At this time, Wu Yan pressed the pause button. He suddenly noticed something suspicious.

"Wait, do you find anything suspicious?"Wu Yan swallowed his saliva and said with a fluctuating expression.

"What's the doubt?" Wu Yan's roommates came back to their senses from their anger, and they all looked at Wu Yan in confusion.

"The opening timeline of this movie is different from the first biochemical apocalypse."Wu Yan said hesitantly

"Aren't you just talking nonsense?" Wu Yan's roommate said unhappily."What's the problem with that?"

"No, the start time of the biochemical apocalypse movie is about a week earlier than the timeline of Skynet Storm Zero."Wu Yan said."Also...Why would the Star Country elder in the movie know about the MR virus! What does this mean? This means that this movie, or more precisely, this parallel world also has an Observer website, and the Observer website also has a series of biochemical apocalypse movies!"

Speaking of this, Wu Yan swallowed his saliva, his eyes widened, and he got goose bumps all over his body as he thought about it.


When Wu Yan said this, his roommate also opened his eyes wide, felt his scalp tingling, and was completely confused.

Yes, why is there an Observer website and a biochemical apocalypse movie in this movie, and the Star Country's elders also want to create the MR virus?

"What does this mean?...Perhaps there are countless parallel worlds, and the world observers intercepted a part of the parallel worlds for experiments. Then they released the results of these parallel worlds to those worlds that are developing normally."Wu Yan clenched his fist and speculated

"The time in those intercepted parallel worlds passed much faster than in our world. A million years passed in a flash. We didn't even notice this before. But in our world, only a few days passed. What kind of trick is this! ?"

One of Wu Yan's roommates also murmured in horror.

"Intercepting parallel worlds and affecting different time and space, even gods can only do this. What exactly is the identity of the world observer?"The others looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Who knows. However, the World Observer is more mysterious and more powerful than we imagined."Wu Yan said with a wry smile

"However, if there are countless parallel worlds, there should be a real world. Based on that real world, each parallel world is separated...."

One of the roommates speculated

"Is our world the real universe?"

"Who knows? How can we possibly know this? It is highly likely that our universe is also a parallel universe....."Alas."

Wu Yan slumped in his chair, his face dark.

The more he understood, the more shocked he was. At the same time, he felt complicated and even a little numb.

When he thought of the countless existences of himself. Even he was just an insignificant existence in a parallel universe separated from the real universe, he felt more and more insignificant, and he felt uncomfortable.


The rest of the roommates were also silent.

Indeed, the shock of this news was too strong. The World Observer once again showed a stronger"power", showing that he not only had the ability to travel through parallel universes, but also had the horrifying ability to intercept parallel universes as experimental sites and manipulate the concept of time and space.

At the same time, they also sincerely felt their own insignificance and sadness.

If they were also just part of a parallel universe, it meant that they might also become guinea pigs of the World Observer in the future.

"There is no need to think too much. What is coming will come. If you think too much about what is not coming, you will collapse."Five minutes later, Wu Yan came back to his senses and smiled bitterly."And we can't do much now that we know."

"Haha, that's right." Wu Yan's roommate also came to his senses.

"Rather than this, do you want to go to the club tonight and find some girls to relax? I'll treat you."

""Okay. It's settled."

For a moment, the atmosphere in the dormitory became lively again.

But they all knew that this was just a diversion.

The seed called nightmare has been planted.

Sometimes, the smarter you are, the worse it is. Being smart will instinctively consider many details, and then have mental problems.

For example, most ordinary people did not see the deep meaning in it, but just watched it intently.

Afterwards, Wu Yan clicked the play button again, and the video played again.

They saw that the Great Elder of the Star Country had not changed much. Instead, he invested a lot of money to secretly cooperate with Skynet to study the MR virus. The scene of wanting to create the MR virus made them very angry, but not as angry as before. After all, they were distracted. When they saw that the experiment failed and the MR virus was determined by Skynet to be impossible to create, Wu Yan and others breathed a sigh of relief. A real sigh of relief.

"That's great. If the MR virus is not developed, we don't have to worry about the biochemical apocalypse."

Wu Yan chuckled.

"Yes, even Star Country and Skynet failed to develop the MR virus, so it is even more impossible for our world."

The other roommates also spoke up.

Through this movie, they knew how jealous the leaders of various countries were of genetic drugs. After all, it can enhance physical fitness and resistance, and increase life span.

I guess all countries are secretly researching it.

It is best if they can't figure it out now.

However, if analyzed from another perspective, does it mean that the MR virus was really developed by the World Observer?

After all, in the subroutine of the biochemical apocalypse movie, even Skynet couldn't figure it out....

According to their previous speculation, the world observers specially intercepted some parallel worlds as experimental sites....

I guess this is also the case in the Skynet world.....A testing site very different from a biochemical apocalypse...

Wu Yan and others speculated secretly.

As the plot developed, Wu Yan and others saw that after the Great Elder of Star Country found out that the MR virus could not be created, he became furious and actually started another plan. He began to secretly develop a large number of combat robots in order to unify Blue Star. Wu Yan's heart tightened.

"The Great Elder of Xingguo is such an ambitious person!"

"With Skynet and combat robots, how can other countries fight?"

The other roommates also smiled bitterly.

They were not angry because of the ambition of the Star Country's elder. There was no need.

After all, the people in power in the world's powerful countries were ambitious.

For example, their Xuan Country's elder was also a hero that they admired. He seized the opportunity and used the MR virus and the weakened version of the MR virus serum to completely wipe out other countries and absorb their talents.

It was normal for the Star Country's elder to have such an ambition with such an advantage.

They were worried about the Xuan Country in this parallel world.

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