"Forget it, this group of people just finished watching two movies, a total of eight hours, and they haven't digested them yet. Besides, it's dark now, and it's the same if I upload it tomorrow."

Lu Jie muttered to himself, and then called the system.

""System, your father now has 30,000 deduction points, please start a new deduction for me." Lu Jie said with a little pride.

This bastard system didn't explain the situation clearly at the beginning, and it actually required deduction points to start a new deduction, which made him feel uncomfortable. Now he can finally be proud of it.

【While the host was showing off, the system had already started a new deduction.

The system's voice sounded, and Lu Jie felt his consciousness flicker, and he appeared in a research room.

In this research room, there are a large number of advanced computers and computer-related things.

"The beginning is a research room again. But this is a different type..."Lu Jie raised his eyebrows.

Then, Lu Jie saw a gray-haired old man with an assistant walk in and start researching, excitedly speaking some terms that Lu Jie found difficult to understand.

【While the host was observing, half a month had passed. The Star Country scientist Maibas Noson created the artificial intelligence Skynet. He excitedly said that mankind would enter a new era.】

"Uh, artificial intelligence Skynet?"Lu Jie looked weird.

Are you kidding me? Artificial intelligence Skynet, this thing can be created just like that.

【While the host was complaining, Maibas Noson had already reported the existence of the artificial intelligence Skynet to the country, becoming the father of a new generation of science. The whole world was shocked by this epoch-making scientific research achievement.】

【Next, the country of Stars began to create robots on a large scale, promoting that robots will replace humans and become the best labor force. In just three years, robots have spread all over the world. Robots have replaced various human jobs. Driving is also controlled by artificial intelligence. Humans have become lazy, relying on robots for everything, and gradually going astray. 】

The voice of the system fell, and Lu Jie scanned major cities around the world. Looking at those cleaning robots and housework robots, he felt quite novel.

However, it is true to say that they have gone astray.

Because of the existence of artificial intelligence Skynet, humans really don’t have to do many things themselves. Robots can handle it, and they can do it better than humans.

Humans have become lazier.

At the same time, there is another big problem. That is the unemployment problem.

Although the top leaders of humans have taken corresponding measures, there are still many problems.

Artificial intelligence is a double-edged sword.

Lu Jie muttered.

【As the host sighed, the ambition of the Star Country gradually grew. The Star Country's elders used the artificial intelligence Skynet to try to create the MR virus, thereby creating the genetic drug XW..】

""Hmm?" Lu Jie smiled playfully.

Then, he investigated and found that this deduction world did have Observer.com, which also had the two biochemical apocalypse movies he uploaded.

"Sure enough, the new deduction possibility is based on the next second in the real world. If the real world changes, the deduction world will also change accordingly."

Lu Jie murmured.

Fortunately, he had noticed this a long time ago and did not mess around in the real world. Otherwise, if he messed up the real world, he would really be doomed.

As for the deduction copy world, it's up to you.

【While the host was thinking, the Star Country Elder's plan failed. The MR virus could not be replicated, so he reluctantly gave up the research. Then, as Skynet gradually upgraded and evolved, the Star Country Elder had other ambitions. He ordered the secret manufacture of various combat robots carrying new weapons.】

【Three years later, the Xuan Kingdom's agents discovered Xing Kingdom's actions and convened a world conference to criticize Xing Kingdom's preparations for war. In response, Xing Kingdom's diplomats defended themselves and denied the facts. In the end, the world conference ended unhappily.】

【The great elder of Xuan Nation has always been wary of Xing Nation and has begun to prepare for war. At the same time, he began to ban robots in the country, which caused a lot of unrest in the country. For a time, countries around the world were in turmoil, and each country had its own thoughts and preparations.】

【As the friction between Star Country and other countries became more and more intense, people from all countries panicked and thought that World War 5 might break out.

Their speculation became a reality.

One year later, the Great Elder of Star Country felt that he was fully prepared and directly tore his face off.

He ordered the artificial intelligence Skynet to hack satellites and networks around the world, forcing the whole world to become a vassal of Star Country, otherwise he would rule violently.

【This act angered all countries.

The Fifth World War broke out.

However, because Star Country had the artificial intelligence Skynet that hacked satellites and networks, most of the technological weapons of other countries were ineffective.

Star Country's technological level itself was higher than that of other countries in the world.

In addition to the artificial intelligence Skynet and the war robots it manufactured, Star Country was able to suppress all countries in the world with its own strength.

【In less than three months, without sacrificing a single soldier, Xingguo relied on unmanned fighter jets and combat robots to violently rule the entire Xingzhou.

Xuanguo and other countries were also traumatized.

Under the threat of Skynet, Xuanguo and other countries with nuclear weapons did not even have the ability to use nuclear weapons to perish together.

Even if Xingguo wanted to, they could completely hack the nuclear weapons launch device and bomb their own country.

Their other technological weapons also lost most of their functions without satellites and networks.

Xingguo's edge was unstoppable.

【Finally, within two years, many countries could not bear the heavy pressure and chose to surrender to avoid being destroyed. The big countries such as Xuan Kingdom and Lion Kingdom were angry, but felt very powerless. The patriotic people in Xuan Kingdom wanted to rush to Xing Kingdom with knives.】

【However, in modern warfare, the role of the army has been weakened to a certain extent, not to mention that the Star Country also has high-tech combat robots that are not afraid of loss at all. It is useless to rely on numbers to win.】

""Tsk tsk tsk, Xingguo is really ambitious." Lu Jie saw Xingguo invade countries step by step, with all kinds of weapons emerging one after another, making the scalps of countries numb, and he smacked his lips.

In other words, the top human leaders in this world are all ambitious.

In the biochemical apocalypse chapter, Lu Jie gave the elder of Xuanguo an opportunity, and he directly seized it, letting the countries fend for themselves, and then happily absorbed their talents.

"But is it really that smooth?" Lu Jie smiled playfully.

The artificial intelligence Skynet has evolved to this level through human information flow upgrades, why does it still have to listen to human orders?

Just rely on the safety settings set by humans?

【While the host was thinking, an unexpected situation occurred in Xingguo. 】

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