After listening to Lin Shuyun's words, Cao Xuan finally figured out the whole story.

It's all Old Song's fault. If this guy hadn't kept talking about the bride price, he wouldn't have been so embarrassed.

"Ahem... Sister Lin, I'm sorry." Cao Xuan glanced at Lin Shuyun and sold out his roommate. "Actually, my name is Cao Xuan, and Song Zhuoyuan is my classmate. He asked me to come here today. I don't know much about the things between you, so I misunderstood just now."

Lin Shuyun was stunned when she heard this.

Since even the person is fake, then Lele's medical expenses will be ruined?

When she thought of this, she was immediately disheartened.

However, Lin Shuyun still had some hope and asked, "Xiao Cao, what about the money?"

Cao Xuan was not a fool. Even if he was not short of money, he would not believe everything others said.

"Sister Lin, are you sure that the money is used for medical treatment and you didn't lie to me?"

"I would rather be a liar, but Lele is still lying in the hospital, waiting for surgery..."

Cao Xuan saw tears in her red eyes, which did not seem to be fake, and his heart softened immediately.

Although he was not a good person, since he encountered this matter, he might as well do some good deeds and help others.

What's more, he had misunderstood others just now, so now he would just spend some money to apologize.

Thinking of this, Cao Xuan nodded gently, "How about this, you take me to the hospital. If the situation is true, I will pay for the child's surgery."

Lin Shuyun had already given up, and when she heard Cao Xuan's words, it seemed as if she had grabbed the last straw.

"No problem, I'll take you there now."

"Okay, let's go."

The two of them left the coffee shop immediately.

Cao Xuan drove the Range Rover and headed for the Central Hospital.

With her son's medical expenses settled, Lin Shuyun felt a little more relaxed, "Xiao Cao, you are a good person. I will pray for you every day in the future, and wish you all the best and a long life."

Cao Xuan laughed, "Thank you, Sister Lin, I also wish you and Lele good health."

Looking at Cao Xuan's handsome face, Lin Shuyun suddenly blushed and whispered, "Xiao Cao, if you really want that, wait until Lele is completely well, I will find a time..."

Fuck you.

Cao Xuan was embarrassed, "Ahem... Sister Lin, it was really a misunderstanding just now, I was just joking."

"......" Lin Shuyun hesitated for a moment, and continued: "It doesn't matter, at your age, you are full of vigor and vitality, I can understand."

You understand Der!

Cao Xuan was speechless, "Sister Lin, in fact, I still prefer young people."

"Then, there is a little Su in our kindergarten, who is also a student of Jiangda. I will introduce you to him later."

"No! You really don't need to bother."


Half an hour later, the car arrived at the Central Hospital.

Under the guidance of Lin Shuyun, Cao Xuan finally met her son Lele.

The other party is only seven years old and suffers from aplastic anemia. He has been doing rehabilitation treatment before and spent a lot of money, but now his condition has worsened and he must undergo a bone marrow transplant immediately.

This is why Lin Shuyun is eager to get the 388,000 yuan.

After confirming that everything was correct, Cao Xuan did not hesitate and directly recharged 400,000 yuan into Lele's hospitalization account at one time, paying the surgery fee in full, and there was still some money left.

[Ding! Wish fulfilled, cash reward of 88,888 yuan, wish value +10! ]

A system prompt sounded in my mind.

This time, although I spent 400,000 yuan, I not only got more than 80,000 yuan in rewards, but also 10 wish points.

You can buy three money tree cards or a cash back card.

So, Cao Xuan not only did not lose money, but also made a small profit.


Lin Shuyun took the payment slip and knelt on the ground, tears streaming down her face with excitement, "Xiao Cao, thank you!"

"Oh, Sister Lin, what are you doing? Get up quickly."

"Xiao Cao, you are Lele's lifesaver. Even if I work like a cow or a horse in this life, I will definitely repay you well!"

Looking at Lin Shuyun's true feelings, Cao Xuan felt a little uncomfortable.

The most difficult disease to cure in this world is poverty.

If I didn’t have the system, I wouldn’t be able to help others even if I wanted to.

“Forget it, I’ll do it when I have a chance.

Do more within your ability."

Cao Xuan thought to himself as he helped Lin Shuyun up.

After much persuasion, he finally calmed her down.

He was about to turn around and leave when he ran into an acquaintance.

"Huh? Senior Sister Ye!"

Ye Wan looked at Cao Xuan in astonishment, "Cao Xuan, why... why are you here?"

"Oh, a friend's child is hospitalized here, so I came to see him." Cao Xuan looked at her white coat and the tray in her hand, and asked curiously, "By the way, aren't you preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination? What's going on now?"

Hearing this, Ye Wan's eyes dimmed instantly, "I'm not taking the exam anymore. I'm doing an internship here now." ”

The other party is already a senior and will graduate in a month. It is not a problem to start internship now.

However, Cao Xuan clearly remembered that Ye Wan wanted to take the postgraduate entrance examination, why didn't she take it now?

"Senior Sister Ye, you are not implicated because of Song Ke's matter, right?"

"No." Ye Wan shook her head quickly, and then bowed deeply to Cao Xuan, "I'm sorry, because of Xiao Ke, I have caused you so much trouble. I apologize to you on his behalf."

The reason why Song Ke was expelled from the school was entirely his own fault, and he received the due punishment.

However, Ye Wan was innocent.

She was really pitiful to have such a brother.

Cao Xuan had a good impression of Ye Wan, and he was also a blessing in disguise. Although he spent more than 20 million, he has become a celebrity in the whole school, and it is much easier to kill BOSS.

So, he asked casually, "Since it is not because of Song Ke, why don't you continue to take the postgraduate entrance examination? "

Ye Wan opened her mouth, " mother is in poor health and needs to be hospitalized frequently, so I want to start working early and take care of her by the way."

Good guy, a younger brother in school, a seriously ill mother, it turns out that all this is true.

Ye Wan said again: "By the way, I will find a way to return the 50,000 yuan to you as soon as possible."

Cao Xuan was stunned for a moment, then he remembered what she said about the 50,000 yuan.

At the same time, a naked picture appeared in his mind.

"Ahem...forget about this money, it's not easy for you now."

"No, you have to pay it back." Ye Wan shook her head, "Cao Xuan, you are a good person."

Another good person card was issued.

Cao Xuan was speechless, "Whatever you want! I just think that you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination so much, and you have worked so hard, it's a pity to give up now. "

Ye Wan also felt sorry.

However, with a gambling father, a sick mother, and a disappointing brother, the whole family now relies on her.

"It would be great if I had money."

Ye Wan had an idea in her mind, and at the same time, a prompt box popped up above her head.

[Ding! Current wish: I hope to earn enough money as soon as possible, and then take the postgraduate entrance examination.]

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