I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 1 Water That Can't Be Drunk, Loneliness That Can't Be Urinated Chapter 063 Everythi

"For example, although the real qi is still strong today, the spiritual qi is also recovering. The recovery stage is the most dangerous, and various [spiritualization, evil transformation] things will be more frequent. There are twelve other special arms for [spirit removal]. , the matter of [Executing Xie] needs to be reconsidered.”

"Can't you turn those twelve special arms into [Removing Spirits and Punishing Evils]?"

"Childish," Qu Hong reprimanded lightly, "The special arms of the twelve regions have at least a history of more than 120 years, not to mention the change in thinking, just talking about so many years, they are already self-contained, how can it be? will change course."

Zhao Junzong thought that he really made things simple, and the attitude of the [Chimei Army] high-level officials is enough to show that they are not ignorant of the recovery of heaven and earth, but they are not willing to be responsible for [Zhu Xie]. Of course, if the emperor is willing to give more military spending and authority, these special arms will definitely be willing to "change course".

However, how dare the emperor continue to decentralize power, the twelve special arms are already "big tail" and can't get rid of them, and the "disarmament strategy" in the previous load did not succeed, which is the result of the twelve special arms uniting the princes in the DPRK.

Therefore, the able-bodied emperor "Sima Yan" decided to create a new special army, which is the [Zhu Xie Si].

Zhao Junzong burst into tears. He was one of the next candidates for the [Red Eyebrow Army] brigade commander. How could he be "nailed" to death in the [Zhuye Division]? Isn't it better to inherit the [Red Eyebrow Army] than to fish in the [Zhuye Division]? But how to go back?

After chatting for about three sticks of incense sticks, Qu Hong reopened the door, but the "Peony Eagle" "light group" at the bottom was gone. Qu Hong carefully picked up the slap-sized box on the ground, as if holding an imperial decree, and returned all the way back. The ground, then, motioned Zhao Junzong to close the door as he did before.

"Sir, it is very expensive to enshrine [Bingyuan]," Zhao Junzong said, following Qu Hong.

"Naturally expensive, but also worth it".

Zhao Junzong no longer speaks, the [Red Eyebrow Army] and the other eleven special arms have not developed and grown to the point where the imperial court is afraid of them for more than a hundred years, but they are dragged down by the big appetite of [Bingyuan]. If the twelve special arms were strong enough, the court would not even dare to mention the "disarmament thorn", let alone discuss it in the courtroom.

After a walk in the palace, Zhao Junzong muttered, "I didn't brush up on Qu Hong's favorability." The "favorability" between him and Qu Hong increased by leaps and bounds after Qu Hong was beaten by the emperor. Therefore, if Qu Hong needs it , will take him.

Riding a cloud-mane horse that had been idle for a long time, Zhao Junzong returned to the "Mingyue Peak" construction site, and after a tour, there was no "exclamation mark" on the "construction panel", indicating that everything was in accordance with the rules. Even if there are cutting corners, it does not affect the sturdiness, it is nothing more than a decrease in the annual rate of use.

"Master Zhao, drunk Zhao, come here."

Only [Fei Xu] dared to call Zhao Junzong that way. This guy lent money to Zhao Junzong to get drunk. In his words, it’s not that I don’t save you, but that you want to die yourself. , take the money and buy a few more bottles.

"Damn, the businessmen in the capital are so dark." Zhao Junzong called him from [Haijingfu] to the capital, and under his guidance, [Fei Xu]'s business was also opened up. The business of this product is relatively complicated, with building materials, weapons, private salt, private tea, etc. all involved, but the best business is the supply of the [Red Eyebrow Army] that Zhao Junzong helped him get.

Zhao Junzong called [Fei Xu], in fact, he wanted him to withdraw after earning a fortune, but now that he may stay in the capital, this basic friend cannot be dismissed early.

"[Red Eyebrow Army] Is it okay over there?"

"Brother, please don't worry, Young Master Zhao," said Fei Xu, while wiping his dirty hands on Zhao Junzong's body. After wiping it clean, he continued to say, "Jingjing residence, it's really not easy, it's so small. A house, dare to sell 20,000 Jin vouchers, a house with a yard in Haijing Mansion, only 5,000 Jin vouchers."

"That's it?" Zhao Junzong stared at [Fei Xu] with a bad expression on his face.

"No, I want to say that the situation here is difficult to open, I want to go back to [Haijing Mansion]."

"Come on, is this back?"

"Come on, [Haijingfu] is lying down to make money, and here I bow down and make small money, I'm out of breath."

Zhao Junzong quickly grabbed his good friend, "Damn, good things are coming!"

He talked about [Bingyuan], and [Fei Xu]'s eyes suddenly lit up, "Can you also get the status of [Red Eyebrow Army] as a co-sponsor?"

"The layout is small, isn't it?" Zhao Junzong squinted, "The barracks are still under construction, and the weapons and equipment for war horses have not been prepared yet. You go back to [Haijingfu], the journey is long, and the transportation is risky, so you can place an order directly in the capital, and you will be lost. Selling it to [Zhu Xie Si], wouldn't it be fragrant for millions of coupons?"


[Fei Xu] This kind of earning tens of thousands and tens of thousands of coupons is the normal state of [professional play]. Zhao Junzong earning hundreds of millions is completely cheating, and I don’t know why there is [big terror] This bug-like unknown exists.

Zhao Junzong speculates that it has something to do with his "resurrection from the dead", perhaps his "resurrection from the dead" has an effect of 1+1 greater than 2 with the "unknown existence" in the game.

And "Li Chacha" who is in a coma due to excessive physical energy consumption is not a real "resurrection", so it is a normal "unknown existence" that conforms to the game settings.

"Don't be distracted." He stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Zhao Junzong. [Fei Xu] continued, "I'm going to mobilize people from the capital, and your news must be reliable, otherwise, I will lose everything."

"Calm down, I'll make up for the loss."

"Wuhu, [Junzong will be unstoppable] ah!"

After teasing Zhao Junzong, [Fei Xu] sighed, "Although private salt and private tea have the word [private], they are not easy to make money, and local specialties are the money, Mr. Zhao, can you get it? 【Easy Market Certificate of Jingshi Specialty】"

"You're thinking about eating shit," Zhao Junzong scolded with a smile.

Although salt iron tea and so on were monopolized by the imperial court, it is not necessarily strict.

Selling salt to the coastal area is a blood loss, and you have to sell it inland to make money. Actually, the profit is not much, about three or five times, and if the amount is large, you will make more money. But there are many levels along the way, and gangs form strongholds. If the amount is large, just wait to be robbed.

The most profitable smuggling "smuggling" is the "specialty product". The specialty product is not only unique to the locality, but also has beneficial effects; there are not many rare medicinal materials, but the specialty product may be "mass-produced", so no matter what kind of specialty product has huge market.

In terms of business, Zhao Junzong is really unfamiliar. He is taking a cutting-edge route, which cannot be copied by others, and he will make dozens of times the profit if he loses his hands. He is also not going to share this with [Fei Xu]. [Fei Xu] complains about suffering, but actually enjoys it.

After arranging ways to make money for his good friends, Zhao Junzong inspected the construction site again. This is his responsibility. Any mistakes are his "sins", and there is no room for sloppiness.

From the [construction panel], you can understand the progress of the project. The coupons are pouring out like a tide, and various buildings have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. The 40-year-old time has passed, and the brand-new military camps are standing.

Sizai Quhong had never been to the construction site once. He only listened to Zhao Junzong's report. After the barracks was completed, he led a group of professionals to come to check it out.

Since the construction of the barracks are all related households, as long as there is no major problem, the inspection can be passed, and Zhao Junzong is basically guarding the construction site in his 40s. If the inspection fails, he feels that he must be targeted.

The acceptance is passed, and there are still more than ten promotion coupons in the account. Jingshuai's most famous "Bai Yujing" is definitely not affordable, but the next-level "Red Sleeve Shirt" can be used for a while. The girls must have missed Zhao Junzong, so they could only bury their heads and eat hard. Qu Hong and the others did not force Zhao Junzong, because the [Ling people] are so "self-disciplined".

Because of this, there is a saying among NPCs, "Heaven and earth give [Zheng] the ability to revive infinitely, which seals their ability to reproduce."

[Natural Disasters] said that this rumor cannot be refuted. After all, the girls have taken off their pants, and they can only look at a pile of "mosaic" and shed tears.

The accounts were clean and the auditing was perfunctory. Zhao Junzong finally heard the sound of [prompt].

[Tips]: You have completed the task of [Execution of Evil Army], and the progress of [Road to Commander] is full.

[Tips]: You have obtained a fifth-class merit, and you have accumulated 10 fifth-class merits.

[Tips]: You have obtained 5000 merits, and you have accumulated 10200 merits. The value is: 8400/10200.

[Hint]: The fate of life is elusive. One second you may be the candidate for the brigade commander of the [Red Eyebrow Army], and the next second you may be the candidate for the brigade commander of the [Red Eyebrow Army].

Everything is ready, only owes Dongfeng, and when the court promotes himself as a "general", he can also be promoted to "the prince's realm", and then integrate "martial arts" to create a "soldier king suit". But from the [hint], I can also know that I may be the brigade commander of the [Zhu Xie Army], and I have to go to the chief minister to blow the pillow wind.

Sizai Quhong still cherishes his subordinates, and soon "begged" for Zhao Junzong to get the "general" official position, and he did not become the brigade commander of the [Evil Army] as expected by the [system]. But unlike the [Red Eyebrow Army], the [Zhu Xie Si] brigade commander is not the top leader, and there is also the jurisdiction of the chief minister.

The moment I received the official seal, official uniform, etc., [Tips] came.

[Hint]: The real road of the brigade commander, starting from today, you will get the task [Road of Princes].

[Mission: The Road of Princes]: You are already a "general" and qualified to be a prince, but you need huge merits and dazzling achievements. Your road to be a prince will start with training 10,000 soldiers to kill evil. However, you have not yet known the promotion sequence of [Evil Execution Army].

Requirement: Explore the promotion sequence of the special unit [Evil Executioner].

Let's put aside the matter of exploring the promotion sequence for a while. Zhao Junzong wants to be promoted to the "Prince Realm" first. He feels that he is beaten by [Liu Sanbian and Li Chacha] and has no power to fight back because he does not have "martial arts".

However, other people's "martial arts" are carefully thought out, that is, what military skills, special skills, characteristics, etc. should be learned, and then when the princes are in the realm, they can integrate the "martial arts" they want.

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