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""Master, I made some black tea for you."

When Lu Jie was thinking, Hubie's voice suddenly rang out.

This made Lu Jie look over.

Hubie was standing quietly beside Lu Jie, holding a cup of black tea in his hand, looking at Lu Jie nervously.

""Well, it tastes good. There is progress. Good job."

Lu Jie smiled, took the tea and drank it, then touched Hubie's head and praised him.

This time, Hubie, without his order, made tea for him directly after he returned, and was a little nervous, which was undoubtedly proof of his independent consciousness. That is, 'mind’

"Thank you for the compliment, Master."

Hubie narrowed her eyes slightly, as if enjoying Lu Jie's pat on the head. She lifted the skirt of her maid outfit and said crisply.

"Okay, go watch anime. I'll call you if there's anything else."

Lu Jie chuckled.


Hubie nodded, stepped away obediently, and went to watch anime.

"System, upload the prelude to the evil girl's counterattack. Remember not to broadcast the scene where I destroyed the small surveillance ship. Also, broadcast Wu Song's words before his death."

Lu Jie took another sip of red tea and spoke slowly.

【Uploaded successfully, host, do you want to see it? 】

The system asked

"Of course I will watch it."

Lu Jie smiled softly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a virtual screen appeared in front of him...................................

After Lu Jie uploaded the movie, people all over the world watched it with great anticipation and trepidation.

On Wu Yan's side, he and his roommates also knew that the Observer website had updated a new movie, so they gathered together and clicked on the Observer website's webpage.

"《"The Witch Girl: Prelude to Counterattack", is it another new series? World Observer has been updating new series quite frequently recently."

Wu Yan muttered

"Don't forget what we discussed last time. World Observer, maybe you are not that interested in humans anymore...."

"Um, this..."

"If this is true, then we are in big trouble."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. The name of this movie is a good omen no matter how you look at it."

Wu Yan rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"The demon girl, obviously, is a human girl as the protagonist. This is the first time that a human girl is the protagonist. Not to mention, the suffix is a prelude to a counterattack. It's a good thing no matter how you look at it."

Wu Yan paused and analyzed again

"Um, that’s right!"

"Damn, now I'm looking forward to it."

"Movies these days are always so depressing that I'm completely shut down. It's time to have some fun."

The roommates looked at each other and spoke nervously and expectantly.

Of course, although they said so, they were nervous.

After all, so many movies have tragic endings.

Wu Yan glanced at his roommate's cowardly look, with a look of contempt on his face, and then he nervously clicked on the movie.

Soon, the picture on the screen changed.

At the beginning, the Fuxue Mountain in the Red Sun Country suddenly erupted, causing heavy casualties to the people of the Red Sun Country.

From the beginning, it was filled with a"happy" atmosphere.

"Fuck, I shouldn't have expected that."

"Uh, don't get excited, this is only from the Red Sun Country. We haven't gotten to the point yet."

Then, Wu Yan's roommates started talking. Although they were used to seeing dead people, who could stand a disaster right at the beginning?

Just as Wu Yan was about to speak, the scene jumped to a hotel near Shuidu University.

In the scene, Wu Yan and the blushing and shy Lin Ru were walking in the hotel and getting a room.


Wu Yan was completely dumbfounded. Seeing this scene, he screamed in shock.

What the hell, is this? Are they going to broadcast his live pornographic video?

"Poof, Old Wu, you are so miserable."

"Hahahaha, why do I suddenly feel like laughing?"

"Old Wu, congratulations on becoming the national male star, how pitiful."

His roommates also looked at each other in bewilderment, and then they also spoke with a smile:


Wu Yan saw this scene with a broken face and uttered foul language.

"No, Lao Wu, don't get excited. If you dare to scold the World Observer, be careful that he will broadcast your live pornographic video every time."

"Yes, calm down, calm down. Be careful that our world will also become a test field."

For a moment, his roommate's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly persuaded him.

"How can I calm down like this?"

Wu Yan's face was broken, and he looked at everyone fiercely.

"Also, I wasn't scolding World Observer just now. I was dissing you guys who are gloating over other people's misfortunes!"


My roommates were stunned for a moment. Damn, am I gloating? This is an unprovoked disaster!


Shuidu University, female dormitory.

When Lin Ru saw this scene, her face flushed and she almost fainted.

"Xiaoru, you..."

Her girlfriends looked at each other in bewilderment, not knowing what to say.

If it was a normal movie where the hero and heroine checked into a hotel like this and it was just a passing mention, it would be fine, and it would give people a feeling that the lovers finally got married.

But now. Ahem. Ahem. Billions of people around the world. At least a few billion are watching.

This is too horrible.

"Don't talk, I want to die."

Lin Ru covered her face with her hands in despair.

"Wait, Xiaoru, the specific scene is not shown. It's all mosaics."

Her best friend said quickly.

Lin Ru took a sneak peek and found that the whole room was mosaics and nothing could be seen clearly. She was relieved.

Although she was still a little upset, she could still accept it.

As long as it wasn't a live porn show in front of the whole world, everything would be fine. Mosaics, still acceptable....

On the other side, although Wu Yan was still a little upset, he finally calmed down.

Because the scene was mosaic and it was skipped after ten seconds

"Damn, I was so scared, luckily it was mosaic."

Wu Yan wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, his lips trembling

"Ahem, Old Wu, even though it’s mosaic, I think you and Lin Ru are still famous all over the world...."

"The last time the world observer took a close-up look at the scene, and this time..."

"Ahem, Old Wu, why do I feel like the World Observer is paying a lot of attention to you? It's really enviable."

"Yes, I guess only Elder Zhao and the Great Elder can match this kind of treatment."

His roommate said with a stifled smile


As soon as these words came out, Wu Yan's expression froze again. Thinking of the horrible scene in the future, he glanced at his roommates.

"You guys, do you want to be assassinated by me tonight? I don't recommend playing the role of King Hassan tonight."

Wu Yan gritted his teeth, full of murderous intent.


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