The next day, the system's deduction function cooled down, and Lu Jie was looking forward to conducting the deduction.

【Host, which save file do you plan to enter this time?】

The system asked

"System, let me ask you a question. If I read the archived copy of Biochemical Doomsday Zero Transcendence, can I fast forward to any time point in the copy?"

Lu Jie narrowed his eyes slightly.

【Yes. However, once the host interferes, you will not be able to fast forward.】

"That's all. Then, read the copy of Biochemical Doomsday Zero Superhuman. The plot point is half a year after Xuanguo developed a weakened version of the virus serum."

Lu Jie said slowly.

At this point in time, Xuan Country has undoubtedly become the only human country in the world. It has absorbed top talents from various countries, started to expand its military to stabilize the country, and strictly prevented the invasion of zombies from abroad.

This time point is undoubtedly the best entry point.

In the Biochemical Doomsday Zero Transcendence, Lu Jie did not intervene until the system pulled the time point to eleven years after Xuan Country.

At that time, Xuan Country had just developed Gene Medicine 1.0 not long ago, and Lu Jie intervened because he thought it was too slow.

Now, cutting in half a year later will undoubtedly give humans ten more years.

At the same time, Lu Jie does not intend to completely stand by and watch. He will give humans a few appropriate pushes to let them research Gene Medicine 3.0 faster, and then delve into Gene Medicine 4.0.

For more than ten years, Lu Jie has given so many conveniences, and I hope humans can give some strength. The next second, Lu Jie's consciousness flickered, and he appeared in a new copy.

He stood in the air, watching the humans on the border kill the zombies approaching from other countries

"Let's get started." Lu Jie pondered for a moment, then flashed to the border between Xuan Kingdom and Monkey Kingdom.

"It's you." Lu Jie raised his eyebrows, took out the concentrated version of the mutant MR virus, and injected some of the concentrated version of the MR virus into his body.

For a moment, the zombie's body swelled up and began to evolve.

Half a day later, it evolved into a super zombie.

Next, Lu Jie operated again and led this super zombie, whose intelligence was still at the infant stage, to the other side of the border.

The purpose of this super zombie's existence is just to let humans know the existence of the MR virus, so Lu Jie did not intend to make him as terrifying as the tyrant super zombie last time.

However, even this level is terrifying enough at this stage.

When he led hundreds of thousands of zombies to appear in the field of vision of the army guarding the border, the guards felt their scalps tingling and began to attack at all costs.

Fighter jets were also soaring in the sky, bombing with missiles.

This battle was very intense, and the mutant zombies caused great casualties to the army with their terrifying strength. In the end, all the soldiers in the border military camp were infected and turned into zombies.

Fortunately, under the reckless bombing, the super zombie was killed.

After all, this super zombie is just the most ordinary super zombie, and is completely inferior to the super tyrant zombie that Lu Jie spent a tube of concentrated MR virus to spawn in the previous copy. Not only is his strength not comparable, but his intelligence is also not comparable.

Facing the bombardment of missiles, he had no means of interception, nor did he escape. He had been resisting, and it would be strange if he didn't die.

However, Lu Jie's goal has been achieved.

The existence of super zombies and MR viruses has been exposed to the vision of the Xuan Kingdom Elders.

Xuandu, Zijin Pavilion, the Great Elder and Zhao Xian, the chief biologist, looked at the scene in the video with gloomy faces.

""Great elder, the situation is not good. The zombies are evolving too fast. That mutant zombie is too scary." Old Zhao said solemnly.

What a joke, the speed and strength have reached a level that humans can't imagine, guns are completely useless, and it took several missiles to die. This is a monster!

"It was indeed too fast, beyond our expectations.

"No, if it was the evolution of zombies, I could accept it, but I'm afraid it was the MR virus that mutated and evolved."Old Zhao suddenly thought of a possibility and his face became serious.

"————!"This made the elder's pupils shrink.

If the MR virus mutated and evolved, it would be a big problem.

At this time, an emergency hotline rang. The elder's face changed slightly and he answered it.

"Great Elder, the soldiers who escaped from the border of Monkey Country suddenly turned into zombies, and the supporting troops suffered heavy casualties."

"There is no need to report such a small matter to me."The elder said in a deep voice.

Although it was ruthless, it would be a shame if everything had to be reported to him, the highest superior.

"Great Elder, this is not a small matter. The soldier who escaped did not have any wounds on his body. He was just injured by the shock wave of the missile....This situation is too abnormal."

The informant quickly explained

""Hmm?" The elder frowned.

"Not good!" Old Zhao's face changed drastically."This is probably the worst case scenario. The MR virus has mutated and evolved. The soldier turned into a zombie because he was injured and his immune function was weakened, so he was defeated by the mutated MR virus that was spread through the air. If an injured soldier can turn into a zombie, then when the mutated MR virus spreads throughout the country, people with weaker immunity will also turn into zombies."

"————!"These words made the Great Elder's pupils shrink drastically.

Then, the Great Elder began to issue orders with a gloomy face.

Orders were given to do everything they could to stop the tide of zombies invading the territory and to hold on.

At the same time, the country was ordered to expand the underground survival base with all their strength. At the same time, as a second-hand defense, try to isolate and confine people with weaker immunity. Each household will do it on their own.

If zombies appear, they must be eradicated directly to avoid causing a bigger mess.

Although it is cruel and ruthless, there is nothing that can be done about it.

In addition, various orders were issued.

Finally, just as the Great Elder ordered the army to transport the virus samples of the super zombies back for Lao Zhao and other biochemists to study, a strange figure appeared in the office, causing the Great Elder and Lao Zhao to look over.

The Great Elder's pupils condensed. Lao Zhao was a little surprised and horrified.

Because the newcomer was shrouded in black fog, it was impossible to tell what he was. It was too weird.

"World Observer." The elder took a deep breath, his eyes flickered, and said softly,"What are you doing here?"

"It looks like you are in big trouble again." Lu Jie said meaningfully.

"Haha, there's nothing I can do. I'm having a headache."The elder said with a wry smile.

"These two things should be helpful to you."Lu Jie teleported to the table of the elder, dropped the mutant MR virus and gene medicine 1.0, and disappeared.

Lu Jie's absence left Old Zhao confused.

The elder narrowed his eyes and looked at the two items on the table.

This scene was very similar to that of half a year ago.

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