I Can See All The Bosses’ Drops

Chapter 136: Who exactly is out of control?

"I can see all boss drops (

Luoshen, Prosperous Dynasty, Creation Mercenary Group, Qingyi Pavilion, and Heshen Temple's five live broadcast rooms.

At the moment when they saw the prosperous drunkard walking side by side with Fenghua, almost everyone stood there as if they were weathered.

With the death of the temple fanatic, it has already indicated that the temple has almost withdrawn from the competition for the championship.

This also means that those who bet gold coins on the temple have already been declared eliminated before the event is over.

Not to mention what the temple lost in this defeat, one thing is certain:

That is, the temple is destined to bear the infamy and usher in the anger of those players who have high hopes.

Amid the tragic wailing, everyone pinned their hopes on Feng Hua.

But when the prosperity appeared, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

You must know that in the entire game, almost 80% of the people have placed heavy bets on the temple and Fenghua.

Now if Fenghua is also out of the game, it will be a huge disaster for these players!

Especially seeing the grand stance of the prosperous dynasty.

Some people have even started mourning their misfortune online in advance.

What surprised everyone was that after a "friendly conversation", the expected "ultimate battle" did not happen.

And depending on the situation, it seems that the people of Shengshi actually fell out with the people of the temple.

Everyone was confused by the ups and downs of the fairy tale, and they didn't know why.

However, for those who bet on Fenghua, this is a personal experience like a roller coaster.


It was supposed to be a jungle trip full of danger and excitement, but the style of painting changed suddenly because of the addition of Luoshen and Shengshi.

Along the way, no matter what organ swamps, beast bosses, or other guilds you encounter.

In front of this group of fierce people, they are like paper tigers, vulnerable.

What is Destruction?

This is!

After all, the designs here are all aimed at a group of 100.

But now here, Sheng Shi and Luoshen are both top-level guild combat power.

Coupled with the fact that Qingyi Pavilion is ranked at the bottom, it can also be regarded as the top ten guilds.

Who would have thought that they, who were already in a competitive relationship, would choose to join forces?

This scene made Babylon so angry that his face turned green.

The players watching the live broadcast also changed from excitement at the beginning to numbness later.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is no suspense in the championship of this competition.

Now that the ending is known, many people have also left the live broadcast room.

Watching the big guy crush all the way, it was really cool to watch at first, but that's what happened later.

After a while, those who need to level up will continue to do tasks.

The worst thing to do now is to wait for the system announcement to announce that Fenghua has won the championship.

"That should be Tongtian Peak, right?"

In a dense forest, through the gaps between the trees, everyone exclaimed when they saw the cloud-shrouded mountain peak in the distance.

When the group came to the foot of Tongtian Peak.

Unsurprisingly, they were the first team to arrive here.

It was not until they came here that everyone discovered that the Tongtian Peak was much larger than expected.

A staircase extending from the foot of the mountain to the sky appeared in front of everyone.

As expected, just walk up this ladder, go to the platform at the highest point of Tongtian Peak, and get the reward.

Then this "Guild Hegemony Tournament" that lasted for most of the day will end successfully with such a dramatic scene.


Standing at the foot of the mountain, the prosperous drunkard smiled at Lin Yi.

On one side, Luo Shenliu Nian's face also showed a relaxed smile:

"Don't forget our agreement."

Lin Yi glanced at the two of them and smiled without being hypocritical:

"Then I'm welcome."

Just when everyone thought that this event would end with Fenghua winning the championship, there was a sudden change:


The sudden voice sounded from the crowd behind him, making everyone stunned.

At this moment, a warrior named Shrine Oniwu emerged from the ranks of the Shrine.

When they saw this person, not only Lin Yi and others were full of puzzlement, but even the people in the temple expressed their puzzlement and began to discuss:

"who is this?"

"Among the people we came here this time, is there anyone named Guiwu?"

"I haven't heard of it."

"Then when did he show up?"

"Doesn't anyone know?"


Under the whispering whispers of everyone in the temple, suddenly, someone seemed to remember something:

"I seem to have seen this person in the president's office, but when did he follow up?"

The people in the temple guild looked at the figure in surprise:

"What is he trying to do?"

Stop Fenghua?

Although everyone in the temple guild wanted to do it.

But after all, the idea can only be thought.

After all, the people of Shengshi, Luoshen and Qingyi Pavilion are not vegetarians.

What's more, with Fenghua's own strength, not everyone can pinch it.

The sudden appearance of the temple Guiwu was originally just an ordinary player in Lin Yi's eyes.

But as he approached step by step, the phantom of the equipment appeared on his body.

what the hell!

This discovery made Lin Yi's heart tremble, and then his brows tightened, and he shouted:

"Be careful."

Although Tianci and others did not know why, they still entered the sneak with Chi Tong.

Aphasia and steadiness stood in front of Lin Yi for the first time.

Zhang Xinxin, reminded by the Werewolf Prophet, quickly cast buff magic on everyone.

With this set of Ambilight gain magic, Sheng Shi Luoshen and others were stunned for a while.

Zhan Chen and Shuai Chuo **** are on both sides of Lin Yi, waiting for them.

Perhaps it was from Lin Yi's side that something was wrong, and the drunkard of the prosperous age immediately ordered:

"Wrap me around him."

The people of these temples, repeatedly provoked, do they really think they have such a good temper?

Luoshen Liunian also reacted similarly, scolding it:

"Stop for me!"

But at this time, the player named Shendian Guiwu actually stopped, pointed his pale fingers to Lin Yi, and said gloomily:

"You, come with me."

Lin Yi, who had already noticed that something was wrong, had to curse inwardly as an idiot.

Then he shouted, "Go!"

Chi Tong and Tian Ci burst into flames one after another~www.readwn.com~ But when the two were about to get close, the temple Guiwu turned out to be like a ghost, appearing close to Lin Yi.

Surprised, Lin Yi instantly activated his skills:


Before Lin Yi could react, an extremely eerie words rang out in his ears again:

"Where are you going?"

A cold hand suddenly grabbed Lin Yi's back, causing Lin Yi to roll on the spot in fright.

What the **** is this shit.

During the rolling process, Lin Yi responded quickly:

switch weapons

Enable Arcane Wandering Walk

The prosperous drunkard and Luoshen Liunian ordered almost at the same time:


The prosperous drunkard did not forget to say angrily to the temple:

"You are courting death!"

At this moment, the people in the temple were also frightened.

Someone said innocently:

"We don't know him, it's none of our business."

But now, does anyone believe it?

At the same time, all warriors stepped forward with shields and activated their skills:


"Shield Strike!"


But what is surprising is that all skills are either lost or "Miss".

Everyone's hearts are shocked: so strong!

Steady as a mountain suddenly jumped high, and a big sword slashed down at the man of Guiwu in the temple.

But the other party actually had eyes behind his back, and he directly held the steady mountain sword in his hand.


Then he lifted the big sword and threw the steady as a mountain directly.

Lin Yi suddenly appeared beside Babylon who was stunned, his tone was full of ridicule:

"The City Lord of Qinglong City is here, who is beyond his own power?"


Updated today.

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