I Can See All The Bosses’ Drops

Chapter 305: Divergence of the Succubus

"Annabella, she is the great elder of our succubus clan."

Hera pointed to the girl in the blue dress and introduced it to Lin Yi.

Just when Lin Yi was still wondering how this 31-level girl could become the Great Elder of the Succubus Clan, Hera said again:

"She's also the only family member I've lived with (at the same time conceived)."

Lin Yi looked at the girl in the blue skirt in surprise. If she said that, then the only relative in Hera's question should be her.

It's just that since they are in a symbiotic relationship, how can the strength gap between the two be so different?

Hera is now the head of the succubus clan, and her strength is as high as level 68, which is almost the same as the clan head of the corpse demon clan (level 69) she encountered before.

And the girl in the blue dress in front of her is only level 31!

It is estimated that Lin Yi couldn't believe it until this time. The culprit who made such a big commotion was actually the girl in front of him who seemed to be harmless.

At this point, Lin Yi can understand why the races affected this time are all those low-level races.

Because with the strength of this girl, the middle and senior races are simply not something she can handle.

Even the lizard people, there are some masters with rank 5 strength.

There are only Antlers and Bicks, the most powerful races are only rank 3. Even if something goes wrong in the end, they will have nothing to do with the powerful Succubus.

At this moment, Hera also introduced the old man beside Annabella to Lin Yi:

"This is the guardian of our succubus family."

Lin Yizhuang saluted her as usual and said:

"Dear Guardian, it's a pleasure to meet you."

And the guardian just nodded indifferently as a response, but Lin Yi didn't care.

At this time, Annabella looked at Lin Yi:

"Why are you here?"

Heraben is ready to introduce them to:

"Oh, he was invited by me..."

But it was interrupted directly by Lin Yi, Lin Yi said:

"Come to play."

Then introduce yourself:

"My name is Lin Yi, and I am very happy to be invited to visit such a mysterious holy place."

Hera glanced at Lin Yi in surprise. Although she didn't know why Lin Yi said that, she didn't debunk Lin Yi's words:

"He is the representative of the Chosen One this time. I am inviting him to see if he can solve the current predicament of our clan."

The guardian suddenly said in a slightly disdainful tone:

"A little mage with only rank three strength, what can he do?"

Hera chuckled lightly:

"Don't look at him as just a little mage, he has another identity, that is the heir of the God of Karsa."


When the guardian of the succubus heard the words, his half-opened eyes suddenly widened to look at Lin Yi.

At that moment, Lin Yi clearly felt a fleeting feeling from this old guy: killing intent!

But it was obvious that apart from Lin Yi, there was no difference between the other two in this killing intent.

Annabella also asked curiously:

"Then does he have a solution?"

Hera looked at Lin Yi, and Lin Yi shook his head and replied:


A trace of disappointment flashed on Annabella's face, but soon her fighting spirit rekindled:

"The Holy Blood Pill is still short of the blood of five clans to be successfully refined. This may be the only way for our succubus clan to get out of this predicament."

"Lord Patriarch, I have chosen these five races,"

"This time I hope you will approve the Guardians to go with me."

"As long as the holy blood pill is successfully refined, the holy blood tree can return to normal, and our succubus can return to its peak period."

Annabella looked at Hera sincerely, waiting for the final decision of the succubus patriarch.

However, Hera first glanced at Lin Yi, and then looked disappointedly at the persistent girl in front of her:

"Do you know that if you do this, even if the Holy Blood Tree can be restored to its original state, and my Succubus Clan will surely be cast aside by the Hundred Clan, how is this different from those of the Wu Clan?"

But Annabella still stubbornly said:

"If you don't do this, in another hundred years, the world will no longer have the existence of my succubus."

"How many people will remember the great contribution our Succubus Clan has made to the Hundred Clan by then?"

Annabella pointed to the outer city excitedly, and shed tears of grievance:

"Look at those people outside now, I just solved some heinous clansmen for them."

"Not only are they not grateful, but they also overthrew the statue of the ancestor Sharon Zimmerman. Do you still expect someone to read the credit we once made and save us from misfortune?"

"Stop dreaming!"

"The only one who can save us now is ourselves."

At this time, Lin Yi suddenly interjected and asked:

"Then I want to know, which five races are you choosing now?"

Annabella turned her head to look at Lin Yi, without any intention of concealing it, she said directly:

"The lizardmen, the goblins, the werewolves and the serpent people and most importantly..."

Lin Yi followed Annabella's gaze to the golden Beamon behind him, and suddenly his face sank.

Annabella said at this time:


Suddenly, Hera's face changed dramatically:

"Annabella, that's enough!"

"Don't make a mistake again!"

"Whether this holy blood pill can save the holy blood tree or not, I will not choose to use this dirty method to save my succubus."

"Then would you rather watch my succubus go extinct?"

Annabella looked at Hera frantically, her eyes full of madness.

Hera, who was as high as level 68, actually took two steps back under the roar of Annabella, level 31.

She looked in disbelief at the woman in front of her who she regarded as her only relative:

"Then can you tell me who told you about this method?"

Hera herself, as the patriarch of the succubus clan, didn't even know about the so-called holy blood pill.

And where did this girl who usually looks very simple in front of her know that she could use this method to refine the so-called Holy Blood Pill?

After hearing Hera's question, Annabella subconsciously took a step back, then thought of something, and raised her head to look at Hera again:

"It doesn't matter who told me this, the important thing is that I know that this method can prevent my succubus from going extinct."

Hera looked at Annabella angrily:

"You will only lead my succubus clan to a state of doom step by step!"

"I won't agree with the Guardian to fool around with you!"

"From now on, you can give me peace of mind to stay in the clan to reflect."

Then Hera shouted:

"Come on!"

Suddenly, a dozen phantom assassins of the succubus tribe gradually appeared around Annabella:


Hera glared fiercely:


What shocked Hera was that these phantom assassins who appeared did not salute Hera, but the girl in blue dress who was only level 31: Annabella!

Hera was furious again and again in disbelief:

"Come on, come on, come on for me!"

However, no matter how Hera shouted, there was no movement around.

Only then did Annabella speak slowly:

"Sister, I actually don't want to do this, but you forced me to do it."

"If I don't do this, our tribe will be destroyed by your hands one day."

"If it wasn't for our Sharon Zimmerman to go out, where would we be today,"

Annabella angrily pointed to the outer city:

"But look now!"

"How many people remember the terrible price my succubus clan paid for their peace!"

"Since no one remembers our goodness, I can only ask them for things that should belong to my succubus family through myself."

Annabella looked at Hera before turning to leave:

"If you don't want my succubus clan to be destroyed by your hands now~www.readwn.com~ I can only trouble you to stay here with this chosen one for the time being."

Looking at Annabella, who had fallen into a demonic barrier, Hera could only turn her eyes for help to the highly respected guardian of the succubus family:

"Guardian Gezar stop her quickly, don't let her make mistakes again and again."

What made Hera even more desperate was that the guardian, who had high hopes for her, followed Annabella's footsteps and turned to leave.

Only then did Lin Yi speak quietly:

"Don't beg, because the refining method of this holy blood pill was proposed by the guardian of your family."

Hera, who was in grief, was shocked when she heard the words:


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