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"Such a loud explosion, what happened! ?"

"Oh my god, could it be that they used intercontinental missiles, and multiple intercontinental missiles at that?"

"If that's the case, that alien queen should be very difficult to deal with. The Water City Military District was forced to use so many intercontinental missiles."

"Phew, even in the biochemical apocalypse movie on, only the zombie lord is lucky enough to receive this treatment. So, this alien queen is as difficult to deal with as the zombie lord?"

"Uh, no, I remember that the alien queen was initially beaten by the heavy machine guns of the armed helicopter and fled in a panic."

"God knows what's going on. If it's just an ordinary swarm of insects, there's no need to use terrifying modern weapons like intercontinental missiles. Ordinary means can solve it."

""Everyone, I think I need to leave. It's too dangerous to stay here."

The anchor said with trembling legs.

"No, stay here, we will reward you."

For a moment, the barrage of comments floated by, and a large number of rewards appeared, which made the anchor grit his teeth and choose to stay.

When the Internet was in an uproar, the special officer of Shuidu also clenched his fists nervously.

He was afraid that the intercontinental missiles would not be able to kill the alien queen.

As the aftermath of the explosion gradually dissipated, the result was that the armed helicopters went to investigate.

When those armed helicopters flew over, they saw the tragic situation of the alien queen.

The scales exploded, the body was bloody and the flesh was all over the body. There were burn marks all over the body. It lay limply on the ground, and it seemed to be dead. As for the swarm of insects, although they were a little far away, they were affected and suffered heavy casualties.

"Report to the officer commander, the alien queen has fallen to the ground without any abnormal movement, and is suspected to be dead."After observing for more than ten seconds, the pilot of the armed helicopter reported this.

This made the special officer of Shuidu feel relieved.

It should be dead. Even the zombie king dare not resist too many intercontinental missiles. The strength of this alien queen should not be as strong as that of the zombie king. It's just that the super-speed regeneration plus abnormal evolution and reproduction speed are too disgusting.

However, before the special officer of Shuidu could relax for a while, the liaison who contacted the pilot of the armed helicopter sounded again.

"Report, the alien queen is moving again, its flesh and blood have been regenerated, and new scales have appeared all over its body!"

""Damn it!" This report made the special officer of Shuidu furious and he issued another order."Let the helicopter troops evacuate, and the intercontinental missiles continue to bomb me. Give me a hundred this time!"

This order made all the officers and soldiers feel numb and gasp.

However, they still quickly executed the order.

Not long after, a series of terrifying explosions sounded again, making the people in the third-tier cities near this side tremble and look at this side with horror.

And the anchor was so scared that he sat and swallowed his saliva.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also stunned.

After the explosion of a hundred intercontinental missiles, the entire mountain was destroyed beyond recognition, and it seemed to be completely destroyed again. The fire spread even more wildly.

However, what made the special officer of Shuidu feel incredible was that this time, the alien mother worm was not injured.

This guy has evolved again.

The method used once will not work the second time.

"Wow, this ability is really abnormal." Lu Jie was amazed

"Next, humans only have one method. It depends on whether the elder dares to do this. No, with the elder's character, he will definitely do this."

Lu Jie smiled lightly.

At this time, the special officer of Shuidu was already pale, and reported the battle situation to the elder with despair.

This made the elder silent.

The difficulty of this alien queen is, in a sense, more terrifying than the zombie king or even the zombie emperor.

The speed of evolution is as fast as cheating. The method used once is useless the second time.

For this kind of monster, it can only be annihilated once.

""Great elder, if we want to kill the alien mother bug, there is only one way." The special officer of Shuidu said bitterly.

"I understand." The elder was silent for a while, his face solemn."Prepare to use a...No, three nuclear bombs. Officer Xu, use all means to stop them in their tracks. People in the third-tier cities and surrounding villages need to evacuate."

"Guarantee to complete the mission!"The special officer of Shuidu heaved a sigh of relief, instinctively saluted, and replied.

Although this mission may very likely make them all die here, compared to killing the alien mother bug and protecting the people, everything is worth it.

After hanging up the phone, the special officer of Shuidu had a stern face and issued an order. All the army was dispatched to use high-explosive grenades and other means to kill the remaining insect swarms without explosion-proof means.

All fighters dropped bombs from high altitude to hold the alien mother bug, and armed helicopters assisted in holding it.

All armed forces of the Shuidu Military Region were fully invested.

"Is this really the choice?" Lu Jie shook his head.

At the same time, the emergency evacuation order was issued in the third-tier cities and nearby villages, causing a large number of people to panic.

For a time, the people in the third-tier cities and nearby villages were all panicked, leaving their belongings behind and began to flee far away.

The entire Xuanguo Internet was shocked by this order.

The anchor was even more frightened. A large number of people were discussing

"This alien queen...It's too abnormal. So many missile bombardments, even so many intercontinental missiles, still couldn't kill it."

"And this order is too scary. Why do I feel that the water army can't kill the alien mother worm?...."

"It's either a feeling or reality. Otherwise, there wouldn't be such a bizarre evacuation order."

"No, you guys missed the point. If I were to speculate...Our great elder should be preparing to use nuclear bombs to annihilate the alien queen"

"Oh shit, a nuclear bomb, no way..."

"The analysis above makes sense. If even intercontinental missiles can't kill them, we can only use nuclear bombs. This is a mountainous area. If we evacuate the people in the surrounding cities and villages, we can minimize the losses...."

""Host, run quickly, or you'll die."

Watching the barrage slide by, the host was almost scared to death, and hurriedly drove away.

Damn, a good outdoor host was almost caught in a nuclear bomb, this is too bad.

"Well, system, speed up the timeline."Lu Jie felt that the following scenes would be similar, and he was too lazy to continue watching, so he said to the system

【When the host felt bored, the Shuidu Military District used missiles, intercontinental missiles, and finally used a large number of human lives as bait, and finally stopped the alien mother insect that was difficult to break through for several hours, and killed most of the insect swarm. Only a dozen insects escaped from the forest. Afterwards, after confirming that the people would not be affected, three nuclear bombs were launched and headed this way. 】

(ps: Please customize, please everything, QAQ~! Some readers said that the previous revised chapters did not change, that was a delay problem, helpless.)_

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