Chapter 249

When Zhou Ze said this, his tone was flat, but the little smile on his face made Zhang Qiang panic in his heart.

“Get it.”

Zhang Qiang was already a little nervous, and said coldly: “Your police have learned the specific situation back and forth many times, and I have said it many times. Although my relationship with Nan Nan is good, it hasn’t It’s so inseparable, and she’s pregnant now, I smoke again, and I have less contact with her.”

After finishing talking, Zhang Qian took out a few packs of good cigarettes from the drawer of the wine cabinet in the living room and threw them on the table. He took one of them, picked up the match on the table, and lit it with a’chick’.

Seeing Zhang Qiang vomiting fog, the named policemen at the scene didn’t think Zhang Qian had a personality, but felt that she was provoking the authority of the police badge.

Both Xiaoguang and Chen Ziqiu were a lot more serious, and they both had a straight face, just staring at Zhang Qiang quietly.

Zhang Qiang looked at the expressions of these two people, and then at Zhou Ze’s smiling and non-smiling expressions. For a while, she became more nervous, and could only take a puff of cigarette weakly and sat back on the sofa.

“Miss Zhang, we mainly hope that you can provide a shopping list for the past three months.” Zhou Ze slowly said.

“Shopping list?” Zhang Qiang exploded at a little bit, and said excitedly: “Why?”

Xiaoguang sneered: “You keep saying that you will fully cooperate with the police investigation. You also said that you are very worried about Tang Sinan’s disappearance, and you can’t even eat and sleep. Now you just have to look at your shopping list and you can’t cooperate. ?”


Zhang Qiang almost lost his temper, her eyes stared at Xiaoguang, and her exhalation became louder. After a long time, she reluctantly threw the phone out, and said in a bad mood: “If you want to see it, just look. But I want to warn you that there is a lot of privacy in it. If you can’t find out anything this time, don’t blame me for sending a lawyer’s letter.”

After hearing this, Xiaoguang and Chen Ziqiu didn’t reach out to pick up the phone for a while. Indeed, they didn’t have a search warrant on their hands. If Zhang Qiang really wanted to make a fuss about it, it would be very detrimental to them.

Zhou Ze didn’t care so much, he just picked up his mobile phone and clicked on the shopping software to glance at it casually.

There is no record of the baby clothes, but the same style was found in the suitcase, even though it was bought two years ago.

“This suitcase is not bad, can I take a look?” Zhou Ze clicked on the shopping details and put it in front of Zhang Qiang with a smile.

Zhang Qiang’s face became stiff, and then he said: “That’s what I bought two years ago, how could I still keep it? Besides, the box is not a big name, it’s a one-off.”

“Oh?” Zhou Ze raised his eyebrows, his mouth was stiff?

It doesn’t matter, this doesn’t change anything.

“You seem to have sent a lot of baby clothes to Tang Sinan, and the prices are not cheap.” Zhou Ze continued.

Zhang Qiang said coldly: “So what? Nan Nan and I are best friends. She is pregnant. Is it weird to send her something?”

“You bought those for your children in the first place, right?” Zhou Ze looked into Zhang Qiang’s eyes and said: “Seeing the person you hate the most and living the life you want the most, are you? Want to kill her in your dreams?”

“What the hell do you mean?”

Zhang Qiang came up with the crime and said angrily: “Please make it clear that Tang Sinan and I are sisters and best friends. She is dead now. Why should I say that I killed her? I was out of town for the past few days! Yes, even if your police wants to solve the murder case, you have to show evidence, like fingerprints and murder weapons, I will go back with you right away!”

Zhou Ze said with a low smile: “In those few days? Miss Zhang, I just said you wanted to kill her, but how do you know that she is dead and the specific time when she was killed?”

“You…you…” Zhang Qiang lost all the blood on her face, and looked at Zhou Ze and others incredulously, “Do you dare to lie to me? I just said it because you said that!”

“Zhang Qiang, it’s too late for you to change your mouth.” Xiaoguang took out the shimmering handcuffs and said in a cold tone: “You are suspected of being involved in a corpse throwing murder case. From what you just said, you already have enough Suspected of murder, now you have been arrested, come with us.”

Judging from Zhang Qiang’s current reaction, she should be the murderer.

The next thing to do is to start with her, find out the complete chain of evidence, and then send it to the court to get justice for the deceased.

Zhou Ze stared at the back of Zhang Qiang being taken away, for a moment in a daze. To be honest, he did not expect that the process of arresting Zhang Qian would be so smooth.

Did you say that you missed it?

What kind of mental state is it to be so undefended?

Thinking about it, Zhou Ze couldn’t help but sighed inwardly. Regarding criminal psychology, he took the time to look more. Although he could already analyze the reason why the murderer acted on the victim, many times the criminal found himself When he was suspected by the police, he still couldn’t guess the psychological reaction and activities that occurred.

Afterwards, Zhou Ze and Xiaoguang took Zhang Qiang back to the bureau. Chen Ziqiu was investigating in Zhang Qiang’s house, and Zhou Xiaoyu and Geng Qing were on the way over.

Back in the bureau, it was Zhou Ze who was in charge of interrogating Zhang Qiang. Xiaoguang was sitting next to Zhou Ze, very excited.

Legend has it that Zhou Ze tried the prisoners at the first trial, and he didn’t know whether it was true or false…

“Zhang Qiang, did you say it for yourself, or did I say it for you?” Zhou Ze held a piece of information that he had just received. These are clues collected by the other team members.

Zhang Qiang glanced at Zhou Ze fiercely, and suddenly shouted: “I want to hire a lawyer. I won’t say a word before the lawyer comes over!”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t say it, I’ll help you.” Zhou Ze picked up a photo taken by a high-speed probe. It was a big red sports car, galloping on a high-speed highway.

“On January 15th, at ten o’clock in the morning, your car departed from Huaijian City, via Huaiyang Expressway, rushed to Yangcheng early in the afternoon at three o’clock in the afternoon, and stayed in your villa in Yangcheng, right?”

Zhang Qiang didn’t want to talk at all, but looking at the photo, he felt confident again and rolled his eyes and said: “Yes, that’s right, I went on the 15th and came back on the 17th.”

Zhou Ze directly ignored Zhang Qian’s arrogant attitude and picked up another picture again. It was still the car, but the person in the car was not Zhang Qian.

“Zhang Qiang, are you familiar with this person?”

Zhang Qiang’s eyes widened, staring at the picture in disbelief. This angle of view is not a probe on the road, but… someone else’s driving recorder?

How could this be? Why was it photographed, and it was so clearly photographed!

“She is……”

“She is your real girlfriend, Liang Jingxue, drive your car, put on your clothes, and go to your villa in Yangcheng for a few days. Even the security guards in your villa area mistakenly thought she was you. ”

Zhou Ze smiled and said, “You are quite prepared. After Liang Jingxue helped you pretend to be back to Huaijian City, you were sent to Southeast Asia, but now, she is on her way back to China. ”

Zhang Qiang was shocked. She never expected that the police would be so fast!

But it’s not right. Tang Sinan was missing before, but the police did not find anything after repeated investigations? Why is she now a different person, and immediately caught her as soon as she showed up, and she didn’t even leave her time and opportunity to react.

“So what?” Zhang Qiang said stiffly: “I had a personal business in those few days to hide from my ex-husband, and ask my girlfriend to help me disguise and divert the attention of my ex-husband. Is it wrong?”

“Yes.” Zhou Ze said lightly: “Indeed, Liang Jingxue didn’t know the real meaning of asking her to pretend for you, and the excuse you used at the time was indeed to avoid your ex-husband’s harassment, but the problem is, your ex-husband After divorcing you, I had a very cool life, and I never thought of harassing you at all.”

I have to say that Zhou Ze is also a little admired. Zhou Xiaoyu, Geng Qing, and Zhang Guangliang are now more and more like roundworms in his stomach, and he also knows the clues he wants most at the moment, and can be the first time. Get it.

Very good, this kind of tacit understanding is what is needed.

Zhang Qiang’s face became worse and worse, staring at Zhou Ze fiercely, but no matter what she thought, she couldn’t think of a more reasonable explanation. She could only retort palely and weakly: “Even if I lied, I can’t prove it. I killed Tang Sinan, right? I didn’t have any deep hatred with her, why should I kill her?”

“Say it again.” Xiaoguang raised a finger and said coldly: “From the beginning, we have not announced the death of Tang Sinan, and you don’t seem to have contacted Tang Sinan’s family. How did you know that Tang Sinan was dead? Yes? Please give us a reasonable explanation.”

“I… you all arrested me directly, and I still suspect that I killed Tang Sinan in my house, isn’t she dead?” Zhang Qian almost yelled at this sentence. She was really fed up with this. If the two policemen go back and forth, if you don’t pay attention, it is a pit, and there is no end to it?

Zhou Ze put down the large stack of materials in his hand, and said in a deep voice: “You have never used Tang Sinan since you were a child. She is excellent, beautiful, and gentle. She can easily be liked by everyone, and you have been treated like you since childhood. The princess is raised, but she is completely inferior to her, so you treat her as an enemy. The scene you want to see most is that her life moves toward darkness step by step, and the curtain ends bleakly ever since.”

Zhang Qian’s breathing was stagnant, and the hatred that was finally suppressed was successfully awakened by Zhou Ze.

Zhou Ze stared into Zhang Qiang’s eyes, and then said: “During her college years, you found out that she had a boyfriend who looked very unreliable. You were very excited and tried your best to make peace with her. There is a conflict between Sheng Hao, and you are persuading her not to give up love easily until she becomes pregnant and has an abortion. That’s when you are most excited.”

“You… why are you so maliciously slandering me?” Zhang Qiang’s facial features are almost distorted, but he still refuses to admit it, “I really found that I was not treating her badly and wanted to make amends for her. Is this wrong? ?”.

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