Chapter 140

“Humph, killing people and raising ghosts is a wicked technique.” Zhou Ze coldly snorted, but he doesn’t know how to refute Niu Qingming. After all, he doesn’t know much about cultivation, and he doesn’t know whether raising a ghost is a Maoshan magic. Part of it.

Niu Qingming remained silent and did not refute Zhou Ze.

“Let’s say it, even if you don’t say it, the evidence the police have now is enough to correct you for the murder of Lu Xiaocai.” Zhou Ze said again.

“have nothing to say.”

Niu Qingming said coldly.

“Then you are admitting that you murdered and killed Lu~ Xiaocai.”

Zhou Ze stared at Niu Qingming and asked.

Niu Qingming looked at Zhou Ze and said, “Don’t bother, I didn’t kill anyone, and I won’t admit that I murdered Lu Xiaocai.”

“If you didn’t murder Lu Xiaocai, then how do you explain that there is Lu Xiaocai’s blood on the soul needle and the spell on it, and the ghost control technique.”

Zhou Ze frowned and asked coldly.

“How do I know where the blood stains came from? I told you that I didn’t murder Lu Xiaocai, and I won’t admit it. As for the ghost control technique, can I just see it?”

In the next hour, Zhou Ze tried his best, soft and hard, but Niu Qingming refused to admit that he murdered Lu Youcai, Zhou Ze was really gone, and he had no choice but to walk out of the interrogation. room.

Outside the interrogation room, Pang Huyang called Zhou Ze over.

“Now the evidence is conclusive. Even if Niu Qingming died and refused to admit it, it would be useless. After you stay in the police station for a long time, you will find that there are too many people of this kind. Some people will even die if you see him commit the crime with your own eyes. Don’t admit to killing, but the law speaks of evidence, and confession is secondary. As long as it constitutes a complete chain of evidence, the court will convict and sentence it. Don’t worry, Niu Qingming can’t run.”

Pang Huyang looked at Zhou Ze and said.


Zhou Ze nodded.

At nine o’clock in the evening, Zhou Ze left the police station and walked towards the armed police detachment. When he walked to the door of the armed police detachment, Zhou Ze called Zheng Yanran and asked her if she wanted to come out for a snack. Zheng Yanran said she will come right away.

Ten minutes later, Zheng Yanran came down. Her lower body was wearing white tights, wrapped with long straight and round legs, and her upper body was a black tight T-shirt and a green jacket. The whole person looked extremely youthful and vigorous.

“Have you waited for a long time?” Zheng Yanran walked to Zhou Ze and asked.

“No, I have just arrived.”

Zhou Ze shook his head.

The two talked and walked towards the snack street.

“What’s the matter, depending on your appearance, I feel a little depressed!” After walking for a while, Zheng Yanran noticed that Zhou Ze’s mood was not right, and asked suddenly.

Zhou Ze nodded and replied, “It’s a bit.”

“What happened?”

Zheng Yanran asked with concern.

Zhou Ze thought for a while, spoke slowly, and told Zheng Yanran about Niu Qingming.

“This is normal. I have encountered this kind of thing many times. At first I was really depressed and angry, but I gradually got used to it.” Zheng Yanran comforted.


Zhou Ze nodded.

“You…you actually solved the case of the boy in red?” The two walked for a while, and Zheng Yanran suddenly reacted. Just now, she was all focused on comforting Zhou Ze. When she comforted Zhou Ze, she suddenly realized Until Zhou Ze just told her that he had caught the murderer of the boy in red.

“Wow, you are so awesome.” Zheng Yanran couldn’t help but exaggerated, with an expression of excitement and excitement on her face. Seeing her looks much more excited than Zhou Ze catching the murderer.

Seeing the happy smile on Zheng Yanran’s face, Zhou Ze’s depressed mood improved inexplicably.

“Do you feel like you have worshiped me now?”

Zhou Ze asked with a smile.

“No, it’s early!”

Zheng Yanran shook her head quickly.

Zhou Ze smiled and said, “It seems that I have to keep working hard!”

“Yes” Zheng Yanran nodded vigorously.

The two went to have a barbecue, but Zheng Yanran ate very little. She was afraid of getting acne after eating too much. It seems that beauty is the nature of all women. Zheng Yanran can’t avoid it, but to be honest, Zheng Yanran’s skin is real. It’s good, smooth and moist. Maybe because of being a police officer, Zheng Yanran’s skin tone is a healthy wheat color. This skin tone is also Zhou Ze’s favorite. He thinks girls with this skin tone look more youthful, healthy and energetic.

··········· Ask for flowers··········

Contrary to Zheng Yanran who only eats a little, Zhou Ze ate a lot. For a whole day, he ate something in the morning. At this time, he was already hungry. No matter if he eats a meal, he is not afraid of face anyway. Last time I would get acne or gain weight. I just don’t know if I eat more barbecue and will I have diarrhea tomorrow.

After the barbecue, Zheng Yanran was sent back to the female soldier’s dormitory.

Zhou Ze returned to the bedroom, but Zhang Haiyang was not there? This is the first time. However, Zhou Ze didn’t think much about it. Zhang Haiyang couldn’t possibly be lost.

….. …. …

The rare Zhou Ze lying in bed did not think about the case, but took out his mobile phone to play games and fight pesticides. He has been solving the case continuously. Seriously, it is a big test for both the mind and the body. You can play a game. Relax your body and mind appropriately.

After playing two pesticides, Zhou Ze felt pretty good. They were both MVPs. In other words, since Zhou Ze got the system and his body attributes have greatly increased, Zhou Ze has always been MVP for pesticides, with abnormal hand speed. , Coupled with a sense of horror, makes him an invincible existence in the world of kings. Taking five kills is the norm. A game is played. Unless the opponent surrenders prematurely, it is simply not necessary to win 20 or 30 heads. .

At about eleven o’clock in the game, the door of the dormitory was opened, and Zhang Haiyang walked in, his tired face with excitement.

“Did this guy solve the case? So excited.” Looking at Zhang Haiyang, Zhou Ze muttered secretly.

Sure enough, the next moment.

“The case of consecutive disappearances of elementary school students has been solved.” Zhang Haiyang looked at Zhou Ze calmly, but Zhou Ze could see Zhang Haiyang’s pride and ostentation from his tone and demeanor.

“That’s a coincidence, the case of the death of the boy in red has just been solved.”

Zhou Ze also said indifferently, and Zhang Haiyang was stunned on the spot.

Zhou Ze looked at Zhang Haiyang’s expression and laughed wildly in his heart. He stopped using the pesticides and went to sleep, leaving only Zhang Haiyang in a daze. NS.

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