I Can See All The Bosses’ Drops

Chapter 874: Resurrection: King Cyclops, King of Titans

After Lin Yi completed the arrangement of the elf [race task], he rushed to the next nearest Cyclops tribe.

And the original level should be Lv70 level Cyclops Kanmoda.

At this moment, although he did not directly achieve the **** level like Gamplov, he also reached the demigod level of Lv80.

And with Gamplov's lessons learned, now when I see the changes in Kammoda, there is no longer the shock at the beginning.

Since the Cyclops was established after Lin Yi entered the game, it has been less than a year until now.

But because of the important factor that players can freely buy shops here, the prosperity here is not much worse than that of villages of other races.

After more than a year of development, a business system belonging to the Cyclops has already evolved here.

Many guilds choose to set up their headquarters here.

Even so, it is obvious that the inheritance of the giant-eyed giants has not been inherited because of the establishment of the village.

Almost all of the current Cyclops were built up little by little, led by Kanmoda, so when Lin Yi was taken to the ancestral hall of the Cyclops by Kanmoda.

At this time, the only person enshrined in it was Kanmoda's father, the previous patriarch of the Cyclops, Kanmora.

Having said that, when Lin Yi began to choose the guardian of the Cyclops, there were still as many as eight former Cyclops kings in the options.

But among the eight Cyclops Kings, the one with the lowest level is this Canmora.

The remaining seven ranks are above Lv86.

Don't look at the gap of only 1 level.

You must know that when Lv85 becomes a god, every subsequent level is equivalent to an increase from a demigod to a god.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first level.

Lin Yi glanced at Kanmoda, who looked very simple and honest next to him, but the tension in his eyes did not escape Lin Yi's observation.

Although he didn't say anything, Lin Yi also knew what he was thinking at the moment.

In the end, Lin Yi chose the [Guardian] of the Cyclops from the list in that row: Canmora!

But when Lin Yi chose Canmora, he made a surprising discovery.

That is, this racial task seems to be simpler compared to the elves:

【Cyclops】Guardian Mission

Mission Objective: Revive Canmora.

Mission requirements: Earth Yuanjing: 0.2 billion; Awakening Stone: 0.2 billion; Demon Core: 0.2 billion; Demon King's Heart: 0100

Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help thinking:

‘Is the difficulty of this task related to the strength of the resurrected? ’

However, before Lin Yi could think about it, he suddenly noticed that a layer of mist had already been covered in Kammoda's huge one-eyed eye.

Seeing Lin Yi looking at him, Kammoda immediately said excitedly:

"Thank you, my respected patriarch."

Looking at the huge figure with tears in his eyes, Lin Yi smiled slightly:

"The culprit (Yaki) who made your Cyclops suffer so much back then has been killed by me."

"I felt compelled to tell him the good news myself."

This time, Kanmoda, a giant nearly three meters tall, suddenly knelt down heavily towards Lin Yi.

The tears that were swirling in the eyes could no longer be restrained from falling, and then repeated:



They are pure in nature, and they don't know any gorgeous prophecies to express their emotions.

A heartfelt thank you was the limit that the Cyclops in front of him could express.

Lin Yi calmly accepted Kammoda's kneeling, and then said:

"Last time you missed the battle against demons because of Yaki."

"This time, I hope you can use your own bodies in the battlefield to protect this land that we are too lazy to survive now."

After hearing the words, Kammoda stood up again and looked at Lin Yi firmly and powerfully:

"I, the Cyclops clan, swear to guard the peace and glory of the hundred clans."

Lin Yi smiled and nodded:

"very good."

After Lin Yi released the mission, he chatted with Kammoda about the current situation in the clan, and left the Cyclops clan to go to the next Titan clan.

As for why he went to the Titans this time, it was because Lin Yi suddenly remembered something that needed to be verified.

When Lin Yi came to the Titan tribe, the Titan elder Bruce was waiting at the entrance of the village as if he knew that Lin Yi would come.

Therefore, it also attracted the onlookers of players from various war zones around.

Especially at the moment Lin Yi walked out of the teleportation array, it also caused a lot of fluctuations:

"Fenghua! He is the elegance of that Chinese country."

"How could he be here."

"I'm a fool! Are we Elder Bruce standing here just to wait for him?"

"Don't you know? Fenghua is the patriarch of our Titan clan!"

As soon as these words came out, a stone suddenly stirred up a thousand waves.

The people around started to talk about Lin Yi and point at something.

But it's not hard to see from their eyes.

Especially those players in the non-Chinese theater, they couldn't hide their fear and shock of Lin Yi.

However, Lin Yi ignored these people. As soon as Bruce saw Lin Yi, he stepped forward and said:

"Patriarch, you are here."

Lin Yi smiled and walked forward:

"Hello, Great Elder~www.readwn.com~ Patriarch, please come with me."

The elder Bruce here respectfully brought Lin Yi in. The players around who had just learned that Lin Yi was actually the patriarch of the Titan clan were instantly stunned on the spot.

Especially some war zones that are not very friendly to China.

They changed their race to Titan, doesn't that mean they are now under Lin Yi's subordinates?

Thinking of this, some players even showed expressions of despair on their faces.

At this time, Lin Yi simply ignored the turmoil at the gate of the village, and followed Bruce to the Temple of the Titans.

The ancestral halls of the Titans are not as refined as those of the elves, but they are not as simple as those of the Cyclops.

In the center of the ancestral hall are the tablets of the successive patriarchs of the Titans.

Lin Yi saw the bottom one at a glance, and saw the seventh patriarch: Emilio Raymond written on it.

That's right!

This person was the soul body that Lin Yi saw in the ghost creature, and he was the one who finally handed the [Titan Seal] into his hands.

Lin Yi came here this time to revive him.

During this process, Bruce didn't say a word, watching quietly the whole time.

When selecting the [Guardian] interface, and the name of Emilio Raymond (Lv87) appeared, Lin Yi said to himself with joy:

"Senior Raymond, stay safe."


At this moment, Lin Yi suddenly thought: "If it is possible to revive successive patriarchs, wouldn't the Dragon Clan..."

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