To this end, the second-level officers sent fighter jets to kill them.

However, the exaggerated thing is that the tyrant zombie directly resisted the missile and even shot down the fighter jet with bone spurs.

This horrible scene made the second-level officers scalp numb, and they reported it. The great elder of Xuanguo ordered them to eliminate the tyrant super zombies at all costs and bring back the samples.

To this end, the second-level officers immediately gathered all the military forces to launch an attack, wanting to annihilate the tyrant super zombies.

However, the result was that they were completely wiped out.

A large number of superhumans were infected and turned into intelligent super zombies, and they lost miserably.

However, under the action of the world observer again, a third-level officer escaped and took away the samples.

This scene made Wu Yan feel heavy and he had many more questions in his heart.

When they saw the series of decisive measures taken by the great elder of Xuanguo after he understood the harm of the mutant MR virus, and did not hesitate to use intercontinental missiles to kill the tyrant super zombies, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Great elder, you must see through the conspiracy of the world observer.

They prayed.

However, as viewers, they obviously cannot influence the development of the established plot.

The plot is still moving forward.

A month later, the super zombies led millions of zombies to attack Xuanguo and fight with the army.

In fact, the super zombies used millions of zombies as bait to attract the large army and rushed into Xuanguo. The super zombies who knew how to lure the tiger away from the mountain made Wu Yan and others feel numb and realized the dangers that would follow.

As they expected, every place where the super zombies arrived would become a dead place.

The super zombies rushed into the city. That city became the center of turmoil, and a large number of humans were infected and turned into zombies.

Unfortunately, humans could not use intercontinental missiles to bomb the city, so they could only use super humans to form an elite team to clear it out.

This tug-of-war lasted for five years. Humans lost a lot of territory.

However, under the leadership of the great elder, five giant steel survival bases were also built. The base was surrounded by a steel wall as high as 200 meters.

The remaining less than 100 million people were lingering in it.

The super zombies seemed to think that the time had come, and they actually gathered 2.5 billion zombies within a year to besiege the three major bases.

This horrific scene made Wu Yan's scalp numb.

The endless zombies were enough to make people despair.

Humans were forced to use nuclear bombs. For a time, the scene of nuclear bomb explosions appeared crazily, and the number of zombies decreased significantly. Humans were also able to resist the remaining zombies approaching.

However, new problems arose. Because of nuclear radiation, the virus evolved again. As a result, the zombies also began to evolve again.

Humans began a more difficult road to resist the J virus.

Subsequent gene drugs 2.0 and 3.0 appeared one by one, and fought a hard war with zombies.

The population fell wildly.

This extremely bloody and protracted war made Wu Yan and others hold their breath, dare not blink, and look heavy.

The plot of this movie is undoubtedly more shocking than the previous three.

Originally, it was the struggle of a small number of humans.

This time, it is a racial war between the entire Xuan Kingdom and the zombie group. All kinds of hot weapons were thrown out.

Even the bombing without nuclear bombs was extremely shocking.

But they were not excited by the exaggerated scene, only heavy.

They saw the birth of the zombie king, and the scene where humans sacrificed tens of thousands of new human superpowers to repel it.

Then they saw the birth of gene drug 3.5. The zombie king appeared in large numbers.

The elder forced the soldiers to inject painfully, and a large number of elite soldiers died, and only then a small number of short-lived transcendents were born.

With the help of transcendents and nuclear bombs, humans gradually gained the power to fight against the zombie king and even the zombie emperor.

Because the long-term protracted war caused too many losses to the soldiers who gave birth to transcendents, the elder gritted his teeth and wanted to give birth to more than a hundred transcendents at one time to annihilate the zombie king and the zombie emperor at one time.

This choice is undoubtedly right in terms of rationality.

Wu Yan and others also think so.

However, the following plot made everyone silent.

Forced to be injected with Genetic Agent 3.5, the Transcendent who survived by chance and was suppressed to the extreme actually rebelled and led the people of Xuandu Base to launch a so-called uprising. They killed the first elder, the second elder, the third elder, and the fourth elder. They forced Mr. Zhao to develop Genetic Agent 4.0 within half a year.

Only the fifth elder fled to other bases.

Humans began to confront each other and began to fall into decline in the war with zombies.

Half a year later, the Transcendents began to die one by one due to side effects. The last Transcendent even killed Mr. Zhao and other biochemists crazily.

Seeing this, Wu Yan and others couldn't help but close their eyes, clenched their fists, and dared not watch. Should he call the Transcendents traitors?

If they were forced to inject a drug with a success rate of only one in a thousand in that kind of oppressive environment, they would also have a lot of negative emotions. Not to mention, even if they succeeded, their lifespan would be extremely short, and they would have to fight to the death with the Zombie King and the Zombie Emperor.

In the end, they took a deep breath and continued to watch.

Seeing the five elders vomit blood and faint after knowing that the hope of mankind such as Zhao Lao was slaughtered, they felt very upset.

Next, mankind was defeated in the war with zombies, and the three major survival bases were all captured.

Only a small number of human elites took Zhao Lao to escape to the extremely cold continent.

They had predicted this kind of plot before, and when they really saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel a little bitter in the corners of their eyes, which was indescribably complicated.

In the previous film, the human civil strife was destroyed by the meteorite before it got out of hand.

This time, the civil strife broke out when humans were struggling to resist the zombies. It caused the tragic deaths of tens of millions of people and cut off the last hope of mankind.

In the end, they saw the five elders laughing wildly and sadly when they looked at the huge meteorite falling from the sky in the extremely cold land.

Under the impact of the meteorite, everything returned to nothing.

Even the zombie king who could destroy the city with one blow could not resist the impact of the meteorite.

When the movie was completely over, Wu Yan and others were also unable to come back to their senses, staring blankly at the computer

""Ji Ruifeng, the Transcendent who killed Mr. Zhao and others, deserves to die ten thousand times!"

Wu Yan gritted his teeth and said.

The other Transcendents who revolted can still be washed away. The last Transcendent Ji Ruifeng really deserves to die. He actually killed Mr. Zhao and others.

If Mr. Zhao and others were still alive, humans would still have hope of survival.

Not only would they resist zombies, but they would also rely on new Transcendents to cooperate with nuclear weapons to resist meteorites.

Everything was destroyed by Ji Ruifeng.

This guy was so cruel that he killed Mr. Zhao and other human hopes.

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