I Can See All The Bosses’ Drops

Chapter 570: Dragonscale

   Chapter 562 Dragon Scale Grass

  [Dragon's Nest] 100-player dungeon is the first 100-player dungeon in the game "Glory of the Gods". In Lin Yi's memory, this dungeon was not designed for ordinary players from the beginning of development.

   Before Lin Yi was reborn, the first kill of this instance was won by the American team.

   But even so, they only got the first kill after more than a week of exploration and running-in, which is far from being as easy as people think.

   Before Lin Yi's rebirth, when this dungeon was opened, all players were basically rank 5 (Lv50) or above.

   In this life, because of the birth of Lin Yi, the game process has been greatly changed and accelerated, so that the dungeon is now open. At present, the average level of players is only about Lv45.

   Lin Yi would like to say that with the current player's strength, it is basically difficult to get the first kill.

   But when he thought that Satan J had brought this matter out, Lin Yi couldn't help but wonder:

  ‘A person who has mastered the dungeon strategy doesn’t have the confidence to clear the level, how can he get the confidence to do so? ’

   After all, the stake is a border city!

   Frontier City involves the interests of all players in the entire war zone, so Lin Yi dare not agree to it casually.

   And Lin Yi also knew clearly:

  Sometimes a person's reputation is not necessarily a good thing, like now.

   without this bet;

  If there are not so many netizens voting for support;

  Lin Yi might really take a day to try it out.

   But if you agree to it now, it will be with the expectations of millions of players and the overall interests of the Huaguo Theater, in case you lose this bet.

   Maybe it will be used by some conscientious people to create public opinion, then what awaits Lin Yi is endless trouble and criticism from netizens.

Although    reputation backlash has never happened before, it doesn't mean that Lin Yi is really stupid.

   Some people may envy the huge prestige and status that Lin Yi has in China now, but only Lin Yi himself does not like this kind of "special attention" from the public.

  The higher the prestige, the more people are watching you behind your back, and the more people pay attention, the easier it is to become a tool used by others to attack you because of a little mistake.

  The taller the person standing, the more careful each step is to walk on thin ice.

  Because the higher your popularity, the higher their expectations.

   But if one day your actions fail to meet their expectations, the worse the fall will be.

   In fact, Lin Yi himself felt a little baffling and helpless to have such a high popularity in the China War Zone along the way.

   Because most of the time, Lin Yi didn't intend to show anything, and he was not the kind of person who likes to show off.

It's just that after three years of rebirth and experience, plus all kinds of bizarre opportunities in this life, many of Lin Yi's actions that he thinks are normal are constantly magnified under the player's 'magnifying glass'. .

   It's like making a riot in Sapporo, which is very popular now, is that what Lin Yi did on purpose? of course not.

   The root cause of the chaos in Sapporo City was simply to do the task of the "Cyclops".

   Because of the situation at the time, if I didn't do this, I couldn't complete the mission.

   and the later "Tangjiapu" massacre.

   In fact, Lin Yi is only doing the task of the winged people,

   Coincidentally encountered the "Alien Beast Siege" event;

   happened to meet Chinese people who were bullied there;

   happened to help resolve the crisis in Tangjiabao...

  Perhaps the root cause of all this is what a great man said, when a person's strength is stronger, the greater the responsibility he bears on his shoulders.

  If Lin Yi was still the unknown self before his rebirth, who would put the hope of taking the first dungeon on himself?

   This time, the United States suddenly challenged, Lin Yi never thought that this Satan J was a provocative act with a hot head.

  Since he is willing to take out a border city as a bet, it means that he has absolute certainty about the first kill of this dungeon.

  According to Lin Yi's understanding of Satan J, it cannot be ruled out that he may have obtained the strategy for this dungeon from some channels.

   Judging from the current situation, it seems impossible to reject the challenge of the other party.

  Because the emotions of netizens are currently in a state of boiling with public opinion.

   If you refuse, you will not only lose the top figures in the Chinese War Zone, such as the drunken prosperous world, but also all the players in the entire Chinese War Zone.

   With the temperament of Chinese people, it is absolutely impossible to turn a blind eye to the repeated provocations of a group of jumping clowns.

   Not to mention, in the matter of taking the first kill, Chinese players will not admit that they are inferior to others.

  Lin Yi reviewed the process and impact of the whole thing in his mind. If he refused, it would be difficult for the Huaguo Theater to win.

   Even in the last life, the U.S. theater was only a week after the first kill, and the Chinese theater had a hard time clearing this dungeon, so you can imagine the gap between the two sides.

   This is not only a confrontation of strength, but there are many other factors in it, including an important item needed in this dungeon: dragon scale grass!

   Remember the giant dragon that was skinned and cramped by the evil **** mentioned earlier?

   This incident happened in a deep valley in the Western Continent, and this deep valley was named [Falling Dragon Valley] by later generations.

   In the deep valley, a special plant will grow because it is nourished by the blood and bone of the giant dragon, and its name is Dragon Scale Grass.

   And this dragon scale grass has a special effect that players will get a 5-minute BUFF after using it: it can reduce the damage of the dragon by 10%; and it is immune to the pressure of the dragon.

   No usage restrictions!

   This 10% damage does not seem to be much. One person reduces 10%, ten people is 100%, and 100 people is 1000% damage reduction.

   There is also a person who has a 10% reduction once, and a 100% reduction for ten times... and so on.

   Sometimes let alone 10% damage, even 1% damage may determine the final outcome.

   There is the latter one more important: immunity to the coercion of dragons.

  When the player's level is lower than the dragon's level, he will bear the pressure from the dragon, such as:

  If the dragon is Lv50 and the player is Lv40, players with a difference of Lv10 will have all attributes reduced by 20%.

  Every time a player is lower than the dragon level 1~www.readwn.com~, all attributes will be reduced by 2%.

   Think about it, this is the reduction of all attributes!

  The United States could take the lead in getting the first kill in the last life, and definitely most of the credit for this dragon scale grass.

   And the country of China did not know the existence of dragon scale grass at the beginning, and the United States unilaterally blocked all news about this matter.

  Huaguo War Zone cleared [Dragon's Nest] at that time, but it was actually achieved with strength.

  The U.S. theater also released information about "Dragon Scale Grass" on the Internet after China opened up the dragon's nest, which immediately caused an uproar in various war theaters around the world at that time.

   After that, the United States unilaterally occupied the dragon scale grass as an exclusive resource, and frantically harvested the wealth of all players in the world.

  [Dragon's Nest] The highest level of the dungeon BOSS dragon is Lv55. At that time, the price of dragon scale grass dropped after the average level of all players reached Lv55.

   "Dragon Scale Grass?"

   The first thing that Lin Yi thought of was Dragon Island. There should be a lot of this kind of dragon scale grass there.

   (end of this chapter)

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