Chapter 167

“Could it be that something happened to Guan Xin?” Zhou Ze felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Leaving the monitoring room, Zhou Ze came to 423.

“How’s that? Is there anything found in the surveillance?” Zheng Yanran quickly walked over and asked.

Zhou Ze frowned and said: “According to the surveillance at the gate of the community, Guanxin entered the community at 5 pm the day before yesterday, and there was no surveillance video of leaving afterwards.”

“How come? Could it be that something happened to this Guanxin?” Zheng Yanran looked surprised.

“Team Zhou, what should we do now?” Qian Tao asked.

Zhou Ze pondered for a while, then took out his wallet, took out a pin from it, and gotten the pin. Zhou Ze walked to the door of the room and inserted the pin into the key slot.

With a “click”, the door of Room 423 was opened. Zhou Ze took out the pistol, then opened the door and slowly walked into the room.

The next moment Zhou Ze frowned deeper, and a thick black air filled the living room of the room.

“Something happened to Guan Xin? Or did Guan Xin kill people here?” Doubts surfaced in Zhou Ze’s mind.

“Everyone, look around, be careful?” Zhou Ze said to Zheng Yanran and the others behind him. His figure was walking towards the kitchen. He had already seen the black air permeating from the kitchen, and walked into the kitchen. What Zhou Ze noticed at a glance was a porcelain basin in the kitchen with a thick black air permeating the porcelain basin.

Then Zhou Ze noticed the refrigerator in the kitchen. A trace of black air was coming out of the refrigerator. Zhou Ze walked to the front of the refrigerator and opened the door of the refrigerator. Suddenly, a blast of black air faced Zhou Ze. Plastic bags were used inside the refrigerator. It contains a lot of meat, and the thick black qi comes from it, so you don’t need to think about what kind of meat it is.

“Is the deceased Guan Xin? Who killed him? Guan Xin is not the rain demon. Is the rain demon someone else?” Zhou Ze thought secretly.

“Nothing to find? Did you find anything?” Zheng Yanran walked over and asked.

“Look at it yourself” Zhou Ze pointed to the refrigerator and said to Zheng Yanran.

“What?” Zheng Yanran came over with a look of doubt, and saw the meat in the refrigerator. Zheng Yanran didn’t react at first. She was still thinking about what Zhou Ze would let her watch, but suddenly Zheng Yanran woke up.

“You mean these are human flesh?” Zheng Yanran looked at Zhou Ze in disbelief.

Zhou Ze nodded and answered, Zheng Yanran’s face suddenly became a little uncomfortable, and she quickly turned her head.

“Did you find anything?” Qian Tao and Zhou Xiaoyu over there, seeing there is movement here, hurriedly walked towards this side.

“Sister Yanran, what’s the matter with you? Your face is ugly!” Zhou Xiaoyu asked with concern when seeing Zheng Yanran’s face a little pale.

“There is human flesh in the refrigerator.” Zheng Yanran replied.

“Ah, is it so scary? Let me see.” Zhou Xiaoyu let out a surprise, then walked around the refrigerator with interest, put on rubber gloves and raised a plastic bag, put it on the ground, and opened the plastic bag.

“It’s indeed human flesh.” Zhou Xiaoyu said with certainty. She was holding a tooth picked out of a pile of flesh in her hand.

“From the perspective of the degree of tooth wear, the tooth quality has basically been completely exposed, so the age should be over fifty years old.” Zhou Xiaoyu continued.

“Then the deceased should be Guan Xin, the owner of the house? But who killed him, and it was still in his house, and the deceased Jiang Shuhua was killed by Guan Xin, or whether the murderer was someone else.” Qian Tao wondered. Said.

“Is Guan Xin the Demon of Rain?” Zheng Yanran said, but looked at Zhou Ze who was thinking next to him.

Zhou Ze recovered from his thoughts. Seeing Zheng Yanran, Qian Tao and the three were all staring at him. He thought for a while and said, “Obviously the dead Jiang Shuhua and Guan Xin were killed by the rain demon, Guan Xin had never gone out since returning to the community at 5 pm the day before yesterday, so there was no chance of committing crimes and killing the victim Jiang Shuhua. And I guess that the time Guan Xin was killed was shortly after he returned to the community, and the murderer was killing Guan. Xin, after dealing with the scene and Guan Xin’s body, did he kill Jiang Shuhua.”

“But this is not in line with the characteristics of the rain demon’s crimes. Before this, the rain demon’s crimes were usually young women and never killed men at all.” Qian Tao said.

I don’t know why Zhou Ze suddenly remembered the painting he saw in the room of the victim Jiang Shuhua in his mind at this time. The sense of harmony and coordination seemed familiar.

Where have you seen it? Zhou Ze thought about glancing across the plastic bag with the corpse on the ground, and suddenly he was energetic.

“By the way, this feeling of harmony and coordination is in the photos of several victims’ corpses. The victims in the photos had their eyes cut off and their limbs but it gave Zhou Ze a sense of harmony and harmony. Same as that picture.”

“In that case, the Demon of Rain did know the victim Jiang Shuhua. Could the Demon of Rain kill Guan Xin because Guan Xin was with Jiang Shuhua?” Zhou Ze thought secretly, and then Zhou Ze carefully checked After going through the room, apart from seeing the dense black air in the bathroom, no one else found the murder weapon, and there were no few knives in the kitchen. It can be inferred that the murderer came with the murder weapon by himself. It should be a machete.

Zhou Ze walked out of the bathroom and thought for a while and said, “Qian Tao, you call the police. I will go to the monitoring room to see if I can spot any suspicious people.”

Zhou Ze took Zheng Yanran and Zhou Xiaoyu to the monitoring room again to check the monitoring.

Zhou Ze directly checked the surveillance on the day before yesterday, that is, the day the victim Jiang Shuhua was killed. That day the murderer killed Jiang Shuhua after killing Guan Xin, so that when the murderer entered and exited the community, he should have been captured by surveillance video and he was victimized. Zhe Guanxin was killed after returning home at 5 in the afternoon, so that the time for the murderer to leave the community was locked after 5 in the afternoon and before 10 in the evening.

Soon a suspect figure entered Zhou Ze’s field of vision. At 7 o’clock in the afternoon, a man wearing a red T-shirt and a canvas cap carried a red bag out of the complex. As the murderer kept his head down, Wearing a canvas hat, the camera did not capture the front of the murderer.

After thinking about it, Zhou Ze quickly rewinded the surveillance video. It didn’t take long for the man in red to appear in the surveillance video again. It was 3:10 in the afternoon. The man in red entered the community with a bag. The front of the man in red was photographed. The man in red apparently avoided the camera consciously. .

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