I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 1 Water That Can't Be Drunk, Loneliness That Can't Be Urinated Chapter 067 Winter I

The "hunting and arresting division" is in charge of serious murder cases, the "wind patrol division" is responsible for arresting felons and fugitives, and the "arresting division" is in charge of traffic, public security and other order. Important transportation hubs have "arrest posts", similar to the existence of "police stations", so the "arrest" people come quickly.

The arresters are also very experienced in handling this kind of business. First ask [Hua Zaigeng] if he admits his guilt?

[Hua Zaigeng] After pleading guilty, the arresters deal with the wounded first. They carry medicines for internal and external injuries with them. Fractures and the like are also captured. However, for internal injuries and broken bones, they need to go back to the "medical hall" in the city for treatment.

The deceased is a man and a woman. First, ask if there are any relatives. If there are no relatives, they will search the pockets or luggage of the corpse. Travelers will basically carry household documents, that is, ID cards.

If there are no relatives and no household documents, the treatment is quite sloppy, and it is directly regarded as an "anonymous" and shipped to the "Zuozuosi", either as a specimen for autopsy, or burned.

The deceased was accompanied by relatives, and the arresting head asked, what is the asking price? This is mainly because the [Qi] cannot "kill to pay for their lives" and can only be punished severely. But if the "family" must die once, the official government will also judge it, what about the [Qianzu]! Infinite resurrection, one death is worth the life.

It has been more than ten years since the [Qing tribe] appeared in the Dajin Empire. Ordinary Jin people also know that the [Qing tribe] can be resurrected indefinitely. The family members of the deceased said that they could not decide for the time being.

The arresting head asked [Flower Zaigeng] to go with him to [Dajin Qianzhuang Haijing Mansion Semicolon], deposited a sum of 300,000 promotion coupons, and opened a special account. Compensation for all wounded and dead will go from this account. By letter, it is the household document, medical certificate, etc., and it can also be handed over to the [Arrest Division].

The advantage of handing it all over to the [Arrest Division] is that the next thing has nothing to do with [Hua Zai Farming], and the disadvantage is that the [Arrest Division] will squeeze the injured and the families of the deceased. [Hua Zaigeng] Obviously, she didn't get into the drama too deeply, and she could distinguish between virtual and reality. She saved 300,000 promotion coupons into the bank.

Zhao Junzong thought that the matter was resolved and he could return to the capital. Unexpectedly, [Hua Zaigeng] forced [Li Chacha] to find [Veterinarian], however, [Veterinarian] said there was nothing he could do.

"3 million coupons, sold to you".


[Hua Zai Geng] suddenly repented, and discharged Zhao Junzong to show how he could cure [Sweat and Blood Treasure], but Zhao Junzong put on a "mask" to cover his inability to resist the charm of the other party, and revealed the "soul-granted" gift expression.

[Hua Zai Geng] was unrelenting, Zhao Junzong urged Li Chacha, if he didn't leave, he would not cooperate. In the end, Zhao Junzong spent 3 million to buy the [Sweaty BMW]. Then, go back to the [Veterinary Hall], call the experienced [Veterinarian], and tell him where to start, how to deal with broken bones, and so on.

The eye of insight and perception let Zhao Junzong know that although the [Sweaty BMW] was seriously injured, it could be saved, and [veterinarian]'s medical skills were also the key. After all, Zhao Junzong could see where to start, but he didn't know how to do it.

Ask the servant in the hospital to go to the inner city and send a letter to Yi Ji. After Yi Ji arrives, let him take care of the [Sweaty BMW]. The inner city should be safer, and the [Sweaty BMW] will also take some time to recuperate. If you steal it, it will not run.

Regardless of life and death, he had to follow [Li Chacha]'s [Flowering Farming], Zhao Junzong returned to the capital by "moving the array", and then took the two girls into the inner city, but refused [Flower Zaigeng] to enter [Zhu Xie] Division], the reason is that someone is afraid of betrayal.

[A big chimney] I didn't know that I was the one who would betray. I pretended to sweep the floor near the gate, and it blocked Zhao Junzong. He rushed over with a broom, "Boss, let me join the [Evil Army]" .

"I lost it, how many times have I said it, you are a prince, and you don't meet the standards."

"You can be an official."

"You want to fart."

[One big chimney] Stalking, Zhao Junzong asked the evil-killing soldiers to drag this guy down and hit 30 big boards hard. Anyway, he couldn't kill him, and the equipment was durable and worn at most.

Standing in front of the huge [Interesting Dial] device, Zhao Junzong speculated that the "gear" world he entered should also be regarded as the [Spiritual World], which meant that the [Interesting Dial] treasure was not simple.

However, there are actually many [Interesting Sundial] in the inner city of the capital. Is it because [Zhuye Si] is more special, or does it mean that all [Interesting Sundial] have their own [Spiritual Realm]?

"What to do now?"

Li Chacha did not answer, and called out his general spirit [Blue Bird], Zhao Junzong followed suit, and called out his own [Red Phoenix]; but after a stick of incense, Li Chacha had no follow-up action and ignored it. At Zhao Junzong's urging, he stared at the [Interesting Sundial Map].

After another stick of incense, she moved, "call out the general spirit and show the [law]." Before the words were settled, she was "sucked" into the [resting sundial map].

"Come on, you've been fooled, stinky mother-in-law," Zhao Junzong scolded at [Xi Sundial], scolding and scolding, without delaying him to show the [Law Order], and then he knew why [Li Chacha] did not move. Incense stick time.

It looks like the "soul" is out of the body overlooking the vast fragmented universe. The shining "fragments" are not static, but move at a high speed, and you can see a scene like a meteor shower. The endless "fragments" moved round and round, one of which seemed to be attracted by Zhao Junzong's "eyes", its speed gradually slowed down, and finally, Zhao Junzong could see it clearly.

And at the moment of seeing "it" clearly, Zhao Junzong disappeared in [Zhuye Si] and entered a world that seemed to be cold and warm -- the spiritual world of the Winter Solstice.

[Tips]: You have discovered the [Winter Solstice Spirit World], and the progress of the mission [Xiantian Clan] has increased, currently at 2.2%.

[Tips]: The current "reiki" is too strong, your situation is very dangerous, please leave in time.

[Hint]: You are protected from the unknown existence in your body, you are exempted from this damage, and you are qualified to stay in the [Spiritual World] for a long time.

It means that if there is no [Great Terror], there is a time limit to stay in the [Spiritual World].

Zhao Junzong didn't know how [Li Chacha] found the [Law] item. Anyway, he relied on the "eye of insight" and "perception", and he found the "Hibernating Wood" without taking two steps.

But it is actually more like a "root carving" and has a "master", otherwise, how did the surface paddle come from? It must have been "disc".

The autumn leaves wither, the ground freezes with frost, and all things appear depressed. This is the perception given to Zhao Junzong by the [Winter Solstice Spirit World]. Walking along the muddy path at will, it can be seen that the birds and beasts are all sluggish. Seeing Zhao Junzong, he can't cheer up, just glanced at it and continued to doze.

Perception gave Zhao Junzong a peculiar guidance, and it didn't take him much time to find the second item - the Frigid Stone.

Picking up the "Frigid Stone" in the shape of a "round bead", Zhao Junzong concluded that these objects did have an owner. Because the "Stone of Extreme Cold" was not only punched with a small hole, but also had "threads" left in the hole.

"Could it be that these items are all treasures of [Ling Zun]? Or are they weapons? After all, even fighting with bare hands cannot destroy the world," Zhao Junzong muttered.

The third "Big Dipper Meteorite" confirmed his speculation that this item tended to be a part of a weapon, while the fourth item "Ice Bear" was not a living thing, but a "specimen".

[Tips]: You have collected all "Arctic Stone, Hibernating Wood, Frozen Bear, Big Dipper Meteorite", you can activate [Hero: Winter Solstice], whether to activate or not.

The activation process is very simple, that is, there is a "talent" column on the panel, which reads "Qiji·Winter Solstice".

[Qiji·Winter Solstice]: When performing, recite or chant, "Law, winter is coming, and all things will wither." Consumes 100 Zenith, within 3 feet, producing a "sluggish" effect. Consumes 300 Zena for a "stiff" effect, and consumes 600 Zena for a "withering" effect.

Zhao Junzong took a look at the panel and found that he had 750 Zenith, so he could try the "wither" method.

The weak wind blew lightly on the mainland, and the green grass and trees turned yellow in an instant. The birds perched on the big trees fell to the ground with a whimper. The dense feathers had already detached from their bodies.

If it is aimed at practitioners, their attributes, abilities, martial arts, etc. will inevitably be sealed by "withering", but "Qiji" is not without solution. Using "Qiji" to "Qiji" can be used to hedge, or even more High-level "seasons, weather".

How to leave? As soon as the thought started, Perception discovered something, followed the guidance of "Perception", walked for about an hour or so, and arrived in front of an "eyeball"-shaped "light group".

Now that he knows how to leave, Zhao Junzong is not in a hurry to leave. Without the [Law Order] quest, I don't know if I can enter next time, so search and search first. During the search process, we encountered invisible barriers, so we probably know that the area of ​​[Winter Solstice Spirit World] is not large, but although the area is not large, there are quite a lot of good things.

"I don't know if [Winter Solstice Spirit World] is the only place here. If it is the only one, I have looted so many things, how can others activate [Law]? It's miserable."

Coming out of the [Spiritual World], it did not appear in the [Xi Sundial Hall] of the [Zhuye Division], but a barren mountain. Looking up, the moon hangs in the sky, and it is already late at night. Obviously, the flow rate of [Spiritual World] is different from [Tianque Continent].

[Jiang Hou Wushuang] There is only one continent in the world, called "Tianque", and [Tianque] is the so-called "Heaven and Earth". How big is it? The game official did not say, and the Dajin Empire has not finished exploring, so naturally there is no way to know.

Walking slowly on the moonlight, I sensed a lot of hostility. The barren hills in the dark night hide a lot of murderous intentions, some from beasts, some from birds, and even from "worms".

Zhao Junzong felt that the "Zerg", once dominated by demons, were the most powerful. After all, you don't care about a mosquito, but it's very likely to be highly poisonous, and you should poke it if you poke you.

Fortunately, today's "bugs" are very degraded, and they are not "demon" at all. They will kill several mosquitoes with a flick of their hands. There is no poisoning, and a world without "demon" is harmonious.

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