Chapter 216

Zhou Ze’s current memory is very abnormal, so he waited patiently. After a full minute and a half, Yang Chengcai looked up and said, “That’s what happened. It’s these places. At that time, we also participated in the search. Action, but did not find any trace of Liu Zhen.”

“These places are listed as key investigation sites.” Zhou Ze said.

Afterwards, he squinted his eyes and thought in his heart: If Liu Zhen had been killed before his disappearance, then Li Guanlin at that time wanted to hide the body and divert the police’s attention.

The places that have been searched by the police are undoubtedly the safest, so after successfully killing Liu Zhen, Li Guanlin is likely to hide Liu Zhen’s body under the police’s nose and take Liu Zhen’s body to one of these four places. Buried.

In addition, Liu Zhen’s fatal injury included not only internal organ damage caused by beating, but also knife and fork stabbing. In other words, the place of death or torture was in the restaurant of Hot Spring Villa?

Zhou Ze knocked on the table and said solemnly: “I suspect that the first scene was in the Hot Spring Villa, or maybe it was in Li Guanlin or Fang Qiang and Lao Zhong’s residence.”

Everyone was stunned, Hot Spring Villa?

Since no bloodstains were found at the beginning, and the possibility of homicide was not found after investigation, even if this case has been investigated in this direction, it is not in-depth.

Now that Zhou Ze said this, wouldn’t it be that all of them were played around by Li Guanlin and the group?

Such brilliant acting…


“Oh shit!”

Yang Cheng was the most angry and couldn’t help but explode, but he quickly reacted and said quickly: “We carefully checked Liu Zhen’s home and the home of his affair. Li Guanlin took the initiative to cooperate with our inspection, so His home was also searched.”

“That’s the restaurant and the homes of the other two suspects. It should not be too late. Let’s go now?” Zhou Ze suggested.

Everyone was very excited to be able to handle the case with Zhou Ze. Now they found that the cases that everyone had done may have been missed by their negligence, and they were eager to prove themselves. Apart from anything else, they all stood up and raised their hands in salute. Channel: “Yes!”

Facing such morale, Zhou Ze also received a lot of encouragement.

In fact, he can understand that sometimes it is not because everyone is too negligent, but because the criminals are too calm. Not only do they erase all clues, but they also have a good acting skill to keep secret under the close eyes of the police.

With such a psychological quality, it is not difficult to understand how Li Guanlin could keep such a calm and calm response when facing Yang Cheng’s repeated questions.

The flaws revealed are so subtle, and they are still responding to all questions. It is too difficult to start from this.

Soon, seven people in two vehicles rushed back to the hot spring villa overnight with their instruments. They were ready to stay up all night and turn over the entire hot spring villa.

Just when he was standing at the gate, Zhou Ze suddenly didn’t continue walking inside.

“Team Zhou?”

Zhou Ze raised his hand to signal everyone not to panic, recalled the details of the file again, and said after a while: “I remember, before Liu Zhen disappeared, the last place that was captured by surveillance was the guest room. He walked out the next day and only took pictures. It’s his back, isn’t it?”

“Yes, that’s right. I remember this. It was the surveillance I followed. He never looked up since he walked out of the room. Li Guanlin also said that he saw something in his heart.” A criminal policeman replied.

Zhou Ze raised his eyes and looked at the building, and found that from the tenth floor to the guest rooms on the top floor, each equipped with a large balcony, the distance between each other is also very tight, almost no more than one meter, to climb or Jump over, it’s very simple.

Especially on the roof of the building, there is a canopy built on it, and there are several iron frames. If you use ropes to hang it down…

Zhou Ze said: “The case file says that since the construction of the Hot Spring Villa is more than ten years ago, the security passage has not been monitored, and the guest room that appeared before Liu Zhen’s death is the guest room 2011 on the top floor.”


Yang Cheng scratched his scalp with embarrassment, and then bowed his head and began to look through the file. How could his memory be crushed into scum compared to Zhou Ze?

“Yes, it’s 201…”

Halfway through, Yang Chengcai discovered that everyone had already walked past the building under the leadership of Zhou Ze.

No one has even looked back. Everyone is the captain. How can people be more irritating than others?


20th floor…

Zhou Ze took everyone to find the 2011 room. Maybe it was too long, or maybe he didn’t think about it. In short, he couldn’t see anything in the corridor.

A detective took out the room card he found at the front desk, opened the door with a beep and turned on the light to see that it was clean and flat, and there was nothing unusual.

But everyone can’t see it, but Zhou Ze can see clearly, the corner near the balcony still retains the long-lasting black air.

On the wall, the stars under the carpet were blurry and black, and he also had a panoramic view.

“The carpet and wallpaper have been changed, and the bed and sofa must have been changed too. Move it away.”

Hearing Zhou Ze’s words, there was no need for Yang Cheng to repeat them. Everyone immediately put down the things in their hands and started to get started.

When the light was turned off, Rumiluo sprayed, and the blood was immediately clear!

As Zhou Ze once said, time will pass, but sin will not disappear.

Li Guanlin thought that he had enough anti-reconnaissance awareness and acting skills to cover up all the evil, but he was still negligent. Why didn’t he repaint the carpet and wallpaper if he spared time to change the carpet and wallpaper?

When everyone was collecting evidence, Zhou Ze walked to the balcony and saw a faint black air coming from the seam of the added wooden floor. Then he took a flashlight and illuminated the canopy above his head, and found two very subtle depressions. .

That is the trace of the rope hanging.

When he was in the forensic room, Zhou Ze wondered what kind of strength he had to use to penetrate the clothes and leave fibrous tissue in the skin. It turned out that it was the pressure caused by his own weight.

“Team Zhou, what are you looking at?” A detective followed out curiously.

“Look at that, is it a trace of the rope hanging?”

“Rope?” The detective frowned, “The material of the canopy is generally very strong. How heavy is it to leave such a dent? It can’t be hanged?”

With that said, the detective was amused by his own thoughts. Hanging on the balcony of the twenty-floor building, it was too…

Immediately afterwards, the detective’s face changed drastically, and he was shocked: “Team Zhou, you mean that after Liu Zhen was killed in this room, he was lifted by ropes and pulled to the top of the building, and then moved down the fire escape?”.

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