Chapter 247

At this time, Fan Yifan is left in the same place. At any rate, he is a deputy director. Let’s just run away. It seems impossible…

“Fan game.” Zhou Ze reluctantly greeted him and walked over.

Although he is busy handling the case, if he is really worried, he can just go in and participate in the meeting. As for doing such a thing?

“Xiao Zhou.” Fan Yifan only felt that the corners of his mouth were almost grinning, embarrassed, it was too embarrassing.

More than forty people, still so embarrassing for the first time!

Zhou Ze sighed secretly and asked, “Does the Fan Bureau have anything to do with this case…”


Before Zhou Ze could finish, Fan Yifan shook his head and waved his hand, and said loudly, “I personally think, Comrade Xiao Zhou, your arrangement is very reasonable and well-founded. You can relax and handle the case well. Don’t think about anything else, then. If the three brats don’t listen to you, you can just give me direct training, and you don’t need to give me face.”

Zhou Ze couldn’t help laughing. He wasn’t such a serious type.

“Their performance is very good, and their insights are good, but they still don’t adapt to my case-handling rhythm. However, the case-handling things have their own personal rules, and there is no need to follow me with everything.”

“Okay.” Fan Yifan nodded, and suddenly said behind Zhou Ze: “You guys have heard it, and cooperate with the Renzhou team. Remember?”

“Don’t worry about it.” Xiaoguang replied helplessly.

It can be seen from this that Fan Yifan, the deputy director, should exist like a living treasure, because Xiaoguang and the others are not afraid of him at all.

Leaving aside, working with him should be able to regulate pressure and atmosphere.

Moreover, being a deputy director is enough to prove Fan Yifan’s strength.

After coming out of the police station, Zhou Ze led Xiao Guang and Abo to investigate Chen Qiqi.

“Chen Qiqi and Tang Sinan don’t seem to have much contact. Every time they contacted, Chen Qiqi’s words were full of thorns. But two months ago, she suddenly sent Tang Sinan some maternity and baby supplies. It was at that time that she got Tang Sinan’s detailed address. ”

Xiaoguang flipped through some of the information in his hand, which were all the chat records of Tang Sinan’s social software, as well as the records of phone calls and text messages, which were very detailed.

“In that case, Chen Qiqi’s intentions are very unusual.” Abo is now much calmer and directly expresses his own views.

Zhou Ze squinted his eyes and said solemnly, “I’ll know when I see her.”

So far, no real murderer has been found. This is the place that drags the most time.

If the murderers weren’t Chen Qiqi and Zhang Qiang, then they could only investigate the characters in Tang Sinan’s other social networks. It would be even more impossible to solve the case today.

However, Zhou Ze is very confident in his speculation. He can almost conclude that the murderer is among Chen Qiqi and Zhang Qiang!

The reason is simple. Tang Sinan’s life circle is too simple, and he is very gentle and friendly. It is too difficult for such a person to attract hatred, but the murderer is full of hatred for her.

Except for people who had old grudges with Tang Sinan, Zhou Ze couldn’t think of a killer who randomly selected a target, or a person who killed people with passion. After stabbing her evenly and stabbing seven times, Zhou Ze would also help her to dress up. reason.

This is not in line with the psychology of the murderer.

Therefore, Zhou Ze can only think of Tang Sinan’s old friends. As for the hatred of Tang Sinan, it is actually easy to guess, such as jealousy and love and hatred.

While Zhou Ze was thinking about it, Xiaoguang had already drove the car into a creative park, and in front of the car was a clothing studio.

“Called Chen Qiqi before I came here. She is the creative director here and is already waiting for us.” After Chen Ziqiu got out of the car, he opened the door for Zhou Ze, but Zhou Ze was taken aback.

It’s not practical to be so diligent…

The three of them entered the door together and met Chen Qiqi smoothly, but after seeing her, Zhou Ze became disappointed in an instant, while Xiao Guang and Chen Ziqiu were bright.

Don’t get me wrong, the reason why the two of them shined is not because Chen Qiqi has a beautiful figure, but because she is very good at dressing up, she has exquisite makeup, and the clothes she wears are tasteful and trendy, and what she has The nails are also very gorgeous and exquisite.

“You came here for Tang Sinan’s business, right?” Chen Qiqi impatiently took three bottles of water and handed it over, and said: “I’ve told you many times, I sent her something, but I told her The relationship is already very bad. It is impossible for her to come to me if she ran away from home or did anything, so I don’t know where she went.”

While speaking, Chen Qiqi rolled her eyes and raised Erlang’s legs and said impatiently: “You want me to say that instead of focusing on me, you should check if there has been any conflict between her and Sheng Hao recently, Sheng Hao. That person, although he loves her very much, he is too impulsive and not suitable for her at all.”

Zhou Ze curled his lips and asked, “Don’t you have a bad relationship with her? How do you know that Sheng Hao is impulsive?”

“Is it still necessary to deliberately understand?” Chen Qiqi spread her hands and said: “They were together when they were in college. At that time, I could tell that Sheng Hao was not a good match. I persuaded Tang Sinan many times to let him She shouldn’t just focus on a man. She is so talented and has a great chance of success in the future. Does it make sense to leave it all behind for love?”

“What happened later?” Zhou Ze asked.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Guang and Chen Ziqiu did not speak out about the fact that Tang Sinan had been killed. Everything depends on Zhou Ze’s arrangement.


Chen Qiqi sneered and said: “Dao is different and does not conspire, what can I do? I also wanted to support her at that time, but when I saw her doing traffic for a man, and even cut off all social interaction, I knew she had already Obsessed and hopeless, so I don’t bother to worry about it anymore.”

Zhou Ze asked: “You advised Tang Sinan that way, Sheng Hao should have a big opinion of you, right?”

“It’s quite big. I almost did it several times and even lifted the table.” Chen Qiqi shrugged, acting as if he didn’t care about all of this, and said impatiently: “But, what does this have to do with Tang Sinan’s running away from home? I have no contact with Sheng Hao.”

“Do you think Tang Sinan ran away from home?”

“Otherwise?” Chen Qiqi laughed, and said: “Tang Sinan, I understand well. She looks very gentle on the outside, but in fact, if she thinks it through, she will become very tough, so she ran away from home. She has done this kind of thing. To be honest, I’ve been waiting for her to contact me, and I’m thinking about how to start a business together next time.”

Zhou Ze was stunned. Chen Qiqi didn’t really hate Tang Sinan, and more like an angry one.

This is also Chen Qiqi’s own personality problem. She only believes that she recognizes it, and is more direct and decisive. There is a big gap between Tang Sinan and Tang Sinan’s personality. After the conflict broke out, the two girls were sulking at each other.

“It’s a pity.” Zhou Ze sighed: “I came to you today not for Tang Sinan’s disappearance, but because she was killed.”

Chen Qiqi’s smile froze in an instant, her face turned pale, and she stood up and said in shock: “Killed? What murdered? Where is she? Is it in the hospital? Which hospital, who did it! Isn’t it Sheng Hao?”

At this time, Xiao Guang and Chen Ziqiu were also stunned. Chen Qiqi’s performance didn’t seem to be pretended, but isn’t her relationship with Tang Sinan not good?

“She’s dead.” Zhou Ze’s words were calm, but when they were thrown into Chen Qiqi’s ears, it looked like an atomic bomb, exploding her eyes out of gold stars.


Chen Qiqi couldn’t keep her previous calm anymore, she trembled in horror, and her eyes were red.

Xiaoguang and Chen Ziqiu looked at each other. If they were all pretends, then Chen Qiqi’s acting skills would be too terrifying.

However, only Zhou Ze knew that Chen Qiqi was not pretending, and all her reactions and performances were real, because she had no guilt value and did not kill anyone.

“Miss Chen, please calm down.” Xiao Guang said in a deep voice.

“Then…” Chen Qiqi seemed to not hear Xiaoguang’s words, and asked tremblingly, “What about her children?”

Zhou Ze sighed. Although she didn’t answer directly, Chen Qiqi already understood. She covered her mouth and cried bitterly.

After a long time, Chen Qiqi sniffed and said, “The most she sees is that the child grows up, but how does she…”

“We came here today, hoping that you can cooperate with our investigation.” Zhou Ze said: “Please tell us everything from January 14th to January 18th.”

“From January 14 to January 18?” Chen Qiqi asked back: “Isn’t that the few days when she disappeared?”

After asking, Chen Qiqi turned back to the desk, took out a notepad and handed it over, and put her mobile phone on the table together, saying: “Don’t worry, I will definitely cooperate with you. It was New Years. At the end, it is the busiest time. I have a full schedule every day. I often work overtime here, or go to see customers or go home to rest. All the schedules, my home monitoring, my car, my Call records, as well as my assistants and colleagues, can prove it for me.”

“Now, can I tell me what happened to her? Where did it happen? Is she suffering? Isn’t that the bastard Sheng Hao!”

Neither Xiaoguang nor Chen Ziqiu expected that Chen Qiqi would accept the investigation so frankly, and judging from this, do they have a perfect alibi?

“The specific situation cannot be disclosed at this time.”

Zhou Ze knows Chen Qiqi’s current mood very well, but she is not as desperate as Sheng Hao who wants to commit suicide, so she won’t disclose it for the time being.

Seeing that Xiaoguang and Chen Ziqiu had already taken the itinerary and went out to seek verification from the other employees, Zhou Ze took out the employment pen and nodded when he saw Chen Qiqi before pressing the switch to continue the investigation. .

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