I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 176. Random Selection Seeking Subscription Seeking Monthly Pass

This content is first published Haiyun Xinju Villa Luo Ming is sitting in the small conference room of Villa No. 3, beside Luo Ming, are four 44 investigators, at this time the four 44 investigators all looked at Luo Ming.

In front of Luo Ming, in the endless irregular polyhedron window, Yangcheng and the surrounding Shencheng and Tongcheng are all clearly displayed in the window.

Luo Ming is using the shining trisocahedron window ability to check the situation of Yangcheng, Shencheng and Tongcheng.

Because the young black goat eggs are in Yangcheng, Yangcheng has the most undead births, close to hundreds, and then...Shencheng and Tongcheng, these two cities are adjacent to Yangcheng, and some undead are also born.

But compared to Yangcheng, the situation in Shencheng and Tongcheng is not that serious, so Luo Ming decided to deal with the undead in Yangcheng first.

Moreover, although there are hundreds of undead in Yangcheng, for... Luo Ming, they are just food for the right hand.

"The old Freemasonry is about to summon new members."

With a wave of his right hand, Luo Ming directly fixed these... mysterious and gorgeous windows on the desk in front of him. At the same time, Luo Ming stretched out his right hand, and a mysterious card came from Luo Ming's Spit out in the palm of your hand.

The four 44 investigators can't see the window on the desktop, but they can see a card that exudes a mysterious atmosphere floating beside their president.

The eyes of all the investigators became serious. Every time they saw the president using his secret ability, these... investigators clearly felt the mysterious and powerful strength of the president.

Gululu... Regarding the thoughts of the four 44 investigators, Luo Ming knew very well but ignored them. He directly put his right hand into the quicksilver-like liquid mysterious card, and took a mysterious thing out of it. took it out.

Sacrifice of the six-pointed star.

Luo Ming glanced at the palm-sized hexagram sacrificial star in his hand, and casually put it on the ground under his feet.

Hum...hum...hum...The palm-sized hexagram sacrifice quickly twisted and squirmed, and turned into a huge twisted and terrifying hexagram that completely enveloped the floor of this meeting room.

bang bang bang.

With the scarlet light emerging from the hexagram sacrifice, Liao Youming and the others suddenly felt their heartbeats speed up, and a feeling of suffocation and horror made Liao Youming and the others pale.

"Go and find them."

Luo Ming didn't care about the four 44 investigators. In his right hand, he kept spitting out investigator cards one after another. He spit out a total of 20 investigation cards. Luo Ming's thoughts surged, and the cards rushed into among the hexagrams.

Buzzing....In the entire interior of the six-pointed star sacrifice, countless mysterious symbols squirmed out quickly, and a group of colorful,,,,, strange and gorgeous rays of light went straight to the ceiling.

The entire ceiling turned into a void like a bottomless abyss, one by one Luo Ming's investigator cards rushed into the deep void and disappeared instantly.


The whole hexagram sacrifice was once again the size of a palm, and was dragged into the card again by the tentacles protruding from the mysterious card suspended in front of Luo Ming.


Luo Ming opened his right hand, and swallowed the secret card between the mouth in his palm. Until this time, the four 44 investigators woke up like a dream.


A trace of palpitations appeared on Liao Youming's face. He had seen the president use this ability before, and the twisted and ferocious hexagram made Liao Youming feel lingering fear.

"This is a six-pointed star sacrifice, which is equivalent to a convenient express station."

"However, if you want to use it, you need to carve a hexagram on the ground in a special way, and you need some mysterious things as sacrifices."

Luo Ming briefly explained that the sacrifice of the six-pointed star Luo Ming also intends to use it as a way for investigators of the old Freemasonry to deliver information, similar to a courier station. After all, Yangcheng, Shencheng and Tongcheng are just the beginning.

Next, investigators may appear in different cities, or even different countries. If you want investigators to communicate with each other, the mysterious thing of the six-pointed star sacrifice is... a good choice.

"Is the six-pointed star a sacrifice?"

This time, not only Liao Youming, but all the investigators remembered the six-pointed star sacrifice mentioned by the president. They could not understand why a mysterious sacrificial ceremony was called a courier station by the president. However, this did not hinder Liao Youming and others. People have some hope in their hearts.

whoosh whoosh.

Luo Ming waved his right hand, and the entire conference room instantly seemed to have 20 more screens. In the fog of unknown, different places in Yangcheng were clearly displayed.

For these 20 investigator cards, Luo Ming made a geographical restriction. He wanted to deal with the undead in Yangcheng first, so he directly limited the random selection in Yangcheng instead of large-scale random selection.

In a bar in the west city of Yangcheng, a middle-aged man who was drunk, reeked of alcohol, and somewhat bald, stood up unsteadily, and staggered towards the outside of the bar.

Zizizi... The middle-aged man's drowsy brain heard bursts of weird sounds, and his vision, which was dizzy because of drinking too much, became even more distorted and confused. In the eyes of the middle-aged man, the whole bar began to Distorted and deformed, become: Light and strange Lu Li.

The middle-aged man is called Zhao Dawei. He is 39 years old. He is almost middle-aged, but he has achieved nothing. He is bullied and ridiculed by his colleagues and bosses in the company. At home, even his wife and children look down on him, and his wife even sneers at Zhao Dawei.

It can be said that Zhao Dawei vividly expressed the frustrated life state of middle age, even Zhao Dawei felt that he would be like this all his life, and only when he got drunk in the bar, could Zhao Dawei regain some of the self-esteem and confidence that had been thrown into Java.

Weng buzzing... Beside Zhao Dawei, a scarlet light enveloped the area where Zhao Dawei was in the blink of an eye, and a strange and terrifying aura swept out Zhao Dawei's terrified aura.

"This... what is this"

"Did I really drink too much?"

Zhao Dawei's pupils crazily contracted and swelled, and he looked down at his feet, only to see a hexagram of astonishment emerge from under Zhao Dawei's feet, covering the entire floor of the bar, but the strange thing is, no matter...

Whether it's the waiter at the bar, or anyone else, they can't discover this twisted and squirming weird six-pointed star array.

Hehehe...hehehehe...When Zhao Dawei saw the hexagram under his feet, the alarm bells rang in his heart, his whole body was wrapped in fear, he broke out in cold sweat, and instantly woke up from his drunkenness.

Zhao Dawei looked at the weird symbols wriggling under his feet with horror on his face. These... weird symbols have even started to break free from the hexagram, swaying endlessly in mid-air, with indescribable surprise and horror.

Tick, tick, tick.

Shocked by the strange scene in front of him, Zhao Dawei's whole body began to wobble, and his brain shut down instantly. At this moment, Zhao Dawei's feet were like a bottomless abyss, a cliff of ten thousand feet. The feeling of...falling at any time made Zhao Dawei's heart almost jump out of his throat, and his blood pressure soared crazily , blood vessels throbbing wildly.


Under Zhao Dawei's feet, in the void-like bottomless abyss, a jet-black light spot that violated the laws of physics seemed to break free from the bottomless abyss and floated in front of Zhao Dawei.

Gululu...Zhao Dawei subconsciously looked at the suspended jet-black light spot. The whole light spot seemed to be distorted and distorted, turning into a mysterious card. In the middle of the card, a blood-red eyeball was frantically moving. Rolling, Zhao Dawei looked at this eyeball and stood there in a daze.

Investigator card.

In the trembling and panic, Zhao Dawei clearly understood this card. He didn't know why he knew it, but when he saw this card, Zhao Dawei just...understood. Zhao Dawei's brain froze.

The stars have not yet returned to their place, and the old days are coming!!! Accept it, you will be exposed to mystery, your life and death will not be under your control, you may gain extraordinary power, but the greater probability is death....Reject It, you will return to the life of ordinary people...Then, make your choice...In Zhao Dawei's mind, the magnificent and shocking remix echoed through the sky, and the plain voice beat Zhao Dawei's words word by word Heart, let Zhao Dawei suffocate in an instant, panic and despair.

The phrase "the stars have not returned to their places, the old days are coming" made Zhao Dawei even more terrified, and a feeling of impending disaster always lingered in Zhao Dawei.

Zhao Dawei stretched out his right hand in horror, and slowly reached for the investigator card.

He knew that if he picked it up, maybe he would bid farewell to the ordinary frustrated life, maybe he would gain extraordinary power, mysterious ability, extraordinary status, etc...

: Fifth update, Whispering Yu begs for a subscription, a reward, a monthly ticket, big brothers, have pity on Whispering Whisperer.

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