I Can See All The Bosses’ Drops

Chapter 590: Hojo Takeshi's Special Mission

Just when the eyes of all war zones around the world were focused on the copy of [Dragon's Nest], it was located on a deserted island a hundred miles away from the Japanese city of Sapporo.

In the center of this deserted island stands a majestic mountain, and in the depths of the mountain there is a huge pit.

It looks like an 'extinct volcano' that has not erupted, and it looks very spectacular.

If it is said that this is a natural formation, it is estimated that no one will believe it.

At this time, the huge deep pit was already covered by dense green vegetation, and the sounds of birds, beasts and insects filled it.

The sun shines in this dense jungle, adding a sense of tranquility and harmony to the place.


A figure suddenly appeared in the jungle in the deep pit, and a complaint came:

"Baga! Where is it?"

It was the player of the Wa clan, Takeshi Hojo, who was approaching him.

At this moment, Takeshi Hojo has been wandering in this deep pit for a long time. Except for some harmless birds and beasts, there are no wild monsters that can be killed.

This place seems to have been forgotten by the 'system', and it magically maintains its original appearance, which is not like the world in the game at all.

You must know that in this game, there are very few places in the wild without wild monsters.

At least Hojo Takeshi has been to so many surrounding islands. This island is the only desert island that Hojo Takeshi has never seen before.

The whole island has maintained its original appearance and is peaceful.

And if it weren't for the map given by the mission, it is estimated that Takeshi Hojo would not be able to find this place in the vast sea.

In this dense forest full of primitive aura, Takeshi Hojo searched around many times, but found nothing.

When Hojo Takeshi saw the huge lake in the center of the big pit again, he finally stopped.

At this time, Takeshi Hojo could still see some wild animals drinking and playing by the lake.

No information, including rank, appeared on the heads of these beasts.

This also means that these beasts do not belong to the wild monsters identified by the system, they have no experience in killing them, and they will not drop any equipment and materials.

Of course, what Hojo Takeshi was noticing at the moment was not the beasts, but the huge lake sparkling in the sun.

So far, it's the only one that hasn't been found here.

If that thing really exists here, Takeshi Hojo has a hunch that it must be under this lake.

Do it when you think of it!

After making sure it was safe here, Takeshi Hojo hesitated for a moment.

Then resolutely jumped into the lake:

"Pfft~" sounded.

The huge sound of falling water caused the surrounding birds and beasts to flee in all directions, and got into the dense forest next to them.

The lake water is crystal clear, and Takeshi Hojo who fell into the lake can clearly see some fish and shrimp swimming slowly in it.

Through the sunlight overhead, the scene below the lake is even more unobstructed.

One of the stone statues, already covered with green moss, instantly caught the attention of Takeshi Hojo.

his eyes widened;

A look of incomparable excitement appeared on his face instantly, and the corners of his mouth cracked in surprise and said:

"It really is here!"

Although most of the stone statue was now covered with long water plants, Takeshi Hojo still recognized that this was exactly what he was looking for.

Because the eight snake heads of this stone statue are extremely obvious, and it is the eight snake heads that have long been covered with moss that show their special identity, and the guardian 'god' beast of the Hezu tribe: Orochi!

"My Yamato nation is finally going to rise!"

Just as Hojo was about to approach the Yaki Stone Statue, he suddenly found that the breath-holding time set by the game was about to end, and the red light had begun to flash.

According to the game's settings, if he waits for the breath-holding progress bar to be cleared, Hojo Takeshi can only be judged to drown here and be resurrected directly back to Sapporo City.

Takeshi Hojo didn't want to spend most of the day flying here, so he could only reluctantly glanced at the stone statue of Yaki that was close at hand, and swam towards the lake with all his might.


"Puff puff~~"

As soon as Takeshi Hojo came out of the water, he took a big mouthful of fresh air:


At this time, Takeshi Hojo still couldn't stop his inner excitement, with a hideous and crazy smile on his face:

"Chinese people, you wait for me!"

After resting for a while, the moment when he held his breath and read the article, Takeshi Hojo plunged into the bottom of the water again.

This time, Takeshi Hojo had a clear purpose and went straight to the Hachi stone statue.

Although I don't know how long this statue was submerged here;

Although the whole body of this stone statue has long been covered with thick moss;

But when Hojo Takeshi looked at it, he could still feel the domineering and invincibility revealed by this stone statue.

As a player of the He clan, you all know that Yachi God is a terrifying existence standing at the peak of the pyramid of this Lafam continent!

In today's Lafam Continent, if Yaki could be resurrected, Takeshi Hojo couldn't imagine who else would be his opponent.

And with the protection of Yaqi, do the He people still need to rely on people to survive?


Takeshi Hojo sneered, and then stretched out his hand to touch the head of the Yagi who was closest to him.

And just when Takeshi Hojo was about to touch the snake's head, which was opening its **** mouth and full of evil spirits, a strange thing happened.

I saw the hideous snake head covered with moss. When Takeshi Hojo's hand touched the slippery moss, the moss on the whole snake head fell off instantly and fell towards the bottom of the lake.

Then the snake head, which was restored to its original state, turned out to be alive, biting at the finger of Takeshi Hojo at a speed that made Takeshi Hojo unable to react at all.

At that moment, Takeshi Hojo felt like his heart was about to stop beating, and his heart tightened.

Then Takeshi Hojo, who reacted, retracted his hand in pain.

Surprisingly, the snake head carved from the stone turned out to be like a living thing, looked up at Takeshi Hojo, and spat out the scarlet letter.

It was too late to be shocked by all the strange changes that had taken place on the statue. Seeing that the breath-holding reading was red again, Takeshi Hojo had no choice but to grit his teeth and swam towards the lake.

Behind Takeshi Hojo~www.readwn.com~ Drops of bright red blood are falling continuously.

When a drop of blood fell on another snake head, the moss around the snake head fell off instantly, and like a real snake, it began to slowly twist.

At the same time, Dongfang Jing, who was brushing gargoyles in the dungeon, suddenly felt a fluster in her heart. Dongfang Jing couldn't help but stretch out her hand to cover her heart, surprised.

Zhang Xinxin next to him noticed the difference and said with concern:

"Sister Jing, what's wrong?"

Dongfang Jingxiu frowned and looked in the direction of the Hezu, but said in her mouth:


At this time, Dongfang Jing had a faint feeling that something was waking up in this direction. She couldn't help but wonder: This direction is...

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