The injured and weak soldiers in the stronghold suddenly turned into zombies?

This situation is too abnormal

"Old Zhao, what do you think?"The elder asked solemnly.

"It shouldn't be the MR virus. Although the wounded soldier has a lot more virus in his body than a normal person, he won't be infected and become a zombie at this level."

Old Zhao said in a deep voice.

"The seriously injured soldiers either committed suicide before turning into zombies or turned into zombies outside. Soldiers with too much virus content cannot return to the base."

"There is only one possibility, a terrifying possibility."Old Zhao smiled bitterly."The mutant tyrant zombie that suddenly appeared carried the mutant MR virus, and it spread out. The soldiers who fled back to the base carried the mutant MR virus."

"Then, the mutant MR virus was carried by the soldiers and rapidly multiplied within the stronghold, eventually spreading through the air and infecting the weak soldiers into zombies."

Old Zhao clenched his fists, his face heavy.

"The way it spreads through the air, this is a big problem. Even the virus serum is useless?"The elder frowned.

The most terrifying thing about the MR virus is that it spreads through the air, and it can infect people and turn them into zombies in a short period of time.

Eleven years ago, they created a weakened version of the virus serum to solve this hidden danger.

Now there is a mutant MR virus, it's a headache just thinking about it

"No, the weakened virus serum is still useful."Old Zhao speculated."After all, the mutant MR virus only infected those soldiers who were weak due to injuries and whose immune function was reduced. Normal soldiers were not affected."

"Phew, that's good." The elder breathed a sigh of relief.

"It is indeed a blessing in disguise, but it is also troublesome."Old Zhao said with a headache."The immune function of the injured soldiers is still stronger than that of normal elderly people and children. This means that once the virus spreads to the country, the elderly and children in the country will be transformed into zombies on a large scale. The same is true for some weak people."

"————!"These words made the elder's pupils shrink.

If that happened, the entire Xuan Kingdom would be in chaos.

"Lao Zhao, I need you to produce the mutant MR virus serum in the shortest possible time."The elder said in a deep voice

"We will try our best. However, I need a sample of the mutant MR virus, otherwise, there is no way to start the research."

Old Zhao took a deep breath.

"Well, I will send soldiers from Hasa to get samples."The elder narrowed his eyes.

To get virus samples, they must be within the borders of Hasa, and the transporters must also go through multiple disinfection points. Otherwise, it would be bad if the mutant MR virus was brought back.

"Soldiers of the Hassa Kingdom...."Lao Zhao said bitterly

""Old Zhao, there is nothing we can do about it." The elder also smiled bitterly, but the meaning was already very clear.

The mutant MR virus must not be brought back to the country. The transportation of goods is fine.

But humans are good carriers, and the mutant MR virus can completely lurk in the body and then emerge.

The human body cannot completely kill the MR virus. Not to mention the mutant MR virus.

Therefore, the soldiers of Hasa must not return to the country.

At least, they cannot return to the country before the MR virus normally spreads to the territory of Xuan.

However, staying in Hasa under this situation is undoubtedly a very dangerous behavior

"...Then I'll go first."Old Zhao sighed and left Zijin Pavilion.

"There is nothing we can do about it."The elder pressed his brows.

Then, he issued one order after another. He secretly ordered the gene medicine factory to expedite the production of gene medicine 1.0.

At the same time, he ordered the country to expand the survival base again and restore the function of the previously built survival base.

This sudden supreme order caused some chaos in Xuan Country. There was also a lot of debate on the Internet, and there was no end to the noise for a while.

You know, Xuan Country has developed rapidly in the past eleven years, and every family has truly become rich.

For this reason, many people in Xuan Country feel that the biochemical doomsday eleven years ago has become an opportunity for Xuan Country.

They have enjoyed the prosperity of these eleven years.

Now the same order as eleven years ago has appeared again, and everyone is a little panicked.

Large-scale expansion of the survival base, the situation is not right no matter how you look at it.

However, the elder ignored the doubts on the Internet.

The specific situation of the mutant MR virus is still unknown. Now the expansion of the survival base and other defense measures are all for the purpose of eliminating future troubles.

Everything has to wait until the samples are transported, and then let Lao Zhao and other biochemists study some of them and want to make new judgments.

"Perhaps, the existence of the mutant MR virus is also accompanied by opportunities."In the Purple Gold Pavilion, the elder watched the video again and again, squinting at the mutant tyrant in it, and he tapped the table.

The tyrant zombie has evolved to such a terrifying level, and one can imagine the potential of the mutant MR virus.

Genetic medicine 1.0 was developed with the help of the MR virus.

Without the MR virus and MR virus serum, it is undoubtedly a pipe dream to want to develop genetic medicine 1.0. It is simply a pipe dream for humans to want to develop genetic medicines from scratch.

Not to mention the perfect genetic medicine 1.0, even half-baked ones cannot be developed.

The evidence is that they did not get any results after 10 or 20 years of research before the outbreak of the biochemical doomsday.

Even in the Star Country, it is estimated that they have only developed some waste medicines that make animals crazy and increase their body functions.

With the mutant MR virus, perhaps there will be a breakthrough in the research of genetic medicines.

The elder's eyes flashed.

After thinking about it, the elder issued some orders again

"Huh? The Great Elder asked us to capture the mutant tyrant zombie alive?

The first-level officer in Hasa said in surprise.

"That's what the elder said, and he immediately executed the order. Remember, if you can't capture it alive, you must collect enough samples, which is related to the fate of mankind."

As soon as these words fell, the phone was hung up.

This made the first-level officer frown.

That mutant tyrant zombie is so terrifying, with their troops, can they really capture it alive?

However, military orders are difficult to disobey, and he can only send a large force to clear out the mutant tyrant zombies.

Various fighter jets also took off.

He didn't believe it.

Under the bombardment of various shells such as human incendiary bombs and freezing bombs, this mutant zombie can still be tossed.

Not to mention, the backup force still has a large number of fully armed soldiers. There are also many superhumans among them.

For a time, the entire Hasa army began to act.

As for some weak soldiers in various strongholds, they were all sent to isolation rooms to prevent them from being infected and becoming zombies due to contact with the mutant MR virus.

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