Chapter 143

Next, Pang Huyang asked Wu Bin to re-interrogate Su Luo, focusing on the specific circumstances of the interrogation, whether he was stabbed to death or inserted to death. Su Luo first said that he was the one who stabbed the dead. Wu Bin asked why the wound was not slanted down if he was the one who stabbed the dead. Su Luo immediately changed his words and said that he stabbed the dead. In this case, everyone could see that Su Luo had a problem.

At the gate of Nankai Middle School, Zhou Ze walked towards the gate. Since Su Luo has a problem, the case must not be closed, so the investigation has to be continued.

“What are you doing?”

As soon as Zhou Ze walked to the gate, the sturdy doorman said with a bad expression on his face.

“Police, investigating the case?”

Zhou Ze frowned and took out his ID.

“It turned out to be a police comrade!” Seeing that Zhou Ze was a policeman, the guard changed his face instantly.

Zhou Ze registered with the guard, and asked the guard to take him to the third grade class where Su Luo was located.

The first class of senior three and the second class of senior three are the two network classes of Nankai Middle School, which is the legendary rocket class. Their classrooms are on the side of the comprehensive building, in order to provide students in the first and second classes of senior three. Create a quiet learning environment. Their classrooms are separated from other classes. Basically, other classes have cameras in the hallway at the entrance of the classroom, and it happens that there is no surveillance camera on the complex building. It is estimated that this is the murderer’s choice in the third year of high school. One of the reasons why the classroom chose to kill Li Tianyou.

There is also the dormitory. The students in the two classes of the second class of the third grade are not in the student dormitory, but the teacher’s apartment building. Because a new building was built in the teacher’s apartment, the teachers moved to the new apartment, and the previous one was vacant. The school arranged the students in the third grade and 12th class in the teacher’s apartment for the purpose of creating a good study for them. The environment, and it happens that the teachers’ apartment is not monitored.

Coming to the door of the classroom of the first grade of high school, the math teacher with glasses inside was hurting in class.

Zhou Ze glanced over from the door of the classroom. The second row in the middle of the classroom was tall and tall. The handsome and sunny boys were filled with black air that was extremely clear, and the boys’ heads showed a guilt value of 1,000.

At this moment, Zhou Ze was sure that he was the one who really killed the dead. From the perspective of Zhou Ze, one could clearly see the expression on the boy’s face. Zhou Ze saw the boy’s face absent and hesitant.

The teacher with glasses who was in class noticed Zhou Ze at the door of the classroom.

“This gentleman, may I ask you something.”

The teacher with glasses looked at Zhou Ze and asked.

“I’m from the police station. Ask the students in your class to find out about the situation.”

Zhou Ze replied, reaching out to the tall boy in the second row in the middle.

“That classmate, come out.” Zhou Ze shouted.

The teacher wearing glasses followed Zhou Ze’s direction and found the tall boy.

“Zhang Song, Comrade Police will ask you to find out about the situation. Come out.”

The teacher wearing glasses said.

When the name was called, the tall boy, Zhang Song, was taken aback for a moment, with a panic on his face, but he stood up and walked out.

When Zhang Song walked out of the classroom, the whole classroom suddenly became a mess.

“Is the police looking for Zhang Song because of the murder of Teacher Li You?”

“Zhang Song and Su Luo have a relatively good relationship. Su Luo alone should not be able to kill Teacher Li You. Could it be that the two of them are together.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, the police just asked Zhang Song to find out about the situation.”

“If Zhang Song has nothing to do with the case, why did he only ask him to understand the situation instead of us.”

“Because Zhang Song and Su Luo have a good relationship.”

The teacher with glasses on the podium watched Zhang Song walk out of the classroom, frowning deeply, and then turned to look at the students who were discussing underneath, and said sternly: “What are you talking about, do your things, read your books? , The college entrance examination is going to be in less than half a year, and you still have the mood to think about other things. You are students. The most important thing for you right now is to study. Other things have nothing to do with you.”

After speaking, the teacher wearing glasses also sat on the bench of the podium, feeling upset.

Zhang Song left the classroom, Zhou Ze led Zhang Song to the school garden.

Walking to the garden, Zhou Ze stopped, turned his head and looked at Zhang Song. Zhang Song was about 1.78 meters tall, which coincided with the height of the suspect.

Zhang Song lowered his head and kept looking at his feet.

“¨” Su Luo admitted that he killed Li You, and if found guilty, she would be sentenced to death, or life imprisonment of more than ten years. Zhou Ze said calmly. He guessed that Zhang Song killed Li You mostly for Su Luo. It is actually very difficult to find evidence that Zhang Song killed Li You at the moment. I bought it. There were no fingerprints left on the murder weapon, and Zhang Song himself had no motivation for committing the crime. So if Zhang Song insisted that he was not the murderer, and Su Luo insisted that he killed Li You, It is really difficult to solve this case.

However, since Zhang Songken killed Li You for Su Luo’s sake, his feelings for Su Luo (Li Li’s) must be unusual. So Zhou Ze intends to start from this aspect and let Zhang Song take the initiative to confess everything.

“Isn’t Su Luo only seventeen years old, isn’t he still an adult?” Zhang Song hurriedly started copying.

Zhou Ze replied: “Even so, she deliberately murdered and killed her own teacher. The circumstances are serious and bad, and at least she has to be sentenced to more than eight years in prison. You think, a girl with the same flower must be in prison. It’s so cruel to spend the best time of her life.”

Zhou Ze kept watching Zhang Song while he was talking. The expression on Zhang Song’s face looked a little struggling. At this time, his mind should be fighting fiercely.

“You are the one who killed Li You, right.”

Zhou Ze suddenly said, Zhang Song’s whole body stiffened, and he was stunned. .

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