Chapter 201

“Because he needs to knock on the door when he comes back, I will be beaten.” Duan Wenxiang seemed to think of something terrible, shaking all over.

At this time, Zhou Xiaoyu called: “Team Zhou, the time of death of the deceased is expected to be between 3 and 5 in the morning today. He had drunk before his death. The rest will have to be known after the autopsy.”

“Well, thanks for your hard work, I have to work overtime tonight.”

“It’s not hard.” Zhou Xiaoyu said bitterly: “The Wang team has already condoned me, how can it be hard?”

Zhou Ze laughed, and the condolences from the Wang team must have been urges.

Hanging up the phone, Zhou Ze solemnly said, “Ms. Duan, where were you from last night to this morning?”

“I’m at home.” Duan Wenxiang had calmed down. She smiled and pointed to the bedroom first, and then to the door, and said: “Mom, she can’t move. I rarely go out except for grocery shopping and medicine. Last night, he was off work. Just opened the door and waited for him till now.”

Zhou Ze and Geng Qing looked up at the same time. Outside the door is the elevator corridor. The red-lighted monitoring can clearly capture the inside of the house. You can know at a glance whether Duan Wenxiang was at home last night.

Geng Qing nodded at Zhou Ze and walked out quickly. Afterwards, Zhou Ze made a more detailed transcript and left.

Downstairs, Geng Qing said helplessly: “Last night, Duan Wenxiang was really at home all the time. She walked around and made phone calls from time to time. The surveillance was captured. This clue was broken.”

“It’s not broken, but we haven’t dug it out yet.” Zhou Ze raised his eyebrows: “Didn’t you find out that Duan Wenxiang had a motive for killing?”

“I found out, but she has perfect alibi!” Geng Qing scratched his head, suddenly remembering something, and said with wide eyes: “She didn’t kill, but she has family and friends, and she has been subjected to domestic violence for a long time. This kind of thing will drive people crazy. Maybe someone else helped her, or she hired someone, or conspired with someone to murder her husband.”

Zhou Ze smiled, this guy reacted so quickly this time, and he was really out of touch.

“What should I check next?” Zhou Ze deliberately tested Geng Qing.

Geng Qing said: “Of course it is Duan Wenxiang’s social relationship. All the people who have been with each other recently, one by one, will definitely be able to find out.”

“Okay, I’ll leave this part to you.” Zhou Ze patted Geng Qing on the shoulder and looked back at the window of 1001. He always felt that the biggest breakthrough was Duan Wenxiang himself. The guilt value of 500 was definitely not groundless. .

After rushing back to the police station overnight, the autopsy report and test have not yet come out. Zhou Ze called two groups of members for a small meeting.

“First sort out the clues on hand.” Zhou Ze said: “Duan Wenxiang, the wife of the deceased, suffered from domestic violence for a long time. According to naked eye observation, there were many wounds on her body, including bruises and blood, and even sticks or whips. In addition, Duan Wenxiang was very filial and caring for the mother of the deceased.”

“Also.” Geng Qing raised his hand and added: “Duan Wenxiang has a perfect alibi, but she is very happy about the death of the deceased, and can even be said to be excited. In addition, the deceased not only committed domestic violence against his wife Duan Wenxiang before his death. He also beat his mother, which can be said to be inhumane.”

Zhang Yan said in a huff: “Even her own mother beats up? Scum!”

Zhang Guangliang said helplessly: “Okay, you are a policeman.”

Zhang Yan rolled her eyes and said, “Today, Zhang Guangliang and I went to the advertising company where the deceased worked. The deceased was the director of the planning department. According to his colleagues, although he was very troublesome and often picky, he was very good to colleagues. You’re polite, and there’s no ostentation, and everyone’s impression of him is pretty good.”

“Yes, and last night their department team was built. They ate dinner and sang songs. The deceased drank a lot of alcohol and took a taxi and left. Zhang Yan and I checked carefully. Everything is true. Those colleagues also have enough. An alibi.” Zhang Guangliang said in a deep voice.

Zhou Ze asked: “Have you checked the surveillance and rented out? Where did the deceased go?”

“The taxi took the deceased to Fu’an Community, but halfway through the road, the deceased asked to get off the car. The surveillance is still under investigation. There is no clear clue at this time.”

After Zhang Guangliang finished speaking, everyone looked at Qian Tao, who hadn’t spoken yet. Who knew Qian Tao spread his hands and shrugged, saying that he had found nothing.

Zhou Ze is helpless, it is not easy to find out through monitoring, and the forensic examination will not produce results in a short while, now…

“It’s already eleven o’clock, everyone will go back to rest first, and we will continue to investigate tomorrow.”

“Get off work!” Geng Qing stretched out and sighed helplessly: “Hey, when can I drink this glass of wine that Sister Yan said?”

Qian Tao raised his hand and pointed at Geng Qing’s brain door, and said in a bad mood, “When is this all, I still want to drink?”

Geng Qing rubbed his forehead, isn’t it because he hasn’t rested recently? I don’t want to be lazy…

Early the next morning, Zhou Ze deliberately left the house 40 minutes early. As expected, he perfectly avoided Wang Meng.. ……..

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the police station, I saw all group 1 dispatched and hurried to get on the bus.

“Are you here?” Zheng Yanran walked over and smiled: “I’m in good spirits.”

Zhou Ze also smiled and said, “How about it, is it because the fast food restaurant bombing has not been solved?”

“I’m here for you. Although our group 1 is not as good as yours, we don’t know that we haven’t made any progress yet.” Zheng Yanran gave Zhou Ze a blank look, then frowned, and sighed: “Another murder case. The deceased drove. On the way home, I ran into a large oil drum full of sand, and the vehicle exploded and died on the spot.”

Because she trusts Zhou Ze enough, Zheng Yanran has no idea of ​​hiding her privately. After a pause, she patted Zhou Ze’s car window and said with a smile: “I’m going to start, take a step first, yes, I will give you I brought a cup of coffee and put it on your table.”

Zhou Ze froze for a moment. What coffee did Zheng Yanran bring him?

I don’t know if it’s sweet…

When I went upstairs, all the members of the two groups were all present. Several people gathered together to share the breakfast they had brought.

“Morning, everyone, has the case progressed?”

As soon as Zhou Ze said this, the office suddenly complained, and Zhang Yan smiled bitterly: “Team Zhou, I found that you are not too old, but your style is getting closer and closer to the Wang team. Just now, the Wang team came over and was also urging. Our progress, open and closed are all cases.”

“Yes.” Geng Qing also murmured softly.

Zhou Ze picked up the coffee on the table, walked over and patted the back of Geng Qing’s head. Geng Qing, who was eating his hands, almost choked.

“Don’t be poor, you’ll leave in a while and talk while eating while you are having breakfast.”

“The post-mortem report came out, there are still undigested crayfish in the stomach of the deceased…” Geng Qing stopped halfway through speaking, and suddenly stopped looking at the hand in front of him. .

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