"Next, it's time to conduct a new deduction. System, start a new deduction."Lu Jie said slowly with a gleam in his eyes.

【In progress...】

As the system's voice sounded, Lu Jie's consciousness flickered, and his vision changed. He came from his rental house to a street in Shuidu.

"Is it on the street this time?" Lu Jie muttered with a smile on his face.

This time, it seems that there will be different root possibilities.

【While the host was muttering to himself, an unexpected situation occurred in the sky.

The system's voice sounded, causing Lu Jie to look up instinctively.

When Lu Jie looked over, the azure sky was actually filled with illusory ripples that looked like water ripples.

"Space, unstable?" Lu Jie frowned.

While Lu Jie was thinking, the ripples became stronger and stronger, and even ordinary people could see the abnormality with their naked eyes.

For this reason, many people in Shuidu exclaimed and pointed at the sky with squinted eyes.

As the ripples expanded rapidly, the sky in this area trembled, making the people of Shuidu more and more frightened, and even attracted the attention of Shuidu bureaucrats.

However, before Shuidu bureaucrats could investigate the situation or report it.

The sky cracked!

The sky was like glass, with a large number of cracks, and with a"click", it shattered.

Next, a dark hole appeared, giving people the feeling of a black hole, even the sun's light was blocked.

"What is that!?"

"Black hole? No way, if it is a black hole, the earth will be doomed."

"Could it be the World Observer's doing?"

"Hush, you dare to say that about the World Observer, do you want to die?"

For a moment, people on the street started talking about it, some were horrified, some were curious, and some were excited. Some people even recorded the video and posted it online.

Lu Jie ignored the noise of passers-by and teleported to a point in front of the"black hole". He narrowed his eyes and looked at the black hole in the sky.

Because he was in ghost mode, no one noticed his presence.

"Hmm? Something is coming out." Next, relying on his terrifying five senses, Lu Jie clearly sensed the strangeness coming from the black hole, which made his eyes shine.

Three seconds later, a huge black shadow fell out of the black hole and smashed from the sky to the earth.

It was a monster, more than fifteen meters tall, shaped like a bug, with dense pustules on its body, enough to make people with intensive phobia faint on the spot. This is a monster that is more alien than the various zombies in the biochemical doomsday copy.

As this monster fell from the sky, the expressions of countless people on the street froze, and the look of fear was spreading. Some people even instinctively dropped their mobile phones to the ground.


A few seconds later, a huge bug-like monster crashed to the ground, creating a loud noise. The ground collapsed, forming a large pit. The surrounding houses were also affected, with glass shattering and shaking.

The vehicles and people crushed under it were all killed.


""Monster, monster! Run!"

The crowd in the distance saw this horrific scene, their faces full of fear, and they swallowed their saliva.

Then, after a series of piercing screams, they were driven by the instinct to survive and fled madly in all directions. There were countless trampling incidents.

"What is this thing?"Standing in the sky, Lu Jie frowned and looked at the blood-red monster below. He frowned slightly.

"Where does this"black hole" connect to? Don't tell me this thing is a space channel to another world...."Then, Lu Jie came up with a bold guess.


At this time, the monster made a harsh sound, which seemed to be a strange sound.

The insect's scary compound eyes scanned the sky, the earth, and finally stared at the fleeing crowd, making an even harsher hissing sound.

"This monster...Could it be a product of the interstellar insect race? If it is really such a monster, then the Earth will be doomed."

Lu Jie raised his eyebrows, looked down at the giant insect, and silently observed its next move.

Under Lu Jie's watch, the giant insect's abdomen swelled up.

Then, it spit out black objects directly into the air.

"That is...Insect eggs?" Lu Jie's pupils condensed and he murmured.

Under Lu Jie's gaze, a large number of insect eggs fell from the sky. Some fell on the ground, and some fell on human bodies.

The insect eggs that fell on the ground just broke away from the mucus and expanded their bodies, probably only the size of a small dog like Teddy. The insect eggs that fell on humans were very scary. The tentacles on their bodies directly inserted into the human body, as if sucking the human flesh and blood.

For a time, a large number of humans screamed and tried to tear the insects off their bodies in pain.

However, it was useless. In just less than ten seconds, this group of people were sucked into mummies and died.

This horrific scene made the unharmed passers-by's scalps numb, and they were all more terrified, with hideous faces trying to push others away to escape from this hellish place.

"Hmm?"At this time, Lu Jie noticed something strange coming from the black hole, which made him frown.

He saw that the black hole had closed, as if it had never appeared.

"Strange black hole...No, it should be called a wormhole. What world is it connecting?"Lu Jie murmured."Is this an accident, or is it an intentional invasion of civilization?" Lu

Jie pondered.

If it is an accident like the biochemical doomsday and Skynet doomsday, it's okay. This root possibility can still be dealt with.

If it is an intentional invasion of civilization, then it will be a big trouble.

"Forget it, I don't need to think so much, just watch it calmly and you will know." Lu Jie shrugged.

"This time, the deduction seems to be very interesting. Then, Lu Jie looked at the bugs that had grown several times larger after sucking human flesh and blood with great interest, and he muttered.

At present, the performance of this bug should not be as good as the interstellar Zerg he imagined.

After all, it is a monster race that can cause a cosmic catastrophe. Every time it arrives at a planet, that planet will be GG, basically there is no second possibility.

The power of the interstellar Zerg is spread all over the universe.

"However, system. You said that interstellar travel would cost 500,000 deduction points. What do you mean by that? Even interstellar travel came up. Isn't travel more exaggerated than space wandering?"

Then, Lu Jie complained to the system again.

【The stage is still on Blue Planet. The current deduction is based on Blue Planet. 】

The system replied calmly

"So that's it. As long as it happens on Earth, anything is possible." Lu Jie smiled and watched the battle calmly.

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