"Those who are interested can find that among the survivors, the speed of producing Gene Drug 1.0 is not as fast as the first part, which has no resources and only a small number of talents. The world observer also said that it was too comfortable."

"Plus the last part. The World Observer said he failed again? What failed? My personal guess is that he failed to save humanity. He forced humanity and even chose to interfere, all for the sake of saving humanity. If you connect all the movies together, you can find the development trend of humanity and his purpose."

"In the end, all the powerful humans and zombies failed to smash the meteorite, so he said that he failed. Let me make another bold guess. Perhaps, only by developing Gene Drug 4.0 can humans hope to smash the meteorite and save the blue planet. So he has been forcing humans to move forward."

"Of course, the above are all my conjectures, so don’t take them too seriously. In short, the world observers are neither as bad as we think nor as good as we think.

This long speech has attracted the approval of many people.

"Damn, your analysis makes a lot of sense. I feel the same way."

"Indeed, this explains his behavior. With his methods, it is not a simple matter to exterminate humans. There is no need to torment humans so much. Those who interfered have indeed promoted the progress of mankind."

"Hehe, what nonsense. He is obviously the big boss, the big boss who treats all human beings as guinea pigs, what the hell?"

"On the top floor. A group of elementary school students are easily fooled"

"You idiot, the original poster said it was just a personal speculation, what are you saying?"

Wu Yan watched the two sides argue, each of them was swearing, and looked at each other in bewilderment.

To be honest, he agreed more with the analyst's idea.

"Instead of talking about these, we should think about what to do in the future. That huge meteorite with abnormal hardness may hit the blue planet in the future."

"Haha, what's the use of being anxious? What else can we do? This is a big guy that even the nuclear bomb and the zombie king, the zombie king and the transcendents can't do anything about it!"

"To be honest, with current technology, humans can only hope that controlled nuclear fusion technology can be developed as soon as possible. In that case, the power of nuclear weapons will be greatly improved, and there will be hope to blow up the meteorite."

"Yes. I feel that all human countries must unite, otherwise, it will be really fatal."

Seeing this news, Wu Yan and others could not help but join the discussion.

At the same time, Xingguo and other countries in the world also watched the new movie, and they all looked solemn. Congress was opened.

Xuanguo, Zijin Pavilion, and the Great Elder also opened the Congress with solemn faces.

Especially the Great Elder, it was completely difficult to calm down.

Not only is there a future meteorite crisis, but there is also the issue of redefining the world observer.

To be honest, when he saw him in the movie madly doubting the world observer and fearing the world observer, thinking that he would not be noticed, but he didn't know that his thoughts had been exposed long ago, his scalp was numb.

In this case, it would only take a few minutes for the world observer to kill him. However, the other party did not make a move.

It seems that the other party's purpose is really to force humans to research higher-level genetic drugs to solve the meteorite crisis.

The last sentence failed again, which is really full of meaning.

"I believe everyone has watched the new movie. Humanity may have reached a life-or-death moment. If nothing is done, it is very likely that a huge meteorite will destroy it in the future."

The elder said in a deep voice.

This made everyone feel heavy.

"For now, there is only one way for humans to solve the meteorite crisis in the future, and that is to develop controlled nuclear fusion technology and develop stronger nuclear weapons."

The second elder said slowly

"So our elders decided to contact the major powers in the world to form the Blue Star Federation, share relevant technologies, and jointly study controlled nuclear fusion. What do you think?"

This made the other Xuanguo leaders fall into deep thought.

In the end, most of them raised their hands in favor.

"Will other countries really agree?" a senior official asked solemnly.

"If they are not stupid, they will agree."The great elder of Xuan State said expressionlessly.

It's the moment of possible extinction, why are you still hiding it? Are you going to hell?

Just as the great elder of Xuan State expected, the powerful countries such as Xuan State, Xing State, Lion State, and Water Goose State united and announced that the whole world would hold an emergency world conference in three days.

For a time, people all over the world talked about it and had hope.

Seeing this news, Lu Jie smiled lightly.

Because just now, the number of his deduction points directly increased to 210,000.

The harvest was more than twice that of the last time.

Obviously, the plot of the real world this time is more jumpy

"If nothing unexpected happens, the Blue Star Federation should be born earlier."Lu Jie muttered.

The Blue Star Federation was born decades after the Skynet Storm Phantom God chapter.

Now it is obviously much earlier.

"It's time to contact the Grand Elder of Xuan Country."Lu Jie pondered for a moment.

If Xuan Country could develop controlled nuclear fusion in advance, it should be able to obtain a lot of deduction points.

Well, in order to earn deduction points and some pocket money, Lu Jie planned to sell the information on controlled nuclear fusion technology to the Grand Elder.

In Zijin Pavilion, the Grand Elder's computer screen, which was processing documents, suddenly went black, which stunned him for a moment.

Even he did not expect this to happen.

Where is this? Zijin Pavilion.

This is his exclusive office computer as the Grand Elder of Xuan Country. All configurations are the best in the world, not to mention that there are hackers who build the most solid firewall 24 hours a day. It is impossible for this computer to freeze.

""Great elder of Xianxuan Nation, do you want to make a deal with me?" A scarlet font suddenly appeared on the computer, causing the great elder's pupils to shrink sharply.

The computer was hacked?

Who did it? Who dares to do such a thing?

"Who are you?" the great elder of Xuan State asked in a deep voice.

"You don't need to care who I am. I came here to give you a small gift and to get some money."

The scarlet font appeared again, causing the eyes of the Xuan Kingdom's elder to condense.

"What on earth do you want to do?" the elder asked in a deep voice.

"I'll give you the information on controlled nuclear fusion technology, and I'll take the 500 billion Xuan coins."The font changed again.

"Controlled nuclear fusion technology! ?"The face of the great elder of Xuan State changed, and he stared at the fonts.

If it is really controlled nuclear fusion technology, let alone 500 billion Xuan coins, he would buy it even if it was 1 trillion Xuan coins.

However, someone actually sells controlled nuclear fusion? What an international joke.

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