【During this decade, the impact of the nuclear bombs gradually subsided, and the earth entered a peaceful period again.

At the same time, with the monopoly of controlled nuclear fusion, Xuanguo's energy is inexhaustible, and it has become the world's strongest energy seller.

Through the sale of energy, Xuanguo's economy has shown a skyrocketing trend, and the people have become richer.

It has become the world's number one economic power, and a large number of small countries have bowed to Xuanguo.

The major powers such as Xingguo can only envy and hate, but they have to buy completely pollution-free new energy from Xuanguo for use.

【At the same time, with the development of new nuclear weapons with controlled nuclear fusion and related new weapons, Xuanguo has surpassed Xingguo in some military aspects and has become the world's only two superpowers on par with Xingguo.

However, Xuanguo still has no intention of dominating the blue planet and starting a war.

Because although the world's countries are not as good as Xuanguo for the time being, they still have the ability to perish together with Xuanguo.

The nuclear bombs stored by Xingguo and other countries are not for show.

【However, Xuan State did not give up the opportunity to suppress the major powers in the world. Xuan State began to ask for resources from countries around the world in the name of solving the future meteorite crisis. 】

The system's explanation temporarily stopped.

"As expected of the Great Elder of Xuan Country, this move is brilliant."Lu Jie grinned and praised.

After obtaining the controlled nuclear fusion technology, he did not become arrogant, but lay dormant for ten years.

After ten years, he started to make trouble when he had the ability.

The country is strong, the world's number one economy, and its overall military strength is comparable to that of Xing Country. It has a complete monopoly on controlled nuclear fusion technology, and it also hides a bunch of new nuclear weapons. No one knows the details of Xuan Country.

In this case, which country dares to provoke Xuan Country? If they suffer losses, they can only hold it in.

For example, now that Xuan Country asks for resources, which country dares not give them?

If you don't give them to you, you are a sinner of mankind. Xuan Country wants to solve the future meteorite crisis, and only Xuan Country can solve the future meteorite crisis. Do you dare not give them? If you don't give them to you, you are anti-human. The citizens of those countries will also protest and march to save their lives. It's so real.

As for the fact that the Great Elder of Xuan Country denied the future meteorite crisis and the authenticity of the Observer website ten years ago?

Sorry, sir, times have changed.

With the country's strength, they can't talk about anything anymore.

"Well, system, continue to accelerate the timeline." Lu Jie sighed with interest and then said

【While the host was sighing, the elders of Xingguo, the queen of Lion Country and other high-ranking officials of powerful countries could only reluctantly supply a large amount of resources to Xuanguo. With these resources, Xuanguo began to do its best to manufacture new nuclear bombs and enrich its military strength, completely surpassing Xingguo and becoming the world's first superpower.】

【In the blink of an eye, another fifty-four years have passed.

During these fifty-four years, Xuan Country has changed two generations of great elders.

The first and second generations of great elders have died of old age, and now the third generation of great elders is in power.

However, because the three generations of great elders are all smart and capable, Xuan Country has far surpassed other countries after these years of development.

Even though Xing Country and other powerful countries finally jointly developed controlled nuclear fusion technology five years ago, it cannot make up for the gap of several decades.

【During these fifty-four years, Xuan State has completely become the head country of the Blue Star Federation, and the Blue Star Federation has almost become Xuan State's one-man show. Therefore, when the meteorite crisis is about to come, it is Xuan State that leads the other countries to solve the problem of the meteorite crisis.】

【Over the years, Xuanguo has deduced a possible way to save humanity through the meteorite's trajectory on the observer website. That is, through layer-by-layer calculations, by deploying a series of new nuclear bombs in a large number of appropriate locations in advance, slowly changing the direction of the huge meteorite, and thus saving the earth. 】

The system's explanation stopped.

"Hey, this method is not bad."Lu Jie's eyes lit up and he exclaimed.

Sometimes humans are really spiritual.

For example, Skynet wanted to blow up the meteorite once and for all, but failed.

I really don't know whether to say that he is confident or what.

"System, do you think this method is feasible?" Then, Lu Jie asked

"Forget it, I don't want to ask you, you will let me guess and watch it anyway."However, before the system answered, Lu Jie spoke again


In response, a series of dots appeared in front of Lu Jie's eyes, showing the system's speechlessness and helplessness.

However, Lu Jie didn't care about the system's little mood, but teleported directly to space.

The scenery in space, after watching it many times, gives people a very shocking feeling.

But this time Lu Jie didn't come to appreciate the scenery, but to take a look at some of the arrangements in space.

He was amazed to find that in space, there were tens of thousands of new nuclear bombs arranged in a regular pattern, which looked quite shocking.

"If it was an ordinary meteorite, it wouldn't be so troublesome. It's the system that's causing trouble."

Lu Jie muttered again.

【Host, you are slandering me. This system has explained this many times. This is none of our business. 】

The system's voice sounded.

""Yeah, I know. I was just joking with you." Lu Jie said with a smile.

【Bad taste, I won't pay attention to you. 】

The system's voice sounded.

This made Lu Jie feel sick.

Damn, what's wrong with this arrogant feeling.

System, wake up, you are just a system, a pimple, not a cute girl, don't do such a disgusting thing


Suddenly, another series of dots appeared, but Lu Jie ignored them.

"Now is the moment of life and death for our human race. I hope everyone will put aside their grudges and work together to deal with this crisis."The third generation elder of Xuan Kingdom sighed.

"At this point, what's the point of saying this? Everyone understands."The new leaders of various countries all sighed.

"Let's confirm again. If plan A fails, we will start plan B. Do you have any objections?"The third generation elder of Xuan State said in a deep voice.

"No problem. If we can save the Earth, it's okay to sacrifice the Moon."

"Although the loss of the moon will have a great impact on the earth, it is better than direct destruction."

Everyone spoke up

"Well, that's fine."The third-generation elder of Xuan State nodded.

At this time, a piercing alarm sounded.

A huge meteorite was approaching the earth!

""Plan, start!" The third-generation elder of Xuan State gave the order in a deep voice.

As the order of the third-generation elder of Xuan State fell, when the huge meteorite arrived at a certain location, a large number of new nuclear weapons suddenly exploded, forming a large number of gorgeous fireworks in space!

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