, but secretly observed and waited.

He knew that these wooden cages were not made of ordinary wood. They had been soaked in water for four years, but they had never rotted and could not be opened with violence.

But he could wait, but the others jumped into the water impatiently. Fortunately, they all kept quiet. Even though the "water sound" was a bit loud, it didn't attract the attention of the [priest] and the [guards].

Seeing that the men and women in the same prisoners were not in danger, "Bu Zexian" also took advantage of the situation to climb out of the "wooden cage" that was broken on one side, and after falling into the water, with the help of the "moonlight" with a relatively clear brightness, he found those former teams. partner.

"Bu Zexian" is still quite prestigious. More than 300 prisoners, who were held for different times, gathered around him one after another. The closest to him were six men and women.

Since they haven't been groomed for a long time, it is impossible to infer their age, but Zhao Junzong's focus naturally falls on "Bu Zexian".

The reason why they didn't rescue these people in person is because [Hao Zhong] has been integrated into their bodies, making it easy for them to be free, but there is no way to keep them alive for the time being.

Zhao Junzong also pondered, let these prisoners leave the wooden cage, and observe whether they leave by themselves, or whether they will return to save others.

And if he wants to save the other believers, it will inevitably cause "turmoil", he can attach [Mighty Power] to his body, activate [Hao Seed], and let everyone temporarily have some Transcendent power.

The more than 300 prisoners did not choose to escape on their own, but swam ashore one after another and gathered together again. The man named "Bu Zexian" asked everyone to steal the "torch" first.

These "torches" are not made of earth, but made by modern technology, and "oil" is stored inside.

Bu Ze first asked everyone to pour the "oil" stored in the "torch" into the easy-to-burn part of the [church], and those who didn't need to pour it would ignite it.

Both [Priest] and [Guardian] lived in [Church]. If they could be burned to death, it would be the best, but Boo knew first that the probability of [Sacrificial, Guard] burning to death was not high.

It takes time and support for the fire to really burn, and [priests and guards] are so-called [weapons and weapons], and it is estimated that the fire will be "perceived" as soon as it burns.

The reason why the [church] is still burning is that after analysis by "Bu Zexian", he thought that he and others should be found as soon as they got out of the cage. Get torches.

This means that those who open all the wooden cages secretly have manipulated the "perception" of [priests and guards]. According to this inference, "Bu Zexian" can do more things.

Bu Ze didn't think about the rescuers behind the scenes. Why didn't he come forward to save everyone. He is actually a very confident person, and it is because of his confidence that he has been extremely successful in starting a business, but also because of his confidence, he has nothing.

Sprinkling "oil" in the flammable position of the [church], holding torches waiting for the signal to set fire, these are two groups of people, and another group of people went to the stretch of wooden buildings to put thousands of people who had fallen asleep. wake.

Bu Zexian's plan was to let thousands of believers leave the camp first. If the [priests and guards] sensed something abnormal, he would have them set on fire immediately. As for how long he could stop them, he didn't know.

But the [priests and guards] never killed people during the suppression, so Bu Ze first dared to do it. If he failed, he would simply return to the wooden cage, and he would definitely die, depending on when the [priest] harvested.

Those who escaped from the wooden cage with him were quite brave.

But in fact, it was the same as what Bu Ze thought first. If they failed, they would not be killed, and they had already adapted to the situation of being locked in a wooden cage.

Bu Zexian and others didn't know that there was someone else who really controlled everything.

Zhao Junzong blocked the [church] so that the [priests and guards] could not perceive the outside world, and the reason why the [priests] did not send sentries was because he believed in his "perception".

If it was the first to escape, the scene would not only be chaotic and bound to be noisy, but these thousands of believers actually had the experience of being organized to "escape" many times, and actually is not organized by "Bu Zexian".

There are not a few people like "Bu Zexian". During the four years that Bu Zexian was locked in the wooden cage, some people organized resistance one after another, and then they were suppressed and thrown into the wooden cage.

Also because they have been organized to resist many times, thousands of believers have experienced it, and they feel that they are queuing up, not talking to each other, and obeying the arrangements of the "Bu Zexian" team.

It's just that this was a doomed "prison break". When the believers left the camp with about a thousand people, Zhao Junzong removed the [Weili] who blocked the [church], and the [priest and guard] suddenly woke up.

[Priest] is just [Bingyuan Innate], which is [Xianyuan·Flying].

But this is no longer the case. [Ten Spectrum Tianluo] will share some common sense of cultivation from time to time through [big data], and [Human Weapon] has obtained more information, which will inevitably leak.

【Earth Blue Star】cultivators also know the information of 【Bingyuan, Bingchao, Bingji】, etc., which are common sense information for practitioners of 【Tai Shang Realms】.

[Priest] He didn't hide his face. In terms of appearance alone, this is an Aunt with a certain charm, and his figure is quite good, but his actions are not ambiguous.

There are two levels of [Combat Skills] in the [Soldiers Source] period, one is pure combat skills, which form physical output, and the other is an additional [skill ring], which forms physical or mental output without [damage].

The [priestess] and nearly a hundred [guards] did not take action at this time, because whether it was the information about leaving the camp, or the believers still stranded in the camp, after seeing them, they automatically returned to the bamboo building in the row.

And the more than 300 former prisoners who led the rebellion also walked to the front of the [Altar] very skillfully, squatted with their heads in their hands, and waited for the hair to fall.

The [priestess] ignored these people, and first went to check the [wooden cage], which was all broken on one side. She first wondered why she couldn't "perceive" the aura of attacking the wooden cage, and then seemed to remember something, and her face suddenly changed greatly.

Zhao Junzong was quite melancholy. He really didn't have the qualifications to act as a "behind the scenes" boss, and he forgot that his whereabouts were "public".

That is, he led the [Xiao Tianluo Training Class] to the virgin forest named [Zhongta]. Anyone who pays attention to him will know it. Then, how can the behind-the-scenes trained by [Hao Zhong] not know about it?

That's why after the [Female Priest] checked the wooden cage, even the guards didn't notice and chose to "run away", but she couldn't escape, and fell to the ground after being restrained by [Weili].

As for why he didn't know, he informed the six tribes to evacuate the first time he was coming to the [Zhongta] virgin forest. Zhao Junzong speculated that this was because he was Zhao Junzong.

The outside world knows that the coach of [Xiao Tianluo Training Class] is "Zhao Junzong", and Zhao Junzong's strength is recognized as the "Bingyuan Innate Wonderland".

But being able to destroy the "wooden cage" is not something that [Bingyuan Innate] can do, so the [priestess] concluded that it was [with a knife and no flash] here in rainy days, wouldn't she run away and wait to be slaughtered?

After pondering this point clearly, Zhao Junzong naturally had to wear the mask of [Blue Face and Fangs], and then put on the uniform of the [Police and Dangerous Division] who had been recovered and taken by the [Federation].

There is no need for interrogation. Zhao Junzong is not proficient in this aspect, and he also knows that even if the [priestess] is willing to speak, it is estimated that they do not know much.

If "Yu Gua" is still at the [Police and Safety Division] or the [Inspector Division], he is going to hand over these [priests and guards] to "Yu Gua", but "Yu Gua" is now the head of the [District Guarantee]. lead.

Although he is still a high-ranking official of the [Federation], other than him, the other employees of the [District and Preservation Division] are all corporate contractors, not civil servants of the [Federation], so Yu Gua has no "power".

After thinking about it, Zhao Junzong decided to throw the six [priests] and six hundred [guards] of the six tribes to the [Caiguan Guardian Group] of [Wu Jing].

In fact, he has been pondering [Human Weapon] and the method of putting [Tai Shang Realms], but [Big Data] is forbidden for him to obtain, [Qi Huang] only serves him, and he can't count on it.

If he can get this delivery method, he can deliver the [Material Officer Guardian Group], it won't really be Death anyway, but the experience is real.

Of course, this kind of "projection" approach also has some disadvantages, such as "resource" plundering, limited carrying, limited range of action, and so on.

But [Ten Spectrum Tianluo] set up [Human Weapon], naturally not for "resources", but requires a group of forces with rich combat experience and commanding ability.

At the same time, it is also necessary to use this power to complete the layout that is inconvenient for him, such as unplugging some of the [Sentry] of the [World]. As for why he has to unplug it, Zhao Junzong is not clear.

[Priests, Guards] have a way to deal with them, but these 60,000 [Hao Seeds] cultivate people, but they cannot be put back directly.

Once the [Hao Seed] matures and is not harvested, the cultivators will get out of control, thus killing people and setting fires everywhere in the [Federation], causing serious disasters.

They can't be put back directly to the [Federation], they can only be taken to the [Ocean Realms], and because they are "carried" [Hao Seed], these 60,000 people will not be "dusted" by the rules of the [Ocean Realms] ".

To put it simply, 60,000 people are now equivalent to [Hao Seeds], and the earliest [Hao Seeds] were the batch of [Fang Clan] Shen Mian after the [Battle of Usurpation], which can also be said to be [Fang Lu]. .

Today's [Hao Zhong] is quite complicated, and Zhao Junzong doesn't have the heart to explore it, he is thinking about which [world] to bring to.

Belonging to his own six worlds is the first choice, even if [Hao Zhong] is mature and runaway, the dead are aliens, and he has no psychological burden.

But at this time, [Qi Huang] had an image and a piece of information, which made him have to change his mind.

In [Mount and Blade: The Legend of Three Kingdoms], there is a plot in which Liu Bei flees with hundreds of thousands of people. [player] When encountering this plot, there are two options.

One is to stand on the opposite side of Liu Bei and kill the people. The more you kill, the more generous the reward.

One is to choose to help Liu Bei and resist the pursuers. The more people flee, the more generous the reward.

After Zhao Junzong watched the video and read the information, he suddenly realized that what he had been calling the [Qi Huang] perspective before, "Wonny" Ma was actually a "game" editing, and he was holding a big straw.

It's just that it's not the original game clip, but replaced with the real background of "Tai Shang's Armed Forces". All the people, things and things that happened are also real, which is similar to the plot of the [game]. Very high.

His current situation is very similar to the [Benevolence or Evil] mission.

You can choose to kill these people and harvest the immature [Hao Seed], or you can wait for the [Hao Seed] to mature before harvesting, and 60,000 people will definitely not survive.

You can also choose to bring 60,000 people to [Yu Xing], find a place to settle down, explore in [Yu Xing], look for the animal-shaped Cultivation Technique of [Yu Clan], and let 60,000 people cultivate, not only can they escape the catastrophe , but also officially entered the cultivation.

It's just that it is no longer the cultivation method of [Earth Blue Star], but the cultivation method of [Yu Xing]. Once the cultivation is successful, it will become the form of [half-human, half-weapon, half-beast].

As for the "Realm", it is related to the [Hao Seed] that they have cultivated.

The status of [Hao Seed] is low, and the Realm is low. If it is [Baron] Hao Seed, it is directly the [Bing Tide Shogunate] Realm, but the highest will not break through [Bing Tide], and [Emperor Seed] is [Bing Tide and Rong]. territory.

Although [Qihuang] fits the [game clip] with the current era and environment, it also gives some useful information, such as how to go to [Yu Xing], and for example, how to bring 60,000 people there.

First of all, he brought 60,000 people into the [Shangqiongtian Shogunate], which is his own [Shogunate]. Thanks to the merger of hundreds of [secret realms], the [Shogunate] has enough area to accommodate 60,000 people.

The second is that he jumped out of the [Shogunate] with his [true body] shape too, and then [Void] defined the position of [Five Directions], locked in the west of [Yu Xing], and then ran long distances until he found [Yu Xing]. Yu Xing] until now.

After discovering [Yu Xing], he naturally wanted to enter. The reason why he did not let 60,000 people cultivate in his [Shogunate] after obtaining [Beast Shape Art] was because of the "environment".

[Xia Xing] is an environment rich in [Five Elements], [Yan Xing] is an environment rich in [Five Elements], [Yin Xing] is an environment rich in [Morale], and [Yu Xing] is an environment rich in [Five Elements] Vitality] rich environment.

As for [Suixing], it is a rich environment with [Five Colors Qi], but it is very different from the [Five Colors Qi] of [Red Dust Tribulation].

Therefore, if 60,000 people want to cultivate [Beast Shaped Art], they must cultivate in [Yuxing], and in other places, they must fail and suffer backlash.

But the first time I entered [Yu Xing], I didn't want to collect [Beast Shape Art], but to find a place that could accommodate 60,000 people and where 60,000 people could live.

It's not like throwing 60,000 people anywhere, throwing the collected [Beast Form] to them, and then disregarding their Death.

If you really want to do this, the mission will fail and you won't get any rewards.

This is the first time that Zhao Junzong has clearly received the task released by [Qihuang]. Of course, [Qihuang] did not make it clear that this is a task. However, the prompt was so obvious that Zhao Junzong felt that he could not be wrong.

Therefore, after cultivation, 60,000 people must be able to be self-sufficient and not be slaughtered in a short period of time. Only then can the task of [Benevolence and Righteousness or Evil] be completed.

Zhao Junzong didn't ask for the advice of cultivating 60,000 [Hao Seeds]. He consumed 60 [Weight] points to cover everyone in it, and then the [Life Form] opened his arms and Zhao Junzong brought 60,000 people into it.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in an unfamiliar place, and he couldn't see the "moon". The "luminosity" of the entire environment was a little dark, but he could still see within three to five meters.

The cultivators of the six tribes met for the first time, but the real contact was with several teams of the cultivators of the six tribes, all of which organized resistance.

Zhao Junzong ignored how these people contacted and communicated, and the place where these people were placed was actually very far from the core building of his [Shogunate]. It is estimated that these people would be difficult to explore.

As for food and water, Zhao Junzong left a lot of [tree roots] to those teams, which were actually obtained from the six tribes, and also obtained a lot of [dust jade, spar].

After doing this, he showed his [real body], a 10,000-meter-high volume, and would not feel cramped in the [Shogunate], and then jumped out of the [Shogunate] and entered [Void].

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