I Can See All The Bosses’ Drops

Chapter 895: Mission: 9 Journey to the Continent?

"You mean, the Monster Forest is not in the Lafam Continent, but in your Nine Serenity Continent?"

In the real Lin Yi's room, Lin Yi was sitting on the bed at the moment, looking at Evra in shock, and said in disbelief:

"That means."

"If you want to find the secret key to open [Paradise Island], the mission location is not in the Lafam Continent, but to the Nine Serenity Continent where you are."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi suddenly felt dizzy:


"Isn't this a time-travel plot that only exists in it?"

It's just that the time-traversal in here is all of a sudden, and this is the time-travel in my sober consciousness.

However, in Lin Yi's view, why does it feel so magical.

Lin Yi couldn't help but said incredulously:

"is it possible?"

At this time, the jade unicorn was lying on the quilt and said as usual:

"It's impossible."

"Little Master, didn't you summon me from Jiuyou Continent?"

Lin Yi always felt a little untrue when he heard the words:

"In Lafam Continent, if I die, I can be resurrected."

Then a very important question came to mind:

"But if you go to the Nine Nether Continent where you are, if you die, will you really die?"

After all, in Lafam Continent, you can still be there as a player without worrying about any risk of death.

But according to what Evra said, the Nine Serenity Continent where they were located was a traditional continent of another world, and it was a legendary thing to be resurrected from the dead.

In reality it doesn't exist at all.

What Lin Yi was worried about was that he was going to be killed there.

Was it resurrected on the Lafam Continent, or did it really die in that world?

You must know that in the Nine Nether Continent, there are also god-level or even higher-level existences.

After inlaying the brilliant gem on Lin Yi's equipment, the current level is Lv68.

This level is in the Nine Nether Continent, which is equivalent to the late stage of the sixth-rank Emperor.

It cannot be said that the strength is strong, it can only be said that it is equivalent to the level of the middle reaches.

However, considering Lin Yi's actual combat effectiveness, even if he encounters a rank seven Saint-level opponent, Lin Yi actually has the strength to fight.

As for the Lv80 demigod, don't think about it.

The demigod level has the body of a demigod, and such an existence has already detached from the category of ordinary people.

It's not that Lin Yi's level can be shaken.

Closer to home.

When Lin Yi came out of the game, maybe it was because of the gem that Lin Yi didn't feel sleepy at all.

Lin Yi, who couldn't sleep, naturally thought a lot.

And the next thing to do is to find the secret key to open the [Golden Island].

The importance of [Golden Island] cannot be overemphasized.

At present, apart from an announcement, there is no official information or record about [Golden Island].

Obviously, this new map will only be opened after completing this task.

Lin Yi got up from the bed and went to the windowsill.

Looking at the bright moonlight outside the window, I was thinking about whether I could complete this task.

This is mainly due to the fact that the information given by the guardian is too little.

Recalling the demeanor and tone of the guardian's speech at that time, he gave himself a piece of advice:

'Don't let the people there recognize that they are from the continent of Rafam. ’

These words made Lin Yi wonder:

Could it be that the people over there also know about the existence of Lafam Continent?

At this moment, Yu Qilin suddenly jumped onto Lin Yi's shoulder and said:

"Actually, Jiuyou Continent is not as scary as you think."

"Although there are also good and evil in the people there."

"But in general, as long as you don't take the initiative to pick things up, it's still safe."

Yu Qilin looked at Lin Yi firmly as if he knew what Lin Yi was worried about, and said:

"When you go there, I will protect you, sir."

At this time, Evra also flew over and said:

"And me."

Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but smile:


"Going is also regarded as 'tourism'."

But I am afraid that in this world, only Lin Yi can travel across planes like this.

Really don't say it.

Lin Yi was still curious about the so-called Jiuyou Continent.

I don't know how this different world is different from Lafam Continent.

It was already 4:00 in the morning, and Lin Yi saw that another villa had lights up.

Apparently, the aunt had already got up to prepare breakfast for everyone.

Lin Yi thought that if he was idle, he was idle:

"Come on, let's go make breakfast for them."

Saying so, he went straight out the door.

When Lin Yi came to the door of the villa, he heard a slight sound of the machine working, and the voice of the cooking aunt:

"Xiaoying really worked hard for you. You have to get up so early every day to help me."

"Actually, I can do all of this by myself. Didn't I hear today that you are going out with that Xiaohua."

"You go to bed again, this is for me."

When Lin Yi opened the door and walked in, he saw Jiang Jiaying on the workbench, wrapping Xiao Chaos, and said with a smile:

"It's okay, Aunt Liu."

"Aren't you so early too?"

"There are so many things to do, I'll help you make it faster."

When the aunt heard this, she couldn't help but smile:

"It's my job, silly boy."

"Your boss spent so much money to hire me, and if you can't do anything right, it's not a shame for the trust of the young boss."

At this moment, Jiang Jiaying suddenly asked:

"Auntie, you've been doing this for so many years, how do you think our bosses compare to those you've met before?"

Hearing this, the old aunt who was over fifty years old suddenly sighed:

"I've been tossing around for most of my life, and I don't know how much blessing I have to cultivate to meet such a boss!"

"Not only is the salary high, the treatment is good, but life is easy."

"Have you ever seen a boss who would be willing to buy an auntie who washes dishes and cooks, what kind of insurance and money do you buy!"

Jiang Jiaying said with a smile:

"That's called five insurances and one gold."

"That's right! That's it."

Some words may be suppressed by Auntie a lot in her heart.

Speaking at this moment, it was like opening a chatterbox and continued:

"If I hadn't met him, Auntie and I would still be worried about my son's college tuition."

"Xiaoying, you don't know."

"My eldest son got married some time ago."

"This eldest daughter-in-law's family requires that she must have a house in this Binhai City."

"With our family's situation, how can we afford a house in this big city!"

"When the young boss heard about this, he immediately borrowed 2 million for me to make up enough down payment, and he didn't make any IOUs."

Speaking of this, Auntie's weathered face suddenly showed a moving smile and said:

"Since Boss Lin trusts me so much."

"I plan to serve Boss Lin well for the rest of my life as long as I can still move."

"You said that in this world, where can you find such a good person!"

"It also deserves Boss Lin to make a fortune."

Lin Yi couldn't stand it any longer when he heard this, and his ears turned red.

Just when the two were talking about the rise, Lin Yi had already pushed in the door and said:

"Yo, what are you doing, it's so lively."

When Jiang Jiaying looked up and saw Lin Yi, she was surprised:

"Brother Lin Yi, why are you so early today!"

Aunt Liu, who was grinding soy milk, turned off the machine in a hurry, then dried her hands and hurriedly stepped forward to greet Lin Yi:

"Boss Lin, why are you here?"

He said with a look of embarrassment:

"Look at this."

"I just put everything down, see what you want to eat, I'll get it for you now."

Lin Yi felt distressed and helpless when he saw Auntie's appearance:

"Auntie, I've said it many times."

"You don't need to be so restrained when you see me, everyone is a family and you don't need to be so polite."

After speaking, Lin Yi rolled up his sleeves and said:

"I can't sleep either and come over to see if there is anything I can do to help."

When the aunt saw this~www.readwn.com~ she was shocked and said:

"How is this possible."

This time, Jiang Jiaying was much more natural, and said to Lin Yi:

"Will Big Brother Lin Yi contain Chaos?"

Lin Yi couldn't help but light up:

"this is okay."

At this time, Yu Qilin and Evra also swarmed up:

"We're here to help too."

"And I."

The aunt was helpless when she saw this:

"Then boss, you..."

Lin Yi waved his hand casually and said:

"You keep busy with your business, don't mind me."

As for the jade unicorn and Evra, it is already commonplace for my aunt.

After all, a non-disclosure agreement was signed before entering.

At this time, she has already changed from the shock at the beginning to the habit of now, and she can even mingle with it.

Just when Lin Yi was about to sit down, Jiang Jiaying pulled Lin Yi up and said:

"Brother Lin Yi, wait a minute, wash your hands first."

"And you Ian, Evra, go wash your hands."

At this moment, the jade unicorn couldn't help but tease Ai Fulan's palm-sized body and said:

"She can't even wash her hands, she has to take a shower, hahaha."

"Smelly unicorn, what did you say?"

"What! My lord, I am the noble king of unicorns, what's wrong with me?"

"Go away, I'll wash first."

"I'm here first, I'm here first."

Lin Yi looked at the two guys who were about to fight by the pool, turned on the other tap and said:

"What are you fighting for, isn't there another one?"

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