I Can See The Luck Line

Chapter 113 More And More Spiritual


Hearing Mo Xiaobai's ridicule, Hei Scale roared angrily and charged towards Mo Xiaobai again with two short swords in hand.

Not far away, One Eye also picked up his own mace when Black Scale attacked Mo Xiaobai. He weighed the stick in his hand and rushed towards Mo Xiaobai with a roar.

bang bang bang... dong dong dong...

Mo Xiaobai fought with two murloc leaders on a small deck with one enemy against two. The sound of collision continued to sound, and the aftermath of the collision turned into a ring of air waves surging on the deck, forcing Uncle Li and others in the distance. Humans and other elite murloc warriors had to stay close to the edge of the deck to avoid being affected.

At the very beginning, Mo Xiaobai was at a disadvantage with one enemy and two, but with the golden scale armor's original skill, the rare golden scale armor, and his own breath of life, Mo Xiaobai barely resisted the attack.

Although wounds appeared on his body from time to time, under the recovery ability of Breath of Life, the wounds recovered very quickly. It was really impossible, so Mo Xiaobai drank a bottle of flawless healing potion.

Even, because of the constant injuries, the breath of life has been running, Mo Xiaobai feels that his own breath of life is constantly improving, and his own strength, speed, endurance, and even recovery ability are getting stronger in battle.

In addition, with the passage of time, the two murloc leaders fought with all their strength for a period of time. Under the constant consumption of physical strength and original force, the attack was no longer as fierce as it was at the beginning. The battle changed from Mo Xiaobai's unilateral defense to In the mode where the two sides fight each other, when Mo Xiaobai is defending, he can occasionally counterattack.


A dull crash sounded, Mo Xiaobai was knocked flying by a mace, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the bloody epee wrapped in blood in his hand slid across Heishan's arm, and his right hand directly Leaving the body, blood spurted and fell to the ground.

Hei Scale screeched as he covered his arm, and Mo Xiaobai felt a pain in the area where the mace hit his chest.

He touched his chest, his face was flat, and his sternum seemed to be broken?

Don't panic.

Mo Xiaobai skillfully took out a bottle of flawless healing potion and drank the potion.

With the passive recovery effect of Breath of Life, Mo Xiaobai's chest was surrounded by a warm current, the severe pain in his body quickly dissipated, and his body's strength began to slowly increase again.

He grinned, raised his heavy sword and charged at One-Eyed again.

One-eyed opened his own one-eyed, a little dumbfounded.

This human has obviously been beaten several times by him, why hasn't he fallen yet?

"Jeep wow wow!!"

The angry one-eyed roared and held his mace, and charged at Mo Xiaobai again.

Bang bang bang! !

dong dong dong! !

After another period of collision, Mo Xiaobai could feel the power of the one-eyed getting weaker and weaker, his arms trembled slightly, and he seemed to be overwhelmed by the shock of the shock, and even his breathing became rapid.

The other black scales lost a lot of blood because of the loss of his right arm, which weakened faster than the one-eyed aura.

Clang! !

After another collision, the one-eyed Dengdengdeng retreated for a few meters, his hands trembled unconsciously, a trace of blood came out of its palm, and the pain came out.

It looked at Mo Xiaobai not far away, and looked at Hei Scale again, feeling that something was wrong.

After the two chatted with each other, they turned around and ran towards the edge of the deck.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes became cold.

Want to run?

He stepped out one step, violent power surging in his body.

Under the improvement of Breath of Life, Mo Xiaobai has fought for so long. Apart from a little pain in his body, he has become more and more energetic, and even his strength has improved a little.

Mo Xiaobai didn't have the black scales on the edge of the tube, and only stared at one eye.

He came to the back of the one-eyed, and the bloody epee was wrapped in blood.

Wild Bash!

A bloody light slashed through the air and slashed towards the one-eyed back.

Feeling threatened, One-Eyed turned around sharply, with the mace on top of his head.


The sound of the collision sounded, the one-eyed body staggered, the palm of the hand that was in severe pain could no longer hold the mace, and the mace was directly shaken and flew out.

When Mo Xiaobai saw this, cold light flashed in his eyes, and white light flashed on the blood-striped epee.

Three in a row!

Chi Chi Chi!

Three white Sword Rays slid across the one-eyed neck, and a stream of blood spurted out.

The one-eyed opened his only remaining eye, the protruding fish eye gradually lost its light, and the body fell back heavily.

It fell to the deck with a thud.

The black scales who had run to the edge of the deck heard the sound and turned to look over.

Hei Scale's eyes widened when he saw the one-eyed corpse fall to the ground.

At this moment, Mo Xiaobai turned his head to look at him, and Heishan's body suddenly jolted, a look of fear flashed in his eyes, and he jumped off the deck without saying a word.

Mo Xiaobai came to the edge of the deck and found that the icy Beiqing Lake had gradually calmed down, and strands of blood had spread on the lake.

Blackscale escaped.

Mo Xiaobai didn't care either.

That wasn't his goal at all.

He turned his head to look in the direction of Uncle Li and the others, and found that Uncle Li and the others were staring at him blankly, and there was also the corpse of an elite murloc warrior on the ground.

As for the other murloc warriors, they also jumped into the water when Blackscale escaped.

Mo Xiaobai saw Uncle Li's eyes, looked down at own's body, reached out and patted his chest, and grinned, "Don't worry, the wound on your body is fine, it will be healed soon."

Seeing Mo Xiaobai reaching out and patting Own's chest, Uncle Li and the others all twitched the corners of their mouths, and their scalps were a little numb.

They saw One-eyed hitting Mo Xiaobai's chest with a mace before!

Doesn't it hurt?

Isn't this guy made of steel?

Seeing that Uncle Li and the others were still stunned, Mo Xiaobai was a little puzzled. He stopped thinking about it, pointed to the one-eyed corpse on the nail plate, smiled and said, "Uncle Li, is the mission completed? One-eyed is dead. ."

After hearing Mo Xiaobai's words, Uncle Li came back to his senses.

They turned to look at the one-eyed corpse on the ground, with bloodshot eyes and red eyes.

Everyone was silent for a while, then Uncle Li exhaled, nodded heavily, and looked at Mo Xiaobai, "Mr. Mo Xiaobai, thank you so much this time, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be able to take revenge at all."

You know, this time, the two murloc leaders, One Eye and Black Scale, acted together!

Even the ordinary first-level original Practitioner of the three orifices may not necessarily win, right?

Mo Xiaobai beheaded the one-eyed abruptly!

Especially when they saw that Mo Xiaobai was covered in blood, everyone was even more in awe.

Too fierce!

With so many injuries, it's like nothing!

After putting away the one-eyed corpse and the broken arm of Black Scale, he threw the corpse of another elite murloc warrior into Beiqing Lake. Uncle Li greeted the crew to set sail and return.


In Beiqing Lake, the black scales of the broken arm swept across the deep and dark lake water, and five elite murloc warriors followed behind him.

Wherever the murlocs passed, the weak aquatic creatures nearby were alerted and fled in a hurry.

Black Scale's raised eyes were full of gloom.

Behind the black scale, an elite murloc warrior said, "Heiscale leader, the one-eyed leader is dead, what should we do?"

Blackscale's eyes flashed, and after being silent for a while, he continued, "Continue to carry out the mission, and when you go back, report to the king."



When the orange-gold sunset sank into the horizon, the fishing boat stopped at the pier.

Uncle Li and several people got off the boat, and many people on the dock looked over.

Mo Xiaobai accepted the mission and went to kill the one-eyed thing, which is well known in the area of ​​the dock, and Mo Xiaobai is already quite famous in this area.

After seeing the battle marks on Uncle Li and the others, especially the blood on Mo Xiaobai's body, everyone opened their eyes wide and showed curious expressions.

"Old Li, you guys seem to have gone through a fierce battle? You won't really meet the one-eyed again, will you?"

Someone asked curiously.

Others listened.

Hearing this, Uncle Li grinned, and his rough beard shook.

He didn't speak either. With a wave of his right hand, a huge corpse landed on the pier with a thud.

After seeing the corpse, the crowd watching the excitement on the dock was stunned for a moment, and then there was a sound of inhalation one after another.


Someone exclaimed.


The crowd was in an uproar.

"Really one-eyed?! You really hunted one-eyed??"

Everyone turned to look at Mo Xiaobai, still a little shocked.

Uncle Li patted his own beer belly, held his head high, and said proudly, "It's more than one eye!"

Then he took out another blue arm.

"This is……"

Everyone was a little puzzled.

"This is Blackscale's arm."

Lu Qing smiled and explained, "This time we not only met the one-eyed, but also met the black scales! The two murloc leaders! If it wasn't for the strong and bloody battle of Brother Mo, we would all be finished."

He talked a little excitedly about the previous battle, as if he was fighting himself.

Looking at the excited Lu Qing, Mo Xiaobai couldn't help but feel a little amused. He didn't expect that this savage old man even had a bragging Talent.

Soon, Bingling walked over with a team of guards.

After seeing the one-eyed corpse on the ground, he was not particularly surprised. After all, he had fought against Mo Xiaobai and knew Mo Xiaobai's strength best.

He came to Uncle Li and the others, and when he saw the blood on Mo Xiaobai's body, his pupils shrank slightly.

Then, he asked, "Captain Li, is what Lu Qing said true? Black Scale and One Eye really act together?"

Old Li nodded and said with a sigh, "Really, if it wasn't for Mo Xiaobai's bloody battle, we really would have been doomed."

Hearing this, Bing Ling exhaled slightly, and after being silent for a while, he said, "I understand, I will report this to the head of the regiment."

For Beiling Town, the movements of the murlocs are their top priority.

Fishing is a major source of income for Beiling Town. If something goes wrong with the murlocs, the loss to Beiling Town will be too great.

Even, what if the murlocs attack Beiling Town?

These are all things to consider.


Uncle Li nodded and understood the seriousness of the situation.

Bingling nodded, then smiled at Mo Xiaobai, "Student Mo Xiaobai, you can kill one murloc leader and crippling a murloc leader with one enemy and two, this combat power is really impressive to me. Shame."

Mo Xiaobai smiled a little embarrassedly.

Bingling couldn't help but smile.

It has to be said that Mo Xiaobai's modest attitude can easily make people feel good.

"Just after the war, you must be tired, then I will not disturb you, and I will also report this matter to the head of the regiment."

Speaking of this, Bing Ling frowned, and there was a look of distress in his eyes.

Afterwards, he said goodbye to Mo Xiaobai and the others, turned around and led the team away from the dock.

And Mo Xiaobai and the others didn't pay attention to the reactions of the people on the pier, and left the pier, only Lu Qing was still a little unfulfilled.

In the evening, everyone went to Uncle Li's house, and Uncle Li personally cooked a table of delicious raw food.

Mo Xiaobai didn't expect that in addition to being a fishing master, Uncle Li was also a raw food cook.

After eating and drinking, Uncle Li gave Mo Xiaobai all the fish.

Mo Xiaobai didn't ask for anything else, he just asked for five tiger fish and the one white scale fish.

The other fish combined are not as precious as these six fish.

Not to mention tiger fish. According to Uncle Li, white scale fish can increase the amount of Mental Energy after eating it, and it has a certain improvement in mental resistance.

Mental resistance is too important, especially when facing Devil, Mo Xiaobai has a deep understanding of this.

After leaving Uncle Li's house, it was already very late, and Mo Xiaobai still stayed at Lu Qing's house for one night.

Early the next morning, he had changed into a clean golden scale battle armor, mounted a red-maned horse, and said goodbye to Lu Qing and his party who came to see him off.

Several people exchanged their communication stamps and could be in touch at any time.

On the way back, Mo Xiaobai was still walking along Beiqing Lake. When passing through the forest, Mo Xiaobai saw a dark gray line of doom and several light gray lines of doom in the distance.

He raised his eyebrows and sighed a little. Didn't expect such powerful aquatic Magical Beasts to exist on the edge?

He didn't plan to go there, but continued to move along the same path towards Chiyue Academy.

After Mo Xiaobai left on the red-maned horse, Black Scale and a few elite murloc warriors stuck their heads out of the water.

Several people looked at Mo Xiaobai's back with a bit of horror in their eyes.

"I didn't expect that human to pass by here and was almost seen."

"Yeah, if he is seen, will he come after us?"

An elite murloc opened his mouth and said with a sigh of relief.

As soon as he finished speaking, Black Scale slapped him on the head and glared at him fiercely, "Continue looking! If you don't complete the king's mission, I Black Scale will rip your skin off!"

This is why he is asking that human being in front of him, courting death!

"Oh yes!"

By the time Mo Xiaobai returned to Chiyue Academy, it was already afternoon.

Mo Xiaobai came to the small shop where the mount was rented. The middle-aged barbarian man was stunned when he saw Mo Xiaobai, and then grinned, "Yo, it's you, come back so soon? Didn't the mission complete?"

Mo Xiaobai "???"

Why does this person feel that he really wants his mission to be completed?

He smiled and said, "The mission has been completed."

The barbarian man's eyes widened, "...So fast?"

"Well, I'm here to retire the mount."

The barbarian man took the contract crystal from Mo Xiaobai's hand and said with a smile, "Lease it for two days, one hundred credits."

Mo Xiaobai paid the credits boldly and didn't feel bad at all.

He will soon be a local tyrant with 50,000 credits!

Thinking of this, Mo Xiaobai walked a little straighter.

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