I Can Predict Danger 100%

Volume 1 Water That Can't Be Drunk, Loneliness That Can't Be Urinated Chapter 098 The Scra

"I can't think that way either." Zhao Junzong remembered that when he was covered by [Sword Domain], [Big Terror] not only used martial arts for the first time, but also mobilized his items in order to let him escape. If there were [Fire Wings] at that time, and [Big Terror] could operate "him", obviously there would be more space.

Several people appeared in Zhao Junzong's "Perception", he wondered, [Jiang Ling] can't be hidden after manifesting, can such a dazzling [Chifeng] be invisible?

[Perception] can receive the clearest [image], but cannot receive "sound", and can only "perceive" that a few people are talking, obviously not invisible, but for another reason.

[Perception] is obtained after experiencing the [Spiritual World] inside [Spirit Dial Map]. Zhao Junzong speculates that the ultimate function of "it" is [Spiritual Sundial Map], or there is a higher level, which Zhao Junzong could not imagine. .

And if he reaches the level of [Interesting Sundial], he can teleport within the "perception" area, and he doesn't need to "run" like he is now, and he doesn't feel a bit of [forced].

Without further ado, cut it first.

Anyway, this is his mansion. He invaded other people's houses for no reason, and killed him without breaking the "Jin State Law".

It's just that Zhao Junzong didn't kill the four [Natural Disasters], but attacked their "secondary targets and secondary targets" with "combat skills", causing their weapons and equipment to be permanently cleared.

The four [Natural Disasters] stood on the spot in their normal clothes with a demented look on their faces. They didn't even have a chance to fight back. The weapons were broken, and the equipment "crash" fell on its own.

Zhao Junzong praised "perception" in his heart. If it weren't for "perception" and his original operation, the result must be the same, but the process must be intermittent, and it cannot be done in one go.

"Who gave you the courage to break into other people's mansions, Sima Yan (Emperor of Jin)?"

The episode ended quickly, Zhao Junzong went to [Huichuntang] again, and ate a closed door, and they were closed at night. Zhao Junzong was out of breath, took out the brush and ink from the storage bag, and wrote a big "demolition" on the door panel of the [Huichuntang], and added a "circle".

When he was about to leave when he was about to finish writing, he saw a number of sneaky figures, and [perception] showed the "discerning" details of those people regardless of day and night. The eight people were carrying wooden buckets with black water in them, and each carried a brush in their hands. Zhao Junzong was suddenly surprised, why do you want to write a big "character" newspaper?

It is impossible to write about people who are anti-human, anti-federal, or cursing others. It is also impossible to write about real grievances, and the corruption of the Dajin court cannot be written. Character.

The street where [Huichuntang] is located is very prosperous. There is no place for small shops here. Basically, they are all big business houses, century-old shops and so on.

However, among these stores, there are also some “purchased” by real companies, and then put “samples” that are indistinguishable from real products. If customers feel good after experience, they can place orders directly in the store, and there are discounts.

Those eight people just stared at those "online stores", some wrote "unscrupulous", some wrote "bad reviews", some wrote "the goods are not in the right version" and so on. After writing, I also drew abstract paintings such as "turtles, dogs, pigs". After enjoying each of them, they let out a low laugh, and then ran away with a wooden barrel and a brush.

Competition is everywhere, Zhao Junzong shook his head, "It's too much rolling", and then returned to his abandoned mansion to watch the [League News] and swipe the [Live Broadcast], and soon the sky was bright.

The [Xiantian Clan] quest is "Fate", the [Road to the Princes] quest is currently [Wujing Branch], and the result will be available after ten days, and the [Yehuanghui] quest is very passive. This [quest] only has movement.

"Unknown Existence" is stuck at 0.002% without any movement, and it is also very random. Therefore, it is very leisurely at present, and you can swipe [Red Phoenix].

This time, it was no longer 10 bottles of 10 bottles, but 100 bottles. It was only after the commission was completed. The tens of millions of promotion coupons I had accumulated were all spent, and I was so heartbroken that I couldn't breathe. into a federal credit point. If it is exchanged, the money will not be so reckless. The promotion coupons are too cheap and too expensive.

Although the 18 kinds of medicinal materials are not rare, they are also very expensive. A bottle of 10 capsules requires about 300,000 promotion coupons. The labor cost of entrusting [Huichuntang] to refining is also calculated by bottle, and the labor cost for a bottle is 10,000 promotion coupons. .

100 bottles is 30 million promotion coupons, labor costs 1 million, plus the previous 50 bottles, tens of millions of greedy promotion coupons are gone.

[Huichuntang] takes two days to deliver. This is because Zhao Junzong put out the letter of [Peacock Man and Zhu Xie Lu Shuai], otherwise, it will take longer. After all, [Huichuntang] is a nationwide chain of pharmacies, and there are quite a few big customers.

Check the [Three Kingdoms Post] and [Zhu Xie Junsi] window daily, the six Three Kingdoms characters and five ghosts are all developing steadily, and they have accumulated a lot of family business, waiting for the "lord" to come and receive them. However, except for Yi Ji and Liu Zan, the other four have experienced life and death. If they die, they need Zhao Junzong to help them resurrect.

And death also has a greater impact on [Three Kingdoms Characters], so if they can rescue them, they will try their best to rescue themselves.

The situation of [Zhu Xie Army] was quite intense. [Wu Xie Camp] was once again attacked by [Huanhua Xianjian Sect], and I don't know how to get the return route of [Wu Xie Camp].

There is no exception for [Evil Evil Camp] and [Evil Suppression Camp]. They did not perform [Rotation], but the three camps [on duty] together.

The [Five Capital Sundial Map], which is set to automatically give the [Zhu Xie] quest by Zhao Junzong, will issue the [Zhen Xie] quest to all the camp posts of the [Watchers].

[Breaking Evil Camp] and [Jing Xie Camp] were also attacked because of this, and those who dared to attack [Evil Killing Army] must have strong strength, and it is impossible for them to come and give people their heads. With the lesson of [Cow Stew Pressing the Coffin] first, the two battalions did not dare to write the [Battle Report] along with it, and it was impossible to write it truthfully.

Riding the [Sweat and Blood BMW] back to the "Mingyue Peak" [Zhu Xie Army Division] camp in the eastern suburbs of the capital, Zhao Junzong sat on the top of the brigade commander, with three battalion captains and 30 sentry officers under his seat, "I will Wondering, how did your route leak out? Well, I seriously doubt you leaked it yourself."

[Niu Stew Pressing Coffin] Out of the queue, saluting, "Sir, we can't deny this, people are unpredictable! But please help us improve our strength."

Zhao Junzong wondered, are you thinking about eating peaches? How can I help you improve your strength? Then he learned that all 3,000 subordinates had received a [hint] that could be exchanged for him to activate [General Spirit]. After a while, he realized that it was referring to [Living Spirit Art].

He didn't deny it, but called out the [Character Panel], checked the [Zhu Xie Army Division] window, and found the "Cultivation Method Exchange" column, a fifth-level merit plus 2,000 merits can be exchanged for [Living Skill], But you can choose not to teach the [Living Pill] formula.

"Hey, is this making me a lot of money?"

Merit is difficult to obtain, which Zhao Junzong deeply understands, and merit is actually equally difficult. But in [Zhu Xie Army], because of [Zhu Xie], as long as you have done your best on the battlefield, you will get more or less [Meritorious Merits]. The person who completes the final blow is the first, and gets the most merit.

Zhao Junzong decided to tell the truth, "[Gong Method] has 18 poses, and you need to eat [Living Pill] every time you complete a pose. The [Living Pill] formula is unique to me, you can only buy it from me, a bottle is 50 Ten thousand Jin coupons. After activating [General Spirit], continue to practice [Living Spirit Art], [General Spirit] will have a certain chance to advance."

The 33 [Natural Disasters] present at the scene suddenly gleamed, and they could activate and continue to strengthen the advanced stage. This practice method is simple and serves in place!

Zhao Junzong was also surprised when he saw their stance, numb, these guys are all full of achievements and achievements?

How many [Evil Spirits] was this brushed? The emperor is really wise, and only the [natural disasters] dare to brush the dreaded species to make the [species] suspect the existence of "things".

Being behind in the rankings is not because of low status, but because the number of the "team post" is at the rear. Since it is the "three battalions", there is no separation of left and right, but a column on the left, center and right. The one standing in the middle is the [Wu Xie Camp], and the one at the end of the other column raised his hand timidly, "Sir, do you have any questions for this subordinate?"

Beauty is always impressive, not to mention that she is one of the few women in [Zhu Xie Army], and being able to be the "Sentry Chief" obviously has a certain status in the team. Zhao Junzong remembered that the female whistleblower was called "Le Buhuai". He suspected that the female whistleblower's ID was driving, but there was no evidence.

"My lord, if you drop [Sealing Zero], can it be recovered?"

Recovery can definitely be recovered, but it is necessary to go to the heavy ground to find [Bingyuan·Peony Eagle], and offer the prescribed offerings, so that it can be recovered. Just opening [Bingyuan] requires Qu Hong. Zhao Junzong alone cannot open [Bingyuan]. Zhao Junzong answered the question of the female sentinel truthfully.

[Sealing Zero] The drop rate is actually very low. At present, there is only one drop, which is the unfortunate female whistleblower [Le Buhuai], and she was very happy when she learned that she could recover, but after learning that she needed to find Qu Hong Suddenly looking depressed, he said to Zhao Junzong with a face about to cry, "Sir, can you go and ask Si Zai?"

Zhao Junzong rolled his eyes, waved her to return to the queue, [Le Buhuai] pouted, and wanted to say when, when he was warned by the "eyes" of the three battalion commanders and the other twenty-nine sentry commanders, he had no choice but to be sullen. Back to the queue.

Seeing that [Le Buhuai] acquaintances did not destroy their plan, everyone slapped Lu Shuai's ass, and there was no other word, they just shouted in unison, "Junzong will be unstoppable".

Zhao Junzong wanted to fight [Is Guabao cooked], so he didn't have to shout any slogans, and now everyone sees him shouting.

The three battalion commanders and thirty sentry officers have all collected their achievements and merits. Zhao Junzong also abides by his promise and imparts the [Living Skill] to them through [Character Panel·Zhu Xie Army Division].

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