The two of them had a very happy marriage.

April 29, Wednesday.

"Boss Cao, I feel so bad, I need comfort tonight~"

"What's wrong?"

"My period is coming "

"Hmph! You kept such an important thing a secret, you don't want me to care, right? You're not allowed to come to me for a week!"

Xu Qianqian looked at the message on her phone and gritted her teeth in anger.

Since the last sexual encounter, she has devoted her whole heart to Cao Xuan, always thinking about him, and being as humble as a dog.

Of course, Cao Xuan is also very good to her, especially when it comes to money, he is quite generous.

He always wants to buy luxury cars, brand-name bags and the like.

However, since she started to trade stocks, Xu Qianqian has achieved financial freedom, and she doesn't want to accept Cao Xuan's gifts for nothing.

She just hopes to be with him every day.

However, Cao Xuan is always busy and often chats up other girls.

This makes Xu Qianqian very depressed.

On the other side, the boys' dormitory.

Cao Xuan is also a little depressed.

Since Xu Qianqian's favorability reached 100, she is unwilling to accept any gifts.

This woman seems to have completely "turned over a new leaf" and wants to get rid of the label of loving money.

But in this way, she can't return the money.

In addition, Fang Yueting went to Hangzhou, and Qiao Yiren was too embarrassed to make an appointment because she held her hand.

This week, Cao Xuan almost didn't brush the BOSS a few times.

"Alas, it's finally time for vacation."

Cao Xuan felt better when he thought that he would go to Hangzhou soon.

From Jiangcheng to Hangzhou, it is more than 700 kilometers in total, and Cao Xuan plans to drive there.

There is still a half-day class tomorrow morning, but he has already asked for leave. If he leaves in the morning, he should be able to arrive in the afternoon.

He originally wanted to invite Song Zhuoyuan and the other two to go together, so that he would have a companion on the road, but unfortunately the three guys had already made arrangements.

It must be very tiring to drive for such a long time alone. Cao Xuan thought about it and simply posted a carpooling message on the school forum.

However, after waiting for a long time, no one took the initiative to contact him.

The next day.

"Meng De, don't go empty-handed on such a long journey. Remember to bring some specialties when you come back."

"I heard that the Longjing there is good. Bring a few kilograms when you come back."

"What's good about tea? Bring me some silk. I'll keep it for my girlfriend in the future."

Song Zhuoyuan and the other two sent Cao Xuan downstairs, and then began to make wishes one by one.

Cao Xuan rolled his eyes at them, "Okay, hurry up and go to your classes."

After his roommates left, he drove to set off.

Just as the Land Rover left the campus gate, the phone rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was still an unfamiliar number.

Who is this?

Cao Xuan answered the phone with doubts, "Hello?"

A soft and sticky voice came from the phone immediately, "Hello, are you a senior football fan?"

Cao Xuan was stunned for a moment before he realized that the other party was talking about his ID nickname, "It's me, who are you?"

"Sorry, I just saw the carpooling message you sent in the group. Are you still in Jiangcheng now?"

"I'm just about to leave. If you want to share a car, come quickly."

"Okay sir, wait a moment, I'll be there soon."

"Well, I'm at the gate of Jiangda, the license plate number is XXXXXX..."

I didn't expect that someone would come to my door just when I was about to leave.

However, the voice on the phone was quite nice, maybe the other party was a beauty.

So, Cao Xuan was not in a hurry to leave. After hanging up the phone, he waited quietly by the roadside.

After about ten minutes, he saw a figure hurriedly running out of the school gate.

When the other party approached, Cao Xuan was stunned.

"Huh? Why is it her?"

[Name: An Jing]

[Age: 27]

[Overall appearance: 96]

During the military training at the beginning of the freshman year, Cao Xuan was sunburned and suffered from heatstroke, and was sent to the school infirmary.

That was the day when he first saw the person in front of him.

At that time, the other party was wearing a white coat and always had a gentle smile on his face.

"Classmate, you should pay attention to drinking more water every day in the future."

This soft whisper made the whole summer cooler.

In the voice, it seemed to carry the unique tenderness of Jiangnan women.

But later, when Cao Xuan went to the school's infirmary again, he found that the man in the white coat had changed.


An Jing was standing at the school gate with a backpack, and saw the black Land Rover parked on the side of the road at a glance.

She looked at the license plate and confirmed that this was the car she had just called on the phone.

"Hello, my name is An Jing..."

The voice beside her ear brought Cao Xuan back to his senses, "Senior An, my name is Cao Xuan, I have seen you in the school's infirmary before."

An Jing was stunned for a moment, then smiled lightly, "So it's my junior, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long."

"It's okay"

Cao Xuan waved his hand, immediately opened the back door, and helped her put the backpack in, "Senior An, why don't you try the car first, and then we can switch to drive when we get on the highway."


An Jing smiled and nodded, then sat in the driver's seat.

It can be seen that she is also an old driver, and the car is very stable.

Seeing this, Cao Xuan felt relieved. "By the way, Senior Sister An, why didn't you work in the infirmary later?"

"I studied nursing, but I didn't find a suitable job after the postgraduate entrance examination. I worked in the infirmary for a year before, and now I stay in school as an assistant teacher."

So she is still a nurse.

Cao Xuan finally understood, "I am a sophomore this year, you can just call me Xiao Cao."

Hearing this, An Jing was also a little surprised.

He drove a Land Rover at such a young age, it seems that the conditions of this junior brother's family are not ordinary.

"Okay, Xiao Cao, then you can just call me Sister An."

"Sister An, are you going to Hangzhou on a business trip?"

"No, my family is in Hangzhou. I plan to go back during the holidays, but I didn't buy a plane ticket. What about you?"

"I just want to go and have fun during the holiday..."

The two chatted casually, and when they were about to get on the highway, Cao Xuan took over the driving.

"Sister An, this trip will take several hours. You should go to the back seat and rest for a while."

"Okay! I'll switch with you when you're tired."

An Jing sat in the back seat and just opened her backpack when she exclaimed, "Oops!"

"What happened?" Cao Xuan asked hurriedly.

An Jing looked bitter, "I was in a hurry when I left just now, and I forgot to bring the cucumbers I bought today."

It's just a few cucumbers!

Cao Xuan thought it was a big deal, "It's okay, I also prepared some snacks in the car, just in the back seat. If you get hungry on the way, let's go to the service area to eat."

Unexpectedly, An Jing shook her head, "No, I didn't buy cucumbers to eat."

Wait... Not to eat, could it be to use?

Cao Xuan was stunned.

The next moment, he saw a prompt box pop up above An Jing's head.

[Ding! Current wish: I hope I can still buy tender cucumbers when I arrive in Hangzhou today. 】


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