I Can See All The Bosses’ Drops

Chapter 1216: Tombstone leveling point

"Where is this place, please?"

"Oh heh~ here!"

A kind-faced old man replied with a smile:

"This is the town of Rhine."

"Rhine Town?!"

The handsome man and the others looked at each other in shock:

"Didn't Boss Feng say that this is the town of ancient gods? Why is it called Rhine Town?"

Xiao He said on the side:

"Could it be that what Boss Feng said is not the same place as the current one!"

Looking at the neat and new buildings and the lively streets around, everyone has an unreal feeling.

Although they also know that they are in the state of ghosts now.

But in fact, at the moment they became ghost state, they didn't feel any different from the previous successful ghost state.

Everything around seemed so real, not at all unreal.

White clouds floated in the blue sky.

A bright sun hangs in the sky, emitting a soft light.

The people on the street, the scenery, and even a speck of dust under their feet, all seem extremely real.

At this moment, they are more willing to interpret the current situation as, after experiencing the death of poison gas, they came to another world (plane).

In the hands of the famous Yue Er and Wang Zixin, they each held a string of hot meat skewers and ate them with relish.

Xiao He also found a rare forging material in the blacksmith shop beside him, ready to forge his legendary weapon.

Zhan Chen chose a piece of exquisite jewelry at the stall on the street for Aphasia, which made him speechless for a while.

Even Steady Mountain has found a large number of [Super Life Potion] that players need most at this stage from a pharmacy. This is a percentage of blood recovery.

For a blood cow with a blood volume of nearly 10 million, which is as stable as a mountain, this potion is much more precious than those that replenish a fixed health value.

After they strolled down these two streets, they discovered a very incredible thing.

That is, everything here can still be traded with gold coins.

Moreover, in the shop here, there are many rare things that do not exist in Lafam Continent at present.

This [Premium Life Potion] is one of them.

The key material that Xiao He's legendary weapon needs is also one of them.

You must know that when Xiao He was looking for that material to no avail, he was ready to give up.

But I didn't expect to find it here.

In addition, there are many special medicine pills, and a mysterious blacksmith shop that is not open to the public...

And the people here don't seem to know that they are dead (ghosts), and they are no different from normal people in words and deeds.

When a player said this to an old man, he was scolded by the scolding, making the people around him laugh.

But there is something puzzling.

Since they live like normal people, but when they can't get out of the town, they don't know where the living materials they need come from?

In other words, everything in front of you is a system fiction, then all this can be explained clearly.

However, they were obviously handsome and scumbags, and they didn't have much interest in the weird scene in front of them.

After everyone had a general understanding of the situation here, all the players soon gathered at the central junction of the two streets in the town.

There stood a quaint stone tablet, exuding a dim light.

Three bright red characters are carved on the stele: Rebirth Stele.

But when the player gets close, the system will pop up a selection interface:

[Elementary leveling points (lv35-lv39)]

[Intermediate Leveling Points (lv40-lv49)]

[Advanced Leveling Points (lv50-lv59)]

[Epic Leveling Points (lv60-lv69)]

[Legendary Leveling Points (lv70-lv79)]

【Back to the city】


Before they came, someone had already clicked in curiously.

However, after those players entered, there was no news at all.

But the handsome **** still learned some of the situation from the online forum.

To put it bluntly, these leveling points may exist in any location, including mountains, lakes, wastelands and so on.

And there will be dense wild monsters in these places, and players can brush and upgrade them as much as they want.

And more importantly.

According to the information given by someone, the experience gained from killing the monsters inside is more than three times that of the monsters of the same level outside.

Add in the bonuses of the four frontier cities, and that's 3.8x.

Many people are crazy with joy when they see the experience bar that goes up and down.

Of course.

The monsters in it are quite powerful.

The leapfrog challenge has a certain degree of challenge, and people who have no strength to leapfrog monsters can only be beaten in seconds.

"I heard that there is a time limit for coming in, we can hurry in and upgrade!"

"I'm one level away from using that epic weapon I just bought."

"Let's go, let's go."

After a group of players came to the monument of death, they began to discuss the information they saw from the forum:

"While there is a bonus from Border City, I need to spend a little more. I'll be lv60 soon."

"But the wild monsters inside are not easy to deal with!"

"It is said that at least ten people are needed here to be able to play. It is estimated that it will be difficult for a single player."

At the same time.

There were also people who came up to say hello to Shuai Chuozhu and others.

You must know that their prestige in the Chinese theater is also not low!

However, it is not difficult to see from their eyes that they want to form a team with Shuaizhuozhu and others.

After all, he is handsome and scum, but he is a well-known group attacking Dharma King in the Huaguo Theater!

If only one person is handsome and scum, I don't know how many people can be replaced. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

It is definitely a pleasure to follow him to brush monsters.

What's more, there is not a single vegetarian in the Creation Mercenary Corps.

But obviously no one would be foolish to say their own purpose, because they know that even if they say it, it is just self-inflicted humiliation.

The experience of the Creation Mercenary Group is not something that ordinary people are qualified for.

As these players left one by one, soon there was only a team of God-sent them left.

Aphasia stood next to the death monument and looked at the crowd:

"Are we going in?"

Several people also looked at each other suddenly.

Because Lin Yi is not here at the moment, they may also be wondering whether to wait for Lin Yi to be with him.

However, it has been a long time since Lin Yi walked into the depths of the poisonous fog swamp and there is still no news.

In addition, the poisonous fog is ineffective against Lin Yi.

Lin Yi, who can't die, can't be transformed into a ghost state.

This also means that Lin Yi can't see what they are seeing at all, let alone going to the leveling point.

At this moment, Zhang Xinying said:

"Don't wait for him, let's find out the situation first."

Now that Zhang Xinying has spoken, everyone no longer hesitates.

In the absence of Lin Yi, Aphasia is the captain of the team.

Then aphasia click to the selection interface of the monument of death and select:

【Epic leveling point】

(End of this chapter)


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