After dinner, the two went back to the apartment they rented before.

Fang Yueting had quite a few things, but fortunately she had packed them in boxes.

The Range Rover also had a lot of space, so it was barely enough to move everything in one trip.

Cao Xuan didn't know where the new house he bought was, so he simply let Fang Yueting drive and sat in the passenger seat.

The car drove forward.

Ten minutes later, passing a corner, Cao Xuan saw a figure on the side of the road and suddenly said, "Wait, pull over."

"What's wrong?" Fang Yueting asked as she pulled the car over.

"Nothing, I just happened to meet an acquaintance, so I just said hello."

Cao Xuan curled his lips and rolled down the car window.

"Hello, sir, let me see the latest real estate..."

"Student Su, what a coincidence."

Su Muxi was stunned when she heard the familiar voice.

After seeing who it was, she immediately widened her eyes, "Cao...Senior Cao."

"Haha, not bad, you finally remembered my name."

Cao Xuan took the flyer she handed over, glanced at it casually, and asked curiously: "Aren't you working part-time at the gym? Why are you selling houses?"

Su Muxi lowered her head and whispered: "The gym doesn't need anyone, so I found another one."

Cao Xuan's heart moved, and he didn't know if it was because of Fang Yueting's resignation that the gym's business was not good and even part-time jobs were not needed.

"Selling houses is also good, and the commission is even higher. By the way, did you attract customers?"


It is usually difficult to refresh Su BOSS, but he happened to meet him today. Cao Xuan repeated his old trick and said, "Then you must have forgotten the trick I taught you last time. Sincerity will work."

What trick? They are all deceiving me.

Thinking back to what happened last time, Su Muxi's pretty face flushed, "No way!"

Seeing that he couldn't fool people, Cao Xuan simply said directly, "I am also planning to buy a house recently. How about you introduce me to someone?"


Su Muxi shook her head like a rattle.

She knew very well that Cao Xuan went to the gym to get a membership card just to help her last time.

Although she got a commission of several hundred yuan in the end, the other party must have spent more money.

If it was just a gym membership card, it would be fine. Now what is being sold is a house, which costs at least several million yuan.

"You are not a competent employee at all. If I were the boss, I would definitely fire you directly."

Cao Xuan teased him for a few words, but Boss Su refused to be fooled. He still didn't refresh his wish, so he had to give up helplessly.

After the car started, Fang Yueting asked, "Do you know that girl just now?"

Cao Xuan said casually, "I guess so. She is also a freshman in our school. I guess her family is not well off. She has been working part-time. I have met her several times."

Although she only glanced at her a few times just now, Fang Yueting was very sure that the girl just now was definitely very beautiful.

How can this guy meet beautiful women everywhere he goes?

Fang Yueting curled her lips, "Huh! Since you are so rich, why don't you help her directly?"

Cao Xuan shook his head, "That's not right. It's my business that I have money. Besides, just like you, not everyone will easily accept help from others."

Fang Yueting was stunned when she heard this.

Cao Xuan added, "By the way, I went to the gym last time because I saw her handing out flyers, and I happened to meet you."

So, the little girl just now can be considered her matchmaker?

Fang Yueting suddenly had such a thought in her mind.

The next moment, she glanced at the rearview mirror, then put the car in reverse gear and stepped on the accelerator.

Cao Xuan was caught off guard and his body jumped forward, almost hitting his head, "Damn, what are you doing?"

Fang Yueting did not explain and directly reversed the car to the original place.


The car stopped again.

Su Muxi looked at the car coming back again, blinked, and looked confused.

At this moment, Fang Yueting picked up a bottle of mineral water from the car, leaned sideways to the co-pilot, and handed it out the window, "It's so hot, you drink a bottle of water."


Su Muxi was still in a daze, and Fang Yueting had already stuffed the mineral water into her hand.

Cao Xuan, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, felt like he was surrounded by two big balloons, and he was so scared that he didn't dare to move.

"Ahem... This is Fang Yueting from our school, she is also a senior, you can accept her."


. "

After hearing what Cao Xuan said, Su Muxi nodded and took the mineral water, "Thank you."

Fang Yueting shook her head, "You're welcome, let's go."

After that, the car started again.

Fang Yueting looked through the rearview mirror and saw Su Muxi still standing there waving, looking a little dazed.

This scene reminded her of herself instantly, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up.

The harder the girl works, the luckier she is.

However, Fang Yueting never thought that this silly girl in front of her would become her strongest competitor in this life.


More than ten minutes later, the Land Rover drove into a community called Xiangshan Lijing.

The two moved five or six times together, and finally moved everything down.

"Huh~ Fang Jiao, tell me in advance when you move next time, I will help you arrange a moving company. "

"Tsk! You're tired after just such a little work, rookie! "

Fang Yueting looked down on him, but she ran to get a bottle of drink from the refrigerator and handed it to Cao Xuan, "Okay, sit down and rest for a while, I'll go clean up."

"Rest later, I'll help you move your things to the bedroom first. "

Cao Xuan stared at a box under his feet.

Huh? What's in it? It's quite heavy?

While thinking, he curiously opened the box.

Looking closely, it seemed to be filled with clothes or something, but they were all black.

Driven by curiosity, Cao Xuan picked up one directly.

"Don't move..."

After Fang Yueting found out, she immediately exclaimed, but it was still a step too late.

Cao Xuan had already taken the thing in his hand and waved it in the wind.


It's lace!!

The air in the whole room seemed to be frozen.

Fang Yueting's pretty face was red as if it was dripping with blood. She hurried over and snatched the thing from Cao Xuan's hand, "I told you not to move, what are you rummaging around for."

Cao Xuan was also embarrassed, "Ahem... Sao Rui, I didn't know you had underwear in it."

"Still saying!" Fang Yueting was embarrassed and annoyed, gritted her teeth and said, "You stay away. "

"Oh oh."

Cao Xuan watched her close the box again, his eyes reluctant to leave.

I really didn't realize that Fang Yueting actually liked this taste so much.

Black represents sexiness, lace represents temptation, and paired with her perfect figure, it's simply YYDS!

"I don't know when I can see it with my own eyes."

While thinking about it in his mind, Cao Xuan instinctively raised his hand, ready to smell if there was any smell on his hand just now.

As a result, Fang Yueting turned around and saw his action.

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